35 research outputs found

    A trio of month-long flares in the nova-like variable V704 And

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    We present the discovery of an unusual set of flares in the nova-like variable V704 And. Using data from AAVSO, ASAS-SN, and ZTF for the nova-like variable V704 And, we discovered a trio of brightening events that occurred during the high state. These events elevate the optical brightness of the source from ∼13.5 to ∼12.5 mag. The events last for roughly a month, and exhibit the unusual shape of a slow rise and faster decay. Immediately after the third event, we obtained data from regular monitoring with Swift, although by this time the flares had ceased and the source returned to its pre-flare level of activity in the high state. The Swift observations confirm that during the high state, the source is detectable in the X-rays, and provide simultaneous UV and optical fluxes. As the source is already in the high state prior to the flares, and therefore the disc is expected to already be in the high-viscosity state, we conclude that the driver of the variations must be changes in the mass transfer rate from the companion star and we discuss mechanisms that could lead to such short-timescale mass-transfer variations

    PENELLOPE:III. the peculiar accretion variability of XX Cha and its impact on the observed spread of accretion rates

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    The processes regulating protoplanetary disk evolution are constrained by studying how mass accretion rates scale with stellar and disk properties. The spread in these relations can be used as a constraint to the models of disk evolution, but only if the impact of accretion variability is correctly accounted for. While the effect of variability might be substantial in the embedded phases of star formation, it is often considered limited at later stages. Here we report on the observed large variation in the accretion rate for one target, XX Cha, and we discuss the impact on population studies of classical T Tauri stars. The mass accretion rate determined by fitting the UV-to-near-infrared spectrum in recent X-shooter observations is compared with the one measured with the same instrument 11 years before. XX Cha displays an accretion variability of almost 2 dex between 2010 and 2021. Although the timescales on which this variability happens are uncertain, XX Cha displays an extreme accretion variability for a classical T Tauri star. If such behavior is common among classical T Tauri stars, possibly on longer timescales than previously probed, it could be relevant for discussing the disk evolution models constrained by the observed spread in accretion rates. Finally, we remark that previous studies of accretion variability based on spectral lines may have underestimated the variability of some targets

    An UXor among FUors: Extinction-related Brightness Variations of the Young Eruptive Star V582 Aur

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    V582 Aur is an FU Ori-type young eruptive star in outburst since similar to 1985. The eruption is currently in a relatively constant plateau phase, with photometric and spectroscopic variability superimposed. Here we will characterize the progenitor of the outbursting object, explore its environment, and analyze the temporal evolution of the eruption. We are particularly interested in the physical origin of the two deep photometric dips, one that occurred in 2012 and one that is ongoing since 2016. We collected archival photographic plates and carried out new optical, infrared, and millimeter-wave photometric and spectroscopic observations between 2010 and 2018, with a high sampling rate during the current minimum. Besides analyzing the color changes during fading, we compiled multiepoch spectral energy distributions and fitted them with a simple accretion disk model. Based on pre-outburst data and a millimeter continuum measurement, we suggest that the progenitor of the V582 Aur outburst is a low-mass T Tauri star with average properties. The mass of an unresolved circumstellar structure, probably a disk, is 0.04M(circle dot). The optical and near-infrared spectra demonstrate the presence of hydrogen and metallic lines, show the CO band head in absorption, and exhibit a variable Ha profile. The color variations strongly indicate that both the similar to 1 yr long brightness dip in 2012 and the current minimum since 2016 are caused by increased extinction along the line of sight. According to our accretion disk models, the reddening changed from A(V) = 4.5 to 12.5mag, while the accretion rate remained practically constant. Similarly to the models of the UXor phenomenon of intermediate- and low-mass young stars, orbiting disk structures could be responsible for the eclipses

