147 research outputs found

    Increased Fas and Bcl-2 Expression on Peripheral Blood T and B Lymphocytes from Juvenile-Onset Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, but not from Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis and Juvenile Dermatomyositis

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    Defective regulation of apoptosis may play a role in the development of autoimmune diseases. Fas and Bcl-2 proteins are involved in the control of apoptosis. The aims of this study were to determine the expression of Fas antigen and Bcl-2 protein on peripheral blood T and B lymphocytes from patients with juvenile-onset systemic lupus erythematosus (JSLE), juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA) and juvenile dermatomyositis (JDM). Thirty-eight patients with JSLE, 19 patients with JRA, 10 patients with JDM and 25 healthy controls entered the study. Freshly isolated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were stained for lymphocyte markers CD3, CD4, CD8, CD19 and for Fas and Bcl-2 molecules. Expressions were measured by three-color flow cytometry. Statistical analysis was performed using Kruskal–Wallis test. Percentages of freshly isolated T lymphocytes positively stained for Fas protein from JSLE patients were significantly increased compared to healthy controls, patients with JRA and patients with JDM. Percentages of B lymphocytes positive for Fas from JSLE patients were higher than healthy controls and JRA patients. In addition, Fas expression on T cells from patients with JRA was increased compared to JDM patients. Otherwise, Fas expression on T and B cells from JRA and JDM patients were similar to healthy controls. MFI of Bcl-2 positive T lymphocytes from JSLE patients were significantly increased compared to healthy controls and JRA patients. MFI of Bcl-2 protein on B lymphocytes from JSLE patients was similar to healthy controls and patients with JRA and JDM. Bcl-2 expression did not differ between JRA and JDM patients and healthy controls. In conclusion, increased expression of Fas and Bcl-2 proteins observed in circulating T and B lymphocytes from patients with JSLE, but not from patients with JRA and JDM, suggests that abnormalities of apoptosis may be related to the pathogenesis of JSLE and probably are not a result of chronic inflammation

    Decreased high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels in polyarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis

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    OBJECTIVES: To investigate the prevalence of dyslipoproteinemia in a homogeneous cohort of polyarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis patients. METHODS: Based on the National Cholesterol Education Program, fasting lipoprotein levels and risk levels for coronary artery disease were determined in 28 patients with polyarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis. The exclusion criteria included diabetes, thyroid dysfunction, smoking, proteinuria, lipid-lowering drugs, and hormone/diuretic therapy. Disease activity, disease duration, and therapy with corticosteroids and/or chloroquine were defined at the time of lipid measurements. RESULTS: Dyslipoproteinemia was identified in 20 of the 28 (71%) patients with polyarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis. The primary lipoprotein risk factor was decreased high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (57%), followed by elevated levels of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (18%), triglycerides (14%), and total cholesterol (7%). The male patients had decreased high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels than the female patients (p<0.05). The incidence of decreased high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels did not seem to be affected by disease activity or therapy because the incidence was similar in patients with active or inactive disease, with or without corticosteroid use and with or without chloroquine use. In addition, the frequency of decreased high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels was similar in patients with short (&#8804;5 years) vs. long (>5 years) disease duration. CONCLUSIONS: Dyslipoproteinemia is highly prevalent in patients with polyarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis and is primarily related to decreased high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels; therefore, early intervention is essential

    Endocrine responses to sport-related brain injury in female athletes: a narrative review and a call for action

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    Sport-related brain injury (SRBI) occurs when a blow to the head causes the brain to move back and forth in the skull, and can lead to neuroendocrine dysfunction. Research has shown that males and females experience and recover from SRBI differently, yet most of what is known regarding diagnosis, treatment, and recovery of SRBI is based on male normative data even though females meet or exceed incidence numbers of SRBIs compared to those of males. Females also have been known to have worse outcomes and a greater number of symptoms following SRBI than males. Research is limited as to why females have worse outcomes, but sex hormones have been suggested as a potential reason. SRBI may cause a dysregulation of the hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal (HPG) axis, which is responsible for regulating the sex hormones estrogen and progesterone. Initial research has shown that SRBI may suppress estrogen and progesterone, and the concentration of these sex hormones could be indicative of injury severity and recovery trajectory. This review discusses the sex-specific differences in SRBI and also the future direction of research that is needed in order to identify the repercussions of SRBIs for female athletes, which will eventually lead to better clinical treatment, sideline care, and recovery profiles

