37 research outputs found
Visceral leishmaniasis caused by Leishmania infantum in a Spanish patient in Argentina: What is the origin of the infection? Case report
BACKGROUND: The question "Where have you been?" is a common one asked by doctors in Northern Europe and America when faced with clinical symptoms not typical of their country. This question must also arise in the clinics of developing countries in which non-autochthonous cases such as the one described here can appear. Important outbreaks of Leishmania infantum have been recorded in the last decade in several Latin American countries but its presence has not yet been recorded in Argentina. We report the first case of visceral leishmaniasis owing to L. infantum in this country. CASE PRESENTATION: A 71-year-old Spanish woman who has been living in Mendoza, Argentina, during the last 40 years presented with a history of high fever and shivering, anemia, leukopenia and splenomegaly over two years. Argentinian doctors did not suspect visceral leishmaniasis even when the histological analysis revealed the presence of "intracytoplasmatic spheroid particles compatible with fungal or parasitic infection". After a serious deterioration in her health, she was taken to Spain where she was evaluated and visceral leishmaniasis was established. Specific identification of the parasite was done by PCR-ELISA, isoenzyme electrophoresis and RAPD-PCR. CONCLUSION: We would like to point out that: i) cases such as the one described here, which appear in non-endemic areas, can pass unnoticed by the clinical physician. ii) in countries in which these introduced cases reside, in-depth parasitological studies are required into vectors and possible reservoirs to rule out the rare case of local infection and, once infection has taken place, to ensure that this does not spread by anthroponotic transmission or a competent reservoir
Expansion cone for the 3-inch PMTs of the KM3NeT optical modules
[EN] Detection of high-energy neutrinos from distant astrophysical sources will open a new window on the Universe. The detection principle exploits the measurement of Cherenkov light emitted by charged particles resulting from neutrino interactions in the matter containing the telescope. A novel multi-PMT digital optical module (DOM) was developed to contain 31 3-inch photomultiplier tubes (PMTs). In order to maximize the detector sensitivity, each PMT will be surrounded by an expansion cone which collects photons that would otherwise miss the photocathode. Results for various angles of incidence with respect to the PMT surface indicate an increase in collection efficiency by 30% on average for angles up to 45 degrees with respect to the perpendicular. Ray-tracing calculations could reproduce the measurements, allowing to estimate an increase in the overall photocathode sensitivity, integrated over all angles of incidence, by 27% (for a single PMT). Prototype DOMs, being built by the KM3NeT consortium, will be equipped with these expansion cones.This work is supported through the EU, FP6 Contract no. 011937, FP7 grant agreement no. 212252, and the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science.Adrián Martínez, S.; Ageron, M.; Aguilar, JA.; Aharonian, F.; Aiello, S.; Albert, A.; Alexandri, M.... (2013). Expansion cone for the 3-inch PMTs of the KM3NeT optical modules. Journal of Instrumentation. 8(3):1-19. https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-0221/8/03/T03006S1198
Detection potential of the KM3NeT detector for high-energy neutrinos from the Fermi bubbles
A recent analysis of the Fermi Large Area Telescope data provided evidence for a high-intensity emission of high-energy gamma rays with a E 2 spectrum from two large areas, spanning 50 above and below the
Galactic centre (the ‘‘Fermi bubbles’’). A hadronic mechanism was proposed for this gamma-ray emission making the Fermi bubbles promising source candidates of high-energy neutrino emission. In this work Monte Carlo simulations regarding the detectability of high-energy neutrinos from the Fermi bubbles
with the future multi-km3 neutrino telescope KM3NeT in the Mediterranean Sea are presented. Under the hypothesis that the gamma-ray emission is completely due to hadronic processes, the results indicate
that neutrinos from the bubbles could be discovered in about one year of operation, for a neutrino spectrum with a cutoff at 100 TeV and a detector with about 6 km3 of instrumented volume. The effect of a
possible lower cutoff is also considered.Published7–141.8. Osservazioni di geofisica ambientaleJCR Journalrestricte
Questo studio è stato svolto nell’ambito del Progetto”ALISAL”: Miglioramento delle proprietà igienico-sanitarie, salutistiche e funzionali di materie prime per l’alimentazione dell’uomo e/o degli animali, promosso dal Ministero delle Politiche Agricole, Alimentari e Forestali italiano (MIPAAF).
