2,180 research outputs found

    On the Logistical Difficulties and Findings of Jopara Sentiment Analysis

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    [Abstract] This paper addresses the problem of sentiment analysis for Jopara, a code-switching language between Guarani and Spanish. We first collect a corpus of Guarani-dominant tweets and discuss on the difficulties of finding quality data for even relatively easy-to-annotate tasks, such as sentiment analysis. Then, we train a set of neural models, including pre-trained language models, and explore whether they perform better than traditional machine learning ones in this low-resource setup. Transformer architectures obtain the best results, despite not considering Guarani during pre-training, but traditional machine learning models perform close due to the low-resource nature of the problem.DV is supported by a 2020 Leonardo Grant for Researchers and Cultural Creators from the FBBVA. 15 DV also receives funding from MINECO (ANSWER-ASAP, TIN2017-85160-C2-1-R), from Xunta de Galicia (ED431C 2020/11), from Centro de Investigación de Galicia ‘CITIC’, funded by Xunta de Galicia and the European Union (European Regional Development Fund- Galicia 2014-2020 Program) by grant ED431G 2019/01Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2020/11Xunta de Galicia; ED431G 2019/01https://aclanthology.org/2021.calcs-

    Descubriendo temas en Twitter sobre el brote del COVID-19 en España

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    [Resumen] En este trabajo, analizamos lo que los usuarios han estado discutiendo en Twitter durante el comienzo de la pandemia causada por el COVID-19. Concretamente, analizamos tres fases diferenciadas de la crisis del COVID-19 en España: el propio tiempo de pre-crisis, el estallido de la enfermedad y el confinamiento. Para llevar esto a cabo, primero recolectamos una gran cantidad de tuits que son preprocesados. A continuación, agrupamos los tuits en distintas temáticas usando un modelo de Latent Dirichlet Allocation, y definimos estrategias generativas y discriminativas para extraer las palabras clave y oraciones más representativas para cada tema. Finalmente, incluimos un exhaustivo análisis cualitativo sobre dichos temas, y cómo estos se corresponden con distintas problemáticas surgidas en España en distintos momentos de la crisis.[Abstract] In this work, we apply topic modeling to study what users have been discussing in Twitter during the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. More particularly, we explore the period of time that includes three differentiated phases of the COVID-19 crisis in Spain: the pre-crisis time, the outbreak, and the beginning of the lockdown. To do so, we first collect a large corpus of Spanish tweets and clean them. Then, we cluster the tweets into topics using a Latent Dirichlet Allocation model, and define generative and discriminative routes to later extract the most relevant keywords and sentences for each topic. Finally, we provide an exhaustive qualitative analysis about how such topics correspond to the situation in Spain at different stages of the crisis.MMAT has been partially funded by Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) through the Spanish Plan for advancement of Language Technologies `Plan TL' and the Secretaría de Estado de Digitalización e Inteligencia Artificial (SEDIA). DV is supported by MINECO (TIN2017-85160-C2-1-R), by Xunta de Galicia (ED431C 2020/11), by Centro de Investigación de Galicia `CITIC' (European Regional Development Fund-Galicia 2014-2020 Program, ED431G 2019/01), and by a 2020 Leonardo Grant for Researchers and Cultural Creators from the BBVA FoundationXunta de Galicia; ED431C 2020/11Xunta de Galicia; ED431G 2019/0

    A multi-granular linguistic model to evaluate the suitability of installing an ERP system

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    The use of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) has shown clearly useful and economically profitable in most very large organizations which manage a great deal of data in their information systems. Nevertheless, the decision of installing an ERP system is not easy and it depends on the size, future profits and other features of the companies. The assessments of the parameters (features, aspects) used to evaluate the suitability of the ERP may be vague and imprecise because they are usually perceptions of the experts. We propose the use of linguistic information to assess these parameters due to the fact that it is very suitable to model and manage human perceptions. In addition, it may be that each expert has a different knowledge about each parameter and prefers to express his/her preferences in his/her own linguistic term set. Therefore, to manage the evaluation problem of installing an ERP, in this contribution we present a multi-granular linguistic evaluation model that covers these necessities

    A multi-granular linguistic model to evaluate the suitability of installing an ERP system

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    The use of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) has shown clearly useful and economically profitable in most very large organizations which manage a great deal of data in their information systems. Nevertheless, the decision of installing an ERP system is not easy and it depends on the size, future profits and other features of the companies. The assessments of the parameters (features, aspects) used to evaluate the suitability of the ERP may be vague and imprecise because they are usually perceptions of the experts. We propose the use of linguistic information to assess these parameters due to the fact that it is very suitable to model and manage human perceptions. In addition, it may be that each expert has a different knowledge about each parameter and prefers to express his/her preferences in his/her own linguistic term set. Therefore, to manage the evaluation problem of installing an ERP, in this contribution we present a multi-granular linguistic evaluation model that covers these necessities

    Vortex breakdown in a water-spout flow

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    The numerical study of the steady axisymmetric air-water flow in a vertical sealed cylinder, driven by the rotating top disk, describes topological transformations as the rotation intensifies. The air meridional flow (AMF) and swirl induce meridional motions of opposite directions in water. For slow (fast) rotation, the effect of AMF (swirl) dominates. For very fast rotation, large-scale regions of clockwise meridional circulation in air and water are separated by a thin layer of anticlockwise circulation adjacent to the interface in water. This pattern develops for other fluids as well. Physical reasoning behind the flow evolution is provided

    Kinetic Study of Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Ethane over MoVTeNb Mixed-Oxide Catalyst

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, copyright © American Chemical Society after peer review and technical editing by the publisher. To access the final edited and published work see [insert ACS Articles on Request author-directed link to Published Work, see http://doi.org/10.1021/ie402447h[EN] A MoVTeNb multimetallic mixed oxide was studied for the oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane, a promising alternative for catalytic ethylene production. Lab-scale steady-state experimental reaction data were obtained according to a 3(k) experimental design to investigate the simultaneous effect of temperature (400-480 degrees C) and space time [23-70 g(cat) h (mol of ethane) I]. A fixed-bed reactor at atmospheric pressure was employed, feeding a mixture of ethane, oxygen, and nitrogen. Ethane conversion varied from 17 to 85%, whereas selectivity for ethylene and COx varied from 94 to 76% and from 4.0 to 24%, respectively. These types of analyses are useful for determining the optimum reaction conditions to enhance the catalytic performance of the mixed oxides presented herein.This work was financially supported by the Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo. Technical support from Eng. G. Alonso-Ramirez is gratefully acknowledged.Valente, J.; Quintana-Solorzano, R.; Armendariz-Herrera, H.; Barragan-Rodriguez, G.; López Nieto, JM. (2014). Kinetic Study of Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Ethane over MoVTeNb Mixed-Oxide Catalyst. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research. 53(5):1775-1786. doi:10.1021/ie402447hS1775178653

    Cirugía abierta frente a cirugía artroscópica en el tratamiento de la inestabilidad anterior de hombro

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    Se analizan los resultados de una técnica convencional, técnica de Bankart, para el tratamiento de la luxación recidivante anterior de hombro frente a una intervención artroscópica descrita por Rose. Se seleccionan quince pacientes para cada grupo de estudio con un seguimiento postoperatorio medio en torno a los dos años. Los pacientes de cirugía artroscópica se han seleccionado en base a criterios de exclusión preoperatorios e intraoperatorios que requieren la exploración de la estabilidad bajo anestesia y el examen artroscó- pico inicial. En el grupo de cirugía abierta no existe ningún caso de recidiva de la lesión, sólo un paciente no recuperó su nivel de actividad prelesional pero el 73 % de los pacientes presentan restricciones leves de la rotación externa a 90 ° de abducción. En el caso de la cirugía artroscópica un paciente sufrió un nuevo episodio de luxación, dos pacientes no recuperaron su nivel previo de actividad y el 86% presentaban una movilidad completa. Los resultados animan a los autores a continuar desarrollando las técnicas de estabilización artroscópica.We review the results of a conventional technique, Bankart repair, for the treatment of recurrent anterior shoulder instabüity versus an arthroscopic technique developed by Rose. Fifteen patients have been selected for each study group with an average postoperative follow-up around two years. Gandidates for arthroscopic surgery have been selected based on preoperative and intraoperative exclusion criteria. Intraoperative criteria required evaluation of stability under anesthesia and diagnostic arthroscopy. In the open surgery group no redislocations happened. Only one patient did not recover bis previous activity level but 73% had slight restriction to external rotation at 90 ° abduction. In the arthroscopic surgery patients, one of them suffered a redislocation, two cases did not recover their previous activity level but 8 6% kept full shoulder motion. The results encourage the authors to continue the developing trend of arthroscopic stabilization techniques

    Understanding the kinetic behavior of a Mo-V-Te-Nb mixed oxide in the oxydehydrogenation of ethane

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    Two kinetic models based on Langmuir-Hinshelwood (LH) and Eley-Rideal (ER) mechanisms were developed to describe the oxydehydrogenation of ethane to yield ethylene over a Mo-V-Te-Nb catalyst. Obtained in a lab-scale fixed-bed reactor, experimental data at the steady-state were used to estimate the kinetic models parameters via a nonisothermal regression. Experiments were performed using an ethane, oxygen and nitrogen mixture as feedstock, spanning temperatures from 673 to 753 K, inlet partial pressures of oxygen and ethane between 5.0 and 22.0 kPa, and space-time from 10 to 70 g(cat) h(molethane)- (1). Ethylene, CO and CO2 were the only detected products, the selectivity for ethylene ranged from 76% to 96% for an ethane conversion interval 4-85%. A series of tests feeding ethylene instead of ethane were also performed at 713 K, varying inlet partial pressures and space-time in the same ranges as was done for ethane. Ethylene conversion was relatively low, 3-14%, the dominant product being CO with CO/CO2 ratios from 0.73 to 0.79. The LH mechanism was found to represent better the experimental data. The oxydehydrogenation of ethane was the reaction with the lowest activation energy, 108-115 kJ mol (1). Except for the conversion of ethane into CO2, deep oxidations were detected as very energetically demanding steps, 156-193 kJ mol (1). Competitive adsorption between reagents and products occurred in the two mechanisms particularly at relatively high reaction severity, water re-adsorption being weaker in comparison with COx re-adsorption. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.This work was financially supported by the Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo.Quintana-Solorzano, R.; Barragan-Rodriguez, G.; Armendariz-Herrera, H.; López Nieto, JM.; Valente, JS. (2014). Understanding the kinetic behavior of a Mo-V-Te-Nb mixed oxide in the oxydehydrogenation of ethane. Fuel. 138:15-26. doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2014.07.051152613

    Physicochemical behavior of Riesling x Silvaner grapevine fruit under the high altitude conditions of Colombia (South America)

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    The Valle del Sol (Sun Valley) of the Boyacá department is a zone with temperate tropical climate conditions (2,500 m above sea level) that is suitable for the production of grapes for quality wine. The objective of this investigation was to study the physical and chemical behavior during growth and development of the grapevine fruit var. Riesling x Silvaner, produced for winemaking, in the municipality of Corrales (Boyacá, Colombia). To determine the physical and chemical characteristics of the fruit starting at 28 days after anthesis (daa), 14 weekly samplings were carried out, in each of which three clusters were taken from randomly selected plants. The development of the berry lasted 119 daa in which three stages were defi ned: herbaceous, veraison and maturation1. The herbaceous stage ended at 63 daa, the veraison period lasted 14 days and ended at 77 daa, whereas the maturation and ripening stage lasted 42 days; no period of overmaturity was observed. The behavior of the fresh mass, dry mass and diameter of the fruit followed a double sigmoid curve. During berry development, total soluble solids (from 5.03 to 23.73 °Brix at the harvest point), pH (from 2.88 to 3.71) and technological maturity index (from 2.27 to 21.84) all increased, whereas total titratable acidity decreased from 3.96 to 1.11%