    The Weakening Outburst of the Young Eruptive Star V582 Aur

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    V582 Aur is a pre-main sequence FU Orionis type eruptive star, which entered a brightness minimum in 2016 March due to changes in the line-of-sight extinction. Here, we present and analyze new optical BB, VV, RCR_C and ICI_C band multiepoch observations and new near-infrared JJ, HH and KSK_S band photometric measurements from 2018 January-2019 February, as well as publicly available mid-infrared WISE data. We found that the source shows a significant optical-near-infrared variability, and the current brightness minimum has not completely finished yet. If the present dimming originates from the same orbiting dust clump that caused a similar brightness variation in 2012, than our results suggest a viscous spreading of the dust particles along the orbit. Another scenario is that the current minimum is caused by a dust structure, that is entering and leaving the inner part of the system. The WISE measurements could be consistent with this scenario. Our long-term data, as well as an accretion disk modeling hint at a general fading of V582 Aur, suggesting that the source will reach the quiescent level in \sim80 years.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Neues zur Urbanistik der Zivilstädte von Aquincum-Budapest und Carnuntum-Petronell

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    Photometric and Spectroscopic Properties of Type Ia Supernova 2018oh with Early Excess Emission from the Kepler 2 Observations

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    Supernova (SN) 2018oh (ASASSN-18bt) is the first spectroscopically- confirmed type Ia supernova (SN Ia) observed in the KeplerKepler field. The KeplerKepler data revealed an excess emission in its early light curve, allowing to place interesting constraints on its progenitor system (Dimitriadis et al. 2018, Shappee et al. 2018b). Here, we present extensive optical, ultraviolet, and near-infrared photometry, as well as dense sampling of optical spectra, for this object. SN 2018oh is relatively normal in its photometric evolution, with a rise time of 18.3pm\\pm0.3 days and Delta\\Deltam15(B)=0.96pm_{15}(B)=0.96\\pm0.03 mag, but it seems to have bluer BVB - V colors. We construct the "uvoir" bolometric light curve having peak luminosity as 1.49times\\times1043^{43}erg s1^{-1}, from which we derive a nickel mass as 0.55pm\\pm0.04Modot_{\\odot} by fitting radiation diffusion models powered by centrally located 56^{56}Ni. Note that the moment when nickel-powered luminosity starts to emerge is +3.85 days after the first light in the Kepler data, suggesting other origins of the early-time emission, e.g., mixing of 56^{56}Ni to outer layers of the ejecta or interaction between the ejecta and nearby circumstellar material or a non-degenerate companion star. The spectral evolution of SN 2018oh is similar to that of a normal SN Ia, but is characterized by prominent and persistent carbon absorption features. The C II features can be detected from the early phases to about 3 weeks after the maximum light, representing the latest detection of carbon ever recorded in a SN Ia. This indicates that a considerable amount of unburned carbon exists in the ejecta of SN 2018oh and may mix into deeper layers

    K2 Observations of SN 2018oh Reveal a Two-component Rising Light Curve for a Type Ia Supernova

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    We present an exquisite 30 minute cadence Kepler (K2) light curve of the Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) 2018oh (ASASSN-18bt), starting weeks before explosion, covering the moment of explosion and the subsequent rise, and continuing past peak brightness. These data are supplemented by multi- color Panoramic Survey Telescope (Pan-STARRS1) and Rapid Response System 1 and Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory 4 m Dark Energy Camera (CTIO 4-m DECam) observations obtained within hours of explosion. The K2 light curve has an unusual two-component shape, where the flux rises with a steep linear gradient for the first few days, followed by a quadratic rise as seen for typical supernovae (SNe) Ia. This “flux excess” relative to canonical SN Ia behavior is confirmed in our i-band light curve, and furthermore, SN 2018oh is especially blue during the early epochs. The flux excess peaks 2.14 ± 0.04 days after explosion, has a FWHM of 3.12 ± 0.04 days, a blackbody temperature of T=17,{500}-9,000+11,500 K, a peak luminosity of 4.3+/- 0.2× {10}37 {erg} {{{s}}}-1, and a total integrated energy of 1.27+/- 0.01× {10}43 {erg}. We compare SN 2018oh to several models that may provide additional heating at early times, including collision with a companion and a shallow concentration of radioactive nickel. While all of these models generally reproduce the early K2 light curve shape, we slightly favor a companion interaction, at a distance of ∼2× {10}12 {cm} based on our early color measurements, although the exact distance depends on the uncertain viewing angle. Additional confirmation of a companion interaction in future modeling and observations of SN 2018oh would provide strong support for a single-degenerate progenitor system