169 research outputs found

    Musical complexity and ‘Embodied notation’ : a study of the opus Clavicembalisticum (K. S. Sorabji)

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    Scores of complex, 20th century, solo piano pieces can be difficult to perform and may even include elements that are physically impossible to play. This article investigates the role of music notation in the Opus Clavicembalisticum of Sorabji, which is a rather extreme case in terms of virtuosity and length. To analyze the effect of score notation on learning and performing, 9 pianists were asked to practice music fragments in 3 different score editions, being the original Urtext edition (a 4-staff score), Performance edition (same notes but organized according to an “embodied” performance viewpoint), and Study edition (further simplified and with added analytical reading aids). The hypothesis was that the “embodied notation”, would have an effect on study time (shorter study time) and errors (less errors). Objective features of the study process and performance, such as study time, error ratio, markings on the score (fingerings, hand distribution, synchronization) were compared. Subjective remarks the performers made about the scores were also analyzed. Findings indicate a significant positive influence of the score type on the study time. These results suggest that players draw on ideomotor principles, which include processes based on learned and “embodied” associations between perceived images of the scores and the motor activity that is directly associated with it

    Impact de la colchicine sur l'inflammation vasculaire

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    Contexte : Des Ă©tudes rĂ©centes suggĂšrent que la colchicine permettrait de diminuer le risque d’évĂ©nements cardiovasculaires. L’étude COLPET Ă©valuait l’impact de la colchicine sur l’inflammation vasculaire mesurĂ©e par TEP/TDM chez des patients souffrant de MCAS stable. MĂ©thodes : Dans cette Ă©tude randomisĂ©e Ă  double insu de phase II, les patients Ă©taient traitĂ©s pendant 24 semaines avec 1 comprimĂ© quotidien de colchicine 0.6 mg ou de placebo. L’inflammation vasculaire Ă©tait Ă©valuĂ©e par la captation de 18F-FDG dans l’aorte ascendante et les carotides Ă  la TEP/TDM au dĂ©but et Ă  la fin de la thĂ©rapie. L’issue d’intĂ©rĂȘt primaire Ă©tait la variation de la moyenne du target-to-background ratio maximal des coupes d’images de l’aorte ascendante (Mean MAX TBR). Les issues d’intĂ©rĂȘt secondaires incluaient plusieurs paramĂštres additionnels de TEP/TDM, ainsi que des mesures sĂ©riĂ©es de biomarqueurs inflammatoires sĂ©riques, dont la hs-CRP. RĂ©sultats : Cent-onze patients Ă©taient randomisĂ©s dans l’étude, dont 56 au groupe placebo et 55 au groupe colchicine. La colchicine n’avait aucun impact significatif sur l’issue d’intĂ©rĂȘt primaire (variation de la moyenne: 0.051; IC95% : -0.016 Ă  0.117; p=0.1346) ou sur les issues d’intĂ©rĂȘt secondaires de TEP/TDM. Cependant, les patients traitĂ©s Ă  la colchicine prĂ©sentaient une diminution de 28% de leurs niveaux de hs-CRP (p=0.0026). Conclusion : La thĂ©rapie Ă  la colchicine pendant 24 semaines n’a eu aucun impact significatif sur la captation de 18F-FDG par l’aorte ascendante et les carotides. Cependant, une rĂ©duction de 28 % des niveaux de hs-CRP Ă©tait observĂ©e chez les patients du groupe colchicine. L’étude randomisĂ©e multicentrique de phase III Colchicine Cardiovascular Outcomes Trial (COLCOT) est en cours pour Ă©valuer les bĂ©nĂ©fices cardiovasculaires Ă  long terme de la colchicine (0.5 mg par jour), lorsque dĂ©butĂ©e pendant les trente jours suivant un infarctus du myocarde.Background : Recent studies suggest that colchicine reduces cardiovascular risk. The COLPET Study evaluated the impact of colchicine on vascular inflammation, as measured by PET/CT, in patients with stable CAD. Methods: In this randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase II clinical trial, patients were treated for 24 weeks with a daily tablet of colchicine 0.6 mg or placebo. Vascular inflammation was assessed by uptake of 18F-FDG in the ascending aorta and carotid arteries on PET/CT at baseline and at the end of study drug therapy. The primary outcome was the change in the mean of maximal target-to-background ratio of the image slices of the ascending aorta (Mean MAX TBR). Secondary outcomes included various PET/CT parameters, as well as serial measures of inflammatory biomarkers, such as hs-CRP. Results: A total of 111 patients were randomized, with 56 in the placebo group and 55 in the colchicine group. Colchicine had no significant impact on the primary outcome (change in mean: 0.051; IC95% : -0.016 Ă  0.117; p=0.1346) or any of the PET/CT secondary outcomes. In contrast, patients treated with colchicine presented a decrease of 28% in hs-CRP levels (p=0.0026). Conclusion: Colchicine therapy for 24 weeks had no significant impact on vascular uptake of 18F-FDG in the ascending aorta or carotid arteries. However, a reduction of 28% in hs-CRP was observed in the colchicine group. The Colchicine Cardiovascular Outcomes Trial (COLCOT) is a multicenter randomized phase III trial, currently under way, evaluating the long-term cardiovascular benefits of therapy with colchicine (0.5 mg daily) when begun less than thirty days following acute myocardial infarction