    Automatic 3D Facial Expression Analysis in Videos

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    We introduce a novel framework for automatic 3D facial expression analysis in videos. Preliminary results demonstrate editing facial expression with facial expression recognition. We first build a 3D expression database to learn the expression space of a human face. The real-time 3D video data were captured by a camera/projector scanning system. From this database, we extract the geometry deformation independent of pose and illumination changes. All possible facial deformations of an individual make a nonlinear manifold embedded in a high dimensional space. To combine the manifolds of different subjects that vary significantly and are usually hard to align, we transfer the facial deformations in all training videos to one standard model. Lipschitz embedding embeds the normalized deformation of the standard model in a low dimensional generalized manifold. We learn a probabilistic expression model on the generalized manifold. To edit a facial expression of a new subject in 3D videos, the system searches over this generalized manifold for optimal replacement with the 'target' expression, which will be blended with the deformation in the previous frames to synthesize images of the new expression with the current head pose. Experimental results show that our method works effectively

    Haptoglobin Phenotype, Preeclampsia Risk and the Efficacy of Vitamin C and E Supplementation to Prevent Preeclampsia in a Racially Diverse Population

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    Haptoglobin's (Hp) antioxidant and pro-angiogenic properties differ between the 1-1, 2-1, and 2-2 phenotypes. Hp phenotype affects cardiovascular disease risk and treatment response to antioxidant vitamins in some non-pregnant populations. We previously demonstrated that preeclampsia risk was doubled in white Hp 2-1 women, compared to Hp 1-1 women. Our objectives were to determine whether we could reproduce this finding in a larger cohort, and to determine whether Hp phenotype influences lack of efficacy of antioxidant vitamins in preventing preeclampsia and serious complications of pregnancy-associated hypertension (PAH). This is a secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial in which 10,154 low-risk women received daily vitamin C and E, or placebo, from 9-16 weeks gestation until delivery. Hp phenotype was determined in the study prediction cohort (n = 2,393) and a case-control cohort (703 cases, 1,406 controls). The primary outcome was severe PAH, or mild or severe PAH with elevated liver enzymes, elevated serum creatinine, thrombocytopenia, eclampsia, fetal growth restriction, medically indicated preterm birth or perinatal death. Preeclampsia was a secondary outcome. Odds ratios were estimated by logistic regression. Sampling weights were used to reduce bias from an overrepresentation of women with preeclampsia or the primary outcome. There was no relationship between Hp phenotype and the primary outcome or preeclampsia in Hispanic, white/other or black women. Vitamin supplementation did not reduce the risk of the primary outcome or preeclampsia in women of any phenotype. Supplementation increased preeclampsia risk (odds ratio 3.30; 95% confidence interval 1.61-6.82, p<0.01) in Hispanic Hp 2-2 women. Hp phenotype does not influence preeclampsia risk, or identify a subset of women who may benefit from vitamin C and E supplementation to prevent preeclampsia

    Reduced expressions of apoptosis-related proteins TRAIL, Bcl-2, and TNFR1 in NK cells of juvenile-onset systemic lupus erythematosus patients: relations with disease activity, nephritis, and neuropsychiatric involvement

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    BackgroundLupus pathogenesis is mainly ascribed to increased production and/or impaired clearance of dead cell debris. Although self-reactive T and B lymphocytes are critically linked to lupus development, neutrophils, monocytes, and natural killer (NK) cells have also been implicated. This study assessed apoptosis-related protein expressions in NK cells of patients with juvenile-onset systemic lupus erythematosus (jSLE) and relations to disease activity parameters, nephritis, and neuropsychiatric involvement.MethodsThirty-six patients with jSLE, 13 juvenile dermatomyositis (JDM) inflammatory controls, and nine healthy controls had Fas, FasL, TRAIL, TNFR1, Bcl-2, Bax, Bim, and caspase-3 expressions in NK cells (CD3−CD16+CD56+) simultaneously determined by flow cytometry. Disease activity parameters included Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Disease Activity Index 2000 (SLEDAI-2K) score, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein level, anti-double strain DNA antibody level, complement fractions C3 and C4 levels.ResultsPatients with jSLE had a profile of significantly reduced expression of TRAIL, Bcl-2, and TNFR1 proteins in NK cells when compared to healthy controls. Similar profile was observed in patients with jSLE with active disease, positive anti-dsDNA, nephritis, and without neuropsychiatric involvement. Patients with jSLE with positive anti-dsDNA also had reduced expression of Bax in NK cells when compared healthy controls and to those with negative anti-dsDNA. Yet, patients with jSLE with negative anti-dsDNA had reduced mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) of Bim in NK cells compared to healthy controls. Patients with jSLE with nephritis also had reduced MFI of Fas in NK cells when compared to those without nephritis. In addition, in patients with jSLE, the proportion of FasL-expressing NK cells directly correlated with the SLEDAI-2K score (rs = 0.6, p = 0.002) and inversely correlated with the C3 levels (rs = −0.5, p = 0.007). Moreover, patients with jSLE had increased NK cell percentage and caspase-3 protein expression in NK cells when compared to JDM controls.ConclusionThis study extends to NK cells an altered profile of TRAIL, Bcl-2, TNFR1, Fas, FasL, Bax, Bim, and caspase-3 proteins in patients with jSLE, particularly in those with active disease, positive anti-dsDNA, nephritis, and without neuropsychiatric involvement. This change in apoptosis-related protein expressions may contribute to the defective functions of NK cells and, consequently, to lupus development. The full clarification of the role of NK cells in jSLE pathogenesis may pave the way for new therapies like those of NK cell–based

    Maids, machines and morality in Brazilian homes

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    This paper engages with debates about the increasing use of paid domestic labour in Europe and the USA contributing with a reflection about the case of Brazil. Relations of gender, class and race are considered in the deployment of maids for housework, the patterns of consumption of household technologies and the moral reasoning of daily living with hierarchical divisions within the home. The paper considers some parallels between the Brazilian context and that of more developed countries and also the specificity of Brazil. Based on participant observation, secondary data and an ethnographic study, rich empirical data are weaved through to discuss material and moral dimensions of domestic labour and care. How does the availability of cheap domestic labour configure relations of inequality? How are social differences in the home lived with and justified? The exploration of the Brazilian case illuminates some of the problems, contradictions and possible consequences of wealthier households benefitting from the displacement of poor women that is currently happening through international migration. The paper argues that in Brazil the deflecting of tensions in gender divisions of labour in households onto a subordinate person has affected relations of equality between women and men and also the patterns of technological innovation to facilitate housework. These are outcomes to be guarded against in Europe and the United States in face of the current trends in 'global woman' relations

    PReS-FINAL-2177: Safety and lack of autoantibody production following influenza H1N1 vaccination in patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA)

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    Introduction Vaccination is an effective tool against several infectious agents including influenza. In 2010, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommended influenza A H1N1/2009 immunization for high risk groups, including juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) patients and more recently the EULAR task force reinforced the importance of vaccination in immunosuppressed pediatric rheumatologic patients. We have recently shown that Influenza A H1N1/2009 vaccination generated protective antibody production with short-term safety profile among 93 JIA patients, but the possible impact of the vaccine in autoimmune response in JIA have not been studied. Therefore, we aimed to assess the production of some autoantibodies generated following influenza H1N1 vaccination in JIA patients. Objectives To assess the autoimmune response and H1N1 serology following influenza H1N1 vaccination in patients with JIA. Methods Cepa A/California/7/2009 (NYMC X-179A) anti-H1N1 was used to vaccinate JIA patients: 1 dose of immunization was given to all participants and those <9yrs of age received a second booster 3 weeks apart. Sera were analyzed before and 3 weeks following complete vaccination. Serology against H1N1 virus was performed by hemagglutination inhibition antibody assay, rheumatoid factor (RF) by latex fixation test, antinuclear antibodies (ANA) by IIF, IgM and IgG anticardiolipin (aCL) by ELISA.Results Among 98 JIA patients that were vaccinated, 58 sera were available for this study. Mean age of 58 JIA patients was 23.9 ± 9.5 yrs, 38 were females and 20 males with mean disease duration of 14.7 ± 10.1 yrs. JIA subtypes were: 33 (57%) poliarticular, 10 (17%) oligoarticular, 6 (10%) systemic and 9 (16%) other. Sixteen patients were off drugs while 42 (72%) were under different pharmacotherapy: 32 (55%) were on 1 DMARD/IS, 10 (17%) on 2 DMARDs/IS, 19 (33%) antimalarials, 29 (50%) MTX, 8(14%) sulfasalazine, 6 (10%) anti-TNFs, 4 (7%) abatacept; no patient was using prednisone >0.5 mg/kg/d. Seroprotection rates against H1N1 influenza increased from 23 to 83% and seroconversion rates were achieved in 78% JIA. Prior to vaccination, 31(53.4%) JIA patients were ANA+, 6(10.3%) RF+, and 4 (7%) IgM + IgG aCL+. After complete H1N1 vaccination, positivity for ANA remained the same whereas 1 patient became negative for IgG aCL, and another for RF, IgM and IgG aCL. One (1.7%) patient turned low titer IgG aCL+. Conclusion Vaccination of JIA patients against pandemic influenza A (H1N1) generated successful protective antibody production without the induction of autoantibody production, except for 1 patient that became positive for low titer IgG aCL, supporting its safety