363 research outputs found

    Theory of Quantum Pulse Position Modulation and Related Numerical Problems

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    The paper deals with quantum pulse position modulation (PPM), both in the absence (pure states) and in the presence (mixed states) of thermal noise, using the Glauber representation of coherent laser radiation. The objective is to find optimal (or suboptimal) measurement operators and to evaluate the corresponding error probability. For PPM, the correct formulation of quantum states is given by the tensorial product of m identical Hilbert spaces, where m is the PPM order. The presence of mixed states, due to thermal noise, generates an optimization problem involving matrices of huge dimensions, which already for 4-PPM, are of the order of ten thousand. To overcome this computational complexity, the currently available methods of quantum detection, which are based on explicit results, convex linear programming and square root measurement, are compared to find the computationally less expensive one. In this paper a fundamental role is played by the geometrically uniform symmetry of the quantum PPM format. The evaluation of error probability confirms the vast superiority of the quantum detection over its classical counterpart.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in IEEE Trans. on Communication

    Mixed population of competing TASEPs with a shared reservoir of particles

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    We introduce a mean-field theoretical framework to describe multiple totally asymmetric simple exclusion processes (TASEPs) with different lattice lengths, entry and exit rates, competing for a finite reservoir of particles. We present relations for the partitioning of particles between the reservoir and the lattices: these relations allow us to show that competition for particles can have non-trivial effects on the phase behavior of individual lattices. For a system with non-identical lattices, we find that when a subset of lattices undergoes a phase transition from low to high density, the entire set of lattice currents becomes independent of total particle number. We generalize our approach to systems with a continuous distribution of lattice parameters, for which we demonstrate that measurements of the current carried by a single lattice type can be used to extract the entire distribution of lattice parameters. Our approach applies to populations of TASEPs with any distribution of lattice parameters, and could easily be extended beyond the mean-field case.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Dynamic correlation functions and Boltzmann Langevin approach for driven one dimensional lattice gas

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    We study the dynamics of the totally asymmetric exclusion process with open boundaries by phenomenological theories complemented by extensive Monte-Carlo simulations. Upon combining domain wall theory with a kinetic approach known as Boltzmann-Langevin theory we are able to give a complete qualitative picture of the dynamics in the low and high density regime and at the corresponding phase boundary. At the coexistence line between high and low density phases we observe a time scale separation between local density fluctuations and collective domain wall motion, which are well accounted for by the Boltzmann-Langevin and domain wall theory, respectively. We present Monte-Carlo data for the correlation functions and power spectra in the full parameter range of the model.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    Bottleneck-induced transitions in a minimal model for intracellular transport

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    We consider the influence of disorder on the non-equilibrium steady state of a minimal model for intracellular transport. In this model particles move unidirectionally according to the \emph{totally asymmetric exclusion process} (TASEP) and are coupled to a bulk reservoir by \emph{Langmuir kinetics}. Our discussion focuses on localized point defects acting as a bottleneck for the particle transport. Combining analytic methods and numerical simulations, we identify a rich phase behavior as a function of the defect strength. Our analytical approach relies on an effective mean-field theory obtained by splitting the lattice into two subsystems, which are effectively connected exploiting the local current conservation. Introducing the key concept of a carrying capacity, the maximal current which can flow through the bulk of the system (including the defect), we discriminate between the cases where the defect is irrelevant and those where it acts as a bottleneck and induces various novel phases (called {\it bottleneck phases}). Contrary to the simple TASEP in the presence of inhomogeneities, many scenarios emerge and translate into rich underlying phase-diagrams, the topological properties of which are discussed.Comment: 14 pages, 15 figures, 1 tabl

    Simulations of axionlike particles in the postinflationary scenario

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    Axions and axionlike particles (ALPs) are some of the most popular candidates for dark matter, with several viable production scenarios that make different predictions. In the scenario in which the axion is born after inflation, its field develops significant inhomogeneity and evolves in a highly nonlinear fashion. Understanding the eventual abundance and distribution of axionic dark matter in this scenario therefore requires dedicated numerical simulations. So far the community has focused its efforts on simulations of the QCD axion, a model that predicts a specific temperature dependence for the axion mass. Here, we go beyond the QCD axion, and perform a suite of simulations on lattice sizes of 30723, over a range of possible temperature dependencies labeled by a power-law index n0, 6]. We study the complex dynamics of the axion field, including the scaling of cosmic strings and domain walls, the spectrum of nonrelativistic axions, the lifetime and internal structure of axitons, and the seeds of miniclusters. In particular, we quantify how much the string-wall network contributes to the dark matter abundance as a function of how quickly the axion mass grows. We find that a temperature-independent model produces 25% more dark matter than the standard misalignment calculation. In contrast to this generic ALP, QCD axion models are almost six times less efficient at producing dark matter. Given the flourishing experimental campaign to search for ALPs, these results have potentially wide implications for direct and indirect searches. © 2022 authors. Published by the American Physical Society