Lo studio in oggetto è parte del progetto sopra indicato il cui scopo era quello di selezionare nuovi genotipi di cereali, in particolare di frumento duro, al fine di migliorare le caratteristiche nutrizionali e tecnologiche dell’ intera filiera produttiva. La fase preliminare dello sviluppo progettuale è stata quella di sviluppare un metodo per la caratterizzazione morfologica e ultrastrutturale delle granelle d’interesse allo scopo di fornire indicazioni qualitative e quantitative per la precisa caratterizzazione dei campioni. I risultati ottenuti sono di seguito riportati.
Materiali e metodi
Al fine di evidenziare eventuali differenze morfologiche e ultrastrutturali tra i campioni, le cariossidi di frumento duro sono state analizzate tal quali mediante microscopia elettronica a scansione in ambientale e a pressione variabile utilizzando il microscopio SEM EVO LS10 ZEISS. Questo microscopio è dotato di una sorgente di elettroni LaB6 in grado di fornire una luminosità del fascio elettronico uniforme, stabile e di conseguenza un alto contrasto; tali caratteristiche lo rendono particolarmente adattato all’osservazione di campioni sia disidratati che umidi. Sulle cariossidi di grano duro si è eseguito un adeguato taglio sagittale e le sezioni tal quali, senza alcuna preparativa sono state fissate su gli appositi stub, successivamente si è passati all’osservazione predisponendo il microscopio a pressione variabile ed utilizzando il detector CZBSD come rivelatore primario e il detector SE1 come rivelatore secondario. Il mix dei due ci ha fornito una precisa mappa ultrastrutturale di ogni cariosside testata.
Secondo le specifiche progettuali abbiamo preso in considerazione tre cultivar di frumento duro coltivate nel Sud Italia (Sicilia) negli anni 2010 e 2011. I campioni sono stati classificati come SA1(cultivar Sant’Agata), DU1(cultivar Duilio), SI1(cultivar Simeto) per le produzioni dell’ anno 2010 e SA2 , DU2 , SI2 per le produzioni dell’anno 2011
Microscopia elettronica a scansione per l’analisi morfologica e ultrastrutturale di cariossidi di frumento duro
Cereals are an important source of carbohydrates in the human contributing to a certain extent also to the need of protein. They constitute a rich source of both nonstarch polysaccharides (dietary fiber) and starch, which together comprise 70-77% of kernel. The Guidelines for a Healthy Diet in Italy define the opportunity to take, on a daily basis, at least 60% of energy from carbohydrates, and particularly 45% from complex carbohydrates. In Italy, especially in Sicily, these nutrients are contained in traditional food as pasta and bread made starting from durum wheat as grow material. Recently, especially in the bigger towns, there is also widespread consumption
of bread made with soft wheat.2,3
In the last decade, consumer behavior is changing in Italy4 and it is
clear a trend of decline in consumption of pasta and bread, instead
there is an opposite trend for the consumption of products considered
as a substitute for bread (brioches, crackers, biscuits, and other baked
goods). It is evident how the nutritional profile of the latter products
deviates from the bread due to the fat content, that ranges from 5 to
20%. It is also known as the derivatives of durum wheat, preferably
whole grain products, are also characterized by a lower glycemic index
than products of soft wheat.
So cereals are a key component to set a proper diet. Some studies
also report that influence of a
regular and correct consumption of cereals may contribute to reach
and to maintain normal weight.5
In 2011 was carried out investigations with the aim to understand
better the relationship and the presence of cereals in the diet of preteen.
