93 research outputs found

    On syntheses of the X-ray background with power-law sources

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    The conditions under which the combined emission from power law sources can mimic the X-ray background (XRB) spectrum in the 3-50 keV range are considered in view of HEAO 1 A-2 experiment measurements, and it is confirmed that a good fit may be obtained. The required spectral properties of the component sources differ, however, from those observed for local active galactic nuclei. Constraints are deduced for both the low luminosity extension and evolution of such local objects, and it is shown that any other class of sources contributing to the X-ray background must be characterized by an energy spectral index lower than about 0.4, which is the mean index of the XRB, and exhibit sleeper spectra at higher energies

    Obscuration in the Host Galaxies of Soft X-ray Selected Seyferts

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    We define a new sample of 96 low-redshift (z<0.1), soft X-ray selected Seyferts from the catalog of the Einstein Slew Survey (Elvis etal. 1992, Plummer et al. 1994). We probe the geometry and column depth of obscuring material in the host-galaxy disks using galaxian axial ratios determined mainly from the Digitized Sky Survey. The distribution of host-galaxy axial ratios clearly shows a bias against edge-on spirals, confirming the existence of a geometrically thick layer of obscuring material in the host-galaxy planes. Soft X-ray selection recovers some of the edge-on objects missed in UV and visible surveys but still results in 30% incompleteness for Type 1's. We speculate that thick rings of obscuring material like the ones we infer for these Seyferts might be commonly present in early type spirals, sitting at the Inner Lindblad Resonances of the nonaxisymmetric potentials of the host galaxies.Comment: 14 pages including 2 tables and 3 eps figures, aas2pp4.sty, to appear in Ap

    Re-analysis of the radio luminosity function of Galactic HII regions

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    We have re-analyzed continuum and recombination lines radio data available in the literature in order to derive the luminosity function (LF) of Galactic HII regions. The study is performed by considering the first and fourth Galactic quadrants independently. We estimate the completeness level of the sample in the fourth quadrant at 5 Jy, and the one in the first quadrant at 2 Jy. We show that the two samples (fourth or first quadrant) include, as well as giant and super-giant HII regions, a significant number of sub-giant sources. The LF is obtained, in each Galactic quadrant, with a generalized Schmidt's estimator using an effective volume derived from the observed spatial distribution of the considered HII regions. The re-analysis also takes advantage of recently published ancillary absorption data allowing to solve the distance ambiguity for several objects. A single power-law fit to the LFs retrieves a slope equal to -2.23+/-0.07 (fourth quadrant) and to -1.85+/-0.11 (first quadrant). We also find marginal evidence of a luminosity break at L_knee = 10^23.45 erg s^(-1) Hz^(-1) for the LF in the fourth quadrant. We convert radio luminosities into equivalent H_alpha and Lyman continuum luminosities to facilitate comparisons with extra-galactic studies. We obtain an average total HII regions Lyman continuum luminosity of 0.89 +/- 0.23 * 10^(53) sec^(-1), corresponding to 30% of the total ionizing luminosity of the Galaxy.Comment: accepted for publication in Ap

    Evaluation of pH variation and cervical dentin permeability in teeth submitted to bleaching treatment

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    A reabsorção cervical externa da raiz é uma das desvantagens do procedimento clareador. Vários são os mecanismos que podem ser responsáveis por desencadear esta reabsorção, dentre eles, a ação química e física dos materiais utilizados, bem como a morfologia da junção amelocementária. Este trabalho teve como objetivo observar uma possível via de comunicação entre a câmara pulpar e a superfície externa da raiz, medindo o pH e a infiltração de corante na dentina cervical após o procedimento clareador. Realizou-se o tratamento endodôntico em 34 dentes incisivos permanentes. Os dentes foram divididos em 3 grupos experimentais de acordo com o nível do corte da obturação e selamento da embocadura dos canais com cimento de ionômero de vidro. O clareamento foi realizado usando perborato de sódio e peróxido de hidrogênio a 30%. As leituras do pH foram realizadas após 30 min, 24 h, 48 h e 72 h do início do procedimento. A seguir, os dentes foram imersos em fucsina básica a 0,5% por 24 h para determinarmos possíveis diferenças na permeabilidade da dentina cervical. Os resultados mostraram que o pH apresentou tendência a se modificar quando o corte da obturação permaneceu na embocadura dos canais, bem como quando se removeram 2 mm da obturação e quando se selou a embocadura com cimento de ionômero de vidro. A permeabilidade dentinária aumentou nos 3 grupos experimentais, em comparação com os dentes que compreenderam o grupo controle. Estas leves diferenças podem sugerir uma via de comunicação entre a câmara pulpar e a superfície externa da raiz.External cervical root resorption is one of the disadvantages of the bleaching procedure. There are several mechanisms that may be responsible for causing resorption, such as the chemical and physical action of the utilized materials and the morphology of the cementoenamel junction. The purpose of this study was to investigate the presence of a communication between the pulp chamber and the external root surface. The investigation was carried out by means of pH tests and measurement of dye infiltration into cervical dentin after the bleaching procedure. Thirty-four human permanent incisors were submitted to endodontic treatment. The teeth were assigned to three experimental groups, according to the level at which the filling was cut, and to the sealing of the root canal entrance with glass ionomer cement. Sodium perborate and 30% hydrogen peroxide were utilized for bleaching. pH readings were carried out after 30 minutes, 24 h, 48 h and 72 h from the beginning of the procedure. The teeth were immersed in 0.5% basic fuchsin for 24 h in order to determine possible differences in the permeability of cervical dentin. The results revealed that pH tended to change when the root filling was cut at the entrance of the canal, when 2 mm of the filling were removed, and when the canal entrance was sealed with glass ionomer. Dentinal permeability increased in the three experimental groups, in comparison with the control group. These slight differences may suggest a communication between the pulp chamber and the external root surface

    GAMA/H-ATLAS: the ultraviolet spectral slope and obscuration in galaxies

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    We use multiwavelength data from the Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA) and Herschel-ATLAS (H-ATLAS) surveys to compare the relationship between various dust obscuration measures in galaxies. We explore the connections between the ultraviolet (UV) spectral slope, β, the Balmer decrement and the far-infrared (FIR) to 150 nm far-ultraviolet (FUV) luminosity ratio. We explore trends with galaxy mass, star formation rate (SFR) and redshift in order to identify possible systematics in these various measures. We reiterate the finding of other authors that there is a large scatter between the Balmer decrement and the β parameter, and that β may be poorly constrained when derived from only two broad passbands in the UV. We also emphasize that FUV-derived SFRs, corrected for dust obscuration using β, will be overestimated unless a modified relation between β and the attenuation factor is used. Even in the optimum case, the resulting SFRs have a significant scatter, well over an order of magnitude. While there is a stronger correlation between the IR-to-FUV luminosity ratio and β parameter than with the Balmer decrement, neither of these correlations are particularly tight, and dust corrections based on β for high-redshift galaxy SFRs must be treated with caution. We conclude with a description of the extent to which the different obscuration measures are consistent with each other as well as the effects of including other galactic properties on these correlation