364 research outputs found

    Triangular Geopolitics in Europe’s Eastern Neighbourhood. CEPS Commentary, 2 December 2014

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    Over the last few months, Russia has employed a number of economic and security measures to derail the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement (DCFTA) between the EU and Ukraine. Russia’s opposition to the Agreement was based on the argument that it would damage its economy and weaken its trade ties with Ukraine. Russia’s actions ultimately led to war in Ukraine, but did not succeed in reversing Ukraine’s EU integration policies; instead there are now trilateral negotiations between the EU, Ukraine and Russia on mere technical trade aspects of the DCFTA. The Kremlin is using similar rhetoric and, to some extent, similar coercive measures against the DCFTAs with Moldova and Georgia. But the small scale of Moldovan and Georgian trade with Russia is not a legitimate reason for the EU to replicate the Ukraine ‘trialogue’ on the DCFTAs in these countries. Instead, Moldova’s heavy dependence on Russia’s energy and the former’s transit role for the EU offers a greater possibility to set up trilateral negotiations, similar to the recently finalised gas trialogue between the EU, Ukraine and Russia

    Archaeology Of The Roman Period Of Georgia

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    Archaeology Of The Roman Period Of Georgia

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    The EU and Azerbaijan: Game on for a more normative policy? CEPS Policy Brief No. 329, March 2015

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    The contradictory interests of the EU and Azerbaijan have brought negotiations on their contractual relations to a halt. The EU’s dependence on Azerbaijan’s rich energy resources has weakened the normative dimension of its policy towards Azerbaijan, rendering it incapable of countering rejection of democratic reform by Azerbaijan’s authorities. While the EU’s current approach seems to favour a more pragmatic focus on energy cooperation, this policy brief argues that a combination of normative obligations and pragmatic interests is required − implemented through leverage over Azerbaijan and a better coordination of this policy across the EU member states and institutions

    Analysis of lamellar structures with application of generalized functions

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    Theory of differential equations in respect of the functional area is based on the basic concepts on generalized functions and splines. There are some basic concepts related to the theory of generalized functions and their properties are considered in relation to the rod systems and lamellar structures. The application of generalized functions gives the possibility to effectively calculate step–variable stiffness lamellar structures. There are also widely applied structures, in that several in which a number of parallel load bearing layers are interconnected by discrete-elastic links. For analysis of system under study, such as design diagrams, there are applied discrete and discrete-continual models


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    This study aims to determine the comparison between traditional methods and Activity based costing methods in determining Cost of Production. This research is a qualitative descriptive study conducted at PT. Sinar Bangun Mandiri Kupang. Data collection methods used in this study were documentation and interviews. The research object in this study is data related to determining the cost of production. The results showed that determining the cost of goods manufactured using the activity based costing method gave greater results when compared to using traditional methods. The difference that occurs is due to the imposition of overhead costs on each product, where if using the traditional method the overhead costs are only charged to one cost driver, namely the number of production units, while the Activity-Based Costing System charges the overhead costs for each product is charged to several cost driver so that the Activity Based Costing System is able to allocate activity costs to each product appropriately based on each activity

    Perbandingan sensitivitas dan spesifisitas rapid test anti-hbs dan elisa: The comparison of sensitivity and specificity rapid tests anti-hbs and elisa

