53 research outputs found

    Invasive Alien Species, Agricultural Development and the "Aid Trade"

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    Note on the global phenomena of invasive alien species of plants, animals, and micro organisms transplanted intentionally or unintentionally into non native habitats, where their impacts on the environment, agricultural production, health, and economies have assumed unprecedented proportions in a context of trade expansion and globalization. Having identified international assistance programs as a key pathway through which invasive species come to be introduced, the Global Invasive Species Programme conducted an awareness-raising seminar on the topic at the stakeholders' meeting of the 2001 CGIAR Annual General Meeting

    Promoting value chains of neglected and underutilized species for pro-poor growth and biodiversity conservation: Guidelines and good practices

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    This publication has been commissioned by the Global Facilitation Unit for Underutilized Species (GFU), created to ease and increase information and knowledge exchange in the field of neglected and underutilized species (NUS). GFU's mission is to promote and facilitate the sustainable deployment of underutilized plant species to increase food security and alleviate poverty among the rural and urban poor. Its objective is to support and strengthen organizations and networks working on different aspects of underutilized species through: providing improved access to information and financial resources; increasing public awareness on the role of underutilized species for improving livelihoods; and giving advice to policy-makers on how to create an enabling policy environment for the deployment of underutilized species. By doing so, GFU aims to attract an increasing number of assistance agencies, research institutions, extension services, policy- and decision-makers to include neglected and underutilized species in their development programmes

    The role of policy in the conservation and extended use of underutilized plant species: a cross-national policy analysis

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    ”The role of policy in the conservation and extended use of underutilized plant species: a cross-national policy analysis” was prepared by the Global Facilitation Unit for Underutilized Species (GFU), in cooperation with the Genetic Resources Policy Initiative (GRPI). This report, an effort of the GFU to set the scene and provide an instrument for policy and decision makers, presents a cross-national analysis of policies that hinder or promote the conservation and use of underutilized species. It is based on national policy studies undertaken in Ghana, Jordan, Nepal, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Uzbekistan, Vietnam and Zambia. These studies are published on the GFU web site and links to each study are included in the References section of this report. A separate publication ”An overview of the international regulatory frameworks that influence the conservation and use of underutilized plant species” is available in hardcopy or on line and analyzes some of the important international policy instruments that affect the conservation and extended use of underutilized plant species

    An overview of the international regulatory frameworks that influence the conservation and use of underutilized plant species

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    ”An overview of the international regulatory frameworks that influence the conservation and use of underutilized plant species” was prepared by the Global Facilitation Unit for Underutilized Species (GFU), in cooperation with the Genetic Resources Policy Initiative (GRPI). This publication is an effort of the GFU to set the scene and provide an instrument for policy and decision makers. The principal objective of this study is to review and analyze some of the important international policy instruments that affect the conservation and extended use of underutilized plant species. It examines international treaties and conventions and, where necessary, some regional treaties and regulatory instruments. This is done with the aim of identifying gaps or constraints that impede the conservation and extended use of underutilized plant species and also to highlight opportunities which these legal frameworks offer to enhance the conservation and greater use of these species. A separate publication ”The role of policy in the conservation and extended use of underutilized plant species: a cross-national policy analysis” is available in hardcopy or on line and emphasizes on the impact of national policies on the use of currently underutilized plant species and is based on the analysis of existing policies in eight different countries. The policy studies commissioned and carried out by the GFU are to be found here

    Supplemental Information 4: Text for supplementary tables and files

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    Invasive allergenic plant species may have severe health-related impacts. In this study we aim to predict the effects of climate change on the distribution of three allergenic ragweed species (Ambrosia spp.) in Europe and discuss the potential associated health impact. We built species distribution models based on presence-only data for three ragweed species, using MAXENT software. Future climatic habitat suitability was modeled under two IPCC climate change scenarios (RCP 6.0 and RCP 8.5). We quantify the extent of the increase in ‘high allergy risk’ (HAR) areas, i.e., parts of Europe with climatic conditions corresponding to the highest quartile (25%) of present day habitat suitability for each of the three species. We estimate that by year 2100, the distribution range of all three ragweed species increases towards Northern and Eastern Europe under all climate scenarios. HAR areas will expand in Europe by 27–100%, depending on species and climate scenario. Novel HAR areas will occur mostly in Denmark, France, Germany, Russia and the Baltic countries, and overlap with densely populated cities such as Paris and St. Petersburg. We conclude that areas in Europe affected by severe ragweed associated allergy problems are likely to increase substantially by year 2100, affecting millions of people. To avoid this, management strategies must be developed that restrict ragweed dispersal and establishment of new populations. Precautionary efforts should limit the spread of ragweed seeds and reduce existing populations. Only by applying cross-countries management plans can managers mitigate future health risks and economical consequences of a ragweed expansion in Europe

    The Global Facilitation Unit for Underutilized Species: October 2007 - GFU Website Static Version

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    A static version of GFU's web site - information about the GFU, a repository of documents organized by thematic category, a database on ”who is doing what”, funding opportunities, web links and much more

    GFU Species Brochures

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    The GFU, in an effort to increase awareness and understanding of the potential underutilized species hold for improvement of livelihoods, has gathered commercial samples of products coming from these species that belong to an exhibit showcase whenever possible and appropriate. The links point to brochures that have been developed for each of the underutilized species that features the items on display and have the prime objective to help in getting the message across; income generation is a reality if an appropriate plan and marketing strategy is pursued. The following GFU species brochures are available Abaca - Musa textilis Amaranth - Amaranthus spp Amazonia species - Euterpe oleracea - Myrciaria dubia - Eugenia stipitata Andean potatoes - Solanum tuberosumCanihua - Chenopodium pallidicaule Emmer - Triticum dicoccum Henna - Lawsonia inermis Laurel - Laurus nobilis Makoni - Fadogia ancylantha Marula - Sclerocarya birrea Masau - Ziziphus mauritiana Maya Nut - Brosimum alicastrumMinor Millets - Eleusine coracana - Setaria italica - Paspalum scrobiculatum - Panicum miliaceum - Panicum sumatrense - Digitaria exilis Moringa - Moringa oleifera Noni - Morinda citrifolia Oca - Oxalis tuberosa Physic Nut - Jatropha curcas Quinoa - Chenopodium quinoa Seabuckthorn - Hippophae rhamnoide
