819 research outputs found


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    Leukocyte Profile of Blood of Cows at Using “Leucozav” Against Leucosis of Cattle

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    The development of specific medical forms for fighting against the tumor disease (cancer) of people and animals has the extremely important value. The preparation «ZG-2011» («Leucozav») was invented in 2000-2006 by research associates of SSI “State center of innovative biotechnologies” that forms in inoculated animals the specific anti-viral immunity that protects cattle from being infected by the leucosis causative agent. Analogues of this preparation in Ukraine are absent. The main aim of the study is the determination of “Leucozav” influence on morphologic parameters of blood (leukocyte profile) of clinically healthy cows and ones, infected by leucosis.The object of the study was blood of cattle (milk herd), considered as unfavorable as to leucosis.Blood samples were studied before administering “Leucozav” and after that. Serological and immunological research methods were used.At the experiment it was studied, that «Leucozav» administration to infected animals normalizes leukocytes number and the ratio of their separate forms in blood of cows. In blood samples, taken of healthy cows, the preparation administration doesn\u27t influence the leukocyte profile.This experiment gives grounds to recommend the newly created preparation«Leucozav» to cows with leucosis, because it normalizes the number of leukocytes and their ration in separate forms in blood of RID-positive cows that react positively at the immune diffusion reaction in the agar gel at the study of leucosis of cattle


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    The history of science in personalities  and facts, in which ideas and hypotheses are personified, suggests that a linguist can show the vision of a work of art based on the historical assessment of representatives of various schools, referring to texts describing a specific work of art. Then there is a secondary semiotization of the portrait of the monarch through the verbalization of the portrait, its description. This allows not only to trace the change in the views of scientists, but also, relying on the historiographic and linguocultural approach, reasonably judge the specific views of specialists in various fields of science and culture.Such work is aimed at chronological comprehension of the problem of semiotisation of the court code of culture and the symbolic function of the portrait of a state person. An essential element is understanding of the historical and personal context of the portrait under study as a set of signs of the material and spiritual world, which have become carriers of cultural meanings and one of the ways to store cultural memory.The article analyzes three ceremonial portraits of French kings: the portrait of Francis I of Valois (Portrait de François I, roi de France), made by the court artist Jean Clouet (1480-1541), print "Henry IV in coronation vestments" (Henri IV en costume de sacre) by the outstanding French engraver of Flemish origin Thomas de Leu (1560-1612) and a portrait of Louis XIV in coronation vestments "(Portrait de Louis XIV en costume de sacre) by the French artist Hyacinthe Rigaud (1659- 1743). The portraits of monarchs are viewed as non-verbal signs of political discourse.The author shows that all the elements of the portraits under study represent semiotic codes and cultural signs of power and construct the elitism of the monarchs depicted in the portrait, affirming their power and legitimacy of power.The present article proves that the royal gala portrait represents semiotic space, the signs of which form the image of supreme power. By interpreting the signs presented in the J. Clouet portrait of François I, in the T. de Leu engraving of Henry IV, king of France and Navarre, and in the G. Rigo’s portrait of Louis XIV in the coronation costume, the author reveals the pragmatic dimension of the semiosis of power and the court culture. The article emphasizes the idea that the state destination of the symbolic representation of the monarch is to visualize the power institution.История науки в лицах и фактах, в которой персонифицируются идеи, гипотезы, предполагает, что лингвист может показать видение художественного произведения на основе исторической оценки представителей различных школ, обращаясь к текстам, описывающим конкретное произведение искусства. Тогда налицо вторичная семиотизация портрета монарха через вербализацию портрета, его описание. Это позволяет не только проследить смену взглядов ученых, но и, опираясь на историографический и лингвокультурологический подход, обоснованно судить о конкретных взглядах специалистов в различных сферах науки и культуры. Такая работа направлена на хронологическое осмысление проблемы семиотизации придворного (телесного, костюмного) кода культуры и символьную функцию портрета государственного лица. Необходимым элементом является понимание исторического и личностного контекста исследуемого портрета как совокупности знаков материального и духовного мира, ставших носителями культурных смыслов и одним из способов хранения культурной памяти.В статье анализируются три парадных портрета французских королей: портрет Франциска I Валуа (Portrait de Francois I, roi de France), выполненный придворным художником Жаном Клуэ (Jean Clouet,1480–1541), эстамп «Генрих IV в коронационном облачении» (Henri IV en costume de sacre) выдающегося французского гравера фламандского происхождения Тома де Лё (Thomas de Leu, 1560-1612) и портрет Людовика XIV в коронационном облачении» (Portrait de Louis XIV en costume de sacre) руки французского художника Гиацинта Риго (Hyacinthe Rigaud,1659-1743). Портретные изображения монархов рассматриваются как невербальные знаки политического дискурса.Автор показывает, что все элементы исследуемых портретов представляют собой семиотические коды и культуроносные знаки власти и конструируют элитарность изображенных на портрете монархов, утверждая их могущество и легитимность власти

