1,939 research outputs found

    Business incubators as allied in reducing the transaction costs in Mexican entrepreneurs

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    Purpose- Strategic alliances are given by voluntary agreement between the parties, and have various forms, means and objectives which exist. In this text, the incubators as potential allies for entrepre-neurs in the creation process of the company and as a cause of reduction of transaction costs in the process, where the relationship between the two sides have discussed them generates benefits of vari-ous natures. While it is not set as the union of both, if it looks like the relationship and close contact, as a network, which allows the incubator to survive and achieve its objective and entrepreneurial reduce the risk of birth as a company, in addition to build networks with other companies, organiza-tions or institutions and ease of financing, and even the possibility of investors. Design/methodology/approach- The method used for this paper is based on the analyses of official documents of the institutions referred, some studies on entrepreneurship and startups, and finally available data on new firms and institutions as RedJal and INEGI. In addition, incubators and studies on such cases were also reviewed to learn about the experience, services and working methods of these. This focused on observing what happens in Mexico about. Findings- Business incubators in Mexico use to be strategic partners for entrepreneurs that enable the latter to reduce their transaction costs to startup a new company. Business incubators are also important to reduce the risk of death of the company and reduce uncertainty in the process. Also, the services provided, experience and expertise by incubators are important for a growing business arises with the required formality and according to the law, of course protecting its intellectual property and creating an image that pays to create its own reputation. Conceptual Paper Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Vargas-Hernández, J. G., and Garcia Magaña, R.S. (2014). “Business incubators as allied in reducing the transaction costs in Mexican entrepre-neurs”, Journal of Entrepreneurship, Business and Economics, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 1–9

    Theoretical analysis of quantum random walks with stress-engineered optics

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    Quantum random walks (QRWs) are random processes in which the resulting probability density of the "walker" state, whose movement is governed by a "coin" state, is described in a non-classical manner. Previously, Q-plates have been used to demonstrate QRWs with polarization and orbital angular momentum playing the role of coin and walker states, respectively. In this theoretical analysis, we show how stress-engineered optics can be used to develop new platforms for complex QRWs through relative simple optical elements. Our work opens up new paths to speed up classical-to-quantum transitions in robust photonic networks

    Los significados construidos por los alumnos en torno a un escenario específico de actividad: la puesta en común

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    El presente estudio pretende dar a conocer los significados de los alumnos de preparatoria en el espacio de la clase de Español y Literatura en un escenario de actividad específico: la puesta en común. La construcción de significado surge de las interacciones en las que somos partícipes, así, el otro se vuelve colaborador en la construcción y nos presta algo de su mundo; de esta forma, se establecen relaciones en las que entran en contacto experiencias, vivencias, sentimientos, saberes y un cúmulo de voces presentes y pasadas que conforman nuestro pensamiento. En este documento se presenta una visión del mundo de significaciones de los alumnos. Se da un acercamiento a la cultura escolar de los jóvenes estudiantes y las motivaciones de este ejercicio de indagación. Se aborda también el “deber ser” de la puesta en común desde la propuesta educativa del personalismo y las premisas que, desde el paradigma sociocultural, se proponen en relación con la génesis de significados. El análisis de los datos está visto bajo la lupa del paradigma cualitativo de investigación y el método etnográfico. Al final del trabajo, se presenta una propuesta de trabajo para la puesta en común, que pretende ser un espacio formativo en el que se permita a todos avanzar en su camino de ser persona


