929 research outputs found

    Statistical Evaluation of Metaproteomics and 16S rRNA Amplicon Sequencing Techniques for Study of Gut Microbiota Establishment in Infants with Cystic Fibrosis

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    Newborn screening for cystic fibrosis (CF) can identify affected but asymptomatic infants. The selection of omic technique for gut microbiota study is crucial due to both the small amount of feces available and the low microorganism load. Our aims were to compare the agreement between 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing and metaproteomics by a robust statistical analysis, including both presence and abundance of taxa, to describe the sequential establishment of the gut microbiota during the first year of life in a small size sample (8 infants and 28 fecal samples). The taxonomic assignations by the two techniques were similar, whereas certain discrepancies were observed in the abundance detection, mostly the lower predicted relative abundance of Bifidobacterium and the higher predicted relative abundance of certain Firmicutes and Proteobacteria by amplicon sequencing. During the first months of life, the CF gut microbiota is characterized by a significant enrichment of Ruminococcus gnavus, the expression of certain virulent bacterial traits, and the detection of human inflammation-related proteins. Metaproteomics provides information on composition and functionality, as well as data on host-microbiome interactions. Its strength is the identification and quantification of Actinobacteria and certain classes of Firmicutes, but alpha diversity indices are not comparable to those of amplicon sequencing. Both techniques detected an aberrant microbiota in our small cohort of infants with CF during their first year of life, dominated by the enrichment of R. gnavus within a human inflammatory environment. IMPORTANCE In recent years, some techniques have been incorporated for the study of microbial ecosystems, being 16S rRNA gene sequencing being the most widely used. Metaproteomics provides the advantage of identifying the interaction between microorganisms and human cells, but the available databases are less extensive as well as imprecise. Few studies compare the statistical differences between the two techniques to define the composition of an ecosystem. Our work shows that the two methods are comparable in terms of microorganism identification but provide different results in alpha diversity analysis. On the other hand, we have studied newborns with cystic fibrosis, for whom we have described the establishment of an intestinal ecosystem marked by the inflammatory response of the host and the enrichment of Ruminococcus gnavus

    Molecular characterization of rpoB gene mutations in isolates from tuberculosis patients in Cubal, Republic of Angola

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    Angola; Rifampicina; Mutaciones rpoBAngola; Rifampicina; Mutacions rpoBAngola; Rifampicin; rpoB mutationsBackground The importance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains with disputed rpoB mutations remains to be defined. This study aimed to assess the frequency and types of rpoB mutations in M. tuberculosis isolates from Cubal, Angola, a country with a high incidence of tuberculosis. Methods All isolates included (n = 308) were analyzed using phenotypic drug susceptibility testing and GenoType MTBDRplus assay. DNA sequencing of the rpoB gene and determination of rifampicin MIC by macrodilution method were additionally performed on isolates yielding discordant results (n = 12) and those in which the mutation detected was not characterized (n = 8). Results In total, 85.1% (74/87) of rifampicin-resistant strains had undisputed rpoB mutations -S450L (49), D435V (15), H445D (3), H445Y (2), Q432ins (1), L449M plus S450F (1), S450F (1), S450W (1) and S450Y (1)-; 10.3% (9/87) had disputed rpoB mutations—L430P plus S493L (1), N437del (1), H445L (3), D435Y (2), L452P (2)-, 2.3% (2.3%) showed no rpoB mutations and 2.3% (2/87) showed heteroresistance—D435Y plus L452P and L430P plus S493L-. Conclusion Disputed rpoB mutations were common, occurring in 10.3% of rifampicin resistant isolates. Current phenotyping techniques may be unable to detect this resistance pattern. To increase their sensitivity, a lower concentration of RIF could be used in these tests or alternatively, rpoB mutations could be screened and characterized in all M. tuberculosis strains.This work was supported by Probitas Foundation. Thanks to the financial support received from Probitas Foundation it was possible not only purchase the equipment and reagents to launch the study but to strengthen the capacity of the laboratory and local staff

    Impacto de la pandemia de COVID en la salud mental de la población general y de los trabajadores sanitarios.