    Axion minivoids and implications for direct detection

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    In the scenario in which QCD axion dark matter is produced after inflation, the Universe is populated by large inhomogeneities on very small scales. Eventually, these fluctuations will collapse gravitationally to form dense axion miniclusters that trap up to ∼75% of the dark matter within asteroid-mass clumps. Axion miniclusters are physically tiny however, so haloscope experiments searching for axions directly on Earth are much more likely to be probing “minivoids”—the space in between miniclusters. This scenario seems like it ought to spell doom for haloscopes, but while these minivoids might be underdense, they are not totally devoid of axions. Using Schrödinger-Poisson and N-body simulations to evolve from realistic initial field configurations, we quantify the extent to which the local ambient dark matter density is suppressed in the postinflationary scenario. We find that a typical experimental measurement will sample an axion density that is only around 10% of the expected galactic dark matter density. Our results are taken as conservative estimates and have implications for experimental campaigns lasting longer than a few years, as well as broadband haloscopes that have sensitivity to transient signatures. We show that for a Oð(year)-long integration times, the measured dark matter density should be expected to vary by 20%–30%

    Monoarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis as a distinct clinical entity A proof-of-concept study

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    Background: Currently, monoarticular Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (monoJIA) is included in the ILAR classification as oligoarticular subtype although various aspects, from clinical practice, suggest it as a separate entity. Objectives: To describe the clinical characteristics of persistent monoJIA. Methods: Patients with oligoJIA and with at least two years follow-up entered the study. Those with monoarticular onset and persistent monoarticular course were compared with those with oligoJIA. Variables considered were: sex, age at onset, presence of benign joint hypermobility (BJH), ANA, uveitis, therapy and outcome. Patients who had not undergone clinical follow-up for more than 12 months were contacted by structured telephone interview. Results: Of 347 patients with oligoJIA, 196 with monoarticular onset entered the study and 118 (60.2%), identified as persistent monoJIA, were compared with 229 oligoJIA. The mean follow-up was 11.4 years. The switch from monoarticular onset to oligoarticular course of 78 patients (38.8%) occurred by the first three years from onset. In comparison with oligoJIA, the most significant features of monoJIA were later age at onset (6.1 vs. 4.7 years), lower female prevalence (70.3 vs. 83.4%), higher frequency of BJH (61.9 vs. 46.3%), lower frequency of uveitis (14.4 vs. 34.1%) and ANA+ (68.6 vs. 89.5%) and better long-term outcome. Conclusions: MonoJIA, defined as persistent arthritis of unknown origin of a single joint for at least three years, seems to be a separate clinical entity from oligoJIA. This evidence may be taken into consideration for its possible inclusion into the new classification criteria for JIA and open new therapeutic perspectives

    Second-harmonic generation in silicon waveguides strained by silicon nitride

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    Silicon photonics meets the electronics requirement of increased speed and bandwidth with on-chip optical networks. All-optical data management requires nonlinear silicon photonics. In silicon only third-order optical nonlinearities are present owing to its crystalline inversion symmetry. Introducing a second-order nonlinearity into silicon photonics by proper material engineering would be highly desirable. It would enable devices for wideband wavelength conversion operating at relatively low optical powers. Here we show that a sizeable second-order nonlinearity at optical wavelengths is induced in a silicon waveguide by using a stressing silicon nitride overlayer. We carried out second-harmonic-generation experiments and first-principle calculations, which both yield large values of strain-induced bulk second-order nonlinear susceptibility, up to 40pm/V at 2.300 nm. We envisage that nonlinear strained silicon could provide a competing platform for a new class of integrated light sources spanning the near- to mid-infrared spectrum from 1.2 to 10 micron

    Measuring dispositional optimism in patients with chronic heart failure and their healthcare providers : the validity of the Life Orientation Test-Revised

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    The Life Orientation Test-Revised (LOT-R) measures dispositional optimism (DO) - an individual difference promoting physical and psychological well-being in healthy adults (HAs) as well as in patients with chronic heart failure (CHF) and healthcare providers (HPs). Controversy has arisen regarding the dimensionality of the LOT-R. Whereas DO was originally defined as a one-dimensional construct, empirical evidence suggests two correlated factors in the LOT-R. This study was the first attempt to identify the best factor structure of the LOT-R in patients with CHF and HPs and to evaluate its measurement invariance among subsamples of patients with CHF, HPs, and a normative sample of HAs. Its validity was also evaluated in patients with CHF. The sample comprised 543 participants (34% HAs; 34% HPs; and 32% CHF patients). Congeneric, two correlated factor, and two orthogonal factor models for the LOT-R were compared by performing confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Measurement invariance was evaluated by considering differential item functioning (DIF) among subsamples of HPs, patients with CHF, and HAs. In patients with CHF, validity was assessed by considering associations with anxiety and depression. The CFA demonstrated the superior fit of the two orthogonal factor model. Moreover, across patients with CHF, HPs, and HAs, the results highlighted a minimal DIF with only trivial consequences. Finally, negative but weak correlations of DO with anxiety and depression confirmed the validity of the LOT-R in patients with CHF. In summary, these findings supported the validity and suitability of the LOT-R for the assessment of DO in patients with CHF, HPs, and HAs