129 research outputs found

    Lubricated friction between incommensurate substrates

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    This paper is part of a study of the frictional dynamics of a confined solid lubricant film - modelled as a one-dimensional chain of interacting particles confined between two ideally incommensurate substrates, one of which is driven relative to the other through an attached spring moving at constant velocity. This model system is characterized by three inherent length scales; depending on the precise choice of incommensurability among them it displays a strikingly different tribological behavior. Contrary to two length-scale systems such as the standard Frenkel-Kontorova (FK) model, for large chain stiffness one finds that here the most favorable (lowest friction) sliding regime is achieved by chain-substrate incommensurabilities belonging to the class of non-quadratic irrational numbers (e.g., the spiral mean). The well-known golden mean (quadratic) incommensurability which slides best in the standard FK model shows instead higher kinetic-friction values. The underlying reason lies in the pinning properties of the lattice of solitons formed by the chain with the substrate having the closest periodicity, with the other slider.Comment: 14 pagine latex - elsart, including 4 figures, submitted to Tribology Internationa

    Melting transition of an Ising glass driven by magnetic field

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    The quantum critical behavior of the Ising glass in a magnetic field is investigated. We focus on the spin glass to paramagnet transition of the transverse degrees of freedom in the presence of finite longitudinal field. We use two complementary techniques, the Landau theory close to the T=0 transition and the exact diagonalization method for finite systems. This allows us to estimate the size of the critical region and characterize various crossover regimes. An unexpectedly small energy scale on the disordered side of the critical line is found, and its possible relevance to experiments on metallic glasses is briefly discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Performance of ALICE pixel prototypes in high energy beams

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    The two innermost layers of the ALICE inner tracking system are instrumented with silicon pixel detectors. Single chip assembly prototypes of the ALICE pixels have been tested in high energy particle beams at the CERN SPS. Detection efficiency and spatial precision have been studied as a function of the threshold and the track incidence angle. The experimental method, data analysis and main results are presented.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, contribution to PIX2005 Workshop, Bonn (Germany), 5-8 September 200

    Beam Test Performance and Simulation of Prototypes for the ALICE Silicon Pixel Detector

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    The silicon pixel detector (SPD) of the ALICE experiment in preparation at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN is designed to provide the precise vertex reconstruction needed for measuring heavy flavor production in heavy ion collisions at very high energies and high multiplicity. The SPD forms the innermost part of the Inner Tracking System (ITS) which also includes silicon drift and silicon strip detectors. Single assembly prototypes of the ALICE SPD have been tested at the CERN SPS using high energy proton/pion beams in 2002 and 2003. We report on the experimental determination of the spatial precision. We also report on the first combined beam test with prototypes of the other ITS silicon detector technologies at the CERN SPS in November 2004. The issue of SPD simulation is briefly discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, prepared for proceedings of 7th International Position Sensitive Detectors Conference, Liverpool, Sept. 200

    Low-energy excitations in the three-dimensional random-field Ising model

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    The random-field Ising model (RFIM), one of the basic models for quenched disorder, can be studied numerically with the help of efficient ground-state algorithms. In this study, we extend these algorithm by various methods in order to analyze low-energy excitations for the three-dimensional RFIM with Gaussian distributed disorder that appear in the form of clusters of connected spins. We analyze several properties of these clusters. Our results support the validity of the droplet-model description for the RFIM.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    A Bayesian analysis of pentaquark signals from CLAS data

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    We examine the results of two measurements by the CLAS collaboration, one of which claimed evidence for a Θ+\Theta^{+} pentaquark, whilst the other found no such evidence. The unique feature of these two experiments was that they were performed with the same experimental setup. Using a Bayesian analysis we find that the results of the two experiments are in fact compatible with each other, but that the first measurement did not contain sufficient information to determine unambiguously the existence of a Θ+\Theta^{+}. Further, we suggest a means by which the existence of a new candidate particle can be tested in a rigorous manner.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Electron Scattering From High-Momentum Neutrons in Deuterium

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    We report results from an experiment measuring the semi-inclusive reaction d(e,eps)d(e,e'p_s) where the proton psp_s is moving at a large angle relative to the momentum transfer. If we assume that the proton was a spectator to the reaction taking place on the neutron in deuterium, the initial state of that neutron can be inferred. This method, known as spectator tagging, can be used to study electron scattering from high-momentum (off-shell) neutrons in deuterium. The data were taken with a 5.765 GeV electron beam on a deuterium target in Jefferson Laboratory's Hall B, using the CLAS detector. A reduced cross section was extracted for different values of final-state missing mass WW^{*}, backward proton momentum ps\vec{p}_{s} and momentum transfer Q2Q^{2}. The data are compared to a simple PWIA spectator model. A strong enhancement in the data observed at transverse kinematics is not reproduced by the PWIA model. This enhancement can likely be associated with the contribution of final state interactions (FSI) that were not incorporated into the model. A ``bound neutron structure function'' F2neffF_{2n}^{eff} was extracted as a function of WW^{*} and the scaling variable xx^{*} at extreme backward kinematics, where effects of FSI appear to be smaller. For ps>400p_{s}>400 MeV/c, where the neutron is far off-shell, the model overestimates the value of F2neffF_{2n}^{eff} in the region of xx^{*} between 0.25 and 0.6. A modification of the bound neutron structure function is one of possible effects that can cause the observed deviation.Comment: 33 pages RevTeX, 9 figures, to be submitted to Phys. Rev. C. Fixed 1 Referenc

    Complete measurement of three-body photodisintegration of 3He for photon energies between 0.35 and 1.55 GeV

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    The three-body photodisintegration of 3He has been measured with the CLAS detector at Jefferson Lab, using tagged photons of energies between 0.35 GeV and 1.55 GeV. The large acceptance of the spectrometer allowed us for the first time to cover a wide momentum and angular range for the two outgoing protons. Three kinematic regions dominated by either two- or three-body contributions have been distinguished and analyzed. The measured cross sections have been compared with results of a theoretical model, which, in certain kinematic ranges, have been found to be in reasonable agreement with the data.Comment: 22 pages, 25 eps figures, 2 tables, submitted to PRC. Modifications: removed 2 figures, improvements on others, a few minor modifications to the tex

    A Kinematically Complete Measurement of the Proton Structure Function F2 in the Resonance Region and Evaluation of Its Moments

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    We measured the inclusive electron-proton cross section in the nucleon resonance region (W < 2.5 GeV) at momentum transfers Q**2 below 4.5 (GeV/c)**2 with the CLAS detector. The large acceptance of CLAS allowed for the first time the measurement of the cross section in a large, contiguous two-dimensional range of Q**2 and x, making it possible to perform an integration of the data at fixed Q**2 over the whole significant x-interval. From these data we extracted the structure function F2 and, by including other world data, we studied the Q**2 evolution of its moments, Mn(Q**2), in order to estimate higher twist contributions. The small statistical and systematic uncertainties of the CLAS data allow a precise extraction of the higher twists and demand significant improvements in theoretical predictions for a meaningful comparison with new experimental results.Comment: revtex4 18 pp., 12 figure

    eta-prime photoproduction on the proton for photon energies from 1.527 to 2.227 GeV

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    Differential cross sections for the reaction gamma p -> eta-prime p have been measured with the CLAS spectrometer and a tagged photon beam with energies from 1.527 to 2.227 GeV. The results reported here possess much greater accuracy than previous measurements. Analyses of these data indicate for the first time the coupling of the etaprime N channel to both the S_11(1535) and P_11(1710) resonances, known to couple strongly to the eta N channel in photoproduction on the proton, and the importance of j=3/2 resonances in the process.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure