19 research outputs found

    Ordovician and Silurian igneous rocks and orthogeneisses in the Catalonian Coastel Ranges

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    These rocks exhibit calc-alkaline affinities and may have originated by partial melting of the crust in a post-collision, anorogenic setting. Orthogneisses derived from biotite-bearing leucogranites occur within aprobably cambrian heterogeneous series. Petrological and geochemical features suggest that they might be genetically related to the ordovician vulcanites. Basic sills and volcanoclastic rocks occur intercalated within a mainly pelitic formation in the lower part of the Silurian sequence. The silurian igneous rocks are alkali basalts and may reflect an extensional regime

    Petrography and geochemistry of late- to post-Variscan vaugnerite series rocks and calc-alkaline lamprophyres within a cordierite-bearing monzogranite (Sierra Bermeja Pluton, southern Iberian Massif)

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    The Sierra Bermeja Pluton (southern Central Iberian Zone, Iberian Massif) is a late-Variscan intrusive constituted by cordierite-bearing peraluminous monzogranites. Detailed field mapping has allowed to disclose the presence of several NE–SW trending longitudinal composite bodies, formed by either aphanitic or phaneritic mesocratic rocks. According to their petrography and geochemistry these rocks are categorized as calc-alkaline lamprophyres and vaugnerite series rocks. Their primary mineralogy is characterized by variable amounts of plagioclase, amphibole, clinopyroxene, biotite, K-feldspar, quartz and apatite. Broadly, they show low SiO2 content (49–56wt.%), and high MgO+FeOt (10–17wt.%), K2O (3–5wt.%), Ba (963–2095ppm), Sr (401–1149ppm) and Cr (87–330ppm) contents. Field scale observations suggest that vaugneritic rocks and lamprophyres would constitute two independent magma pulses. Vaugneritic dioritoids intruded as syn-plutonic dykes, whereas lamprophyres were emplaced after the almost complete consolidation of the host monzogranites. In this way, vaugnerite series rocks would be an evidence for the contemporaneity of crustal- and mantle-melting processes during a late-Variscan stage, while lamprophyres would represent the ending of this stage

    The late-Variscan peraluminous Valdepeñas pluton (southern Central Iberian Zone)

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    The Valdepeñas pluton is the easternmost outcrop of the Cáceres-Valdepeñas magmatic alignment (southern Central Iberian Zone). This massif is constituted by a cordierite-bearing porphyritic monzogranite and may be grouped within the so-called “Serie Mixta” granitoids. The Valdepeñas monzogranite is of magnesian [FeOt/(FeOt+MgO)~0.76], alkali-calcic [(Na2O+K2O)–CaO=7.8–8.5] and peraluminous (A/CNK=1.14–1.20). Multielemental- and REE-normalized patterns are comparable to those of similar rocks in the Nisa- Alburquerque-Los Pedroches magmatic alignment, and slightly differ from those of the Montes de Toledo batholith, both in the southern Central Iberian Zone. The U-Pb zircon age of 303±3Ma is consistent with the late-orogenic character of the intrusion and is in accordance with most of the granitic peraluminous intrusions in the southern Central Iberian Zone.  86Sr/87Sr300Ma ratios (0.707424–0.711253), εNd300Mavalues (-5.53 to -6.68) and whole-rock major and trace element compositions of the studied rocks, suggest that the parental magma of the Valdepeñas monzogranite could derive from a crustal metaigneous source. The U-Pb ages (552–650Ma) of inherited zircon cores found in Valdepeñas monzogranite samples match those often found in Lower Paleozoic metavolcanics and granitic orthogneisses of Central Iberia and, furthermore, point to Upper Neoproterozoic metaigneous basement rocks as possible protoliths at the magma source. Based on the solubility of monazite in peraluminous melts, the estimated emplacement temperature of the studied monzogranite is 742–762ºC. The results obtained in this work would contribute to a better understanding of the origin of the “Serie Mixta” granitoids

    Petrología y geoquímica de las rocas filonianas de la región Muxia-Finisterre (Galicia, NW España)

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    Se estudian las rocas filonianas post-tectónicas de la región Muxia-Finisterre. El conjunto de filones se dispone en dos estructuras anulares sub-concéntricas. Su emplazamiento se relaciona con la intrusión de los granitoides de la serie de las "granodioritas tardías". La estructura zonada de los filones y los datos de composición química sugieren el relleno de las fracturas anulares por dos magmas diferentes, el primero similar al magmacalco-alcalino que genera las "granodioritas tardías" y el segundo, más básico, probablemente relacionado con magmas más profundos precursores básicos de composición "gabro-diorítica" encontrados en las mismas

    Genesis of Pyroxenite-rich Peridotite at Cabo Ortegal (NW Spain) : Geochemical and Pb-Sr-Nd Isotope Data

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    Journal of Petrology, v. 43, n. 1, p. 17-43 [355], 2002International audienc

    Petrography and geochemistry of late- to post-Variscan vaugnerite series rocks and calc-alkaline lamprophyres within a cordierite-bearing monzogranite (the Sierra Bermeja Pluton, southern Iberian Massif).

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    The Sierra Bermeja Pluton (southern Central Iberian Zone, Iberian Massif) is a late-Variscan intrusive constituted by cordierite-bearing peraluminous monzogranites. Detailed field mapping has allowed to disclose the presence of several NE–SW trending longitudinal composite bodies, formed by either aphanitic or phaneritic mesocratic rocks. According to their petrography and geochemistry these rocks are categorised as calc-alkaline lamprophyres and vaugnerite series rocks. Their primary mineralogy is characterised by variable amounts of plagioclase, amphibole, clinopyroxene, biotite, K-feldspar, quartz and apatite. Broadly, they show low SiO2 content (49–56wt.%), and high MgO+FeOt (10–17wt.%), K2O (3–5wt.%), Ba (963–2095ppm), Sr (401–1149ppm) and Cr (87–330ppm) contents. Field scale observations suggest that vaugneritic rocks and lamprophyres would constitute two independent magma pulses. Vaugneritic dioritoids intruded as syn-plutonic dykes, whereas lamprophyres were emplaced after the almost complete consolidation of the host monzogranites. In this way, vaugnerite series rocks would be an evidence for the contemporaneity of crustal- and mantle-melting processes during a late-Variscan stage, while lamprophyres would represent the ending of this stage