913 research outputs found

    Modelos Alom?tricos Para La Estimaci?n De La Biomasa A?rea Total En El P?ramo De Anaime, Departamento Del Tolima, Colombia.

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    79 P?ginasRecurso Electr?nicoLos modelos alom?tricos son herramientas ?tiles para estimar biomasa y carbono, sin embargo, son escasos para la zona de p?ramos. El objetivo del estudio fue desarrollar modelos alom?tricos para estimar la biomasa a?rea total de tres especies de bosques de p?ramo en Cajamarca, Tolima, Colombia. Se seleccionaron 30 individuos (Baccharis sp, Miconia sp y Weinmannia auriculata). El di?metro a la altura del pecho, altura total y de reiteraci?n promedio fue de 26,2 cm (5 ? 67 cm), 12 m (4,22 ? 25,5 m) y de 7,3 m (2,14 ? 22 m), respectivamente. La biomasa a?rea total promedio fue de 311,56 kg/?rbol (variando de 8,3 ? 1211,6 kg/?rbol), la especie que report? la mayor cantidad de biomasa a?rea total fue Weinmannia auriculata. Los modelos de mejor ajuste se seleccionaron con base en el coeficiente de determinaci?n (R2), el R2 ajustado, error cuadr?tico medio de predicci?n, los criterios de Akaike, Bayesiano y la l?gica biol?gica del modelo. El di?metro a la altura de pecho estuvo altamente correlacionado con la biomasa a?rea total (r = 0,93; P<0,05). El modelo de mejor ajuste para la estimaci?n de la biomasa a?rea total fue Ln(BT) = -1.85+2.11*Ln(dap); (BT en kg/?rbol y dap en cm), con un R2 y R2-ajust = 0.94. Tanto los modelos como los par?metros fueron altamente significativos (P<0.05). La especie que present? la mayor gravedad espec?fica fue Weinmannia auriculata seguida de Miconia sp y Baccharis sp con 0.57; 0,56; 0,54 g/cm3, respectivamente. Se encontr? un FEB promedio para las tres especies de 1.3.ABSTRACT The allometric models are useful for estimating biomass and carbon tools, however, are limited to the area of moorland. The aim of the study was to develop allometric to estimate the total biomass of three species of forest wilderness in Cajamarca, Tolima, Colombia models. 30 individuals were selected (Baccharis sp, Miconia sp y Weinmannia auriculata). The diameter at breast height, total height and average repetition was 26,2 cm (5 ? 67 cm), 12 m (4,22 ? 25,5 m) y de 7,3 m (2,14 ? 22 m), respectively. The average total biomass was 311,56 kg/ tree (varying de 8,3 ? 1211,6 kg/ tree), the species reported the highest amount of total aboveground biomass was Weinmannia auriculata. Best fit models are selected based on the determination coefficient (R2), the R2 adjusted, mean squared error of prediction, criteria Akaike, Bayesiano logical and biological model. The diameter at breast height was highly correlated with total biomass (r = 0,93; P<0,05). The best fit model for estimating total aboveground biomass was Ln(BT) = -1.85+2.11*Ln(dap); (BT in kg/ tree y dap in cm), an R2 y R2-ajust = 0.94. Both the models and parameters were highly significant (P<0.05). The species that showed the highest specific gravity was Weinmannia auriculata seguida of Miconia sp and Baccharis sp with 0.57; 0,56; 0,54 g/cm3, respectively. FEB average one to three species of 1.3 was found.ADVERTENCIA La Facultad de Ingenier?a Forestal de la Universidad del Tolima, la directora y codirector del trabajo y el jurado calificador, no son responsables de los conceptos ni de las ideas expuestas por los autores del presente trabajo. Art?culo 16, Acuerdo 032 de 1976 y Art?culo 29, acuerdo 064 de 1991, Consejo Acad?mico de la Universidad del Tolima.INTRODUCCI?N 13 1. JUSTIFICACI?N 15 2. PLANTEAMIENTO DEL PROBLEMA 17 3. OBJETIVOS 19 3.1 OBJETIVO GENERAL 19 3.2 OBJETIVOS ESPEC?FICOS 19 4. MARCO TE?RICO Y ANTECEDENTES 20 4.1 EFECTO INVERNADERO 20 4.2 CAMBIO CLIM?TICO 21 4.3 ACTIVIDADES POTENCIALES DE MITIGACI?N AL CAMBIO CLIMATICO 22 4.4 ECOSISTEMAS DE P?RAMO 23 4.5 LA VEGETACI?N DE P?RAMO 24 4.5.1 Miconia sp. 25 4.5.2 Weinmannia auriculata. 25 4.5.3 Baccharis sp. 26 4.6 CLIMA DE P?RAMO 27 4.7 BIOMASA 28 4.8 CUANTIFICACI?N DE BIOMASA EN BOSQUE NATURAL 29 4.8.1 M?todo Tradicional. 30 4.8.2 M?todo Destructivo. 30 4.8.3 Estimaci?n de la Biomasa a trav?s de Sensores Remotos. 31 4.9 GRAVEDAD ESPEC?FICA 31 4.9.1 Medici?n Directa o Estereom?trica. 34 p?g. 7 4.9.2 Desplazamiento de Fluidos. 34 4.9.3 Poros?metro de Mercurio. 35 4.10 FACTOR DE EXPANSI?N DE BIOMASA (FEB) 36 4.11 MODELOS ALOM?TRICOS 37 4.12 SELECCI?N DEL MODELO ALOM?TRICO DE MEJOR AJUSTE 39 5. HIP?TESIS 42 6. DISE?O METODOL?GICO 43 6.1 ?REA DE ESTUDIO 43 6.2 SELECCI?N DE LAS ESPECIES 44 6.3 SELECCI?N DE INDIVIDUOS 45 6.4 GRAVEDAD ESPEC?FICA 45 6.4.1 Procesamiento de las Muestras Recolectadas. 46 6.4.2 Determinaci?n del Peso Seco al Horno (PSH). 46 6.4.3. C?lculo del Volumen en Verde. 47 6.5 C?LCULO DE LA GRAVEDAD ESPEC?FICA. 47 6.6 DESARROLLO DE MODELOS ALOM?TRICOS 48 6.6.1 Medici?n de Volumen y Biomasa. 49 6.6.2 Construcci?n de Modelos Alom?tricos para Estimar la Biomasa A?rea Total 51 6.7 DETERMINACI?N DEL FACTOR DE EXPANCI?N DE BIOMASA (FEB) 52 7. RESULTADOS Y DISCUSI?N 53 7.1 C?LCULO DE ?REA BASAL 53 7.2 GRAVEDAD ESPEC?FICA 54 7.3 BIOMASA EN ?RBOLES ESTUDIADOS 57 7.4 MODELOS ALOM?TRICOS PARA LA ESTIMACI?N DE BIOMASA A?REA TOTAL 58 p?g. 8 8. CONCLUSIONES 63 RECOMENDACIONES 64 REFERENCIAS 65 ANEXOS 7

