991 research outputs found

    Maritime search and rescue in the Republic of Liberia : a proposal for improvement and ratification of the 1979 SAR Convention

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    Narkoba: Bahaya Penyalahgunaan dan Pencegahannya

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    Narcotic abuse over children should get more attention and concern from all instrument of society including family, social institution and government. So far, the network of narcotic market driven by a latent syndicate that has consumer target 14 to 18 years old children who still have an unstable attitude. This condition might hazard Indonesian youth because they are the next generation who will develop this country in the future. So, this is an urgent step to prevent the drug consumption among children and destroy its syndicate in order to save and secure this nation. This paper provide description about the danger of drug and how to prevent children not to consume it

    Karakteristik Penangkapan Ular di Wilayah Sumatera Utara

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    Beberapa jenis ular eksport asal Indonesia yang mendapat perhatian dunia adalah Python reticulatus (sanca sawah), dan kelompok “sanca gendang†yaitu: P. curtus (sanca ekor pendek) dan P. brongersmai (sanca darah). Ketiganya masuk dalam daftar Apendik II CITES. Salah satu permasalahan dalam memahami kondisi populasi di alam pada kelompok reptil ini adalah luasnya habitat dan letak geografis, selain dari sifat satwa itu sendiri yang tidak memungkinkan dilakukan sensus secara terstruktur dalam satu satuan waktu yang pendek. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan suatu kajian tidak langsung yang dapat menjadi indikator penting mengenai kondisinya di alam. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui karakteristik dan produksi dari kegiatan pengumpulan sanca sawah dan gendang di daerah Sumatera Utara. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan September 2008 dengan metode survei terstruktur secara snow ball technique. Survei dilakukan dengan menelusuri para pengumpul daerah, agen serta masyarakat penangkap satwa liar dari mulai daerah Nangro Aceh Darusalam hingga Rantau Prapat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan penangkapan ular di wilayah Sumatera merupakan suatu kegiatan yang melibatkan cukup banyak anggota masyarakat. Secara kualitas, kemungkinan telah terjadi penurunan pada ular P. reticulatus, tetapi belum begitu tampak pada ular P. brongersmai dan P. curtus. Namun dari segi populasi tangkapan untuk semua kelompok ular tersebut ada kecenderungan penurunan dibandingkan dengan masa sepuluh tahun yang lalu, walau secara kuantitas masih perlu dilakukan perhitungan yang lebih mendalam lagi


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    This study aimed to investigate the likelihood of cheating in a romantic relationship using predictive modeling techniques. The researchers collected data from 500 respondents who completed the Hendrick and Hendrick's Theory of Love survey questionnaire. The results indicated that friendship love received the highest mean score, while possessive love received the lowest. Sex, religion, and education are significantly associated with cheating. The researchers utilized the age and types of love as predictors in an empirical analysis of cheating in a romantic relationship. The model demonstrated a good fit and accurately represented the data. Age and altruistic love were significant predictors of cheating, while passionate and friendship love reduced the likelihood of cheating. Altruistic love contributed the most to cheating among the types of love. The findings suggest that individuals who are older and have a stronger inclination towards altruistic love are more likely to cheat in a romantic relationship. Conversely, those with a greater degree of friendship and passionate love are less likely to engage in cheating. These results underscore the importance of understanding the different types of love in predicting infidelity in a romantic relationship.  Article visualizations

    Developments of thick-metal inductors and applications to reactive lumped-element low-pass filter circuits

