294 research outputs found

    Research on the possibility of extending the shelf life of cheese raw material and heat-treated cheese by their freezing for further use in HoReCa

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    The article presents the results of a study of the regularities of changes in the functional properties and quality indicators of heat-treated cheeses made from frozen cheese raw material or frozen after thermomechanical processing for further use in HoReCa. The objects of the study were: Caliatta cheese — a semi-hard ripening cheese intended as the main raw material in the production of heat-treated cheese, as well as heat-treated «pizzacheese», subjected to freezing at temperatures of minus 14 ±2 °Cand minus 55 ±2 °Cand low-temperature storage at a temperature of minus 14 ±2 °Cfor 270 days, followed by defrosting at a temperature of 20 ±2 °C. To confirm the possibility of using the freezing technique in order to increase the shelf life of both the original cheese raw material and heat-treated cheese, their microbiological and physicochemical indicators were determined by standardized methods. Studies of structural and mechanical (rheological) properties were carried out on a Weissenberg rheogoniometer, recording changes in the elastic modulus (G’) and dynamic viscosity (h’). The length of the cheese thread, as one of the main functional properties of the «pizza-cheese», was assessed with a fork test after baking. Organoleptic characteristics were assessed by flavor, texture and appearance. Research results have shown that low-temperature storage of frozen cheese can be considered as a way to retard biological and physicochemical changes, which is a safe way to increase shelf life. Freezing cheese raw material increases the length of the cheese thread in proportion to the temperature and duration of the low-temperature storage. When obtaining heat-treated cheese from both unfrozen and frozen cheese raw material, a significant deterioration in the desired functional properties is observed. Thus, the receipt of heat-treated cheese from the original cheese raw material for further use in the production of pizza is justified only by economic feasibility. Freezing «pizza-cheese» at a temperature of minus 55 ±2 °C, made from unfrozen cheese raw material, ensures the preservation of functional properties and increases the shelf life up to 150 days

    Investigation of the steric structure of certain compounds of the bicyclo-[4,2,0]octan-7-one series

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    1. The steric structure of adducts of dichloroketene and cyclohexene, dichloroketene and methyl-cyclohexene, dimethylketene and dihydropyran was investigated by the methods of dipole moments and molar Kerr constants. 2. For all the adducts, the preferential conformation of the bicyclo[4,2,0]octan-7-one system is the anti-boat conformation. 3. The adduct of dimethylketene and dihydropyran has the structure of 8,8-dimethyl-2-oxobicyclo-[4,2,0] octan-7-one. The formation of such a structure is apparently determined by the electron donor influence of the oxygen atom in dihydropyran on the process of cycloaddition. © 1974 Consultants Bureau

    Synthesis and structure of new N-alkoxy-N-(1-pyridinium)urea chlorides

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    New N-[1-(4-amino)pyridinium]-N-methoxyurea chloride, N-[1-(2-amino)pyridinium]-N-methoxyurea chloride and their analogs were synthesized by N-alkoxy-N-chloroureas reaction with the proper pyridines in acetonitrile or ether solution by improved procedure. XRD study of N-[1-(4-amino)pyridinium]-N-methoxyurea and N-[1-(2 amino)pyridinium]-N-methoxyurea revealed the elongation of N-N+ bonds and some shortening of MeO-N bonds, qunonoid deformation of pyridine rings compare to it unsubstituted analog. The substantial pyramidality of central nitrogen atom in O-N-N+ moiety and N-C carbamoyl bonds difference were established too. The structure summary of N-alkoxy-N-(1-pyridinium)ureas salts and other derivatives of 1-(N-alkoxyamino)pyridinium salts has been done

    Non-Oberbeck-Boussinesq effects in turbulent thermal convection in ethane close to the critical point

