346 research outputs found

    Psychiatric nursing, the evolving role in mental health

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    Psychiatric nursing is a nursing specialty focusing on the fulfilment of the client's needs in mental health in any setting, in partnership with family, significant others and the community. Psychiatric nursing is an intelpersonal process that promotes and maintains patients' behaviour that results in an integrated functioning of the individual. Stuatt and Laraia state that the patient can be an individual, family, group, organisation or the community at large. This obviously implies that the role of the psychiatric nurse is very vast and a cleat· definition of the role depends on the situation and circumstances the nurse is in. This ranges from a psychiatric emergency in an acute admission ward to a talk given by the psychiatric nurse to the general public on post natal depression. The work of psychiatric nurses is divided into high and low visibility functions. Brown and Fowler) identified these functions.peer-reviewe


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    Skipjack tuna is the principal species in the pole-and-line fishery in the eastern part of Indonesia

    Beyond Bingo: Activities to Increase Student Engagement

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    Help motivate your students to increase their understanding of what they are learning by getting them involved in the process. This interactive session lets the attendee experience learning as their students will as the different activities are examined and modeled in a variety of subject matters. These learning activities create a greater understanding of the material for the students because the students have become part of the lesson. The attendee will leave with at least a half-dozen different activities that can be adapted into any subject area and immediately implemented into the classroom. The presenters have created new activities that have been tested in their classrooms. These activities produce a higher engagement level in students! Come have fun and learn along the way

    Natural resources, institutions and economic development in Africa

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    This article, first, examines the association between resource rents, institutions and economic growth in Africa, as well as the performance of resource-rich and non-resource-rich countries on institutional quality and political governance. The findings suggest that resource rents failed to contribute to long-term growth on the continent. Additionally, higher resource rents are associated with relatively weak institutions. Second, using historical data, the study tests the validity of the resource-curse hypothesis in two resource-rich countries, namely, Nigeria and Botswana. Although both countries have derived substantial revenues from their natural resource sectors, the distributed-lag results show that Nigeria may have experienced a natural resource curse, while Botswana has not. These findings are presumed, based on the extant literature, to be explained by differences in the level of institutional quality.Keywords: Natural resources; Institutions; Afric

    Explaining Food Insecurity in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Role of Governance and Institutions

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    The burgeoning literature on global food (in)security suggests that sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is lagging behind the rest of the world despite a period of decline in the prevalence of severe undernourishment. Using panel data covering 34 countries in the region for the period 2000 to 2015, this study examined the correlates and causes of food insecurity in SSA with emphasis on the role of domestic food production, governance, and institutions. The paper also provides evidence on the mediating role of governance by examining how the quality of governance and institutions influence the effectiveness of domestic food production on food insecurity in the region. The paper uses an instrumental variable strategy. The findings suggest that domestic food production and improvements in governance quality, measured by economic freedom and government effectiveness, are fundamental drivers of food security in SSA. We also found that improving the quality of governance would enable countries to better translate domestic food production into reductions in the depth of food deficit and the prevalence of undernourishment. Nonetheless, in the absence of adequate domestic food production, governance reforms alone would be impotent in fostering food security in SSA

    Movimento 5 Stelle e Team Stronach: nuovi fenomeni di populismo italiano ed austriaco a confronto

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    L'evoluzione dei partiti nelle democrazie occidentali è stata contraddistinta dal susseguirsi delle seguenti fasi: i partiti di notabili, i partiti di massa, il partito pigliatutto, il partito professionale-elettorale, il cartel party, ed il partito personale. L'insieme di interazione competitive tra i partiti dà vita ai sistemi di partito. La modernità ha visto il diffondersi di un sempre maggiore uso dei mezzi di comunicazione di massa in politica, i quali spesso influenzano le percezioni degli elettori nei confronti delle istituzioni rappresentative. Il populismo è un'ideologia secondo la quale la società sarebbe separata in due gruppi omogenei ed antagonisti, le "persone pure" contro "l'élite corrotta". L'Italia è sempre stato un terreno fertile per la crescita di forze politiche populiste, e l'ascesa politica del Movimento 5 Stelle (M5S) costituisce un esempio evidente di questo. Il comico genovese Beppe Grillo fondò il Movimento 5 Stelle nel 2009, con l'intento di riportare i cittadini al centro della politica. Alla pari dell'Italia, anche in Austria il fenomeno populista si è diffuso in modo incisivo; basti pensare alla discesa in campo del Team Stronach, un partito fondato nel 2012 dall'imprenditore austro-canadese Frank Stronach con l'obiettivo di diffondere nella politica austriaca i valori della verità, della trasparenza e dell'equità. Il Movimento 5 Stelle e il Team Stronach presentano sia similitudini che differenze dal punto di vista organizzativo, programmatico e politico-elettorale. Il sistema partitico italiano è in via di evoluzione, in quanto l'incremento elettorale della Lega Nord e il declino di Forza Italia stanno imprimendo una svolta alla dinamica della competizione tra i partiti italiani. Per quanto riguarda il sistema partitico austriaco, esso presenta una struttura formata da tre partiti medi (Partito socialista, partito del popolo, partito della libertà) e quattro partiti piccoli (Verdi, Team Stronach, NEOS, Alleanza per il futuro dell'Austria). Sia il M5S che il Team Stronach hanno fatto parlare molto di sè sui media tradizionali (es. Tv e quotidiani), sia per le loro posizioni politiche che per alcune vicende di carattere intra-partitico


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    Bullying is an act of using power to hurt a person or group of people verbally, physically, or psychologically so that the victim feels depressed, traumatized, and helpless. Teenagers who are victims of bullying are more at risk of health problems both physically and mentally. Bullying behavior often occurs if someone has a deficiency in him, both physically and mentally. Increasing the understanding of teenagers regarding bullying behavior can reduce cases of bullying, why prevention of bullying is very important from a young age because basically this bullying behavior is very dangerous. The impact of bullying for adolescents is in the form of mental disorders ranging from sensitivity, extreme anger, depression, low self-esteem, anxiety, decreased sleep quality, and feeling afraid to get along in a social environment. Through the bullying prevention counseling method, it is expected to have awareness and expertise in understanding the dangers of bullying behavior. The results of this activity are expected to be able to understand the dangers of bullying in an effort to prevent bullying behavior among teenagers

    Hepatosplenic T-Cell Lymphoma Mimicking Acute Onset of Cholestatic Hepatitis in a Young Immunocompetent Man: A Case Report

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    We herein report a case of hepatosplenic T-cell lymphoma (HSTCL) incidentally found in a 30-year-old man who came to the emergency department after an ankle trauma. At admission, laboratory tests revealed abnormal liver enzymes and pancytopenia, and imaging showed mild hepatosplenomegaly. During hospitalization, the patient's clinical condition worsened rapidly, with a concomitant increase in cholestatic enzymes, severe jaundice, and the worsening of pancytopenia. Causes of liver injury, including many infectious diseases, were explored until the diagnosis of HSTCL was made by liver and bone marrow biopsies. Subsequently, the patient underwent six cycles of chemotherapy with a CHOP (cyclophosphamide, hydroxydaunorubicin, oncovin and prednisone or prednisolone) regimen and one with Hyper-CVAD (fractionated cyclophosphamide, vincristine, doxorubicin, dexamethasone) but, despite this aggressive treatment, died due to disease progression 2 months after diagnosis. This rare disease should be considered in the diagnostic workup of acute cholestatic hepatitis presenting with concomitant hepatosplenomegaly and cytopenia
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