946 research outputs found

    Anesthetic Considerations of Brain Tumor Surgery

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    Bekerja bagi seorang karyawan memberikan dampak positif maupun negatif. Dampak negatif dari pekerjaan tersebut adalah keletihan, sedangkan dampak positif dari pekerjaan adalah memotivasi (motifasi intrisik) untuk bekerja dengan lebih giat. Beban pekerjaan atau tuntutan pekerjaan yang berlebih memberikan dampak meningkatnya keletihan. Keletihan yang dialami karyawan sebenarnya dapat diturunkan jika karyawan mampu me-manage atau mengontrol semua kegiatan/pekerjaan yang menjadi bagiannya. Demikian juga halnya jika ada dukungan dari rekan kerja (dukungan sosial pekerjaa). Tuntutan pekerjaan di sisi yang lain akan menunjukkan kinerja/prestasi kerja seorang karyawan. Kemampuan seorang karyawan untuk mengerjakan tugas yang menjadi bagian dirinya dinilai positif oleh pihak perusahaan. Hal ini menyebabkan karyawan lebih termotivasi untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaannya dengan baik. Semakin tinggi kemampuan karyawan dalam me-manage atau mengontrol pekerjaan dan semakin tinggi dukungan sosial yang diberikan rekan kerja akan meningkatkan motivasi intrinsik karyawan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji dampak kontrol pekerjaan dan dukungan sosial rekan kerja dalam hubungan kausal antara tuntutan pekerjaan dengan keletihan dan motivasi intrinsik pada karyawan Rumah Sakit Panti Waluya Sawahan Malang. Hasil penelitian ini memberikan bukti bahwa kontrol pekerjaan dan dukungan sosial rekan kerja tidak memberikan kontribusi dalam meningkatkan maupun menurunkan hubungan kausal antara tuntutan pekerjaan dengan keletihan dan motivasi intrinsik. Keadaan ini menujukkan bahwa karyawan kontrol pekerjaan dan dukungan sosial rekan kerja dalam hubungan kausal antara tuntutan pekerjaan dengan keletihan dan motivasi intrinsik pada karyawan Rumah Sakit Panti Waluya Sawahan Malang masih mampu mengerjakan pekerjaan sebagai bagian dari tugas mereka hingga kontrol pekerjaan dan dukungan sosial rekan kerca tidak cukup berperan untuk meningkatkan maupun menurunkan tingkat keletihan dan motivasi intrisik mereka

    Heart failure in Zambia: Evidence for Improving Clinical Practice

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    Valuasi Potensi Wilayah Terhadap Minat Menjadi Migran Permanen di Yogakarta

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    Development disparity between two regions including development disparity of education is one of factors causing students migrate to Yogyakarta. This research was conducted in Yogyakarta with student respondents from NTT members of KESA. This study aims to identify the interests of students from NTT members of KESA becoming permanent migrants in Yogyakarta according to the regional potential valuation. The research method used was a mixed method using a survey method of 43 people and in-depth interviews with seven people. The data collected is presented in the form of: (1) descriptive using single frequency tables and cross tables, and (2) qualitative analysis to strengthen or support quantitative research. The results showed that the interest of students from NTT members of KESA based on the valuation of the potential Yogyakarta region and NTT region is known that most migrants who are interested becoming permanent migrants in Yogyakarta assess the potential of Yogyakarta region is better than potential of NTT region

    Investment Incentives and The Implementation of the Framework Convention On Tobacco Control: Evidence from Zambia

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    Purpose: Policy misalignment across different sectors of government serves as one of the pivotal barriers to WHO Framework convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) implementation. This paper examines the logic used by government officials to justify providing investment incentives to increase tobacco processing and manufacturing in the context of FCTC implementation in Zambia. Methods: We conducted qualitative semi-structured interviews with key informants from government, civil society and intergovernmental economic organizations (n=23). We supplemented the interview data with an analysis of public documents pertaining to economic development policy in Zambia. Results: We found gross misalignments between the policies of the economic sector and efforts to implement the provisions of the FCTC. Our interviews uncovered the rationale used by officials in the economic sector to justify providing economic incentives to bolster tobacco processing and manufacturing in Zambia: 1) tobacco is not consumed by Zambians/tobacco is an export commodity, 2) economic benefits outweigh health costs, and 3) tobacco consumption is a personal choice. Conclusions: Much of the struggle Zambia has experienced implementing the FCTC can be attributed to misalignments between the economic and health sectors. Zambia’s development agenda seeks to bolster agricultural processing and manufacturing. Tobacco control proponents must understand and work within this context of economic development in order to foster productive strategies with those working on tobacco supply issues. These findings are broadly applicable to the global analysis on the barriers and facilitators of FCTC implementation. It is important that the Ministry of Health monitors the tobacco policy of other sectors and engages with these sectors to find ways of harmonizing FCTC implementation across sectors