    Modelos alom?tricos para la estimaci?n de la biomasa a?rea total en el p?ramo de Anaime, departamento del Tolima, Colombia

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    79 p. Recurso Electr?nicoLos modelos alom?tricos son herramientas ?tiles para estimar biomasa y carbono, sin embargo, son escasos para la zona de p?ramos. El objetivo del estudio fue desarrollar modelos alom?tricos para estimar la biomasa a?rea total de tres especies de bosques de p?ramo en Cajamarca, Tolima, Colombia. Se seleccionaron 30 individuos (Baccharis sp, Miconia sp y Weinmannia auriculata). El di?metro a la altura del pecho, altura total y de reiteraci?n promedio fue de 26,2 cm (5 ? 67 cm), 12 m (4,22 ? 25,5 m) y de 7,3 m (2,14 ? 22 m), respectivamente. La biomasa a?rea total promedio fue de 311,56 kg/?rbol (variando de 8,3 ? 1211,6 kg/?rbol), la especie que report? la mayor cantidad de biomasa a?rea total fue Weinmannia auriculata. Los modelos de mejor ajuste se seleccionaron con base en el coeficiente de determinaci?n (R2), el R2 ajustado, error cuadr?tico medio de predicci?n, los criterios de Akaike, Bayesiano y la l?gica biol?gica del modelo. El di?metro a la altura de pecho estuvo altamente correlacionado con la biomasa a?rea total (r = 0,93; P<0,05). El modelo de mejor ajuste para la estimaci?n de la biomasa a?rea total fue Ln(BT) = -1.85+2.11*Ln(dap); (BT en kg/?rbol y dap en cm), con un R2 y R2-ajust = 0.94. Tanto los modelos como los par?metros fueron altamente significativos (P<0.05). La especie que present? la mayor gravedad espec?fica fue Weinmannia auriculata seguida de Miconia sp y Baccharis sp con 0.57; 0,56; 0,54 g/cm3, respectivamente. Se encontr? un FEB promedio para las tres especies de 1.3. Palabras claves: Gravedad espec?fica, factor de expansi?n de biomasa, regresi?n lineal, di?metro a la altura de pecho, usos de la madera.The allometric models are useful for estimating biomass and carbon tools, however, are limited to the area of moorland. The aim of the study was to develop allometric to estimate the total biomass of three species of forest wilderness in Cajamarca, Tolima, Colombia models. 30 individuals were selected (Baccharis sp, Miconia sp y Weinmannia auriculata). The diameter at breast height, total height and average repetition was 26,2 cm (5 ? 67 cm), 12 m (4,22 ? 25,5 m) y de 7,3 m (2,14 ? 22 m), respectively. The average total biomass was 311,56 kg/ tree (varying de 8,3 ? 1211,6 kg/ tree), the species reported the highest amount of total aboveground biomass was Weinmannia auriculata. Best fit models are selected based on the determination coefficient (R2), the R2 adjusted, mean squared error of prediction, criteria Akaike, Bayesiano logical and biological model. The diameter at breast height was highly correlated with total biomass (r = 0,93; P<0,05). The best fit model for estimating total aboveground biomass was Ln(BT) = -1.85+2.11*Ln(dap); (BT in kg/ tree y dap in cm), an R2 y R2-ajust = 0.94. Both the models and parameters were highly significant (P<0.05). The species that showed the highest specific gravity was Weinmannia auriculata seguida of Miconia sp and Baccharis sp with 0.57; 0,56; 0,54 g/cm3, respectively. FEB average one to three species of 1.3 was found. Keywords: Specific gravity, biomass expansion factor, linear regression, diameter at breast height, uses of wood

