71 research outputs found

    The role of human milk oligosaccharides in preventing necrotising enterocolitis and human immunodeficiency virus transmission

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    The heavy burden of maternal human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection has resulted in a high prevalence of premature births, with an associated increase in the incidence of necrotising enterocolitis (NEC). NEC is a  life-threatening inflammatory disease of the gastrointestinal tract that predominantly occurs in preterm infants. Human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs) are carbohydrate compounds which have been shown to have health-promoting effects through their bifidogenic and antiadhesive properties. There is a reduced incidence of NEC in infants who receive human milk, compared to those receiving infant formula. It is suggested that the  oligosaccharides found within human milk may act as specific substrates in assisting the growth of selected beneficial bacteria, called probiotics. Probiotics are live microbial food ingredients which have been shown to have health-promoting effects. Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG and Bifidobacterium infantis have been used as probiotics to reduce the incidence of NEC. Furthermore, HMOs have been associated with protection against postnatal HIV transmission.  HMOs may hold key responsibility for the prevention of NEC, and possibly the transmission of HIV, to infants in resource-limited settings and in a developing country, such as South Africa, where HIV plays a major role in the outcomes of preterm neonates.Keywords: human immunodeficiency virus, human milk oligosaccharides, necrotising enterocoliti

    The outcome at 12 months of very-Iow-birth-weight infants ventilated at Tygerberg Hospital

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    Objective. To determine the outcome at 1 year of age of a group of very-Iow-birth-weight (VLBW) infants, from urban and rural communities, ventilated at Tygerberg Hospital, W. Cape. Study design. Prospective descriptive study in which the prevalence of bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), sensorineural deafness, intraventricular haemorrhage (IVH), retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) and abnormal motor developmental outcomes were determined in 153 ventilated VLBW infants from rural and urban areas. Of these, 69% were from lower socio-economic backgrounds. Main outcome measures. Attrition rates for rural and urban babies, BPD, ROP, IVH and abnormal motor development. Study population and setting. All ventilated VLBW infants discharged from the neonatal intensive care unit at Tygerberg Hospital over a 1-year period were followed up at 3-monthly intervals for 12 months. Results. BPD was diagnosed in 19% of the babies, with significantly more babies with birth weights under 1 000 g and gestational ages under 28 weeks having BPD. Of the babies with BPD, 25% had abnormal motor development at 1 year of age. Seven per cent of the babies had grade 3 or 4 ROP and 2,6% had sensorineural hearing loss. One hundred and seventeen (79%) of the infants attended the follow-up clinic until 12 months of age (corrected for prematurity). There were no significant differences in the number of babies followed up from rural or urban areas. Fourteen (11,9%) of the babies had abnormal motor development. A disturbing finding was that so many babies had spastic qiJadriplegia (8; 57%) versus diplegia (6; 43%).S Afr Med J 1995; 8

    Allergy and Sensitization during Childhood Associated with Prenatal and Lactational Exposure to Marine Pollutants

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    Background: Breast-feeding may affect the risk of developing allergy during childhood and may also cause exposure to immunotoxicants, such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), which are of concern as marine pollutants in the Faroe Islands and the Arctic region. Objectives: The objective was to assess whether sensitization and development of allergic disease is associated with duration of breast-feeding and prenatal or postnatal exposures to PCBs and methylmercury. Methods: A cohort of 656 singleton births was formed in the Faroe Islands during 1999–2001. Duration of breast-feeding and history of asthma and atopic dermatitis were recorded at clinical examinations at 5 and 7 years of age. PCB and mercury concentrations were determined in blood samples obtained at parturition and at follow-up. Serum from 464 children (71%) at 7 years of age was analyzed for total immunoglobulin E (IgE) and grass-specific IgE. Results: The total IgE concentration in serum at 7 years of age was positively associated both with the concomitant serum PCB concentration and with the duration of breast-feeding. However, the effect only of the latter was substantially attenuated in a multivariate analysis. A raised grass-specific IgE concentration compatible with sensitization was positively associated with the duration of breast-feeding and inversely associated with prenatal methylmercury exposure. However, a history of asthma or atopic dermatitis was not associated with the duration of breast-feeding, although children with atopic dermatitis had lower prenatal PCB exposures than did nonallergic children. Conclusions: These findings suggest that developmental exposure to immunotoxicants may both increase and decrease the risk of allergic disease and that associations between breast-feeding and subsequent allergic disease in children may, at least in part, reflect lactational exposure to immunotoxic food contaminants

    A preliminary audit of medical and aid provision in English Rugby union clubs:compliance with Regulation 9

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    BackgroundGoverning bodies are largely responsible for the monitoring and management of risks associated with a safe playing environment, yet adherence to regulations is currently unknown. The aim of this study was to investigate and evaluate the current status of medical personnel, facilities, and equipment in Rugby Union clubs at regional level in England.MethodsA nationwide cross-sectional survey of 242 registered clubs was undertaken, where clubs were surveyed online on their current medical personnel, facilities, and equipment provision, according to regulation 9 of the Rugby Football Union (RFU).ResultsOverall, 91 (45. 04%) surveys were returned from the successfully contacted recipients. Of the completed responses, only 23.61% (n = 17) were found to be compliant with regulations. Furthermore, 30.56% (n = 22) of clubs were unsure if their medical personnel had required qualifications; thus, compliance could not be determined. There was a significant correlation (p = −0.029, r = 0.295) between club level and numbers of practitioners. There was no significant correlation indicated between the number of practitioners/number of teams and number of practitioners/number of players. There were significant correlations found between club level and equipment score (p = 0.003, r = −0.410), club level and automated external defibrillator (AED) access (p = 0.002, r = −0.352) and practitioner level and AED access (p = 0.0001, r = 0.404). Follow-up, thematic analysis highlighted widespread club concern around funding/cost, awareness, availability of practitioners and AED training.ConclusionThe proportion of clubs not adhering overall compliance with Regulation 9 of the RFU is concerning for player welfare, and an overhaul, nationally, is required

    Phototherapy and exchange transfusion for neonatal hyperbilirubinaemia

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    The purpose of this document is to address the current lack of consensus  regarding the management of hyperbilirubinaemia in neonates in South Africa. If left untreated, severe neonatal hyperbilirubinaemia may cause kernicterus and ultimately death and the severity of neonatal jaundice is often underestimated clinically. However, if phototherapy is instituted  timeously and at the correct intensity an exchange transfusion can usually be avoided. The literature describing intervention thresholds for  phototherapy and exchange transfusion in both term and preterm infants is therefore reviewed and specific intervention thresholds that can be used throughout South Africa are proposed and presented graphically. A simplified version for use in a primary care setting is also presented. All academic heads of neonatology departments throughout South Africa were consulted in the process of drawing up this document and consensus was achieved

    Scaling up kangaroo mother care in South Africa: 'on-site' versus 'off-site' educational facilitation

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    Background Scaling up the implementation of new health care interventions can be challenging and demand intensive training or retraining of health workers. This paper reports on the results of testing the effectiveness of two different kinds of face-to-face facilitation used in conjunction with a well-designed educational package in the scaling up of kangaroo mother care. Methods : Thirty-six hospitals in the Provinces of Gauteng and Mpumalanga in South Africa were targeted to implement kangaroo mother care and participated in the trial. The hospitals were paired with respect to their geographical location and annual number of births. One hospital in each pair was randomly allocated to receive either 'on-site' facilitation (Group A) or 'off-site' facilitation (Group B). Hospitals in Group A received two on-site visits, whereas delegates from hospitals in Group B attended one off-site, 'hands-on' workshop at a training hospital. All hospitals were evaluated during a site visit six to eight months after attending an introductory workshop and were scored by means of an existing progress-monitoring tool with a scoring scale of 0-30. Successful implementation was regarded as demonstrating evidence of practice (score >10) during the site visit. Results : There was no significant difference between the scores of Groups A and B (p = 0.633). Fifteen hospitals in Group A and 16 in Group B demonstrated evidence of practice. The median score for Group A was 16.52 (range 00.00-23.79) and that for Group B 14.76 (range 07.50-23.29). Conclusion : A previous trial illustrated that the implementation of a new health care intervention could be scaled up by using a carefully designed educational package, combined with face-to-face facilitation by respected resource persons. This study demonstrated that the site of facilitation, either on site or at a centre of excellence, did not influence the ability of a hospital to implement KMC. The choice of outreach strategy should be guided by local circumstances, cost and the availability of skilled facilitators

