316 research outputs found

    Associations between the LEP -2548G/A Promoter and Baseline Weight and between LEPR Gln223Arg and Lys656Asn Variants and Change in BMI z Scores in Arab Children and Adolescents Treated with Risperidone

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    Data on baseline (antipsychotic-naïve) age, weight, and height and change in these over three subsequent follow up time points up to 313.6 days (CI 303.5-323.7), were collected from 181 risperidone-treated children and adolescents (mean age 12.58 years, SD 4.99, range 2.17-17.7) attending a pediatric neurology clinic in Saudi Arabia. Owing to differences in genotypic distributions in subsamples, results are reported from the white Arabs (N=144). Age and gender-normed BMI-standardised z scores (BMI z) were calculated (lmsgrowth program). Linear regression was performed for baseline weight and BMI z, while change in BMI z was assessed using random effects ordered logistic regression. The following SNPs were analyzed: rs7799039 in the LEP promoter, rs1805094 (previously rs8179183), rs1137100 and rs1137101 in the LEPR, and rs1414334 in HTR2C. We found a nominally significant association between rs7799309 and baseline weight, adjusting for height, age, gender and diagnosis (A/G, P=0.035, β=-3.62, compared to G/G). rs1137101 (G/G, P=0.018, OR=4.13 compared to A/A) and rs1805094 C-allele carriers (P=0.019, OR=0.51) showed nominally significant associations with change in BMI z categories. Our data support and replicate previous relevant associations for these variants including with weight gain on risperidone, whilst being the first to report such associations in those of Arab ethnicity

    Inferring Human Colonization History Using a Copying Model

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    Genome-wide scans of genetic variation can potentially provide detailed information on how modern humans colonized the world but require new methods of analysis. We introduce a statistical approach that uses Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) data to identify sharing of chromosomal segments between populations and uses the pattern of sharing to reconstruct a detailed colonization scenario. We apply our model to the SNP data for the 53 populations of the Human Genome Diversity Project described in Conrad et al. (Nature Genetics 38,1251-60, 2006). Our results are consistent with the consensus view of a single “Out-of-Africa” bottleneck and serial dilution of diversity during global colonization, including a prominent East Asian bottleneck. They also suggest novel details including: (1) the most northerly East Asian population in the sample (Yakut) has received a significant genetic contribution from the ancestors of the most northerly European one (Orcadian). (2) Native South Americans have received ancestry from a source closely related to modern North-East Asians (Mongolians and Oroquen) that is distinct from the sources for native North Americans, implying multiple waves of migration into the Americas. A detailed depiction of the peopling of the world is available in animated form

    Genetics and identification of markers linked to multiflorous spikelet in hexaploid oat

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    The formation of naked grains is directly associated with the formation of multiflorous spikelets in oats. The objectives of this study were to determine the genetics of multiflorous spikelet and to identify molecular markers linked to this character in hexaploid oat. Genetic analysis for multiflorous spikelet was performed in the F5 and F6 generations of two oat populations. DNA extracted from F5:6 plants were assayed with 6,000 genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers using a genotyping platform developed for oat. Genetic analysis indicated the presence of a major gene controlling multiflorous spikelet in the UFRGS 01B7114-1-3 x UFRGS 006013-1 population. The SNP marker GMI_ES17_c5923_221 showed strong association with the multiflorous spikelet phenotype. These results suggest that the marker GMI_ES17_c5923_221 should be linked to a gene controlling multiflorous spikelet in the oat lines evaluated in this study

    Efficient quantitative assessment of facial paralysis using iris segmentation and active contour-based key points detection with hybrid classifier

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    BACKGROUND: Facial palsy or paralysis (FP) is a symptom that loses voluntary muscles movement in one side of the human face, which could be very devastating in the part of the patients. Traditional methods are solely dependent to clinician’s judgment and therefore time consuming and subjective in nature. Hence, a quantitative assessment system becomes apparently invaluable for physicians to begin the rehabilitation process; and to produce a reliable and robust method is challenging and still underway. METHODS: We introduce a novel approach for a quantitative assessment of facial paralysis that tackles classification problem for FP type and degree of severity. Specifically, a novel method of quantitative assessment is presented: an algorithm that extracts the human iris and detects facial landmarks; and a hybrid approach combining the rule-based and machine learning algorithm to analyze and prognosticate facial paralysis using the captured images. A method combining the optimized Daugman’s algorithm and Localized Active Contour (LAC) model is proposed to efficiently extract the iris and facial landmark or key points. To improve the performance of LAC, appropriate parameters of initial evolving curve for facial features’ segmentation are automatically selected. The symmetry score is measured by the ratio between features extracted from the two sides of the face. Hybrid classifiers (i.e. rule-based with regularized logistic regression) were employed for discriminating healthy and unhealthy subjects, FP type classification, and for facial paralysis grading based on House-Brackmann (H-B) scale. RESULTS: Quantitative analysis was performed to evaluate the performance of the proposed approach. Experiments show that the proposed method demonstrates its efficiency. CONCLUSIONS: Facial movement feature extraction on facial images based on iris segmentation and LAC-based key point detection along with a hybrid classifier provides a more efficient way of addressing classification problem on facial palsy type and degree of severity. Combining iris segmentation and key point-based method has several merits that are essential for our real application. Aside from the facial key points, iris segmentation provides significant contribution as it describes the changes of the iris exposure while performing some facial expressions. It reveals the significant difference between the healthy side and the severe palsy side when raising eyebrows with both eyes directed upward, and can model the typical changes in the iris region

    Aging Skin: Nourishing from Out-In. Lessons from Wound Healing

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    Skin lesion therapy, peculiarly in the elderly, cannot be isolated from understanding that the skin is an important organ consisting of different tissues. Furthermore, dermis health is fundamental for epidermis integrity, and so adequate nourishment is mandatory in maintaining skin integrity. The dermis nourishes the epidermis, and a healthy epidermis protects the dermis from the environment, so nourishing the dermis through the epidermal barrier is a technical problem yet to be resolved. This is also a consequence of the laws and regulations restricting cosmetics, which cannot have properties that pass the epidermal layer. There is higher investment in cosmetics than in the pharmaceutical industry dealing with skin therapies, because the costs of drug registration are enormous and the field is unprofitable. Still, wound healing may be seen as an opportunity to “feed” the dermis directly. It could also verify whether providing substrates could promote efficient healing and test optimal skin integrity maintenance, if not skin rejuvenation, in an ever aging population

    Synthesis and in silico study of 2-furyl(4-{4-[(substituted)sulfonyl]benzyl}-1-piperazinyl)methanone derivatives as suitable therapeutic agents

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    Abstract In the study presented here, a new series of 2-furyl(4-{4-[(substituted)sulfonyl]benzyl}-1-piperazinyl)methanone derivatives was targeted. The synthesis was initiated by the treatment of different secondary amines (1a-h) with 4-bromomethylbenzenesulfonyl chloride (2) to obtain various 1-{[4-(bromomethyl)phenyl]sulfonyl}amines (3a-h). 2-Furyl(1-piperazinyl)methanone (2-furoyl-1-piperazine; 4) was then dissolved in acetonitrile, with the addition of K2CO3, and the mixture was refluxed for activation. This activated molecule was further treated with equi-molar amounts of 3a-h to form targeted 2-furyl(4-{4-[(substituted)sulfonyl]benzyl}-1-piperazinyl)methanone derivatives (5a-h) in the same reaction set up. The structure confirmation of all the synthesized compounds was carried out by EI-MS, IR and 1H-NMR spectral analysis. The compounds showed good enzyme inhibitory activity. Compound 5h showed excellent inhibitory effect against acetyl- and butyrylcholinesterase with respective IC50 values of 2.91±0.001 and 4.35±0.004 μM, compared to eserine, a reference standard with IC50 values of 0.04±0.0001 and 0.85±0.001 μM, respectively, against these enzymes. All synthesized molecules were active against almost all Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacterial strains tested. The cytotoxicity of the molecules was also checked to determine their utility as possible therapeutic agents

    Hepatoprotektivno djelovanje ekstrakta biljke Calotropis gigantea na oštećenje jetre štakora tetraklormetanom

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    Ethanolic extract (50 %) of stems of Calotropis gigantea R. Br. (Asclepiadaceae) at doses of 250 and 500 mg kg1 were studied for hepatoprotective activity in male Wistar rats with liver damage induced using carbon tetrachloride, 2 mL kg-1 twice a week. The protective effect of C. gigantea extract was compared with the standard drug silymarin. Various biochemical parameters such as aspartate amino transferase (AST), alanine amino transferase (ALT), glutathione (GSH), lipid peroxide (LPO), superoxidedismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and catalase (CAT) were evaluated. The results revealed that the C. gigantea extract significantly decreased AST, ALT (p < 0.001) and lipid peroxide (p < 0.01) levels. The antioxidant parameters GSH, GPx, SOD and catalase levels were increased considerably compared to the levels in groups treated with carbon tetrachloride onlyEtanolni ekstrakt (50 %) stabljika biljke Calotropis gigantea R. Br. (Asclepiadaceae) u dozi 250 i 500 mg kg1 testiran je na hepatoprotektivno djelovanje oštećenje jetre mužjaka Wistar štakora inducirano tetraklormetanom, 2 mL kg1 dva puta tjedno. Zaštitni učinak ekstrakta biljke C. gigantea uspoređivan je sa standarnim lijekom silimarinom. Evaluirani su različiti biokemijski parametri kao što su aspartat amino transferaza (AST), alanin amino transferaza (ALT), glutation (GSH), lipidni peroksidi (LPO), superoksiddismutaza (SOD), glutation peroksidaze (GPx) i katalaza (CAT). Rezultati ukazuju da ekstrakt biljke C. gigantea značajno smanjuje koncentracije AST, ALT (p < 0.001) i lipidnih peroksida (p < 0.01). Koncentracije antioksidativnih parametara GSH, GPx, SOD i katalaze bile su značajno povišene u usporedbi sa skupinom tretiranom samo tetraklormetanom

    Preconception Care in International Settings

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    Objectives: This literature review briefly describes international programs, policies, and activities related to preconception care and resulting pregnancy outcomes. Methods: Electronic databases were searched and findings supplemented with secondary references cited in the original articles as well as textbook chapters, declarations, reports, and recommendations. Results: Forty-two articles, book chapters, declarations, and other published materials were reviewed. Policies, programs, and recommendations related to preconceptional health promotion exist worldwide and comprise a readily identifiable component of historic and modern initiatives pertaining to women's health, reproductive freedom, and child survival. Conclusions: The integration of preconception care services within a larger maternal and child health continuum of care is well aligned with a prevention-based approach to enhancing global health