306 research outputs found

    Phytoplankton calcification as an effective mechanism to prevent cellular calcium poisoning

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    Marine phytoplankton have developed the remarkable ability to tightly regulate the concentration of free calcium ions in the intracellular cytosol at a level of ~ 0.1 μmol L−1 in the presence of seawater Ca2+ concentrations of 10 mmol L−1. The low cytosolic calcium ion concentration is of utmost importance for proper cell signalling function. While the regulatory mechanisms responsible for the tight control of intracellular Ca2+ concentration are not completely understood, phytoplankton taxonomic groups appear to have evolved different strategies, which may affect their ability to cope with changes in seawater Ca2+ concentrations in their environment on geological timescales. For example, the Cretaceous (145 to 66 Ma), an era known for the high abundance of coccolithophores and the production of enormous calcium carbonate deposits, exhibited seawater calcium concentrations up to 4 times present-day levels. We show that calcifying coccolithophore species (Emiliania huxleyi, Gephyrocapsa oceanica and Coccolithus braarudii) are able to maintain their relative fitness (in terms of growth rate and photosynthesis) at simulated Cretaceous seawater calcium concentrations, whereas these rates are severely reduced under these conditions in some non-calcareous phytoplankton species (Chaetoceros sp., Ceratoneis closterium and Heterosigma akashiwo). Most notably, this also applies to a non-calcifying strain of E. huxleyi which displays a calcium sensitivity similar to the non-calcareous species. We hypothesize that the process of calcification in coccolithophores provides an efficient mechanism to alleviate cellular calcium poisoning and thereby offered a potential key evolutionary advantage, responsible for the proliferation of coccolithophores during times of high seawater calcium concentrations. The exact function of calcification and the reason behind the highly ornate physical structures of coccoliths remain elusive

    Mixotrophic uptake of organic compounds by coccolithophores

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    Osmotrophy is one of the main modes of mixotrophic acquisition of carbon by phytoplankton, but historically it has been under‐investigated and its physiological and ecological relevance remains poorly understood. Here, we investigate osmotrophy in coccolithophores. Coccolithophores are one of the major contributors to the ocean biomass inhabiting both euphotic and subeuphotic depths in the marine environment. Coccolithophores demonstrate the potential to utilize a wide array of organic compounds in darkness. In experiments with BioLog Ecoplates, we screened a wide array of organic compounds as potential carbon sources, and observed that the major types of organic compounds taken up by coccolithophores were primarily carbohydrates along with a few amino acids and polymers. Furthermore, in subsequent radiotracer experiments, the uptake rates of 14C‐labeled dissolved organic carbon compounds in the dark were low relative to the maximal rates of photosynthetic carbon fixation in the light. The time course of uptake for some compounds suggests constitutive capacity for their transport, while for others the transport appears to be activated. Nonetheless, the collective slow uptake rate of a large array of organic compounds found in seawater, might be the only way that osmotrophy could fuel significant coccolithophore growth in the deep euphotic and subeuphotic zones in the sea

    Full annual monitoring of Subantarctic Emiliania huxleyi populations reveals highly calcified morphotypes in high-CO2 winter conditions

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    Datos de investigación en: http://hdl.handle.net/10366/143074[EN]Ocean acidifcation is expected to have detrimental consequences for the most abundant calcifying phytoplankton species Emiliania huxleyi. However, this assumption is mainly based on laboratory manipulations that are unable to reproduce the complexity of natural ecosystems. Here, E. huxleyi coccolith assemblages collected over a year by an autonomous water sampler and sediment traps in the Subantarctic Zone were analysed. The combination of taxonomic and morphometric analyses together with in situ measurements of surface-water properties allowed us to monitor, with unprecedented detail, the seasonal cycle of E. huxleyi at two Subantarctic stations. E. huxleyi subantarctic assemblages were composed of a mixture of, at least, four diferent morphotypes. Heavier morphotypes exhibited their maximum relative abundances during winter, coinciding with peak annual TCO2 and nutrient concentrations, while lighter morphotypes dominated during summer, coinciding with lowest TCO2 and nutrients levels. The similar seasonality observed in both time-series suggests that it may be a circumpolar feature of the Subantarctic zone. Our results challenge the view that ocean acidifcation will necessarily lead to a replacement of heavily-calcifed coccolithophores by lightly-calcifed ones in subpolar ecosystems, and emphasize the need to consider the cumulative efect of multiple stressors on the probable succession of morphotypes.European Union's Horizon 2020, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual fellowshi