    Methods for specifying the target difference in a randomised controlled trial : the Difference ELicitation in TriAls (DELTA) systematic review

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    Stochastic Gravity: Theory and Applications

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    Whereas semiclassical gravity is based on the semiclassical Einstein equation with sources given by the expectation value of the stress-energy tensor of quantum fields, stochastic semiclassical gravity is based on the Einstein-Langevin equation, which has in addition sources due to the noise kernel.In the first part, we describe the fundamentals of this new theory via two approaches: the axiomatic and the functional. In the second part, we describe three applications of stochastic gravity theory. First, we consider metric perturbations in a Minkowski spacetime: we compute the two-point correlation functions for the linearized Einstein tensor and for the metric perturbations. Second, we discuss structure formation from the stochastic gravity viewpoint. Third, we discuss the backreaction of Hawking radiation in the gravitational background of a quasi-static black hole.Comment: 75 pages, no figures, submitted to Living Reviews in Relativit

    Stochastic Gravity: Theory and Applications

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    Whereas semiclassical gravity is based on the semiclassical Einstein equation with sources given by the expectation value of the stress-energy tensor of quantum fields, stochastic semiclassical gravity is based on the Einstein-Langevin equation, which has in addition sources due to the noise kernel. In the first part, we describe the fundamentals of this new theory via two approaches: the axiomatic and the functional. In the second part, we describe three applications of stochastic gravity theory. First, we consider metric perturbations in a Minkowski spacetime, compute the two-point correlation functions of these perturbations and prove that Minkowski spacetime is a stable solution of semiclassical gravity. Second, we discuss structure formation from the stochastic gravity viewpoint. Third, we discuss the backreaction of Hawking radiation in the gravitational background of a black hole and describe the metric fluctuations near the event horizon of an evaporating black holeComment: 100 pages, no figures; an update of the 2003 review in Living Reviews in Relativity gr-qc/0307032 ; it includes new sections on the Validity of Semiclassical Gravity, the Stability of Minkowski Spacetime, and the Metric Fluctuations of an Evaporating Black Hol

    Defective Innate Cell Response and Lymph Node Infiltration Specify Yersinia pestis Infection

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    Since its recent emergence from the enteropathogen Yersinia pseudotuberculosis, Y. pestis, the plague agent, has acquired an intradermal (id) route of entry and an extreme virulence. To identify pathophysiological events associated with the Y. pestis high degree of pathogenicity, we compared disease progression and evolution in mice after id inoculation of the two Yersinia species. Mortality studies showed that the id portal was not in itself sufficient to provide Y. pseudotuberculosis with the high virulence power of its descendant. Surprisingly, Y. pseudotuberculosis multiplied even more efficiently than Y. pestis in the dermis, and generated comparable histological lesions. Likewise, Y. pseudotuberculosis translocated to the draining lymph node (DLN) and similar numbers of the two bacterial species were found at 24 h post infection (pi) in this organ. However, on day 2 pi, bacterial loads were higher in Y. pestis-infected than in Y. pseudotuberculosis-infected DLNs. Clustering and multiple correspondence analyses showed that the DLN pathologies induced by the two species were statistically significantly different and identified the most discriminating elementary lesions. Y. pseudotuberculosis infection was accompanied by abscess-type polymorphonuclear cell infiltrates containing the infection, while Y. pestis-infected DLNs exhibited an altered tissue density and a vascular congestion, and were typified by an invasion of the tissue by free floating bacteria. Therefore, Y. pestis exceptional virulence is not due to its recently acquired portal of entry into the host, but is associated with a distinct ability to massively infiltrate the DLN, without inducing in this organ an organized polymorphonuclear cell reaction. These results shed light on pathophysiological processes that draw the line between a virulent and a hypervirulent pathogen