    Les représentations sociales de la démocratie : Réflexivité, effervescence et conflit

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    Cet article porte sur la « dĂ©mocratie sociale », un concept qui ressort avec force dans notre recherche sur les reprĂ©sentations sociales sur la dĂ©mocratie. Nous avons interviewĂ© 110 personnes ayant accĂšs Ă  l’espace public dans le but de saisir leur comprĂ©hension de la dĂ©mocratie, de ses diverses dimensions et des principaux enjeux qui l’affectent. La dĂ©mocratie sociale, ou dĂ©mocratie comme Ă©tat de sociĂ©tĂ©, s’oppose Ă  la dĂ©mocratie institutionnelle (pratiques politiques institutionnelles et État de droit) Ă  l’égard de laquelle les critiques abondent. La dĂ©mocratie sociale comporte deux volets : d’une part, l’insistance sur l’effervescence et la rĂ©flexivitĂ© qui s’incarnent dans l’organisation collective et dans le dĂ©bat et la communication et, d’autre part, l’assimilation de la dĂ©mocratie au conflit qui est pensĂ© en termes de normalitĂ© et de processus. Cependant, la dĂ©mocratie sociale a besoin d’un acteur, le citoyen, qui, comme le montrent les travaux en sciences sociales depuis des dĂ©cennies, ne rĂ©pond pas Ă  l’appel de la construction de la dĂ©mocratie.This paper deals with “democracy within society” that appears predominantly in our research on social representations of democracy. We have interviewed 110 persons who have a regular access to the public sphere to perceive their understanding of democracy, its many dimensions, and its main stakes. Democracy within society, or democracy as a state of society, is opposed to institutional democracy (that is, political practices and Rule of law) toward which critics abound. Democracy within society is twofold : on the one hand, emphasis on effervescence and reflexivity that crystallize in collective organisations and in debate and communication and, on the other hand, assimilation of democracy to conflict, considered in terms of normality and processes. Moreover, democracy within society needs an actor, the citizen, who does not respond to the call of democracy, as shown in the many social sciences studies of the last decades

    Des «études» mĂ©diĂ©vales Ă  l’«histoire» mĂ©diĂ©vale : l’essor d’une spĂ©cialitĂ© dans les universitĂ©s quĂ©bĂ©coises francophones

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    Cet article analyse le processus de formation de la spĂ©cialitĂ© de l’histoire mĂ©diĂ©vale au sein des dĂ©partements d’histoire des universitĂ©s francophones du QuĂ©bec de 1942 Ă  nos jours. Pendant plus de quarante ans, l’Institut d’études mĂ©diĂ©vales de MontrĂ©al (IÉMM) a dominĂ© le domaine des Ă©tudes mĂ©diĂ©vales avec des approches philosophique, thĂ©ologique puis littĂ©raire. Au cours des annĂ©es 1980, l’IÉMM a Ă©tĂ© supplantĂ© par les dĂ©partements d’histoire comme principal lieu de formation et de recherche sur le Moyen Âge. Cette transformation institutionnelle s’est faite au profit de la discipline de l’histoire, dont l’histoire mĂ©diĂ©vale constitue une spĂ©cialitĂ©, et au dĂ©triment du domaine multidisciplinaire des Ă©tudes mĂ©diĂ©vales