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    As shown in earlier work (Ahlers et al., J. Fluid Mech. 569, p.409 (2006)), non-Oberbeck Boussinesq (NOB) corrections to the center temperature in turbulent Rayleigh-Benard convection in water and also in glycerol are governed by the temperature dependences of the kinematic viscosity and the thermal diffusion coefficient. If the working fluid is ethane close to the critical point the origin of non-Oberbeck-Boussinesq corrections is very different, as will be shown in the present paper. Namely, the main origin of NOB corrections then lies in the strong temperature dependence of the isobaric thermal expansion coefficient \beta(T). More precisely, it is the nonlinear T-dependence of the density \rho(T) in the buoyancy force which causes another type of NOB effect. We demonstrate that through a combination of experimental, numerical, and theoretical work, the latter in the framework of the extended Prandtl-Blasius boundary layer theory developed in Ahlers et al., J. Fluid Mech. 569, p.409 (2006). The latter comes to its limits, if the temperature dependence of the thermal expension coefficient \beta(T) is significant.Comment: 18 pages, 15 figures, 3 table

    Реакції дикетону Куксона з галогенідами калію в середовищі поліфосфорної кислоти

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    Aim. To study the rearrangement of Cookson’s diketone by the action of potassium halides under conditions of polyphosphoric acid catalysis.Results and discussion. Chemical behaviour of Cookson’s diketone (CS-trishomocubane-8,11-dione) in the reactions with potassium halides (KCl, KBr, KI) in the polyphosphoric acid (PPA) medium have been studied. When treated with the KI/PPA mixture Cookson’s diketone undergoes reduction leading to tetracyclo[,11.05,9]undecane-2,7-dione. The use of KBr instead of KI leads to formal addition of HBr to the cyclobutane ring of CS-trishomocubane-8,11-dione and gives 3-bromotetracyclo[,11.05,9]undecane-2,7-dione. The general scheme of the cycle opening mechanism has been proposed. In the case of using the KCl/PPA mixture the reaction does not occur.Experimental part. The structure and composition of compounds were proved by the methods of 1H and 13C NMR-spectroscopy, and also X-ray diffraction analysis. Elemental analysis was performed for the compounds obtained.Conclusions. It has been shown that hydrohalic acids generated in situ under the reaction conditions do not induce the rearrangement of Cookson’s diketone to the D3-trishomocubane system. The cyclobutane ring opening and reduction take place instead. Received: 12.12.2019Revised: 10.01.2020Accepted: 27.02.2020Цель. Исследовать перегруппировку дикетонов Куксона под действием галогенидов калия в условиях катализа полифосфорной кислотой.Результаты и их обсуждение. Изучено химическое поведение дикетона Куксона (CS-трисгомокубан-8,11-диона) в реакции с галогенидами калия (KCl, KBr, KI) в среде полифосфорной кислоты (PPA). При обработке йодидом калия в среде полифосфорной кислоты дикетон Куксона вступает в реакцию восстановления, которая приводит к образованию тетрацикло[,11.05,9]ундекан-2,7-диона. Использование KBr вместо KI приводит к формальному присоединению HBr по циклобутановому кольцу CS-трисгомокубан-8,11-диона, в результате чего образуется 3-бромтетрацикло [,11.05,9]ундекан-2,7-дион. Предложена общая схема механизма раскрытия цикла. В случае использования системы KCl/PPA реакция не происходит.Экспериментальная часть. Структура и состав соединений были подтверждены методами 1Н и 13С ЯМР-спектроскопии, а также рентгеноструктурным анализом. Проведен элементный анализ полученных соединений.Выводы. Показано, что галогеноводородные кислоты, образующиеся in situ при смешивании галогенидов калия и полифосфорной кислоты, вместо перегруппировки дикетона Куксона в производные D3-трисгомокубана приводzт к восстановлению каркаса с раскрытием циклобутанового фрагмента. Received: 12.12.2019Revised: 10.01.2020Accepted: 27.02.2020Мета. Дослідити перегрупування дикетону Куксона під дією галогенідів калію в умовах каталізу поліфосфорною кислотою.Результати та їх обговорення. Вивчено хімічну поведінку дикетону Куксона (CS-трисгомокубан-8,11-діону) в реакції з галогенідами калію (KCl, KBr, KI) в середовищі поліфосфорної кислоти (PPA). При обробці йодидом калію в середовищі поліфосфорної кислоти дикетон Куксона вступає в реакцію відновлення, яка приводить до утворення тетрацикло[,11.05,9]ундекан-2,7-діону. Використання KBr замість KI приводить до формального приєднання HBr до циклобутанового кільця CS-трисгомокубан-8,11-діону, в результаті чого утворюється 3-бромтетрацикло[,11.05,9]ундекан-2,7-діон. Запропоновано загальну схему механізму розкриття циклу. У випадку використання системи KCl/PPA реакція не відбувається.Експериментальна частина. Структуру та склад сполук було доведено методами 1Н та 13С ЯМР-спектроскопії, а також рентгеноструктурним аналізом. Проведено елементний аналіз одержаних сполук.Висновки. Показано, що галогеноводневі кислоти, що утворюються in situ при змішуванні галогенідів калію та поліфосфорної кислоти, замість перегрупування дикетону Куксона в похідні D3-трисгомокубану спричиняють відновлення каркасу з розкриттям циклобутанового фрагмента. Received: 12.12.2019Revised: 10.01.2020Accepted: 27.02.202

    Comparison of Uncontrolled and Device-Induced Therapeutic Hypothermia in Newborn Infants with Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy

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    Background. Newborn infants who have undergone severe birth asphyxia have a high risk of neurological disorders and death. The most effective method for the treatment of hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy caused by intrapartum asphyxia is therapeutic hypothermia, or targeted temperature management. Currently, there are no large studies comparing its different methods, therefore the aim of our study was to compare the effectiveness of device-induced and uncontrolled therapeutic hypothermia in newborn infants who underwent intrapartum asphyxia.Materials and methods. Study design: we conducted a retrospective, longitudinal, cohort study in 39 newborn infants born in severe asphyxia and receiving uncontrolled therapeutic hypothermia (group 1), and in 48 newborn infants born in severe asphyxia and receiving device-induced therapeutic hypothermia (group 2). Statistical data processing was carried out using standard techniques.Results. The body temperature in newborn infants of both groups was reduced to 33.5 °C within the first hour, but when using uncontrolled therapeutic hypothermia, the body temperature fluctuated from 32 to 35 °C. Device-induced therapeutic hypothermia has a more effective neuroprotective effect as compared to uncontrolled hypothermia (p< 0.05) and more rapidly stabilizes metabolism in newborns due to a decrease in lactate levels (p < 0.05). In newborns device-induced therapeutic hypothermia stabilizes hemodynamics more quickly compared to uncontrolled therapeutic hypothermia (p < 0.05). Device-induced therapeutic hypothermia reduces the period of hospitalization in the neonatal intensive care unit (p < 0.05), the risk of cerebral edema (p < 0.05) and of the repeated episodes of seizures (p < 0.05). Conclusion. Using uncontrolled therapeutic hypothermia causes a high risk of unintentional fluctuations in rectal temperature towards both hypothermia and rewarming, which can aggravate the severe condition of newborn infants. Device-induced therapeutic hypothermia has a more effective neuroprotective effect

    Biocompatibility of Bare Nanoparticles Based on Silicon and Gold for Nervous Cells

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    This work aimed to investigate the biocompatibility of bare (ligand-free) lasersynthesized nanoparticles (NPs) based on silicon (Si) and gold (Au) with primary hippocampal cultures. 1%, 5% and 7% of culture medium were replaced by 0.1 mg/mL NP solution on day 14 of culture development in vitro. Our studies revealed that the NPs caused a dose-dependent cytotoxic effect, which was manifested by an increase the number of dead cells and a decrease of the spontaneous functional calcium activity of neural networks. Au NPs revealed less pronounced cytotoxic effect than Si ones and it can be explained by larger size and better solubility of Si NPs. Keywords: bare nanoparticles, primary hippocampal cultures, neurotoxicit

    Radiative corrections to the cross section of e+pν+ne^-+p\to \nu+n and the crossed processes

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    Born cross section and the radiative corrections to its lowest order are considered in the frame work of QED with structureless nucleons including the emission of virtual and real photons. Result is generalized to take into account radiative corrections in higher orders of perturbation theory in the leading and next-to leading logarithmic approximation. Crossing processes are considered in the leading approximation.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figur