2,216 research outputs found

    Information Management System for the California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB)

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    A study was made to establish the requirements for an integrated state-wide information management system for water quality control and water quality rights for the State of California. The data sources and end requirements were analyzed for the data collected and used by the numerous agencies, both State and Federal, as well as the nine Regional Boards under the jurisdiction of the State Board. The report details the data interfaces and outlines the system design. A program plan and statement of work for implementation of the project is included

    The Responsibility of the Mentally Subnormal

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    Seeking large-scale magnetic fields in a pure-disk dwarf galaxy NGC 2976

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    It is still unknown how magnetic field-generation mechanisms could operate in low-mass dwarf galaxies. Here, we present a detailed study of a nearby pure-disk dwarf galaxy NGC 2976. Unlike previously observed dwarf objects, this galaxy possesses a clearly defined disk. For the purpose of our studies, we performed deep multi-frequency polarimetric observations of NGC 2976 with the VLA and Effelsberg radio telescopes. Additionally, we supplement them with re-imaged data from the WSRT-SINGS survey. The magnetic field morphology discovered in NGC 2976 consists of a southern polarized ridge. This structure does not seem to be due to just a pure large-scale dynamo process (possibly cosmic-ray driven) at work in this object, as indicated by the RM data and dynamo number calculations. Instead, the field of NGC 2976 is modified by past gravitational interactions and possibly also by ram pressure inside the M 81 galaxy group environment. The estimates of total (7 muG) and ordered (3 muG) magnetic field strengths, as well as degree of field order (0.46), which is similar to those observed in spirals, suggest that tidally generated magnetized gas flows can further enhance dynamo action in the object. NGC 2976 is apparently a good candidate for the efficient magnetization of its neighbourhood. It is able to provide an ordered (perhaps also regular) magnetic field into the intergalactic space up to a distance of about 5 kpc. Tidal interactions (and possibly also ram pressure) can lead to the formation of unusual magnetic field morphologies (like polarized ridges) in galaxies out of the star-forming disks, which do not follow any observed component of the interstellar medium (ISM), as observed in NGC 2976. These galaxies are able to provide ordered magnetic fields far out of their main disks.Comment: 16 page

    HI observations of the nearest starburst galaxy NGC 253 with the SKA precursor KAT-7

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    We present HI observations of the Sculptor Group starburst spiral galaxy NGC 253, obtained with the Karoo Array Telescope (KAT-7). KAT-7 is a pathfinder for the SKA precursor MeerKAT, under construction. The short baselines and low system temperature of the telescope make it very sensitive to large scale, low surface brightness emission. The KAT-7 observations detected 33% more flux than previous VLA observations, mainly in the outer parts and in the halo for a total HI mass of 2.1±0.12.1 \pm 0.1 ×109\times 10^{9} M_{\odot}. HI can be found at large distances perpendicular to the plane out to projected distances of ~9-10 kpc away from the nucleus and ~13-14 kpc at the edge of the disk. A novel technique, based on interactive profile fitting, was used to separate the main disk gas from the anomalous (halo) gas. The rotation curve (RC) derived for the HI disk confirms that it is declining in the outer parts, as seen in previous optical Fabry-Perot measurements. As for the anomalous component, its RC has a very shallow gradient in the inner parts and turns over at the same radius as the disk, kinematically lagging by ~100 km/sec. The kinematics of the observed extra planar gas is compatible with an outflow due to the central starburst and galactic fountains in the outer parts. However, the gas kinematics shows no evidence for inflow. Analysis of the near-IR WISE data, shows clearly that the star formation rate (SFR) is compatible with the starburst nature of NGC 253.Comment: 18 pages, 20 figures, 8 Tables. Accepted for publication to MNRA