    A genomic approach to understand interactions between Streptococcus pneumoniae and its bacteriophages

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    Background: Bacteriophage replication depends on bacterial proteins and inactivation of genes coding for such host factors should interfere with phage infection. To gain further insights into the interactions between S. pneumoniae and its pneumophages, we characterized S. pneumoniae mutants selected for resistance to the virulent phages SOCP or Dp-1. Results: S. pneumoniae R6-SOCPR and R6-DP1R were highly resistant to the phage used for their selection and no cross-resistance between the two phages was detected. Adsorption of SOCP to R6-SOCPR was partly reduced whereas no difference in Dp-1 adsorption was noted on R6-DP1R . The replication of SOCP was completely inhibited in R6-SOCPR while Dp-1 was severely impaired in R6-DP1R . Genome sequencing identified 8 and 2 genes mutated in R6-SOCPR and R6-DP1R , respectively. Resistance reconstruction in phage-sensitive S. pneumoniae confirmed that mutations in a GntR-type regulator, in a glycerophosphoryl phosphodiesterase and in a Mur ligase were responsible for resistance to SOCP. The three mutations were additive to increase resistance to SOCP. In contrast, resistance to Dp-1 in R6-DP1R resulted from mutations in a unique gene coding for a type IV restriction endonuclease. Conclusion: The characterization of mutations conferring resistance to pneumophages highlighted that diverse host genes are involved in the replication of phages from different families

    Complete genome sequence of streptococcus pneumoniae virulent phage MS1

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    The lytic Streptococcus pneumoniae phage MS1 was isolated from a throat swab of a patient with symptoms of upper respiratory tract infection. The genome of this siphophage has 56,075 bp, 42.3% GC content, and 77 open reading frames, including queuosine biosynthesis genes. Phage MS1 is related to pneumococcal phage Dp-1

    AmĂ©liorer la dĂ©tection et le traitement des psychoses dĂ©butantes au QuĂ©bec : L’Association quĂ©bĂ©coise des programmes pour premiers Ă©pisodes psychotiques (AQPPEP) y voit