    The potential of automated transport systems in the future of urban mobility

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    Global warming is endangering the earth as we know it, and CO2 levels are rising to amounts the world has never seen before and cannot handle. Additionally fossil fuels and natural resources are depleting very rapidly. For that reason the 1997 Kyoto protocol up to the 2018 Paris Agreement were signed, aiming towards a more sustainable and environmentally friendly re-source extraction and reduction of the CO2 footprint. Introducing Smart, emission free cities, is one of the solutions to this challenge. To develop such a city, all day to day activities must be considered. This includes but is not limited to: communication, electricity and mobility. These factors are in the bigger picture connected and will be introduced through analyzing future mobility in this thesis. Mobility plays a big role in maintaining the stability of the grid, expected to be supporting the unpredictable renewable energy sources through charging and discharging when needed. This will play a big factor for Demand Side Management and enable a better, higher quality of life. Future vehicles are expected to be electrical and autonomous, requiring no human interaction during the driving. They should be a part of a bigger system, allowing all the city’s residents to be able to get from A to B safely and efficiently. Allowing on the city to become more self sufficient and sustainable and on the other hand easier connection to neighbouring cities. The future resident will not have to worry about getting from a place to the other, even if its in a rural area. The beauty of having such a system enables worry free mobility for the citizen and a structured design for the governments. The potential of these autonomous vehicles is analysed on a techno-economical base and their implementation is simulated on a virtual residential quarter in Berlin, Germany. The technical simulation works intelligently, creating iterations to provide the best possible way and the amount of vehicles needed. Whereas the economical analysis shows the potential of the autonomous ve-hicle with regards to value and money. The potential of autonomous vehicles as means of mobility in Smart Cities will be conveyed in this master thesis, clearly showing the benefits if such a system were adapted

    Numerical simulation of a UV photografting process for hollow-fiber membranes

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    A numerical model has been developed to represent the process by which hollow-fiber membranes can undergo continuous surface modification by UV photografting. The model takes into account the coupled effects of radiation, mass transfer with polymerization reaction and heat transfer with evaporation. It gives approximately correct values for the mass of polymer grafted, but no attempt is made to relate this quantity with permeability or retention. The behavior of this complex model is used to explain how operating conditions can influence the result of the grafting process

    Manusia yang Dijadikan Komoditas: Fenomena Human Trafficking di Provinsi Nusa Tengggara Timur

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    The phenomenon of human trafficking that makes humans as a commodity of trade is something that very alarming. In recent years since 2014 to 2018 the number of human trafficking cases in East Nusa Tenggara province has increased more than in other regions in Indonesia. In 2017, East Nusa Tenggara Province was ranked first of all Provinces in Indonesia related to human trafficking cases, where from January to August there were 137 cases of human trafficking in East Nusa Tenggara Province. This fact is certainly very alarming for all the people and the East Nusa Tenggara government. This article aimed at finding out 1) reality of the human trafficking case in East Nusa Tenggara Province, 2) human trafficking factors in East Nusa Tenggara Province, and 3) a solution to overcome human trafficking in East Nusa Tenggara Province. This article used literature study method by utilizing secondary data from various relevant sources. Human trafficking in East Nusa Tenggara Province have increased from year to year, it was reported that during the period of 2015 to mid-2016 there were 1,667 female migrant workers of human trafficking victims in East Nusa Tenggara Province. Low human resources as a result of low level of education and economic problems such us poverty and high unemployment are that main causes of human trafficking in East Nusa Tenggara Province. To overcame this, it is necessary to have concrete solutions like preventive action, empowerment, and improvement of the labor system

    Management of Brain Tumor in Pregnancy — An Anesthesia Window

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