    The radial variation of HI velocity dispersions in dwarfs and spirals

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    Gas velocity dispersions provide important diagnostics of the forces counteracting gravity to prevent collapse of the gas. We use the 21 cm line of neutral atomic hydrogen (HI) to study HI velocity dispersion and HI phases as a function of galaxy morphology in 22 galaxies from The HI Nearby Galaxy Survey (THINGS). We stack individual HI velocity profiles and decompose them into broad and narrow Gaussian components. We study the HI velocity dispersion and the HI surface density, as a function of radius. For spirals, the velocity dispersions of the narrow and broad components decline with radius and their radial profiles are well described by an exponential function. For dwarfs, however, the profiles are much flatter. The single Gaussian dispersion profiles are, in general, flatter than those of the narrow and broad components. In most cases, the dispersion profiles in the outer disks do not drop as fast as the star formation profiles, derived in the literature. This indicates the importance of other energy sources in driving HI velocity dispersion in the outer disks. The radial surface density profiles of spirals and dwarfs are similar. The surface density profiles of the narrow component decline more steeply than those of the broad component, but not as steep as what was found previously for the molecular component. As a consequence, the surface density ratio between the narrow and broad components, an estimate of the mass ratio between cold HI and warm HI, tends to decrease with radius. On average, this ratio is lower in dwarfs than in spirals. This lack of a narrow, cold HI component in dwarfs may explain their low star formation activity.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journal, 13 pages, 10 figures, 4 table

    Resolved magnetic structures in the disk-halo interface of NGC 628

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    Magnetic fields are essential to fully understand the interstellar medium (ISM) and its role in the disk-halo interface of galaxies is still poorly understood. Star formation is known to expel hot gas vertically into the halo and these outflows have important consequences for mean-field dynamo theory in that they can be efficient in removing magnetic helicity. We perform new observations of the nearby face-on spiral galaxy NGC 628 with the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (JVLA) at S-band and the Effelsberg 100-m telescope at frequencies of 2.6 GHz and 8.35 GHz. We obtain some of the most sensitive radio continuum images in both total and linearly polarised intensity of any external galaxy observed so far in addition to high-quality images of Faraday depth and polarisation angle from which we obtained evidence for drivers of magnetic turbulence in the disk-halo connection. Such drivers include a superbubble detected via a significant Faraday depth gradient coinciding with a HI hole. We observe an azimuthal periodic pattern in Faraday depth with a pattern wavelength of 3.7±\pm 0.1 kpc, indicating Parker instabilities. The lack of a significant anti-correlation between Faraday depth and magnetic pitch angle indicates that these loops are vertical in nature with little helical twisting, unlike in IC 342. We find that the magnetic pitch angle is systematically larger than the morphological pitch angle of the polarisation arms which gives evidence for the action of a large-scale dynamo where the regular magnetic field is not coupled to the gas flow and obtains a significant radial component. We additionally discover a lone region of ordered magnetic field to the north of the galaxy with a high degree of polarisation and a small pitch angle, a feature that has not been observed in any other galaxy so far and is possibly caused by an asymmetric HI hole.Comment: 25 pages, Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Accurate Recovery of H i Velocity Dispersion from Radio Interferometers

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    Gas velocity dispersion measures the amount of disordered motion of a rotating disk. Accurate estimates of this parameter are of the utmost importance because the parameter is directly linked to disk stability and star formation. A global measure of the gas velocity dispersion can be inferred from the width of the atomic hydrogen (H I) 21 cm line. We explore how several systematic effects involved in the production of H I cubes affect the estimate of H I velocity dispersion. We do so by comparing the H I velocity dispersion derived from different types of data cubes provided by The H I Nearby Galaxy Survey. We find that residual-scaled cubes best recover the H I velocity dispersion, independent of the weighting scheme used and for a large range of signal-to-noise ratio. For H I observations, where the dirty beam is substantially different from a Gaussian, the velocity dispersion values are overestimated unless the cubes are cleaned close to (e.g., ˜1.5 times) the noise level

    Gravitation as a Casimir interaction

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    Gravitation is considered to be one of the four fundamental interactions in nature. However, one has so far failed to observe the graviton, the quantum particle that is believed to transmit the gravitational force at a distance - the analogue to the photon in electromagnetism. Maybe it is now time to re-evaluate the status of the gravitation as a fundamental interaction. Here, we propose a completely new interpretation of gravitation. In this description the gravitational force is no longer a fundamental force. It is an induced force, a dispersion force, and the analogue to the Casimir force in electromagnetism. The fundamental force is in our description a force between particles with a parabolic interaction potential. In our model the nucleons are made up from these particles. We find the retarded dispersion force between these composite particles has the correct distance dependence, 1/r. If this interpretation is correct it has a broad range of implications. Our view on the fundamental concept mass is altered; our view on the expansion of the Universe may change