131 research outputs found

    Geometry of oblique projections

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    Let A be a unital C*-algebra. Denote by P the space of selfadjoint projections of A. We study the relationship between P and the spaces of projections P_a determined by the different involutions #_a induced by positive invertible elements a in A. The maps f_p: P \to P_a sending p to the unique q in P_a with the same range as p and \Omega_a: P_a \to P sending q to the unitary part of the polar decomposition of the symmetry 2q-1 are shown to be diffeomorphisms. We characterize the pairs of idempotents q, r in A with |q-r|<1 such that there exists a positive element a in A verifying that q, r are in P_a. In this case q and r can be joined by an unique short geodesic along the space of idempotents Q of A.Comment: 25 pages, Latex, to appear in Studia Mathematic

    Projective spaces of a C*-algebra

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    Based on the projective matrix spaces studied by B. Schwarz and A. Zaks, we study the notion of projective space associated to a C*-algebra A with a fixed projection p. The resulting space P(p) admits a rich geometrical structure as a holomorphic manifold and a homogeneous reductive space of the invertible group of A. Moreover, several metrics (chordal, spherical, pseudo-chordal, non-Euclidean - in Schwarz-Zaks terminology) are considered, allowing a comparison among P(p), the Grassmann manifold of A and the space of positive elements which are unitary with respect to the bilinear form induced by the reflection e = 2p-1. Among several metrical results, we prove that geodesics are unique and of minimal length when measured with the spherical and non-Euclidean metrics.Comment: 26 pages, Late

    Redundant decompositions, angles between subspaces and oblique projections

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    Let Η be a complex Hilbert space. We study the relationships between the angles between closed subspaces of H, the oblique projections associated to non direct decompositions of H and a notion of compatibility between a positive (semidefinite) operator A acting on H and a closed subspace S of H. It turns out that the compatibility is ruled by the values of the Dixmier angle between the orthogonal complement S _l_ of S and the closure of AS. We show that every redundant decomposition H = S+M_l_ (where redundant means that S ∩M_l_ is not trivial) occurs in the presence of a certain compatibility. We also show applications of these results to some signal processing problems (consistent reconstruction) and to abstract splines problems which come from approximation theory

    Oblique projections and abstract splines

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    Given a closed subspace L of a Hilbert space ℋ and a bounded linear operator A ∈ L(ℋ) which is positive, consider the set of all A-self-adjoint projections onto Y: ℘(A,Y) = {Q ∈ L(ℋ): Q2 = Q, Q(ℋ) = Y, AQ = Q*A}. In addition, if ℋ1 is another Hilbert space, T : ℋ → ℋ1 is a bounded linear operator such that T*T = A and ξ ∈ ℋ, consider the set of (T, Y) spline interpolants to ξ: sp(T, Y, ξ) = { η ε ξ + Y : ∥Tη∥ = min ∥T(ξ + σ)∥}. A strong relationship exists between ℘(A, Y) and s p(T, Y, ξ). In fact, ∥(A, Y) is not empty if and only if s p(T, Y, ξ) is not empty for every ξ ∈ ℋ. In this case, for any ξ ∈ ℋ\Y it holds s p(T, Y, ξ) = {(1 - Q)ξ:Q ∈ ℘(A, Y)} and for any ξ ∈ ℋ, the unique vector of s p(T, Y, ξ) with minimal norm is (1 - PA,Y)ξ, where PA,L is a distinguished element of ℘(A, Y). These results offer a generalization to arbitrary operators of several theorems by de Boor, Atteia, Sard and others, which hold for closed range operators.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    Weak Riemannian manifolds from finite index subfactors

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    Let N⊂MN\subset M be a finite Jones' index inclusion of II1_1 factors, and denote by UN⊂UMU_N\subset U_M their unitary groups. In this paper we study the homogeneous space UM/UNU_M/U_N, which is a (infinite dimensional) differentiable manifold, diffeomorphic to the orbit O(p)={upu∗:u∈UM} {\cal O}(p) =\{u p u^*: u\in U_M\} of the Jones projection pp of the inclusion. We endow O(p){\cal O}(p) with a Riemannian metric, by means of the trace on each tangent space. These are pre-Hilbert spaces (the tangent spaces are not complete), therefore O(p){\cal O}(p) is a weak Riemannian manifold. We show that O(p){\cal O}(p) enjoys certain properties similar to classic Hilbert-Riemann manifolds. Among them, metric completeness of the geodesic distance, uniqueness of geodesics of the Levi-Civita connection as minimal curves, and partial results on the existence of minimal geodesics. For instance, around each point p1p_1 of O(p){\cal O}(p), there is a ball {q∈O(p):∥q−p1∥<r}\{q\in {\cal O}(p):\|q-p_1\|<r\} (of uniform radius rr) of the usual norm of MM, such that any point p2p_2 in the ball is joined to p1p_1 by a unique geodesic, which is shorter than any other piecewise smooth curve lying inside this ball. We also give an intrinsic (algebraic) characterization of the directions of degeneracy of the submanifold inclusion O(p)⊂P(M1){\cal O}(p)\subset {\cal P}(M_1), where the last set denotes the Grassmann manifold of the von Neumann algebra generated by MM and pp.Comment: 19 page
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