    Development of professional competence of students of technical universities in Russia when training in a student design bureau

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    The article substantiates the possibility of developing the professional competence of students of technical universities when studying in a student design bureau. An analysis is conducted of theoretical works and practical activities in the aspect of the problem being developed. The approaches of scientists to the definition and content of the concept of professional competence are considered. On the basis of the analysis of the professional standard 06.005 - Radio-electronics engineer, a number of professional competencies have been identified, the formation of which is carried out during training in the student design bureau. It is argued that the process of readiness for the implementation of training should include objective, motivational, informative, operational, evaluative and effective components. The results of the experiment to estimate the effectiveness of the formation of professional competence are given, indicating that training in the student design bureau contributes to the formation of students' professional competence. The generalised experience in the article aims to develop an approach to improve and further develop an effective methodology for the formation of general professional education in engineering

    Structure and molecular dynamics in metal-containing polyamide 6 microparticles

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    The data presented in this study are available on request from the corresponding author.Polymer microparticles are used in additive manufacturing, separation and purification devices, biocatalysis, or for the recognition of biomolecules. This study reports on the effect of metal fillers on the structure and molecular dynamics of polyamide 6 (PA6) microparticles (MPs) containing up to 19 wt.% of Al, Cu, or Mg. These hybrid MPs are synthesized via reactive microencapsulation by anionic ring-opening polymerization in solution, in the presence of the metal filler. 13C high-resolution solid-state NMR (ssNMR) spectroscopy is employed as the primary characterization method using magic angle spinning (MAS) and cross-polarization (CP)/MAS. Depending on the metal filler, the ssNMR crystallinity index of the MP varies between 39–50%, as determined by deconvolution of the 13C MAS and CP/MAS spectra. These values correlate very well with the crystallinity derived from thermal or X-ray diffraction data. The molecular dynamics study on PA6 and Cu-containing MP shows similar mobility of carbon nuclei in the kHz, but not in the MHz frequency ranges. The paramagnetic Al and Mg have an observable effect on the relaxation; however, conclusions regarding the PA6 carbon motions cannot be unequivocally made. These results are useful in the preparation of hybrid microparticles with customized structures and magneto-electrical properties.This research was funded by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), project UID/CTM/50025/2019. N. Dencheva is also grateful for the personal program contract CTTI-51/18-IPC. FMO wishes to thank the AdvaMTech—Ph.D. Program in Advanced Materials and Processing for the Ph.D. grant PD/BD/114372/2016 (FCT)

    Linear magnetoresistance in compensated graphene bilayer

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    We report a nonsaturating linear magnetoresistance in charge-compensated bilayer graphene in a temperature range from 1.5 to 150 K. The observed linear magnetoresistance disappears away from charge neutrality ruling out the traditional explanation of the effect in terms of the classical random resistor network model. We show that experimental results qualitatively agree with a phenomenological two-fluid model taking into account electron-hole recombination and finite-size sample geometry

    One-pot low temperature synthesis and characterization of hybrid poly(2-pyrrolidone) microparticles suitable for protein immobilization

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    Neat and hybrid poly(2-pyrrolidone), i.e. polyamide 4 (PA4) microparticles containing magnetic or conductive metal, metal oxide, or carbon nanotube fillers were prepared via environmentally-friendly solventless activated ring-opening polymerization of 2-pyrrolidone at 40 C. The method produces high porosity microparticles with diameters of 5e12mm and conversion to PA4 of 56e65%. Their structure and properties were characterized by light- and electron microscopy, thermal, spectral and X-ray diffraction techniques. Two crystalline polymorphs, namelya andb PА4, were found to coexist at room temperature by X-ray diffraction. The assessment of the adsorption capacity of the PA4 hybrid microparticles toward model protein showed up to 60% efficiency only after 1 h of incubation without any preliminary activation or functionalization.The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the project TSSiPRO NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000015, supported by the regional operation program NORTE2020, under the Portugal 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund, as well as funding from FCT – Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology within the strategic projects UID/CTM/50025/2013 and LA25/2013–2014. ZZD is thankful to FCT for the SFRH/BSAB/130271/2017 personal research grant