2,251 research outputs found

    Variations of radiocarbon in tree rings: southern hemisphere offset preliminary results

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    The Queen's University of Belfast, Northern Ireland and University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand radiocarbon laboratories have undertaken a series of high-precision measurements on decadal samples of dendrochronologically dated oak (Quercus patrea) and cedar (Libocedrus bidwillii) from Great Britain and New Zealand, respectively. The results show a real atmospheric offset of 3.4 ± 0.6% (27.2 ± 4.7 ¹⁴C yr) between the two locations for the interval AD 1725 to AD 1885, with the Southern Hemisphere being depleted in ¹⁴C. This result is less than the value currently used to correct Southern Hemisphere calibrations, possibly indicating a gradient in Δ¹⁴C within the Southern Hemisphere

    The worm has turned: Behavioural drivers of reproductive isolation between cryptic lineages

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    AbstractBehavioural processes such as species recognition and mate attraction signals enforce and reinforce the reproductive isolation required for speciation. The earthworm Lumbricus rubellus in the UK is deeply differentiated into two major genetic lineages, ‘A’ and ‘B’. These are often sympatric at certain sites, but it is not known whether they are to some extent reproductively isolated. Behavioural tests were performed, in which individually genotyped worms were able to choose between soils previously worked either by genetically similar or dissimilar individuals (N = 45). We found that individuals (75%) were significantly (P < 0.05) more likely to orientate towards the soil conditioned by worms of their own lineage. Further testing involved a choice design based on filter papers wetted with water extracts of soils worked by a different genotype on each side (N = 18) or extracts from worked soil vs. un-worked control soil (N = 10). Again, earthworms orientated towards the extract from their kindred genotype (P < 0.05). These findings indicate that genotype-specific water-soluble chemicals are released by L. rubellus; furthermore, they are behaviour-modifying, and play a role in reproductive isolation between sympatric earthworm lineages of cryptic sibling species, through pre-copulatory assortative mate choice

    Enantiomeric methadone quantitation on real post-mortem dried matrix spots samples: Comparison of liquid chromatography and supercritical fluid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry.

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    This study describes two bioanalytical methods for the quantitation of the two methadone enantiomers in dried matrix spots using high performance liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS) and high performance supercritical chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (HPSFC-MS/MS). Dried matrix spots were obtained by spotting 10 µL of each sample fluid on a Whatman paper. Methadone and its main metabolite, EDDP, were extracted with 100 µL methanol and subsequently injected into the LC-MS/MS and SFC-MS/MS systems. Enantiomeric separation was achieved with AGP-column for the LC conditions and with Chiralpak IH-3 in SFC. The two methods were fully validated and 93 post-mortem samples were analysed with both analytical methods. Results from validation parameters and results obtained for all post-mortem samples were compared with a significant spearman correlation of r &lt;sub&gt;s&lt;/sub&gt; = 0.9978 for R-methadone and r &lt;sub&gt;s&lt;/sub&gt; = 0.9981 for S-methadone. The LC method provided better results in terms of uncertainty, retention factor and resolution, whereas SFC provides better sensitivity, with lower LOD. Median R-/S-methadone ratio in peripheral blood was found equal to 1.60 (N = 32), varying from 0.79 to 4.23. The reported values were in good agreement with previously published results. Based on the results obtained here, SFC-MS/MS can be considered a reliable alternative to the widely used LC-MS/MS for the quantitation of methadone enantiomers in bioanalysis and should be evaluated for other bioanalytical methods. Both methods can be easily and quickly used in toxicological routine analysis for the methadone quantitation in human fluids matrices, even if considering that the polysaccharide coated column IH-3 used in SFC does not allow the enantiomeric EDDP separation

    The Hyperon-Nucleon Interaction Potential in the Bound State Soliton Model: The ΛN\Lambda N Case

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    We develop the formalism to study the hyperon-nucleon interaction potential within the bound state approach to the SU(3) Skyrme model. The general framework is illustrated by applying it to the diagonal ΛN\Lambda N potential. The central, spin-spin and tensor components of this interaction are obtained and compared with those derived using alternative schemes.Comment: source file, 4 ps figure

    Impact of eV-mass sterile neutrinos on neutrino-driven supernova outflows

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    Motivated by recent hints for sterile neutrinos from the reactor anomaly, we study active-sterile conversions in a three-flavor scenario (2 active + 1 sterile families) for three different representative times during the neutrino-cooling evolution of the proto-neutron star born in an electron-capture supernova. In our "early model" (0.5 s post bounce), the nu_e-nu_s MSW effect driven by Delta m^2=2.35 eV^2 is dominated by ordinary matter and leads to a complete nu_e-nu_s swap with little or no trace of collective flavor oscillations. In our "intermediate" (2.9 s p.b.) and "late models" (6.5 s p.b.), neutrinos themselves significantly modify the nu_e-nu_s matter effect, and, in particular in the late model, nu-nu refraction strongly reduces the matter effect, largely suppressing the overall nu_e-nu_s MSW conversion. This phenomenon has not been reported in previous studies of active-sterile supernova neutrino oscillations. We always include the feedback effect on the electron fraction Y_e due to neutrino oscillations. In all examples, Y_e is reduced and therefore the presence of sterile neutrinos can affect the conditions for heavy-element formation in the supernova ejecta, even if probably not enabling the r-process in the investigated outflows of an electron-capture supernova. The impact of neutrino-neutrino refraction is strong but complicated, leaving open the possibility that with a more complete treatment, or for other supernova models, active-sterile neutrino oscillations could generate conditions suitable for the r-process.Comment: 23 pages, including 14 figures and 2 tables (minor changes in the text). Matches published version in JCA

    Value of traditional oral narratives in building climate-change resilience: insights from rural communities in Fiji

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    In the interests of improving engagement with Pacific Island communities to enable development of effective and sustainable adaptation strategies to climate change, we looked at how traditional oral narratives in rural/peripheral Fiji communities might be used to inform such strategies. Interviews were undertaken and observations made in 27 communities; because the custodians of traditional knowledge were targeted, most interviewees were 70-79 years old. The view that oral traditions, particularly those referring to environmental history and the observations/precursors of environmental change, were endangered was widespread and regretted. Interviewees’ personal experiences of extreme events (natural disasters) were commonplace but no narratives of historical (unwitnessed by interviewees) events were found. In contrast, experiences of previous village relocations attributable (mainly) to environmental change were recorded in five communities while awareness of environmentally driven migration was more common. Questions about climate change elicited views dominated by religious/fatalist beliefs but included some more pragmatic ones; the confusion of climate change with climate variability, which is part of traditional knowledge, was widespread. The erosion of traditional environmental knowledge in the survey communities over recent decades has been severe and is likely to continue apace, which will reduce community self-sufficiency and resilience. Ways of conserving such knowledge and incorporating it into adaptation planning for Pacific Island communities in rural/peripheral locations should be explored

    Template-stripped gold surfaces with 0.4 nm rms roughness suitable for force measurements. Application to the Casimir force in the 20-100 nm range

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    Using a template-stripping method, macroscopic gold surfaces with root-mean-square (rms) roughness less than 0.4 nm have been prepared, making them useful for studies of surface interactions in the nanometer range. The utility of such substrates is demonstrated by measurements of the Casimir force at surface separations between 20 and 100 nm, resulting in good agreement with theory. The significance and quantification of this agreement is addressed, as well as some methodological aspects regarding the measurement of the Casimir force with high accuracy.Comment: 7 figure

    Improving global accessibility to offshore wind power through decreased operations and maintenance costs: a hydrodynamic analysis

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    Improved access to renewable energy in developing economies will be a major factor in future global efforts to reduce CO2 emissions, while simultaneously raising living conditions in areas presently without or with only limited access to electricity. Coastal populations stand to benefit greatly from reduced costs of offshore wind farms, which are one of the fastest growing and most economical sources of marine renewable energy. A considerable drawback of offshore wind power is the high cost of operations and maintenance (O&M), which can account for 25-50% of total energy production costs. Present-day maintenance procedures, using crew transfer vessels, rely on the significant wave height (HS) as the limiting factor by which to decide whether or not it is safe to access the offshore turbines. In practice, HS has to be applied conservatively, thus raising the costs through increased downtime. A method is proposed here with the objective of reducing overall costs through improved analysis of the motion of the crew transfer vessels (CTVs) used to transport repair technicians onto offshore wind turbine structures. CTV motion depends on the hydrodynamic forces incident on the vessel under operating conditions and the effect that the presence of the turbine has on the flow field. A change in the hydrodynamic field caused by the turbine monopile can cause a vessel abutted against the turbine support column to lose frictional contact and slip. Using the open-source computational fluid dynamics software, OpenFOAM, and in situ experimental results, the diffracted surface elevation and a wave kinematics model for the near-wake of a turbine monopile are presented. More accurate estimates of significant wave height and wave kinematics incident on a vessel close to a turbine monopile will facilitate much improved analysis of vessel motions under operational conditions