242 research outputs found

    redefining the pulvinar sign in fabry disease

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The pulvinar sign refers to exclusive T1WI hyperintensity of the lateral pulvinar. Long considered a common sign of Fabry disease, the pulvinar sign has been reported in many pathologic conditions. The exact incidence of the pulvinar sign has never been tested in representative cohorts of patients with Fabry disease. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of the pulvinar sign in Fabry disease by analyzing T1WI in a large Fabry disease cohort, determining whether relaxometry changes could be detected in this region independent of the pulvinar sign positivity. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed brain MR imaging of 133 patients with Fabry disease recruited through specialized care clinics. A subgroup of 26 patients underwent a scan including 2 FLASH sequences for relaxometry that were compared with MRI scans of 34 healthy controls. RESULTS: The pulvinar sign was detected in 4 of 133 patients with Fabry disease (3.0%). These 4 subjects were all adult men (4 of 53, 7.5% of the entire male population) with renal failure and under enzyme replacement therapy. When we tested for discrepancies between Fabry disease and healthy controls in quantitative susceptibility mapping and relaxometry maps, no significant difference emerged for any of the tested variables. CONCLUSIONS: The pulvinar sign has a significantly lower incidence in Fabry disease than previously described. This finding, coupled with a lack of significant differences in quantitative MR imaging, allows hypothesizing that selective involvement of the pulvinar is a rare neuroradiologic sign of Fabry disease

    A cohort study of reproductive and hormonal factors and renal cell cancer risk in women

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    We examined the association of reproductive and hormonal factors with renal cell cancer risk in a cohort study of 89 835 Canadian women. Compared with nulliparous women, parous women were at increased risk (hazard ratio (HR) 1.78, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.02–3.09), and there was a significant gradient of risk with increasing levels of parity: relative to nulliparous women, women who had X5 pregnancies lasting 4 months or more had a 2.4-fold risk (HR 1⁄4 2.41, 95% CI 1⁄4 1.27–4.59, P for trend 0.01). Ever use of oral contraceptives was associated with a modest reduction in risk. No associations were observed for age at first live birth or use of hormone replacement therapy. The present study provides evidence that high parity may be associated with increased risk of renal cell cancer, and that oral contraceptive use may be associated with reduced risk

    Co-existence of Phenylketonuria and Fabry disease on a 3 year-old boy: case report

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    Background: The co-existence of two genetically distinct metabolic disorders in the same patient has rarely been reported. Phenylketonuria (PKU) is an inborn error of the metabolism resulting from a phenylalanine hydroxylase defi ciency. Fabry disease (FD) is an X-linked lysosomal storage disorder due to a defi ciency of the enzyme alpha-galactosidase A. Case presentation: We report a case of a 3-year-old boy affected by classic PKU and FD, both confi rmed by molecular data. The FD was suspected at the age of 21 months on the presence of non-specifi c GI symptoms (severe abdominal pain and periodically appearance of not specifi c episodes of gastroenteritis) apparently non related to PKU. Conclusion: This is the fi rst report of co-existence of FD and PKU, two different congenital inborn of metabolism and in consideration of the prevalence of each disease this chance association is a very unusual event. The co-existence of these diseases made very diffi cult the correct interpretation of clinical symptoms as lack of appetite, severe abdominal pain and non-specifi c gastroenteritis episodes. Furthermore, this case report helps to defi ne the early clinical phenotype of FD

    Delphi consensus on the current clinical and therapeutic knowledge on Anderson-Fabry disease

