166 research outputs found

    Associated patent urachus and patent omphalo– mesenteric duct in children: review of the literature

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    The objective of this article is to review the literature on a very rare association such as patent urachus and a patent omphalo–mesenteric duct in children. Partial or total failure of the obliteration of urachus gives rise to various anomalies, which can be diagnosed both in childhood and in adulthood. The omphalo–mesenteric duct remnants are the most common anomalies of the gastro-intestinal tract, often asymptomatic. The association of patent urachus and a patent omphalo–mesenteric duct in children is very rare. A computer-assisted (PubMed and Google Scholar) search of the pediatric literature to identify all cases of patent urachus and a patent omphalo–mesenteric duct association was performed. We found only eleven cases of the association of patent urachus and a patent omphalo– mesenteric duct in the pediatric literature. All cases except one were males. When reported, all children affected were full term. The clinical sign reported was umbilical spillage. In all cases was reported a lack of healing of the umbilical stump with different clinical pictures, except two cases. Treatments reported were application of silver nitrate, antibiotic cream, povidone iodine, and application of salves and plasters. Various diagnostic examinations were performed. In none of these patients was the possible association with PU and POMD suspected, but it was evidenced only during the surgical excision. The surgical approach was laparotomy in all cases. The association of patent urachus and a patent omphalo–mesenteric duct in children is very rare approached in all cases by laparotomy. This review underlines the importance of evaluating any persisting umbilical lesions without delay when conventional pharmacological therapy fails.Keywords: omphalo–mesenteric duct, patent omphalo–mesenteric duct, patent urachus, remnants, urachu


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    In questo rapporto di attività viene illustrata la seconda fase delle ricerche svolte dall’UR-INGV nei due comuni selezionati ai fini del progetto, Nocera Umbra e Cerreto di Spoleto. Per quanto riguarda Nocera Umbra, si sono analizzati i dati sismometrici registrati durante un esperimento mediante array sismico a piccola apertura, appositamente installato sulla collina di Nocera Umbra per lo studio dell'effetto topografico e la quantificazione del ruolo delle variazioni topografiche locali sull'input sismico. Va ricordato che la torre campanaria, pesantemente danneggiata durante le scosse più forti del Settembre e Ottobre 1997, come pure l’intero centro storico di Nocera Umbra, sono situati sulla sommità di una collina. E' apparso pertanto importante valutare gli effetti di amplificazione del moto del suolo con grande dettaglio spaziale nella zona dove sono localizzati gli edifici monumentali e la parte storica della città. Sono stati anche effettuati due profili geoelettrici a cavallo della faglia, probabilmente inattiva, che attraversa Nocera Umbra, e tramite inversione tomografica dei dati di resistività si è cercata una conferma dell’estensione laterale della zona di faglia, alla cui presenza è stata attribuita la causa principale dell’accelerazione di 0.6 g registrata nella stazione della rete accelerometrica nazionale ubicata nella cabina ENEL di Nocera Umbra, a circa 20 m dalla parete della faglia stessa. E' stato infine analizzato in dettaglio il ruolo giocato dalla zona di faglia nella propagazione delle onde sismiche, sia in termini di picchi di accelerazione e velocità che di amplificazioni spettrali, in campo lineare e non lineare. L’intervento su Cerreto di Spoleto ha visto l’installazione di stazioni sismiche nell’area urbana congiuntamente all’UR-ENEA, e l’esecuzione di misure geoelettriche per la definizione delle geometrie sepolte nella piana di Borgo Cerreto. Inoltre, si è studiato in dettaglio l’effetto di amplificazione in prossimità di una faglia che attraversa il centro storico di Cerreto di Spoleto, dove le registrazioni sismiche hanno evidenziato, analogamente al caso di Nocera Umbra, un forte effetto di canalizzazione dell’energia incidente sotto forma di "trapped waves", e dove precedentemente si era constatata la massima concentrazione dei danni durante le più forti scosse, localizzate nella zona di Sellano-Preci, dell’Ottobre 1997. Nei successivi paragrafi vengono mostrati i risultati di queste indagini

    Secondary involvement of Meckel’s diverticulum by group A β-hemolytic streptococcus in a child with upper airways infection treated by laparoscopic-assisted resection

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    We report a case of a 5-year-old boy with acute abdomen following an upper airways infection who developed Meckel’s diverticulum perforation secondary to group A β-hemolytic streptococcus and its successful treatment by a laparoscopic-assisted intervention. To the best of our knowledge, such an event has never been reported previously.Keywords: group A β-hemolytic streptococcus, intestinal perforation, Meckel’s diverticulu