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    Historically, research on disability and family dynamics drew from Psychology and Medicine. Consequently, eugenics models, grief theory, and other largely decontextualized frameworks of stress and coping were used to explain families of children with disabilities. This is a report of an initial test of a set of ideas the Singer research team has combined in order to explore the cognitive and problem-solving approaches of families of children with disabilities. Our purpose is to propose a contextualized theory for explaining how cultural diversity has an impact on positive adaptation to a child’s disability. This theory addresses the following: 1) attachment; 2) internal and external cultural resistance to stigmas about disability; and 3) perceived informal (family/friends) and formal (professionals) sources of support for positive views about disability and parenting. Sampling Latino families demonstrated how cultural contexts demonstrate a different flavour from majority culture interpretations of these cognitive terms of our proposed theory. Transcripts of the interviews were coded using grounded theory analysis, specifically, the constant comparative method. We discuss the goodness of fit for themes emerging from the coding process with the proposed theory terms. Results confirm attachment, social supports, and cultural resistance as terms for future development of this proposed theory. Keywords: Disability and parenting, positive adaptation, Latinos and disability, culture and disabilityÀ travers l’histoire, la recherche sur les handicapés et les relations intrafamiliales utilisait comme sources la psychologie et la médicine. Par conséquent, les modèles de l’eugénisme, les théories sur le deuil, et d’autres cadres analytiques sur le stress et les stratégies d’adaptation, plutôt décontextualisés, étaient utilisés afin d’expliquer aux autres comment fonctionnaient les familles avec un enfant handicapé. Ceci est un reportage sur un test initial d’un ensemble d’idées qu’a combiné l’équipe de recherche Singer afin d’aborder les approches cognitives et méthodes actives des familles des enfants handicapés. Nous proposons une théorie contextualisée afin d’expliquer comment la diversité culturelle aurait un effet sur l’adaptation positive de la famille face à l’handicap de leur enfant. Cette théorie aborde les idées suivantes : 1) l’attachement; 2) les résistances culturelles internes et externes aux stigmates sur l’handicap; et 3) les sources d’information sur l’handicap et le parentage liées à l’adaptation positive perçues comme informelles (famille/amis) et formelles (les professionnels). En utilisant un échantillon de familles Latinos, nous démontrons comment les contextes culturels démontrent des interprétations différentes des termes cognitifs de notre théorie, et non l’interprétation de la culture majoritaire. Les transcriptions des interviews étaient codées selon la théorie ancrée, plus spécifiquement la méthode de la comparaison constante. Nous discutons la concordance des thèmes venus via le processus d’encodage avec les termes clés de la nouvelle théorie proposée. Les résultats de cette recherche confirment que l’attachement, le soutien social, et la résistance culturelle seront des termes clés dans le développement de cette théorie proposée. Mots clés : Handicap et parentage, Adaptation positive, Latinos et handicap, culture et handica

    Bose-Einstein condensate dark matter phase transition from finite temperature symmetry breaking of Klein-Gordon fields

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    In this paper the thermal evolution of scalar field dark matter particles at finite cosmological temperatures is studied. Starting with a real scalar field in a thermal bath and using the one loop quantum corrections potential, we rewrite Klein-Gordon's (KG) equation in its hydrodynamical representation and study the phase transition of this scalar field due to a Z_2 symmetry breaking of its potential. A very general version of a nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation is obtained. When introducing Madelung's representation, the continuity and momentum equations for a non-ideal SFDM fluid are formulated, and the cosmological scenario with the SFDM described in analogy to an imperfect fluid is then considered where dissipative contributions are obtained in a natural way.Additional terms appear compared to those obtained in the classical version commonly used to describe the \LambdaCDM model, i.e., the ideal fluid. The equations and parameters that characterize the physical properties of the system such as its energy, momentum and viscous flow are related to the temperature of the system, scale factor, Hubble's expansion parameter and the matter energy density. Finally, some details on how galaxy halos and smaller structures might be able to form by condensation of this SF are given.Comment: Substantial changes have been made to the paper, following the referees recommendations. 16 pages. Published in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Alimentación de los caprélidos (Crustacea: Amphipoda) de la costa oeste de Méjico. ¿Se alimentan de los sustratos en los que viven?