    Association of anti-citrullinated vimentin and anti-citrullinated ?-enolase antibodies with subsets of rheumatoid arthritis.

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    [EN] Objective. To determine whether the anti? citrullinated vimentin peptide 60?75 (anti?Cit-vimentin) and the immunodominant anti?citrullinated -enolase peptide 1 (anti?CEP-1) antibodies are associated with subsets of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) independently of the associations between anti?cyclic citrullinated peptide (anti-CCP) antibodies and clinical features of RA. Methods. The 3 antibody types were quantified by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in serum samples from 521 patients with RA and 173 healthy controls of Spanish ancestry. Genotypes for HLA?DRB1 alleles and rs2476601 in PTPN22 were available for these patients and controls plus an addi- tional 106 healthy controls. A combined analysis of the 3 antibodies was conducted using stratified contingency tables and logistic regression models. Results. A differential, particularly strong, and independent association was observed between the pres- ence of anti?Cit-vimentin antibodies and the presence of shared epitope (SE) alleles, specifically in patients carrying 2 SE alleles, and between the presence of anti? Cit-vimentin antibodies and the prevalence of joint erosion. Associations were observed between anti? CEP-1 positivity and the presence of HLA?DRB1 and PTPN22 risk alleles and their additive interaction. These associations were not accounted for by the anti- CCP status. Conclusion. Our results indicate that the 2 anti- bodies against citrullinated peptides analyzed in this study add specific information beyond that obtained with the anti-CCP status. They define subgroups of patients with RA in which genetic factors have different weight and there is an observed difference in the prev- alence of erosions.Fondo de Investigaci?n Sanitaria del Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII)European Regional Development Fund of the European UnionXunta de GaliciaFundaci?n Espa?ola de Reumatolog?

    Numerical simulation of dark lanes in post-flare supra-arcade

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    We integrate the MHD ideal equations to simulate dark void sunwardly moving structures in post--flare supra--arcades. We study the onset and evolution of the internal plasma instability to compare with observations and to gain insight into physical processes and characteristic parameters of these phenomena. The numerical approach uses a finite-volume Harten-Yee TVD scheme to integrate the 1D1/2 MHD equations specially designed to capture supersonic flow discontinuities. The integration is performed in both directions, the sunward radial one and the transverse to the magnetic field. For the first time, we numerically reproduce observational dark voids described in Verwichte et al. (2005). We show that the dark tracks are plasma vacuums generated by the bouncing and interfering of shocks and expansion waves, upstream an initial slow magnetoacoustic shock produced by a localized deposition of energy modeled with a pressure perturbation. The same pressure perturbation produces a transverse to the field or perpendicular magnetic shock giving rise to nonlinear waves that compose the kink--like plasma void structures, with the same functional sunward decreasing phase speed and constancy with height of the period, as those determined by the observations.Comment: Accepted MNRAS, 6 pages, 7 figure