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    The city of Palermo is an appropriate test site where the efficiency of microtremors in predicting ground motion properties during earthquakes can be checked. Palermo is a densely populated city with important historical heritage and was object of previous studies. Areas of local amplification of damage were identified in downtown Palermo using historical macroseismic data. Moreover, aftershocks of the September 6, 2002, earthquake (Mw 5.9, 40 km offshore) provided a dataset of seismograms that quantify spatial variations of ground motion. The availability of more than 2000 boreholes in the city allowed a reconstruction of the 3D structure of surface geology, indicating that all the higher damage zones correspond to sediment-filled valleys. The high variability of the surface geology is mostly due to the presence of two filled river-beds of about 150 m width. In the framework of the SESAME project (Seismic EffectS assessment using Ambient Exctations, funded by the European Union), 90 microtremor measurements were performed across several profiles crossing the soft sediment bodies. The measurement points were intensified close to the valley edges (every 20 m), according to our geological reconstruction. H/V spectral ratio on ambient noise (HVSR) show significant variations along each profile: as soon as the transition stiff to soft is crossed, a typical spectral peak exceeding a factor of 3 in amplitude appears in the HVSR. The peak falls between 1 and 2 Hz and, along each profile, the peak disappears as soon as the other edge of the valley is crossed. These results indicate that microtremors are sensitive to the presence of large impedance contrasts of deep soft soil, at least in the Palermo area, with an important implication: the HVSR method seems to be able to recognize conditions potentially favourable to the occurrence of higher damage even when local geological characters are masked by the urban growth. However, we were not able to establish a quantitative correlation between microtremor properties and ground motion (or damage) amplification

    Multiseptate gallbladder in a child

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    Multiseptate gallbladder (MSG) is a rare congenital anomaly. MSG may be accompanied with other abnormalities of the biliary tree. MSG can be asymptomatic and most cases are detected incidentally. Nevertheless, some patients present with biliary pain or colicky abdominal pain due to biliary stasis and calculi. We report a case of MSG in a girl who presented with recurrent abdominal pain and normal laboratory work-up recovered after laparoscopic cholecystectomy. A pediatric literature review of this rare anomaly is also performed

    Site characterization of station IV.LAV9 (LANUVIO) of Italian National Seismic Network

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    Final report illustrating array measurements performed at IV.LAV9 station of the Italian national seismic network. This report is part of the Project: DPC-INGV 2016 agreement All. B2 Task B: Seismic characterization of accelerometric sites

    Cerebral palsy and epilepsy in children. clinical perspectives on a common comorbidity

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    Cerebral palsy (CP) is a frequent cause of childhood disability often associated with a complex group of disorders, including epilepsy, which is reported to impact approximately 40% of affected individuals. This retrospective study involved a group of children affected by CP, some of whom also had comorbid epilepsy. The aim of this study was to report our experience of analyzing, in particular, (a) some of the clinical aspects of the different type of CP, and (b) the relationship between the clinical data of children affected by CP plus epilepsy and each type of CP

    Identification of a dna methylation episignature in the 22q11.2 deletion syndrome

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    The 22q11.2 deletion syndrome (22q11.2DS) is the most common genomic disorder in humans and is the result of a recurrent 1.5 to 2.5 Mb deletion, encompassing approximately 20–40 genes, respectively. The clinical presentation of the typical deletion includes: Velocardiofacial, Di George, Opitz G/BBB and Conotruncalanomaly face syndromes. Atypical deletions (proximal, distal or nested) are rare and characterized mainly by normal phenotype or mild intellectual disability and variable clinical features. The pathogenetic mechanisms underlying this disorder are not completely understood. Because the 22q11.2 region harbours genes coding for transcriptional factors and chromatin remodelers, in this study, we performed analysis of genome‐wide DNA methylation of peripheral blood from 49 patients with 22q11.2DS using the Illumina Infinium Methylation EPIC bead chip arrays. This cohort comprises 43 typical, 2 proximal and 4 distal deletions. We demonstrated the evidence of a unique and highly specific episignature in all typical and proximal 22q11.2DS. The sensitivity and specificity of this signature was further confirmed by comparing it to over 1500 patients with other neurodevelopmental disorders with known episignatures. Mapping the 22q11.2DS DNA methylation episignature provides both novel insights into the molecular pathogenesis of this disorder and an effective tool in the molecular diagnosis of 22q11.2DS