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    La pandemia de COVID-19 cumplirá próximamente 3 años de evolución con consecuencias catastróficas y bien conocidas en la salud física y la mortalidad de los habitantes del planeta. Sus consecuencias sobre la salud mental han sido igualmente enormes y su análisis se ha llevado a cabo en momentos distintos de la pandemia y con enfoques lógicamente parciales. Por otro lado, las condiciones para alterar la salud mental de los individuos y de los grupos que la pandemia ha supuesto han sido diferentes en distintos lugares. El patronato de la Fundación de Ciencias de la Salud se planteó, en su momento, una serie de preguntas sobre las consecuencias sobre la salud mental de la pandemia de COVID-19 tanto en la población general, con o sin buena salud mental previa, como sobre el colectivo de trabajadores sanitarios. Muy particularmente, preocupaban esas consecuencias en la población española. Por ello, se reunió a una serie de expertos en distintas materias relacionadas con el tema que han tratado de ir dando respuesta a dichas preguntas a la luz de la evidencia científica y de su propia opinión y experiencia. Tras la exposición del tema, en cada una de las preguntas y con la discusión de todo el grupo, se llegó a una conclusión de consenso que trataba de resumir el estado del arte sobre el tema. El documento que sigue a continuación es el resultado de ese proceso. Todos los autores han revisado el manuscrito final y han dado su aprobación al mismo. El documento está dividido en una primera parte que evalúa el impacto de la pandemia en la salud mental de la población general y una segunda sobre su impacto en los sanitarios

    The structural role of SARS-CoV-2 genetic background in the emergence and success of spike mutations: The case of the spike A222V mutation

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    The S:A222V point mutation, within the G clade, was characteristic of the 20E (EU1) SARS-CoV-2 variant identified in Spain in early summer 2020. This mutation has since reappeared in the Delta subvariant AY.4.2, raising questions about its specific effect on viral infection. We report combined serological, functional, structural and computational studies characterizing the impact of this mutation. Our results reveal that S:A222V promotes an increased RBD opening and slightly increases ACE2 binding as compared to the parent S:D614G clade. Finally, S:A222V does not reduce sera neutralization capacity, suggesting it does not affect vaccine effectiveness

    A transformação dos mecanismos de materialização política das identidades nacionais: o Estado autonômico espanhol e a emergência das autonomias-nação basca e catalã

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    Este artigo visa a abordar a forma como duas identidades nacionais concretas, a basca e a catalã, potencializadas pelos respectivos nacionalismos e pelo processo de democratização espanhol, conseguiram materializar-se política e legalmente naquilo que qualificamos como autonomias-nação. Para chegar à análise deste estudo de caso, começa por percorrer o papel do Estado-nação e a relação entre os conceitos de Estado e nação. Destaca de forma especial a emergência de novas unidades políticas, que o autor denomina autonomias-nação, que constituem um autêntico desafio ao conceito tradicional de soberania

    Discourse Analysis and Terminology in Languages for Specific Purposes

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    Aquest importantíssim recull conté estudis i reflexions sobre temes rellevants en la recerca sobre LSP: anglès mèdic, el llenguatge de la publicitat i periodístic, telecomunicacions i terminologia informàtica, llenguatge comercial i jurídic... Malgrat que gran part dels treballs aplegats es refereixen a l'anglès, també hi ha que tracten l'alemany, francès i altres llengües. Conté textos en anglès, francés, portuguès i castellà

    Pla funcional del Programa d’incorporació de fisioterapeutes a l’atenció primària i comunitària: programa d’incorporació de fisioterapeutes per a la promoció del funcionament i la prevenció de la discapacitat a l’atenció primària i comunitària

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    Fisioterapeutes; Atenció primària; IncorporacióFisioterapeutas; Atención primaria; IncorporaciónPhysiotherapists; Primary care; IncorporationEl present pla funcional és una eina de suport per a l’acollida i la incorporació dels nous fisioterapeutes1 d’atenció primària i comunitària (FisioAPiC) als equips d’atenció primària (EAP) d’arreu de Catalunya. Aquest és un document dinàmic que requerirà les aportacions dels professionals dels EAP que han incorporat aquest nou rol per tal de fer-lo evolucionar i enriquir-lo en les versions següents