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    Hepatitis B merupakan penyakit inflamasi dan nekrosis sel hati yang disebabkan oleh infeksi virus hepatitis B (VHB). Kehadiran anti-HBs merupakan faktor penting dalam diagnosis dan prognosis infeksi VHB. Rapid test adalah salah satu metode pemeriksaan selain ELISA untuk mendeteksi adanya anti-HBs, lebih praktis dalam penggunaan dan ekonomis. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui nilai sensitivitas dan spesifisitas rapid test anti-HBs Intec® terhadap metode ELISA sebagai gold standar. Penelitian ini merupakan studi observasional menggunakan metode uji diagnostik. Populasi penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa D4 Analis Kesehatan FIKKES Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang semester tujuh post vaksinasi hepatitis B sejumlah 32 orang untuk didapatkan serum darah. Analisis statistik dilakukan uji Mc Nemar. Hasil pemeriksaan dengan rapid test yaitu positif 26 sampel (81,2%), dan  negatif 6 sampel (18,8%). Hasil pemeriksaan dengan ELISA yaitu reaktif 27 sampel (84,4%), dan nonreaktif 5 sampel (15,6%). Kesimpulan akhir yaitu Rapid test anti-HBs Intec® memiliki nilai sensitivitas dan spesifisitas yang sangat baik dengan persentase sensitivitas 96,3% dan persentase spesifisitas 100%. Tidak terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna pada sensitivitas dan spesifisitas metode rapid test dan ELISA (p= 1,000) sehingga Rapid test anti-HBs Intec®  dapat digunakan sebagai skrining untuk pemeriksaan anti-HBs.Hepatitis B merupakan penyakit inflamasi dan nekrosis sel hati yang disebabkan oleh infeksi virus hepatitis B (VHB). Kehadiran anti-HBs merupakan faktor penting dalam diagnosis dan prognosis infeksi VHB. Rapid test adalah salah satu metode pemeriksaan selain ELISA untuk mendeteksi adanya anti-HBs, lebih praktis dalam penggunaan dan ekonomis. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui perbandingan tingkat sensitivitas dan spesifisitas antara rapid test anti-HBs Intec® dan ELISA. Penelitian ini merupakan studi observasional menggunakan metode uji diagnostik. Populasi penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa D4 Analis Kesehatan FIKKES Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang semester tujuh post vaksinasi hepatitis B sejumlah 32 orang untuk didapatkan serum darah. Analisis statistik dilakukan uji Mc Nemar. Hasil pemeriksaan dengan rapid test yaitu positif 26 sampel (81,2%), dan negatif 6 sampel (18,8%). Hasil pemeriksaan dengan ELISA yaitu reaktif 27 sampel (84,4%), dan nonreaktif 5 sampel (15,6%). Kesimpulan akhir yaitu Rapid test anti-HBs Intec® memiliki nilai sensitivitas dan spesifisitas yang sangat baik dengan persentase sensitivitas 96,3% dan persentase spesifisitas 100%. Tidak terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna pada sensitivitas dan spesifisitas metode rapid test dan ELISA (p= 1,000) sehingga Rapid test anti-HBs Intec® dapat digunakan sebagai skrining untuk pemeriksaan anti-HBs.   Hepatitis B is inflammation and necrosis diseases of liver cells caused by hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. The presence of anti-HBs is an important factor in diagnosis and prognosis of HBV infection. Rapid test is the one of laboratory methods besides ELISA to detect the presence of anti-HBs, more practically use and economically. The aim of this study is to compare the sensitivity and specificity value of Intec® rapid test anti-HBs and ELISA. This study was an observational study with diagnostic test design. The population in this research were 32 students of medical laboratory Muhammadiyah University of Semarang seventh semester post vaccination hepatitis B. The sample used was blood serum. Statistical analysis used was Mc Nemar test. The result of rapid tests showed positive in 26 samples (81,2%), and negative in 6 samples (18,8%). The result of ELISA tests showed reactive in 27 samples (84,4%), dan nonreactive in 5 samples (15,6%). In conclusion, Intec® rapid test anti-HBs has excellent sensitivity and specificity value with percentage of sensitivity 96.3% and percentage of sensitivity 100%. There are no significant differences of sensitivity and specificity between rapid tests and ELISA method (p = 1.000) thus Intec® rapid test anti-HBs can be used as a screening for anti-HBs detection

    Battery Status Monitoring

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    Import 11/07/2012Tato diplomová práce se zabývá monitorováním stavu akumulátorových baterií. V první části práce je uvedeno stručné rozdělení elektrochemických zdrojů proudu. Dále jsou zde popsány základní vlastnosti a princip olověných akumulátorů a je zde uveden rozbor jejich provozních závad jako je přebíjení, neúplné nabíjení, hluboké vybíjení, sulfatace a vliv vysokých a nízkých pracovních teplot. Dále jsou zde uvedeny důvody pro monitoring akumulátorů a způsoby, jakými se provádí. Praktická část práce se týká návrhu a realizace jednotky pro monitorování stavu jednotlivých článků akumulátorové baterie.The topic of this master thesis is monitoring the state of accumulator batteries. First part of this thesis is a brief breakdown of electrochemical power sources. Additionally, there are basic principles and properties of lead-acid batteries and an analysis of operational failures, such as overcharging, incomplete charge, deep discharge, sulphation and impact of high and low operating temperatures is included. There are also described the reasons for monitoring the battery and the way it´s being performed. The practical part concerns the design and implementation of unit for monitoring the status of each cell of accumulator batteries.430 - Katedra elektronikyvýborn