Moreover, it is known as in Sicily, as well as other areas of southern
Europe, there is a serious problem of childhood obesity,6,7 mainly
related to lifestyles considered incorrect and a lower level of education
of the population than other European areas that do not registers this
The investigation involved a sample of 1335 subjects, aged between
10 and 13 years, identified through the involvement of 62 schools distributed
throughout the region. The sample involved in the investigation
was extrapolated according to a stratification that has taken into
account the size of the population under study, age ,sex, and distribution
by province. For each individual was recorded during the first half
of December 2011, thanks to personnel appropriately trained to collect
information in a standardized way, a 24-h recall questionnaire (noting
the foods eaten in the last 24 hours from the individual). In addition to
the parents were asked to complete a questionnaire on the frequency
to record information on lifestyle, frequency of intake of cereals. For
each individual was recorded weight (kg), height (cm) and body mass
index (BMI, Body Mass Index), according to the standards proposed by
the International Obesity Task Force.8 About frequency of the conditions
of the weight of the individuals in the sample, the results have
confirmed what was already mentioned by other authors for Sicily.6,7
Results of the study shows as the population sample, in the various
daily meals, have not a correct relationship with cereals, considering the
models known for the Mediterranean population. In particular, it is clear
the high frequency of subjects who have not took any kind of cereals at
breakfast (n=699, 52%) or at morning-snack (n=396, 30%). Moreover
17% of individuals (n=228) has neither taken any kind of breakfast
cereal nor at morning-snack; these individuals have access to the primary
source of complex carbohydrates, needed daily, only with lunch.
The individuals who regularly eat pasta are characterized by a lower
Body Mass Index than those who do not consume habitually; the same
is for those who regularly take breakfast, according as noted by other
authors in specific studies conducted in the Mediterranean basin,9 and
for individuals who have eaten at least one type of cereal for breakfast.
Regarding this survey it can be stated that further studies are needed
to define the extent to which an erroneous presence and distribution
in diets of cereals can affect overweight and obesity, particularly
among younger age groups of the population. It is evident, however,
that it is more necessary than ever to support an effective education
campaign that fill the gaps on nutritional knowledge on cereals; contribute
to implement pathways on enhancement of cereals mainly on
nutritional point of view, with the aim to promoting correct lifestyles
and diet patterns better oriented to limit the risks of occurrence in the
population of chronic degenerative diseases related to obesity
Caratteristiche nutrizionali dell’olio di Moringa oleifera
Tutte le specie di Moringa sono originarie delle regioni Sub-Himalaiane e la più diffusa risulta essere la Moringa oleifera v. Lamarck attualmente coltivata in diversi paesi dell’Africa, dell’Asia e Sud-America. Dalla fine degli anni ottanta si è registrato un crescendo di lavori centrati sulla possibile applicazione in campo alimentare, farmaceutico,cosmetico nonché agricolo delle radici, delle foglie, dei semi oppure dell’olio di moringa. Sono apparse una miriade di pubblicazioni che, spesso attingendo dalla tradizione e/o medicina popolare, evocano per i vari derivati di moringa proprietà iperboliche, miracolistiche se non magiche.Di fatto pochi lavori esaminano rigorosamente la chimica dei costituenti e rari sono gli studi clinici che ne documentano l’efficacia nutrizionale in modo puntuale. Scopo di questostudio preliminare e quello di monitorare sia le capacità antiossidanti sia il profilo degli acidi grassi introducendo un semplice, ma efficace modo per calcolare la relazione tra saturi ed insaturi, che aiuta a chiarire la notevole resistenza dell’olio di moringa all’ossidazione. l’olio di moringa presenta un profilo in acidi grassi molto simile a quello dell’olio di oliva, specialmente nel C18:1, in più nell’olio di moringa è presente in modo cospicuo
il C22:0. L’estratto alcolico presenta eccellenti valori sia di capacità antiossidante che di concentrazione di polifenoli totali liberi. Inoltre questo studio introduce un diverso approccio matematico rispetto ai calcoli che comunemente si fanno per quanto riguarda il rapporto Sat/Ins.Precisamente in questo lavoro viene calcolato il rapporto Saturi/Grado d’insaturazione. In conclusione, mediante questo nuovo rapporto si evidenzia come l’olio di moringa si discosta nettamente dall’olio extravergine di oliva,cosa non molto evidente con gli altri due indici (Sat/Ins, e Grado d’insaturazione), collocandolo tra l’olio extravergine di oliva e lo strutto. Si è inoltre verificato il buon corredo antiossidante custodito dalle foglie di questa pianta