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    Juin 2004 : l’AQPPEP (Association quĂ©bĂ©coise des programmes pour premiers Ă©pisodes psychotiques) (http://www.aqppep.com/) voit le jour. Son rĂŽle est de favoriser les Ă©changes cliniques et scientifiques entre les professionnels et les chercheurs qui s’intĂ©ressent aux personnes atteintes de psychose dĂ©butante, et de permettre une dĂ©tection plus prĂ©coce de la psychose. Elle vise Ă©galement une prise de conscience de cette problĂ©matique par la population et les instances gouvernementales. À cette fin, l’AQPPEP a organisĂ© la premiĂšre journĂ©e quĂ©bĂ©coise de sensibilisation Ă  la psychose, et dĂ©veloppĂ© un des rares sites internet francophones dans ce domaine. Dans un esprit de concertation, l’Association constitue un outil pour affronter les problĂšmes que plusieurs cliniques pour premiers Ă©pisodes psychotiques rencontrent, pour partager et dĂ©velopper des solutions communes entre elles.June 2004: the Quebec association of early psychosis programs, AQPPEP (Association quĂ©bĂ©coise des programmes pour premiers Ă©pisodes psychotiques), was created. The Association’s objectives is to promote clinical and scientific discussions between health care professionals and researchers sharing an interest for people suffering from an early psychosis, and to improve earlier detection of psychosis. It also aims at increasing awareness of the problem in the general population and governments. To reach these goals, AQPPEP has organized the first early psychosis awareness day in Quebec and developed one of the rare French language web sites in this area. Finally, the Association is a tool to better face, in a concerted approach, some difficulties that many first episode clinics have to deal with, in order to share or develop common solutions.Junio de 2004: se crea la AQPPEP (AsociaciĂłn Quebequense de Programas Para los Primeros Episodios PsicĂłticos) (http://www.aqppep. com/). Su papel consiste en favorecer los intercambios clĂ­nicos y cientĂ­ficos entre los profesionales y los investigadores que se interesan en las personas que sufren de psicosis inicial, y permitir una detecciĂłn mĂĄs temprana de la psicosis. TambiĂ©n busca la toma de conciencia de este problema por parte de la poblaciĂłn y las instancias gubernamentales. Para ello, la AQPPEP organizĂł el primer dĂ­a quebequense de sensibilizaciĂłn a la psicosis y desarrollĂł uno de los pocos sitios Internet francĂłfonos en este campo. Con un espĂ­ritu de concertaciĂłn, la AsociaciĂłn constituye una herramienta para afrontar los problemas que encuentran varias clĂ­nicas para los primeros episodios psicĂłticos, ademĂĄs de compartir y desarrollar soluciones comunes entre ellas.Junho de 2004: Criação da AQPPEP, Associação Quebequense dos Programas para os Primeiros EpisĂłdios PsicĂłticos (Association quĂ©bĂ©coise des programmes pour premiers Ă©pisodes psychotiques -http://www.aqppep.com/). Seu papel Ă© favorecer os intercĂąmbios clĂ­nicos e cientĂ­ficos entre os profissionais e os pesquisadores que se interessam pelas pessoas que sofrem de psicose inicial, e permitir uma detecção mais precoce da psicose. Ela visa, igualmente, uma tomada de consciĂȘncia desta problemĂĄtica pela população e pelas instĂąncias governamentais. Para este fim, a AQPPEP organizou a primeira jornada quebequense de sensibilização Ă  psicose, e desenvolveu um dos raros sites francĂłfonos na Internet nesta ĂĄrea. Com um espĂ­rito de comum acordo, a Associação constitui uma ferramenta para enfrentar os problemas que vĂĄrias clĂ­nicas encontram com respeito aos primeiros episĂłdios psicĂłticos, compartilhar e desenvolver soluçÔes comuns entre elas

    Gold nanoparticles prepared by laser ablation in aqueous biocompatible solutions: assessment of safety and biological identity for nanomedicine applications

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    International audienceGold nanoparticles prepared by laser ablation in aqueous biocompatible solutions: assessment of safety and biological identity for nanomedicine applications Abstract: Due to excellent biocompatibility, chemical stability, and promising optical properties , gold nanoparticles (Au-NPs) are the focus of research and applications in nanomedicine. Au-NPs prepared by laser ablation in aqueous biocompatible solutions present an essentially novel object that is unique in avoiding any residual toxic contaminant. This paper is conceived as the next step in development of laser-ablated Au-NPs for future in vivo applications. The aim of the study was to assess the safety, uptake, and biological behavior of laser-synthesized Au-NPs prepared in water or polymer solutions in human cell lines. Our results showed that laser ablation allows the obtaining of stable and monodisperse Au-NPs in water, polyethylene glycol, and dextran solutions. The three types of Au-NPs were internalized in human cell lines, as shown by transmission electron microscopy. Biocompatibility and safety of Au-NPs were demonstrated by analyzing cell survival and cell morphology. Furthermore, incubation of the three Au-NPs in serum-containing culture medium modified their physicochemical characteristics , such as the size and the charge. The composition of the protein corona adsorbed on Au-NPs was investigated by mass spectrometry. Regarding composition of complement C3 proteins and apolipoproteins, Au-NPs prepared in dextran solution appeared as a promising drug carrier. Altogether, our results revealed the safety of laser-ablated Au-NPs in human cell lines and support their use for theranostic applications

    A high-sensitivity long-lifetime phosphorescent RIE additive to probe free volume-related phenomena in polymers

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    The photophysical behaviour of phosphorescent rigidification-induced emission (RIE) dyes is highly affected by their micro- and nanoenvironment. The lifetime measure of RIE dyes dispersed in polymers represents an effective approach to gain valuable information on polymer free volume and thus develop materials potentially able to self-monitor physical ageing and mechanical stresses
