4,333 research outputs found

    Promoting the Introduction of Lifelong Learning Related Concepts in the Description of Information Resources Using Metadata Technology

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    The rise of Internet has created an urgent need to define widely agreed-upon methods and vocabularies for describing its contents in a consistent and orderly manner. This necessip can be satisfied by means of the use of Metadata Schemas. In achieving this aim in relation to the Educational, Vocational and Training sector, several initiatives have emerged at an international level, but there is a need for integrating core skills and competencies issues, which are very important in relation to the new paradigm of Lifelong Learning (LLL) and especially regarding with informal education and training, into the metadata solutions that are arisen in the framework of those initiatives

    The artistic use of parallax and lenses revealing the invisible in holography

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    There are many artistic resources offered by holography: third-dimension registration and reconstruction, immateriality, color interpretation, holographic space, realism, etc. But there are a few of them which are very characteristic and singular of that media such as the inversion of parallax, and the possibility of making invisible to turn into visible. Current paper aims to discuss key issues concerning with the aesthetic use of those special features. It is based on theoretical as well as critical analysis of the production by some of the most outstanding holographic artists who have made use of such interesting resources

    An IMS-Learning Design Editor for a Higher Education Blended Learning Scenario

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    The IMS-Learning Design has been developed to support the creation of reusable and pedagogically neutral learning scenarios and content. Although it is especially suitable for eLearning, there is a lot of interest on using it in higher education blended learning scenarios. However there are some related key issues which must be managed such as cultural bias and the need for expensive human resources to design and develop specification compliant units of learning. They can be addressed by the design of ad-hoc editors supporting concrete learning design units of learning. We suggest some solutions to overcome these limitations, based on our experience designing the user interface of an IMS-LD compliant editor, GDUS+. We also explain our user centering approach, and give some conclusions about the benefits of using IMS-LD

    Risk tasking behaviour and ownership in the banking industry: the Spanish evidence

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    This paper analyses the determinant of risk_taking in the Spanish financial intermediaries with special emphasis on the ownership structure and size of the different entities. On the one hand, the soecific legal configuration of Spanish Savings banks may lead them to differ from Commercial banks in their risk behaviour. In particular, they may make riskier investments. Nevertheless,other theories indicate that greater stockholder control in Commercial banks may induce them towards greater risk_taking in certain situations. In this paper we test these hypotheses with a dynamic pañel data model (1993_2000) for Spanish Commercial banks and Savings banks. We analyse whether differences in risk behaviour are related to different ownership structures or to other factors such as the size of the entity.Commercial banks, Savings banks, Corporate control, Ownership structure, Bank risk_taking

    Genètica i Citogenètica: Pràctiques de Laboratori

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    El quadern de pràctiques forma part dels materials docents programats mitjançant l'ajut del Servei de Política Lingüística de la Universitat de ValènciaQuadern de pràctiques de Genètica i Citogenètica. Grau Bioquímica i Ciències Biomèdiques.PRÀCTICA 1. Segregació de caràcters en Drosophila. Observació de la segregació independent enfront de la segregació de gens lligats. Aplicació de l’anàlisi estadística als resultats experimentals. Càlcul de la distància entre gens lligats. PRÀCTICA 2. Cromosomes politènics de Drosophila. Preparació i observació de cromosomes politènics. Detecció i estudi d’inversions cromosòmiques. PRÀCTICA 3. Aspectes citogenètics dels cromosomes sexuals: cromatina sexual. Preparació i observació d’extensions de cèl·lules de la mucosa bucal. Identificació de corpuscles de Barr. Comparació entre cèl·lules masculines i femenines

    Investigation of channel spatial diversity for dual-link cooperative communications in Wireless Body Area Networks

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    Projecte final de carerra fet en col.laboració amb Université Catholique de LouvainThis document has been divided in 5 chapters. The rst one has consisted on an introduction to better understand the aims of this project, a brief description of the state-of-the-art and how the project is structured. Chapter 2 explains in detail how measurements are set and all the instruments involved with them. In Chapter 3 the statistical analysis of the channels is developed from the VNA measurements results. Chapter 4 investigates the diversity bene ts in terms of both BER and variance. Finally, Chapter 5 contains the nal conclusions of the project and future work. Actually, there is also Chapter 6, which is composed of the Annexes, where there is the complete set of measurements results and all the gures that were not shown in the document because of spatial reasons