1,970 research outputs found

    Variability of Active Galactic Nuclei from the Optical to X-ray Regions

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    Some progress in understanding AGN variability is reviewed. Reprocessing of X-ray radiation to produce significant amounts of longer-wavelength continua seems to be ruled out. In some objects where there has been correlated X-ray and optical variability, the amplitude of the optical variability has exceeded the amplitude of X-ray variability. We suggest that accelerated particles striking material could be linking X-ray and optical variability (as in activity in the solar chromosphere). Beaming effects could be significant in all types of AGN. The diversity in optical/X-ray relationships at different times in the same object, and between different objects, might be explained by changes in geometry and directions of motion relative to our line of sight. Linear shot-noise models of the variability are ruled out; instead there must be large-scale organization of variability. Variability occurs on light-crossing timescales rather than viscous timescales and this probably rules out the standard Shakura-Sunyaev accretion disk. Radio-loud and radio-quiet AGNs have similar continuum shapes and similar variability properties. This suggests similar continuum origins and variability mechanisms. Despite their extreme X-ray variability, narrow-line Seyfert 1s (NLS1s) do not show extreme optical variability.Comment: Invited talk given at Euro Asian Astronomical Society meeting in Moscow, June 2002. 20 pages, 4 figures. References update

    Reverberation Mapping Results from MDM Observatory

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    We present results from a multi-month reverberation mapping campaign undertaken primarily at MDM Observatory with supporting observations from around the world. We measure broad line region (BLR) radii and black hole masses for six objects. A velocity-resolved analysis of the H_beta response shows the presence of diverse kinematic signatures in the BLR.Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of the IAU Symposium No. 267: Co-Evolution of Central Black Holes and Galaxies, Rio de Janeiro, 200

    The End of the Lines for OX 169: No Binary Broad-Line Region

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    We show that unusual Balmer emission line profiles of the quasar OX 169, frequently described as either self-absorbed or double peaked, are actually neither. The effect is an illusion resulting from two coincidences. First, the forbidden lines are quite strong and broad. Consequently, the [N II]6583 line and the associated narrow-line component of H-alpha present the appearance of twin H-alpha peaks. Second, the redshift of 0.2110 brings H-beta into coincidence with Na I D at zero redshift, and ISM absorption in Na I D divides the H-beta emission line. In spectra obtained over the past decade, we see no substantial change in the character of the line profiles, and no indication of intrinsic double-peaked structure. The H-gamma, Mg II, and Ly-alpha emission lines are single peaked, and all of the emission-line redshifts are consistent once they are correctly attributed to their permitted and forbidden-line identifications. A systematic shift of up to 700 km/s between broad and narrow lines is seen, but such differences are common, and could be due to gravitational and transverse redshift in a low-inclination disk. Stockton & Farnham (1991) had called attention to an apparent tidal tail in the host galaxy of OX 169, and speculated that a recent merger had supplied the nucleus with a coalescing pair of black holes which was now revealing its existence in the form of two physically distinct broad-line regions. Although there is no longer any evidence for two broad emission-line regions in OX 169, binary black holes should form frequently in galaxy mergers, and it is still worthwhile to monitor the radial velocities of emission lines which could supply evidence of their existence in certain objects.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Ap.

    Electrified thin film flow at finite Reynolds number on planar substrates featuring topography

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    The flow of a gravity-driven thin liquid film over a substrate containing topography, in the presence of a normal electric field, is investigated. The liquid is assumed to be a perfect conductor and the air above it a perfect dielectric. Of particular interest is the interplay between inertia, for finite values of the Reynolds number, Re, and electric field strength, expressed in terms of the Weber number, We, on the resultant free-surface disturbance away from planarity. The hydrodynamics of the film are modelled via a depth-averaged form of the Navier–Stokes equations which is coupled to a Fourier series separable solution of Laplace’s equation for the electric potential: detailed steady-state solutions of the coupled equation set are obtained numerically. The case of two-dimensional flow over different forms of discrete and periodically varying spanwise topography is explored. In the case of the familiar free-surface capillary peaks and depressions that arise for steep topography, and become more pronounced with increasing Re, greater electric field strength affects them differently. In particular, it is found that for topography heights commensurate with the long-wave approximation: (i) the capillary ridge associated with a step-down topography at first increases before decreasing, both monotonically, with increasing We and (ii) the free-surface hump which arises at a step-up topography continues to increase monotonically with increasing We, the increase achieved being smaller the larger the value of Re. A series of results for the more practically relevant problem of three-dimensional film flow over substrate containing a localised square trench topography is provided. These exhibit behaviour and features consistent with those observed for two-dimensional flow, in that as We is increased the primary free-surface capillary ridges and depressions are at first enhanced, with a corresponding narrowing, before becoming suppressed. In addition, it is found that, while the well-known horse-shoe shaped disturbance characteristic of such flows continues to persist with increasing Re in the absence of an electric field, when the latter is present and We increased in value the associated comet tail disappears as does the related downstream surge. The phenomenon is explained with reference to the competition between the corresponding capillary pressure and Maxwell stress distributions

    Does the maturation of early sleep patterns predict language ability at school entry? A Born in Bradford study

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    Copyright \ua9 2021 The Author(s). Published by Cambridge University Press. Children\u27s vocabulary ability at school entry is highly variable and predictive of later language and literacy outcomes. Sleep is potentially useful in understanding and explaining that variability, with sleep patterns being predictive of global trajectories of language acquisition. Here, we looked to replicate and extend these findings. Data from 354 children (without English as an additional language) in the Born in Bradford study were analysed, describing the mean intercepts and linear trends in parent-reported day-time and night-time sleep duration over five time points between 6 and 36 months-of-age. The mean difference between night-time and day-time sleep was predictive of receptive vocabulary at age five, with more night-time sleep relative to day-time sleep predicting better language. An exploratory analysis suggested that socioeconomic status was predictive of vocabulary outcomes, with sleep patterns partially mediating this relationship. We suggest that the consolidation of sleep patterns acts as a driver of early language development

    Sleep Promotes Phonological Learning in Children Across Language and Autism Spectra

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    Purpose: Establishing stable and flexible phonological representations is a key component of language development and one which is thought to vary across children with neurodevelopmental disorders affecting language acquisition. Sleep is understood to support the learning and generalization of new phonological mappings in adults, but this remains to be examined in children. This study therefore explored the time course of phonological learning in childhood and how it varies by structural language and autism symptomatology. / Method: Seventy-seven 7- to 13-year-old children, 30 with high autism symptomatology, were included in the study; structural language ability varied across the sample. Children learned new phonological mappings based on synthesized speech tokens in the morning; performance was then charted via repetition (without feedback) over 24 hr and followed up 4 weeks later. On the night following learning, children's sleep was monitored with polysomnography. / Results: A period of sleep but not wake was associated with improvement on the phonological learning task in childhood. Sleep was associated with improved performance for both trained items and novel items. Structural language ability predicted overall task performance, though language ability did not predict degree of change from one session to the next. By contrast, autism symptomatology did not explain task performance. With respect to sleep architecture, rapid eye movement features were associated with greater phonological generalization. / Conclusions: Children's sleep was associated with improvement in performance on both trained and novel items. Phonological generalization was associated with brain activity during rapid eye movement sleep. This study furthers our understanding of individual differences in the acquisition of new phonological mappings and the role of sleep in this process over childhood. / Supplemental Material: https://doi.org/10.23641/asha.11126732

    Growing up with interfering neighbours : the influence of time of learning and vocabulary knowledge on written word learning in children

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    Evidence suggests that new vocabulary undergoes a period of strengthening and integration offline, particularly during sleep. Practical questions remain, however, including whether learning closer to bedtime can optimize consolidation, and whether such an effect varies with vocabulary ability. To examine this, children aged 8-12-years-old (n 59) were trained on written novel forms (e.g. BANARA) in either the morning (long delay) or the evening (short delay). Immediately after training and the next day, lexical competition (a marker of integration) was assessed via speeded semantic decisions to neighbouring existing words (e.g. BANANA); explicit memory was measured via recognition and recall tasks. There were no main effects indicating performance changes across sleep for any task, counter to studies of spoken word learning. However, a significant interaction was found, such that children with poorer vocabulary showed stronger lexical competition on the day after learning if there was a short delay between learning and sleep. Furthermore, while poorer vocabulary was associated with slower novel word recognition speed before and after sleep for the long delay group, this association was only present before sleep for the short delay group. Thus, weak vocabulary knowledge compromises novel word acquisition, and when there is a longer period of post-learning wake, this disadvantage remains after a consolidation opportunity. However, when sleep occurs soon after learning, consolidation processes can compensate for weaker encoding and permit lexical integration. These data provide preliminary suggestion that children with poorer vocabulary may benefit from learning new words closer to bedtime

    Multi-Wavelength Monitoring of the Changing-Look AGN NGC 2617 during State Changes

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    Optical and near-infrared photometry, optical spectroscopy, and soft X-ray and UV monitoring of the changing-look active galactic nucleus NGC 2617 show that it continues to have the appearance of a type-1 Seyfert galaxy. An optical light curve for 2010-2017 indicates that the change of type probably occurred between 2010 October and 2012 February and was not related to the brightening in 2013. In 2016 and 2017 NGC 2617 brightened again to a level of activity close to that in 2013 April. However, in 2017 from the end of the March to end of July 2017 it was in very low level and starting to change back to a Seyfert 1.8. We find variations in all passbands and in both the intensities and profiles of the broad Balmer lines. A new displaced emission peak has appeared in Hβ. X-ray variations are well correlated with UV-optical variability and possibly lead by ̃2-3 d. The K band lags the J band by about 21.5 ± 2.5 d and lags the combined B + J bands by ̃25 d. J lags B by about 3 d. This could be because J-band variability arises predominantly from the outer part of the accretion disc, while K-band variability is dominated by thermal re-emission by dust. We propose that spectral-type changes are a result of increasing central luminosity causing sublimation of the innermost dust in the hollow bi-conical outflow. We briefly discuss various other possible reasons that might explain the dramatic changes in NGC 2617.Fil: Oknyansky, V. L.. Sternberg Astronomical Institute; RusiaFil: Gaskell, C. M.. Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics. University of California. Santa Cruz; Estados UnidosFil: Mikailov, K. M.. Shamakhy Astrophysical Observatory, National Academy of Sciences. Pirkuli; AzerbaiyánFil: Lipunov, V. M.. Sternberg Astronomical Institute. M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University ; RusiaFil: Shatsky, N. I.. Sternberg Astronomical Institute. M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University; RusiaFil: Tsygankov, S. S.. Tuorla Observatory, Department of Physics and Astronomy. University of Turku.; FinlandiaFil: Gorbovskoy, E. S.. Sternberg Astronomical Institute. M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University; RusiaFil: Tatarnikov, A. M.. Sternberg Astronomical Institute. M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University; RusiaFil: Metlov, V. G.. Sternberg Astronomical Institute. M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University; RusiaFil: Malanchev, K. L.. Sternberg Astronomical Institute. M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University; RusiaFil: Brotherton, M.B.. University of Wyoming; Estados UnidosFil: Kasper, D.. University of Wyoming; Estados UnidosFil: Du, P.. Institute of High Energy Physics. Chinese Academy of Sciences; ChinaFil: Chen, X.. School of Space Science and Physics. Shandong University; ChinaFil: Burlak, M. A.. Sternberg Astronomical Institute. M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University; RusiaFil: Buckley, D. A. H.. The South African Astronomical Observatory; SudáfricaFil: Rebolo, R.. Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias; EspañaFil: Serra-Ricart, M.. Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias; EspañaFil: Podestá, R.. Universidad Nacional de San Juan; ArgentinaFil: Levato, O. H.. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Juan. Instituto de Ciencias Astronómicas, de la Tierra y del Espacio. Universidad Nacional de San Juan. Instituto de Ciencias Astronómicas, de la Tierra y del Espacio; Argentin

    Optical Variability of Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies

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    We present results of a broad-band photometric study of the optical variability of six Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 (NLS1) galaxies observed at 172 epochs. We searched for microvariability on 33 nights. Strong evidence for microvariability was found only for our lowest luminosity object, NGC 4051, on one night. Weaker evidence suggests such variability on a few other nights for two other objects, but the data are not as convincing. Intra-night variability in NLS1s is thus concluded to be rare and of low amplitude. We give illustrations of how variable image quality can produce spurious variability. We find that for well-studied non-NLS1s there is a spread in the amplitude of seasonal variability (i.e., in some years an AGN is more variable than in others). We find that the means of the variability amplitudes of non-NLS1s over several seasons vary from object to object (i.e., some AGNs are, on average, more variable than others). NLS1s also show a spread in seasonal variabilities. The best-studied NLS1, Ark 564, shows a range of amplitudes of variability from season to season that is comparable to the range found in BLS1s, and in one season Ark 564 was as variable as the most variable non-NLS1. The seasonal amplitudes of variability for NLS1s are mostly in the lower half of the range of non-BLS1 seasonal amplitudes, but the absence of a suitable control sample makes a precise comparison difficult. However, on long timescales (weeks to years), NLS1s as a class are not more variable than non-NLS1s. The extreme variability seen in the X-rays was not seen in the optical. This has consequences for the models of AGNs in general as well as NLS1s in particular.Comment: Astrophysical Journal in press (tentatively scheduled for Vol. 608, June 2004 issue);47 pages; 19 figures. Electronic tables not included (contact first author if needed