68 research outputs found

    Pitch Angle Distributions of Solar Energetic Particles and the Local Scattering Properties of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field

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    An approximate solution of the Fokker-Planck equation containing pitch angle scattering and adiabatic focusing is discussed. For modest focusing effects the omnidirectional density obeys an ordinary diffusion equation with a modified diffusion coefficient. The anisotropic part of the distribution function is properly normalized and split into an even and an odd part. The even part is determined by the ratio between the scattering mean free path and the focusing length and by the degree of polarization of the magnetic field fluctuations. The odd part is determined by the deviation of the pitch angle scattering from isotropic scattering. The method supplies a powerful tool to obtain the local characteristics of pitch angle scattering. It is insensitive to long lasting solar injections and to moderate radial variations of the mean free path. The method is applied to solar particle events observed on Helio-1 and -2

    Injection of energetic particles following the gamma-ray flares on June 7, 1980, as observed on Helios 1

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    On June 7, 1980, two flares with impulsive gamma-ray emission were observed at 0117 Ut and 0312 UT. Measurements of the University of Kiel cosmic-ray experiment on HELIOS-1 are presented. The first approx. 0.5 MeV electrons escaped from the Sun to interplanetary space simultaneously with the hard X-ray burst. For the 0312 UT flare the protons and alpha-particle in the 3 - 20 MeV/nucleon range were injected from the Sun with a delay of approx. 40 min, followed by two subsequent new emissions

    Coronal propagation: Variations with solar longitude and latitude

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    Observational results on the East-West effect are summarized and discussed in the context of existing models of coronal propagation. The variation of the number of events with solar longitude is shown to be surprisingly similar for particles covering a large interval of rigidities. Also, over large longitudinal distances, time delays to the event onset and maximum intensity are independent of energy and velocity. This has important implications and will require probably a transport process which is determined by fundamental properties of solar magnetic fields, e.g. reconnection processes between open and closed field configurations. The relative role of open and closed field configurations is extensively discussed. Some evidence is presented that the acceleration of protons to higher (approximately 10 MeV) energies is related with a shock wave traveling in the solar atmosphere. The importance of measurements performed from spacecraft out-of-the-ecliptic plane is stressed

    A note on the parallel diffusion coefficient

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    Multispacecraft Observations of Solar Flare Particles in the Inner Heliosphere

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    For a number of impulsive solar particle events we examine variations of maximum intensities and times to maximum intensity as a function of longitude, using observations from the two Helios spacecraft and near the Earth. We find that electrons in the MeV range can be detected more than 80 deg. from the flare longitude, corresponding to a considerably wider "well connected" region than that (approx. 20 deg. half width) reported for He-3-rich impulsive solar events. This wide range and the decrease of peak intensities with increasing connection angle revive the concept of some propagation process in the low corona that has a diffusive nature. Delays to the intensity maximum are not systematically correlated with connection angles. We argue that interplanetary scattering parallel to the average interplanetary magnetic field, that varies with position in space, plays an important role in flare particle events. In a specific case variations of the time profiles with radial distance and with particle rigidity are used to quantitatively confirm spatial diffusion. For a few cases near the edges of the well connected region the very long times to maximum intensity might result from interplanetary lateral transport

    Plasma physics in the solar system

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    The lecture series will start with some fundamental principles of cosmic physics. The main topics will deal with the sun, the interplanetary plasma, planetary magnetospheres, and energetic particles in the solar system. This includes the role of the sun in forming the heliosphere; manifestations of solar activity and the solar cycle, from large scale structures of the interplanetary medium to climatic changes; formation of the planetary magnetospheres by interactions between the solar wind and planetary magnetic fields; the diversities of charged particle acceleration, in particular the role of collisionless shocks in the solar system. Some specific space projects exploring the heliosphere will be presented

    The Ulysses fast latitude scans: COSPIN/KET results

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    International audienceUlysses, launched in October 1990, began its second out-of-ecliptic orbit in December 1997, and its second fast latitude scan in September 2000. In contrast to the first fast latitude scan in 1994/1995, during the second fast latitude scan solar activity was close to maximum. The solar magnetic field reversed its polarity around July 2000. While the first latitude scan mainly gave a snapshot of the spatial distribution of galactic cosmic rays, the second one is dominated by temporal variations. Solar particle increases are observed at all heliographic latitudes, including events that produce >250 MeV protons and 50 MeV electrons. Using observations from the University of Chicago's instrument on board IMP8 at Earth, we find that most solar particle events are observed at both high and low latitudes, indicating either acceleration of these particles over a broad latitude range or an efficient latitudinal transport. The latter is supported by "quiet time" variations in the MeV electron background, if interpreted as Jovian electrons. No latitudinal gradient was found for >106 MeV galactic cosmic ray protons, during the solar maximum fast latitude scan. The electron to proton ratio remains constant and has practically the same value as in the previous solar maximum. Both results indicate that drift is of minor importance. It was expected that, with the reversal of the solar magnetic field and in the declining phase of the solar cycle, this ratio should increase. This was, however, not observed, probably because the transition to the new magnetic cycle was not completely terminated within the heliosphere, as indicated by the Ulysses magnetic field and solar wind measurements. We argue that the new A<0-solar magnetic modulation epoch will establish itself once both polar coronal holes have developed

    Data processing for a cosmic ray experiment onboard the solar probes Helios 1 and 2: Experiment 6

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    The data processing system for the Helios experiment 6, measuring energetic charged particles of solar, planetary and galactic origin in the inner solar system, is described. The aim of this experiment is to extend knowledge on origin and propagation of cosmic rays. The different programs for data reduction, analysis, presentation, and scientific evaluation are described as well as hardware and software of the data processing equipment. A chronological presentation of the data processing operation is given. Procedures and methods for data analysis which were developed can be used with minor modifications for analysis of other space research experiments