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    We studied the gut contents of the dominant species of the West coast of Mexico to explore if caprellids can use their host substrates (mainly hydroids and gorgonians) as food resource or just as a place to cling on. Two hundred and forty two specimens of four species of caprellids were examined: Aciconula acanthosoma Chess, 1989, Caprella equilibra Say, 1818, Caprella aff. penantis Leach, 1814 and Paracaprella sp. Detritus was the dominant component in all the species, although hydroids were also abundant in C. equilibra and Paracaprella sp. Crustaceans were present in the digestive tracts of the four species, being an important component in Aciconula acanthosoma and Paracaprella sp. Caprella aff. penantis and C. equilibra collected from gorgonians did not show any trace of gorgonian sclerites in their guts. Therefore, the present study reveals that caprellids from the Pacific coast of Mexico are able to feed on hydroids but not on gorgonians. Furthermore, Paracaprella sp. associated to hydroids also showed a significant amount of harpacticoid copepods in the digestive tract, supporting the idea of cleptocomensalism. Further experimental studies are needed to explore the complex relationships between hydroids and caprellids.Se estudió el contenido del digestivo de las especies dominantes de la costa oeste de Méjico para explorar si los caprélidos pueden usar los sustratos en los que viven (principalmente hidrozoos y gorgonias) como fuente de alimento o solamente como sustrato al que anclarse. Se examinaron doscientos cuarenta y dos ejemplares de cuatro especies de caprélidos: Aciconula acanthosoma Chess, 1989, Caprella equilibra Say, 1818, Caprella aff. penantis Leach, 1814 y Paracaprella sp. El componente dominante en todas las especies fue el detritus, aunque los hidrozoos también fueron abundantes en C. equilibra y Paracaprella sp. Se encontraron restos de crustáceos en los tractos digestivos de las cuatro especies, siendo un componente importante en Aciconula acanthosoma y Paracaprella sp. Caprella aff. penantis y C. equilibra recolectadas en gorgonias no mostraron ningún resto de escleritos en sus digestivos. Por tanto, el presente estudio revela que los caprélidos de la costa pacífica de Méjico son capaces de alimentarse de hidrozoos pero no de gorgonias. Además, Paracaprella sp. asociada a hidrozoos también mostró una cantidad importante de copépodos harpacticoides en el tracto digestivo, lo que apoya la idea de cleptocomensalismo. Para el futuro, sería interesante desarrollar estudios experimentales para explorar las complejas relaciones entre hidrozoos y caprélidos

    Punzones de hueso de Odocoileus virginianus (Artiodactyla: Cervidae) de un depósito arqueológico del Posclásico temprano en la costa de Jalisco, México

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    Punches made with metapodial bones of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) found at the Arroyo Piedras Azules archaeological site (1215 AD) in western central Mexico are described. It is speculated that they were used for clothing manufacturing, use on looms, or body piercing.Se describen punzones elaborados con huesos metapodiales de venado cola blanca (Odocoileus virginianus) encontrados en el sitio arqueológico Arroyo Piedras Azules (1215 de nuestra era) del centro occidente de México. Se especula que fueron utilizados para fabricación de vestimentas, uso en telares o perforaciones corporales

    Contas de ossos de ave em um depósito arqueológico do Pós-clássico inicial (1215 EC) do ocidente do México

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    Se describe y comenta el hallazgo de cuentas de hueso de ave en el sitio arqueológico Arroyo Piedras Azules en la costa norte de Jalisco en el occidente de México (1215 ± 30 EC). Los dos fragmentos tubulares corresponden a la ulna. Probablemente, los huesos son cuentas que formaban parte de un collar o brazalete para uso ornamental.We describe and comment upon bird bone beads found at the Arroyo Piedras Azules archaeological site (1215 ± 30 AD), located on the northern coast of Jalisco in central Mexico. The two tubular fragments correspond to the ulna. The bones are probably beads that were part of a necklace or bracelet for ornamental use.A descoberta de contas de osso de ave no sítio arqueológico Arroyo Piedras Azules na costa norte de Jalisco, no oeste do México (1215 ± 30 dC) é descrita e discutida. Os dois fragmentos tubulares correspondem a ulna. Provavelmente, os ossos são contas que faziam parte de um colar ou pulseira para uso ornamental.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse