17 research outputs found

    A RAB35-p85/PI3K axis controls oscillatory apical protrusions required for efficient chemotactic migration

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    How cells move chemotactically remains a major unmet challenge in cell biology. Emerging evidences indicate that for interpreting noisy, shallow gradients of soluble cues a system must behave as an excitable process. Here, through an RNAi-based, high-content screening approach, we identify RAB35 as necessary for the formation of growth factors (GFs)-induced waves of Circular Dorsal Ruffles (CDRs), apically restricted actin-rich migratory protrusions. RAB35 is sufficient to induce recurrent and polarized CDRs that travel as propagating waves, thus behaving as an excitable system that can be biased to control cell steering. Consistently, RAB35 is essential for promoting directed chemotactic migration and chemoinvasion of various cells in response to gradients of motogenic GFs. Molecularly, RAB35 does so by directly regulating the activity of p85/PI3K polarity axis. We propose that RAB35 is a molecular determinant for the control of an excitable, oscillatory system that acts as steering wheel for GF-mediated chemotaxis and chemoinvasion

    Collective cell motility promotes chemotactic prowess and resistance to chemorepulsion

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    Collective cell migration is a widespread biological phenomenon, whereby groups of highly coordinated, adherent cells move in a polarized fashion [1, 2]. This migration mode is a hallmark of tissue morphogenesis during development and repair and of solid tumor dissemination [1]. In addition to circulating as solitary cells, lymphoid malignancies can assemble into tissues as multicellular aggregates [3]. Whether malignant lymphocytes are capable of coordinating their motility in the context of chemokine gradients is, however, unknown. Here, we show that, upon exposure to CCL19 or CXCL12 gradients, malignant B and T lymphocytes assemble into clusters that migrate directionally and display a wider chemotactic sensitivity than individual cells. Physical modeling recapitulates cluster motility statistics and shows that intracluster cell cohesion results in noise reduction and enhanced directionality. Quantitative image analysis reveals that cluster migration runs are periodically interrupted by transitory rotation and random phases that favor leader cell turnover. Additionally, internalization of CCR7 in leader cells is accompanied by protrusion retraction, loss of polarity, and the ensuing replacement by new leader cells. These mechanisms ensure sustained forward migration and resistance to chemorepulsion, a behavior of individual cells exposed to steep CCL19 gradients that depends on CCR7 endocytosis. Thus, coordinated cluster dynamics confer distinct chemotactic properties, highlighting unexpected features of lymphoid cell migration