374 research outputs found

    The United States, the West and the Rest of the World

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    Excerpt The world will never be the same again after the terrible attack on the economic U.S., the military U.S., the foreign policy U.S., and on human beings like all of us. We embrace the victims of the violence, of all violence, in deep grief, and express our hope that perpetrators will be brought to justice. Violence at this level can only be explained by a very high level of dehumanisation of the victims in the minds of the aggressors, often due to a very deep level of unresolved, basic conflict. The word “terrorism” may describe the tactics, but like “state terrorism” only portrays the perpetrator as evil, satanic, and does not go to the roots of the conflict

    Les formes alternatives de défense : l’exemple européen

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    The time has come to discuss military doctrine. We have, for much too long now, been discussing separate weapon Systems, sometimes singly, sometimes combined, and not the underlying rational. This article spells out alternative security policies in the fields of military and foreign policies. The reader will find a layman's guide to military doctrine, beginning with a basic distinction made between offensive and defensive postures, a distinction based on capability and not on intention. We will show that the division into military and political motivations is far from sharp, and needs to be better understood in order to discuss and assess the implications of alternative doctrines for Europe

    La Convention de Lomé et le néo-capitalisme

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    The Military in Transition: New Tasks for the Military

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    Violence, peace and peace research

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    En su trayectoria como campo científico, la Peace Research o Investigación para la Paz reconoce que definir “paz” es, de hecho, una parte fundamental de una estrategia científica. En ese contexto, se ha dedicado a conceptualizar paz de forma amplia, dialógica y compleja, tal como diverso y complejo es el mundo. Del mismo modo, definir violencia se convierte en una labor igualmente compleja, una vez que más importante que llegar a una definición o a tipologías, -pues hay, evidentemente, muchos tipos de violencia- indicar dimensiones teóricamente significativas de violencia es efectivamente lo fundamental, una vez que nos puede llevar a pensar, investigar y, potencialmente, actuar ante los problemas más graves de la humanidad. Si la peace action debe ser considerada porque es una acción contra la violencia, el mismo concepto de violencia debe ser lo suficientemente amplio para incluir las variedades más significativas y, además, también debe ser lo suficientemente específico para servir de base para una acción concreta. En esa perspectiva, este artículo pretende presentar una reflexión teórico conceptual sobre paz y violencia en el contexto de la perspectiva crítica de los Estudios para la Paz (Peace Studies).  In its trajectory as a scientific field, the peace research recognizes that defining “peace” is, in fact, an important part of the scientific strategy. Thus, the field has been dedicated to conceptualizing peace in a broad, dialogic, and complex manner, as complex and diverse as the world is. Likewise, conceptualizing violence is an intricate task since, more important than reaching a definition or typologies – as there is, obviously, many types of violence –, indicating theoretically significant dimensions of violence is essential, as it leads us to thinking, researching, and potentially acting on the most serious problems of Mankind. If the peace action must be considered because it is an action against violence, then the concept of violence must be broad enough to cover the most significant varieties and, in addition, must be specific enough to serve as a basis for concrete action. Given this perspective, this article aims at presenting a theoretical-conceptual reflection about peace and violence in the context of the critical perspective of peace studies.  Em sua trajetória como campo científico, a peace research ou “pesquisa para a paz” reconhece que definir “paz” é, de fato, uma parte importante de uma estratégia científica. Dessa forma, tem se dedicado a conceituar paz de forma ampla, dialógica e complexa, tal como diverso e complexo é o mundo. Do mesmo modo, conceituar a violência se torna tarefa igualmente complexa, uma vez que, mais importante do que chegar a uma definição ou a tipologias – pois há, obviamente, muitos tipos de violência –, indicar dimensões teoricamente significativas de violência é, efetivamente, fundamental, posto que pode nos levar a pensar, pesquisar e, potencialmente, agir diante dos problemas mais graves da humanidade. Se a peace action deve ser considerada porque é uma ação contra a violência, então o conceito de violência deve ser amplo o suficiente para incluir as variedades mais significativas e, além disso, deve ser específico o bastante para servir de base para uma ação concreta. Nessa perspectiva, este artigo pretende apresentar uma reflexão teórico-conceitual sobre paz e violência no contexto da perspectiva crítica dos estudos para a paz (peace studies). &nbsp

    A World in Economic Crisis

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    Beginning with some fundamental questions about trade and trade-related conflicts, contradictions, and failures, this article presents a critique of available trade theories that have so far failed to stand up to the test as regards pro-trade arguments. Smith-Ricardo trade produces a static, hierarchical world filled with exploitation. Japan has the structural and cultural strength to break the Ricardian shackles, but only replicates the inequitable pattern inside the center. The self-reliance model aimed at equitable relations, but was caught in a static world of mutually isolated layers. The fourth model of externality cooperation takes a fresh approach in searching for equitable economic transaction, through dialogue at all levels to identify the externalities and to agree on cooperative approaches, and through widening concern, not only guided by selfinterest, but also by other-interest. The result is a trade pattern that is both dynamic and equitable. </p

    La geopolítica de la Educación para la paz. Aprender a odiar la guerra, a amar la paz y a hacer algo al respecto

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    In this paper we present four central theories, four policy tasks and four education topics that build a Peace education. We start from the thesis that every education should be prepared for practice, but guided from the general theory. From a Peace education, we aim to mediate and illustrate in stages and practical exercises to help us understand how important Peace research are in a true comprehensive education.En este artículo pretendemos exponer cuatro teorías centrales, cuatro tareas políticas y cuatro temas que construyen una Educación para la paz. Partimos de la tesis de que cualquier Educación debe prepararse desde la práctica, pero guiada desde la teoría general. Desde una Educación para la paz, pretendemos mediar y ejemplificar en escenarios y ejercicios prácticos que nos ayuden a comprender lo importante que son los Estudios para la paz dentro de una verdadera educación integral

    Human Rights : From the State System to Global Domestic Policy

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    In this essay human rights encounter Durkheim's social - that sui generis beyond the sum of individuals. "The social" will here be seen as structure and culture. Like "the social", the human rights were embedded in a structure with the state system up front, carrying an enlightenment culture, being a product of its context. The third human rights generation effort to accommodate peace, development and the environment inside a human rights discourse is problematic as these are social level constructs. The two pillars are shaking under globalization. The peace research discourse is an effort to elaborate epistemologies capable of accommodating such problems. A key term is "trans," like in transnational, translevel, and transdisciplinary. Human rights as they emerged are not forever, nor is "the social." Adapt or die, that is the choice