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    Strong demands for smaller, cheaper, and multifunction wireless systems have put very stringent requirements on passive devices, such as inductors and capacitors. This is especially true considering the size and weight of most radio frequency (RF) transceivers are mainly due to passives. RF micro-electro-mechanical-systems (MEMS) passives are addressing this issue by offering lower power consumption and losses, higher linearity and quality (Q)-factors, potential for integration and miniaturization, and batch fabrication. These advantages position RF MEMS passives as good candidates to replace conventional passives. Further, they also open an opportunity for using the passives as building blocks for lumped element-based RF circuits (e.g. Flters, couplers, etc.) which could replace the more-bulky distributed-element circuits. This thesis presents the design, simulation, fabrication using the deep X-ray lithography process, and testing of thick-metal RF inductors and their applications to lumped-element low-pass Filter (LPF) circuits. The 70-um tall single-turn loop inductors are structurally compatible to a pre-existing RF MEMS capacitor concept and allow the two device types to be fabricated together. This compatibility issue is crucial if they would be used to construct more complex RF circuits. At a 50-Ohm inductive reactance point, test results show Q-factors of 17- 55, self-resonant frequencies (SRF) exceeding 11 GHz, and nominal inductances of 0.4- 3 nH for 1-loop inductors and Q-factors of 11- 42, SRFs of 4- 22 GHz, and inductances of 0.8- 5.5 nH for 2-loop inductors. Further, test results reveal that high conductivity metals improve the Q-factors, and that low dielectric-constant substrates increase the SRFs. In terms of LPFs, measurements show that they demonstrate the expected third-order Chebyshev response. Two nickel Filters on a quartz glass substrate show a 0.6-dB ripple with 3-dB frequencies (f-3dB) of 6.1 GHz and 11.9 GHz respectively. On an alumina substrate, they exhibit a 1.4-dB ripple with f-3dB of 5.4 GHz and 10.6 GHz respectively. The filters are 203- 285 um tall and feature 6- 6.5 um wide capacitance air gaps. These dimensions are different than the original designs and the filter performances were shown to be somewhat sensitive to these discrepancies. Compared to a distributed approach, the lumped-element implementations led to an area reduction of up to 95%

    Kandungan Senyawa Alkaloida, Tanin Serta Nilai Nutrisi Beberapa Jenis Hijauan Yang Diberikan Padaternak Dl Pulau Timor (the Contents of Alkaloid, Tannin and Its Nutritional- Values From Several Browse Fed to Livestock in Timor Island)

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    A study was conducted in determining the contents of alkaloid, tannin and nutritional Values from six browses fed to fattening cattle in Timor island. The samples Were gmelina (Gmelina arborea Roxb.),pates/lamtoro (Leucaena leucocephala [Lamk.J De Wit),daun kupu-kupu (Bauhinia malabarica Roxb.), gala-galaAuri (Sesbania grandiflora [Li Pers.l gamal (Gliriddia sep/um [lick] Steud.).and kabesak (Acacialeucoohloea Willd.).Samples were collected during wet and dry seasons.Results showed that total number of alkaloid compounds varied from 14 to 30.There was an increase in concentration for alkaloid and tannin from Wet to dry season, however the concentrations were low (< 1%).The increase in the concentrations between seasons Were ranged from 20% to 32096.Nutritional values of the browse during wet season were considered high, however there is a need in evaluating the nutritional values of the browses during dry season as well


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    This paper aims to identify the factors that characterize students’ attitudes toward learning social studies. This study employed a quantitative, non-experimental research design utilizing the exploratory factor analysis technique involving 365 junior high school students in secondary school. A researcher-made instrument developed from an in-depth interview with 12 high school students, from a literature review, and related studies have been utilized. To validate the questionnaire, the researcher employs the Content Validity Ratio (CVR) method where ten (10) experts were selected to review the self-made questionnaire. Item statements that pass the threshold of 0.80 were selected as part of the survey questionnaire while those item statements which failed to reach the 0.80 thresholds were eliminated. Utilizing the Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), a total of 40 item statements qualified within the threshold of &gt;0.40 after 16 rotations and iterations thus, making them the factors characterizing students’ attitudes toward learning social studies. These measures are the attitude of students in learning different areas under social studies, cognitive attitude, future academic and career planning, positive behavioral attitude, personal attitude, affective attitude, negative behavioral attitude, practical attitude, reflective attitude, and obtaining a degree in social studies.  Article visualizations
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