    Mechanism of action of probiotics

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    The modern diet doesn't provide the required amount of beneficial bacteria. Maintenance of a proper microbial ecology in the host is the main criteria to be met for a healthy growth. Probiotics are one such alternative that are supplemented to the host where by and large species of Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium and Saccharomyces are considered as main probiotics. The field of probiotics has made stupendous strides though there is no major break through in the identification of their mechanism of action. They exert their activity primarily by strengthening the intestinal barrier and immunomodulation. The main objective of the study was to provide a deep insight into the effect of probiotics against the diseases, their applications and proposed mechanism of action

    Full annual monitoring of Subantarctic Emiliania huxleyi populations reveals highly calcified morphotypes in high-CO2 winter conditions [Dataset]

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    [EN]Supplement Table S1. a. Sampling dates and morphotype relative abundance of E. huxleyi coccolith assemblages collected in the surface layer at the SOTS site. b. Sampling intervals, fluxes and morphotype relative abundance and morphometric measurements of E. huxleyi coccolith assemblages intercepted by the sediment traps at the SOTS and SAM sites. Table S2. Environmental parameters measured at the surface layer of the SOTS site from August 2011 to July 2012.European Union's Horizon 2020, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual fellowshipThe dataset includes Supplementary Information, Table S1. : abundance, composition and morphometric data of E. huxleyi coccolith assemblages generated during the current study Table S2: environmental data Environmental parameters measured at the surface layer of the SOTS site from August 2011 to July 2012

    Phytoplankton composition and abundance assessment in the Nador lagoon (Mediterranean coast of Morocco)

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    We evaluated phytoplankton abundance, composition and trophic state of the Nador lagoon (Morocco) on the basis of data taken in the period November 2007 to August 2008. Sampling was performed at 11 stations (bottle samples at 0.5 m depth and horizontal plankton net tows with mesh size of 20 mm). Among seven identified phytoplankton classes, diatoms and dinoflagellates dominated with 133 and 169 species, respectively. Frequent phytoplankton blooms were contributed by one to three species in the lagoon. Abundance and seasonality of phytoplankton characterized the Nador lagoon as a highly eutrophicated environment

    Genotyping an Emiliania huxleyi (prymnesiophyceae) bloom event in the North Sea reveals evidence of asexual reproduction

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    Due to the unprecedented rate at which our climate is changing, the ultimate consequence for many species is likely to be either extinction or migration to an alternate habitat. Certain species might, however, evolve at a rate that could make them resilient to the effects of a rapidly changing environment. This scenario is most likely to apply to species that have large population sizes and rapid generation times, such that the genetic variation required for adaptive evolution can be readily supplied. Emiliania huxleyi (Lohm.) Hay and Mohler (Prymnesiophyceae) is likely to be such a species, as it is the most conspicuous extant calcareous phytoplankton species in our oceans with growth rates of 1 day−1. Here we report on a validated set of microsatellites, in conjunction with the coccolithophore morphology motif genetic marker, to genotype 93 clonal isolates collected from across the world. Of these, 52 came from a single bloom event in the North Sea collected on the D366 United Kingdom Ocean Acidification cruise in June–July 2011. There were 26 multilocus genotypes (MLGs) encountered only once in the North Sea bloom and 8 MLGs encountered twice or up to six times. Each of these repeated MLGs exhibited Psex values of less than 0.05, indicating each repeated MLG was the product of asexual reproduction and not separate meiotic events. In addition, we show that the two most polymorphic microsatellite loci, EHMS37 and P01E05, are reporting on regions likely undergoing rapid genetic drift during asexual reproduction. Despite the small sample size, there were many more repeated genotypes than previously reported for other bloom-forming phytoplankton species, including a previously genotyped E. huxleyi bloom event. This study challenges the current assumption that sexual reproduction predominates during bloom events. Whilst genetic diversity is high amongst extant populations of E. huxleyi, the root cause for this diversity and ultimate fate of these populations still requires further examination. Nonetheless, we show that certain CMM genotypes are found everywhere, while others appear to have a regional bias