    Molecular identification of isolates of the Trichophyton mentagrophytes complex

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    Background: The Trichophyton mentagrophytes complex is the second most common causal agent of dermatophytosis. It comprises five species-T. mentagrophytes, T. interdigitale, T. erinacei, T quinckeanum, and T. benhamie, as well as nine different genotypes of T. mentagrophytes / T. interdigitale-which are morphologically similar; however, their susceptibility to antifungal agents may differ. For targeted therapy and better prognosis, it is important to identify these species at a molecular level. However, since many hospitals lack molecular methods, the actual aetiology of dermatophytosis caused by this complex remains unknown. Objective: To characterize 55 anthropophilic isolates of the T. mentagrophytes complex recovered from a dermatological centre in Yucatan, Mexico. Material and methods: Fifty-five isolates of the T. mentagrophytes complex were obtained from patients with tinea capitis, tinea pedis, tinea corporis, tinea barbae, and tinea unguium. They were characterized by their colonial and microscopic morphology on Sabouraud dextrose agar (SDA) and through the sequencing of a fragment from the region ITS1-5.8S-ITS2. Results: All colonies grown on SDA were white. Forty-six isolates formed colonies with a powdery texture, while nine isolates formed colonies with a velvety texture. The micromorphological features were typical of the T. mentagrophytes complex. The molecular analysis revealed that 55 isolates were microorganisms that belonged to the T. mentagrophytes complex, that 46 formed powdery colonies representing T. mentagrophytes, and that the other nine isolates that formed velvety colonies represented T. interdigitale. The latter nine isolates were obtained from patients with tinea pedis, tinea corporis, and tinea unguium. Conclusions: The colony morphology on SDA led to the identification of 46 isolates as T. mentagrophytes and nine isolates as T. interdigitale. At a molecular level, the species identified by their morphology were identified only as T. mentagrophytes complex

    Impact of Tumor LINE-1 Methylation Level and Neoadjuvant Treatment and Its Association with Colorectal Cancer Survival

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    Recent studies suggest that long-interspersed nucleotide element-1 (LINE-1) hypomethylation is commonly found in colorectal cancer (CRC), and is associated with worse prognosis. However, the utility of LINE-1 methylation on the prognosis of CRC is still controversial, and may be due to the fact that some clinical and pathological features may affect LINE-1 methylation. Thus, the aim of this study was to assess the prognostic value of tumor LINE-1 methylation in CRC, through their association with the CRC clinical and pathological characteristics. Survival of sixty-seven CRC patients was evaluated according to the median of tumor LINE-1 methylation, as well as pathological and oncological variables. We also studied the association between LINE-1 methylation and pathological features, and finally, we assessed the overall and disease-free survival of LINE1 methylation, stratified by neoadjuvant treatment and further checked by multivariate Cox regression to assess the statistical interactions. LINE-1 was hypomethylated in the CRC tumor with respect to the tumor adjacent-free area (p < 0.05), without association with any other clinical and oncological features, nor with overall and disease-free survival rates for CRC. Relevantly, in neoadjuvant treatment, LINE-1 methylation was associated with survival rates. Thus, disease-free and overall survival rates of treated CRC patients were worse in the hypomethylated LINE-1 tumors than those with normal LINE-1 methylation (p = 0.004 and 0.0049, respectively). Indeed, LINE-1 was hypermethylated more in the treated patients than in the non-treated patients (p < 0.05). The present study showed that tumor LINE-1 hypomethylation was associated with worse survival rates in only treated patients. Our data suggest an interactive effect of neoadjuvant treatment and tumor LINE-1 methylation, which could be a specific-tissue biomarker to predict survival of the treated patients, and help to personalize treatment in CRC

    Pathogenesis and Clinical Relevance of Candida Biofilms in Vulvovaginal Candidiasis

