148 research outputs found

    Contribution to the floristic knowledge of the head of the Po Valley (Piedmont, north Italy)

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    In 2014, the annual field trip of the working group for Floristics, Systematics, and Evolution of the Italian Botanical Society was held in Piemonte (northern Italy), at the head of the Po Valley. This valley, at whose extremity is located the Monviso (3,841 m a.s.l.), belongs to the Cottian Alps about which very little is known from a floristic point of view. An inventory of the taxa of vascular plants collected during the field trip is reported here. The research led to the identification of 3,546 exsiccata, kept in nine public and nine private collections. A total of 669 taxa belonging to 79 plant families were recorded. Six taxa resulted endemic to Italy and three exclusive to Piemonte, while only nine alien species were detected; six taxa are new and five confirmed for the regional flora

    Overview of the FTU results

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    Since the 2018 IAEA FEC Conference, FTU operations have been devoted to several experiments covering a large range of topics, from the investigation of the behaviour of a liquid tin limiter to the runaway electrons mitigation and control and to the stabilization of tearing modes by electron cyclotron heating and by pellet injection. Other experiments have involved the spectroscopy of heavy metal ions, the electron density peaking in helium doped plasmas, the electron cyclotron assisted start-up and the electron temperature measurements in high temperature plasmas. The effectiveness of the laser induced breakdown spectroscopy system has been demonstrated and the new capabilities of the runaway electron imaging spectrometry system for in-flight runaways studies have been explored. Finally, a high resolution saddle coil array for MHD analysis and UV and SXR diamond detectors have been successfully tested on different plasma scenarios

    Overview of the FTU results

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    Since the 2016 IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, FTU operations have been mainly devoted to experiments on runaway electrons and investigations into a tin liquid limiter; other experiments have involved studies of elongated plasmas and dust. The tearing mode onset in the high density regime has been studied by means of the linear resistive code MARS, and the highly collisional regimes have been investigated. New diagnostics, such as a runaway electron imaging spectroscopy system for in-flight runaway studies and a triple Cherenkov probe for the measurement of escaping electrons, have been successfully installed and tested, and new capabilities of the collective Thomson scattering and the laser induced breakdown spectroscopy diagnostics have been explored

    Jet time of flight neutral particle analyzer

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    Neutral particle analyzers in large tokamaks are affected by the high neutron fluxes due to the sensitivity to neutrons of the particle detectors. The time of flight technique can be applied to a neutral particle analyzer providing at the same time the mass analysis and the random noise rejection mechanism. A time of flight neutral particle analyzer has been developed for the installation on JET providing 15 energy channels up to a maximum energy of 250 keV. The energy selection is performed by an electrostatic deflector and each energy channel consists of a time of flight detection system composed by two channeltrons, the first of which is triggered by the secondary electrons emitted by the incoming ion in a carbon foil. The analyzer has been calibrated with neutral beams of hydrogen, deuterium, and helium in the energy range (0.5, 200 keV

    From flint to silicon, modern technologies applied to the understanding of history. The Italian Archaeological Mission in Iraqi Kurdistan

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    Dal 2011 La MAIKI opera nei governatorati di Erbil e Sulaimaniya, e focalizza le sue attivita\u300 sulla Cittadella di Erbil e sul sito di Paikuli. Gli studi storico-archeologici sui siti sono stati affiancati da importanti attivita\u300 di documentazione e gestione dei dati caratterizzate dall\u92'utilizzo di alcune tra le piu\u300 moderne risorse a disposizione
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