    Oceanic protists with different forms of acquired phototrophy display contrasting biogeographies and abundance

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    Leles, S.G. ... et. al.-- 6 pages, 3 figures, supplementary material https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/suppl/10.1098/rspb.2017.0664This first comprehensive analysis of the global biogeography of marine protistan plankton with acquired phototrophy shows these mixotrophic organisms to be ubiquitous and abundant; however, their biogeography differs markedly between different functional groups. These mixotrophs, lacking a constitutive capacity for photosynthesis (i.e. non-constitutive mixotrophs, NCMs), acquire their phototrophic potential through either integration of prey-plastids or through endosymbiotic associations with photosynthetic microbes. Analysis of field data reveals that 40–60% of plankton traditionally labelled as (non-phototrophic) microzooplankton are actually NCMs, employing acquired phototrophy in addition to phagotrophy. Specialist NCMs acquire chloroplasts or endosymbionts from specific prey, while generalist NCMs obtain chloroplasts from a variety of prey. These contrasting functional types of NCMs exhibit distinct seasonal and spatial global distribution patterns. Mixotrophs reliant on ‘stolen’ chloroplasts, controlled by prey diversity and abundance, dominate in high-biomass areas. Mixotrophs harbouring intact symbionts are present in all waters and dominate particularly in oligotrophic open ocean systems. The contrasting temporal and spatial patterns of distribution of different mixotroph functional types across the oceanic provinces, as revealed in this study, challenges traditional interpretations of marine food web structures. Mixotrophs with acquired phototrophy (NCMs) warrant greater recognition in marine researchPeer Reviewe

    Harmful Algal Blooms. A scientific summary for policy makers

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    What is a Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB)? Photosynthetic algae support healthy aquatic ecosystems by forming the base of the food web, fixing carbon and producing oxygen. Under certain circumstances, some species can form high-biomass and/or toxic proliferations of cells (or “blooms”), thereby causing harm to aquatic ecosystems, including plants and animals, and to humans via direct exposure to water-borne toxins or by toxic seafood consumption. Ecosystem damage by high-biomass blooms may include, for instance, disruption of food webs, fish-killing by gill damage, or contribution to low oxygen “dead-zones” after bloom degradation. Some species also produce potent natural chemicals (toxins) that can persist in the water or enter the food web, leading to illness or death of aquatic animals and/or human seafood consumers

    Evolutionary distinctiveness of fatty acid and polyketide synthesis in eukaryotes

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    © 2016 International Society for Microbial Ecology All rights reserved. Fatty acids, which are essential cell membrane constituents and fuel storage molecules, are thought to share a common evolutionary origin with polyketide toxins in eukaryotes. While fatty acids are primary metabolic products, polyketide toxins are secondary metabolites that are involved in ecologically relevant processes, such as chemical defence, and produce the adverse effects of harmful algal blooms. Selection pressures on such compounds may be different, resulting in differing evolutionary histories. Surprisingly, some studies of dinoflagellates have suggested that the same enzymes may catalyse these processes. Here we show the presence and evolutionary distinctiveness of genes encoding six key enzymes essential for fatty acid production in 13 eukaryotic lineages for which no previous sequence data were available (alveolates: dinoflagellates, Vitrella, Chromera; stramenopiles: bolidophytes, chrysophytes, pelagophytes, raphidophytes, dictyochophytes, pinguiophytes, xanthophytes; Rhizaria: chlorarachniophytes, haplosporida; euglenids) and 8 other lineages (apicomplexans, bacillariophytes, synurophytes, cryptophytes, haptophytes, chlorophyceans, prasinophytes, trebouxiophytes). The phylogeny of fatty acid synthase genes reflects the evolutionary history of the organism, indicating selection to maintain conserved functionality. In contrast, polyketide synthase gene families are highly expanded in dinoflagellates and haptophytes, suggesting relaxed constraints in their evolutionary history, while completely absent from some protist lineages. This demonstrates a vast potential for the production of bioactive polyketide compounds in some lineages of microbial eukaryotes, indicating that the evolution of these compounds may have played an important role in their ecological success