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    The ability of Candida spp. to form biofilms is crucial for its pathogenicity, and thus, it should be considered an important virulence factor in vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC) and recurrent VVC (RVVC). Its ability to generate biofilms is multifactorial and is generally believed to depend on the site of infection, species and strain involved, and the microenvironment in which the infection develops. Therefore, both cell surface proteins, such as Hwp1, Als1, and Als2, and the cell wall-related protein, Sun41, play a critical role in the adhesion and virulence of the biofilm. Immunological and pharmacological approaches have identified the NLRP3 inflammasome as a crucial molecular factor contributing to host immunopathology. In this context, we have earlier shown that Candida albicans associated with hyphae-secreted aspartyl proteinases (specifically SAP4-6) contribute to the immunopathology of the disease. Transcriptome profiling has revealed that non-coding transcripts regulate protein synthesis post-transcriptionally, which is important for the growth of Candida spp. Other studies have employed RNA sequencing to identify differences in the 1,245 Candida genes involved in surface and invasive cellular metabolism regulation. In vitro systems allow the simultaneous processing of a large number of samples, making them an ideal screening technique for estimating various physicochemical parameters, testing the activity of antimicrobial agents, and analyzing genes involved in biofilm formation and regulation (in situ) in specific strains. Murine VVC models are used to study C. albicans infection, especially in trials of novel treatments and to understand the cause(s) for resistance to conventional therapeutics. This review on the clinical relevance of Candida biofilms in VVC focuses on important advances in its genomics, transcriptomics, and proteomics. Moreover, recent experiments on the influence of biofilm formation on VVC or RVVC pathogenesis in laboratory animals have been discussed. A clear elucidation of one of the pathogenesis mechanisms employed by Candida biofilms in vulvovaginal candidiasis and its applications in clinical practice represents the most significant contribution of this manuscript

    MitoGenesisDB: an expression data mining tool to explore spatio-temporal dynamics of mitochondrial biogenesis

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    Mitochondria constitute complex and flexible cellular entities, which play crucial roles in normal and pathological cell conditions. The database MitoGenesisDB focuses on the dynamic of mitochondrial protein formation through global mRNA analyses. Three main parameters confer a global view of mitochondrial biogenesis: (i) time-course of mRNA production in highly synchronized yeast cell cultures, (ii) microarray analyses of mRNA localization that define translation sites and (iii) mRNA transcription rate and stability which characterize genes that are more dependent on post-transcriptional regulation processes. MitoGenesisDB integrates and establishes cross-comparisons between these data. Several model organisms can be analyzed via orthologous relationships between interspecies genes. More generally this database supports the ‘post-transcriptional operon’ model, which postulates that eukaryotes co-regulate related mRNAs based on their functional organization in ribonucleoprotein complexes. MitoGenesisDB allows identifying such groups of post-trancriptionally regulated genes and is thus a useful tool to analyze the complex relationships between transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation processes. The case of respiratory chain assembly factors illustrates this point. The MitoGenesisDB interface is available at http://www.dsimb.inserm.fr/dsimb_tools/mitgene/

    An?lisis documental sobre los trabajos de grado de los estudiantes de Licenciatura en Educaci?n B?sica con ?nfasis en Lengua Castellana, de la Universidad del Tolima en los CREAD a distancia enfatizados en el leguaje

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    65 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEn el presente art?culo se muestra el estado del arte de las investigaciones sobre ?Lenguaje? basadas en los trabajos de grado de los estudiantes de Lengua Castellana con ?nfasis en B?sica Primaria de la Universidad del Tolima. Desde un marco metodol?gico de corte cualitativo-cuantitativo atendiendo a los objetivos propuestos con un estudio de tipo sistematizaci?n y an?lisis, llevando a cabo un rastreo de dicho an?lisis de los trabajos de grado, que comprende los grados entre 3? a 11?. En la educaci?n. Durante el per?odo de tiempo 2009-2015, de trabajos de grado de los CREAD a distancia. Como resultado del an?lisis indican que la l?nea del lenguaje contiene lectura, escritura, lecto-escritura, oralidad, pensamiento cr?tico. Para lo cual la mayor?a de los trabajos de grado los estudiantes seg?n recolecci?n de datos, emplearon la observaci?n, y fueron orientadas desde el enfoque constructivismo (Vygotsky). Adem?s, en los trabajos de grado priman la competencia comunicativa. Se encontraron datos en los cuales los trabajos de grado no poseen dimensi?n alguna.The present article shows the state of the art of the research on "Language" based on the degree works of the students of Spanish Language with emphasis in Primary Basic of the University of Tolima. From a methodological framework of qualitative-quantitative cut taking into account the objectives proposed with a study of type systematization and analysis, carrying out a tracing of said analysis of the works of degree, that includes the grades between 3? to 11?. In education. During the 2009-2015 time period, of distance CREAD degree works. As a result of the analysis indicate that the language line contains reading, writing, reading-writing, orality, critical thinking. For which most of the grade-level students the students based on data collection, used observation, and were oriented from the constructivism approach (Vygotsky). In addition, in the works of degree prevail the communicative competence. Data were found in which grade work does not have any dimension. Keywords: Analysis, Qualitative, quantitative, data, language, systematization