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    BACKGROUND: Management of Anderson-Fabry disease (AFD) is contentious, particularly regarding enzyme replacement therapy (ERT). We report results of a Delphi consensus panel on AFD management. METHODS: A survey to gauge consensus among AFD experts was distributed online and responses were analysed. Statements on: 1) diagnosis; 2) when starting ERT; 3) management of ERT infusion and adverse reactions; and 4) follow-up/monitoring response to therapy and progression of disease were included. Responses without consensus were discussed with an enlarged panel and modified to reach consensus. RESULTS: 15 experts responded to the survey. After plenary discussion among the enlarged panel, consensus was reached on most statements. Key points were the use of a target organ biopsy to show Gb3 deposits in symptomatic women with negative molecular analysis, the need for ERT in symptomatic women and in all patients with persistent signs and symptoms±organ damage. It was agreed to assess vital signs before ERT administration and use a 0.2μL filter on infusion to reduce the risk of adverse reactions, that serum should be drawn prior to the first infusion for anti-agalsidase antibody analysis to have a baseline value if a subsequent adverse reaction appears, and that pre-medication is required in those with prior infusion reactions. Holter ECG monitoring, cardiac and brain MRI, renal parameters, and abdominal ultrasound were considered important for the assessment of disease progression and response at ERT. CONCLUSIONS: This consensus supplies guidance to healthcare providers on best practice in the management of patients with AFD and indicates a need for more guidanc

    Raccolta di campioni biologici di neonati finalizzata alla validazione di una metodica di screening neonatale per le Mucopolisaccaridosi: studio di fattibilità

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    Scopo dello studio: Nell’ambito di un progetto nazionale multicentrico (PRIN 2012) per la messa a punto di una metodologia di screening neonatale dedicato alla diagnosi precoce di Mucopolisaccaridosi (MPS), uno degli obiettivi prevede l’applicazione di nuove metodiche analitiche altamente specifiche e metodiche già standardizzate per l’analisi quantitativa e qualitativa dei glicosaminoglicani (GAG) urinari ed ematici. Riportiamo l’esperienza fatta in termini di compliance e fattibilità di raccolta di campioni biologici in epoca neonatale. Metodi utilizzati: Sono stati inseriti nello studio tutti i nati che rispondevano ai seguenti criteri di inclusione: 1. Nati a termine (EG 38-40); 2. Anamnesi materna negativa per assunzione di farmaci negli ultimi due mesi di gravidanza; 3. Assenza di patologia associata. Per tutti i pazienti arruolabili nello studio è stato effettuato un colloquio con i genitori, nel quale veniva spiegata la finalità del progetto e l’importanza della loro adesione su base volontaria a scopo di ricerca e, contestualmente somministrato un consenso informato. Per i neonati di cui si otteneva il consenso, si programmava la raccolta di un campione di sangue (spot) contestuale alla raccolta di un campione di urine (circa 2ml) attraverso l’applicazione di un salvaslip, entro il quinto giorno di vita. Risultati: nel periodo compreso tra Ottobre 2014 e Ottobre 2015 su 2394 nati, 1721 (71,8%) erano arruolabili nello studio per EG e assenza di patologie associate, di questi 787 (45,7%)venivano esclusi per utilizzo materno di farmaci. Delle 934 famiglie correttamente informate, 368 (39,4%) hanno firmato un consenso informato e sono stati raccolti correttamente un totale di 262 campioni (71%). Conclusioni: In questa prima fase le principali difficoltà sono state riscontrate nella raccolta contestuale di urina e spot di sangue con conseguente elevata perdita di campioni, imputabile principalmente alle difficoltà tecniche di raccolta del campione di urina. Dalla nostra esperienza sono emersi inoltre l’alto consumo di farmaci nell’ultimo trimestre di gravidanza e la buona sensibilità alla partecipazione informata ad un programma di screening ad esclusivo scopo di ricerca. Ricerca in parte finanziata con fondo Progetto PRIN 201

    Big issues for small feet : developmental, biomechanical and clinical narratives on children's footwear

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    The effects of footwear on the development of children's feet has been debated for many years and recent work from the developmental and biomechanical literature has challenged long-held views about footwear and the impact on foot development. This narrative review draws upon existing studies from developmental, biomechanical and clinical literature to explore the effects of footwear on the development of the foot. The emerging findings from this support the need for progress in [children's] footwear science and advance understanding of the interaction between the foot and shoe. Ensuring clear and credible messages inform practice requires a progressive evidence base but this remains big issue in children's footwear research

    Novel deletion alleles carrying CYP21A1P/A2 chimeric genes in Brazilian patients with 21-hydroxylase deficiency

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency is caused by deletions, large gene conversions or mutations in <it>CYP21A2 </it>gene. The human gene is located at 6p21.3 within a <it>locus </it>containing the genes for putative serine/threonine Kinase <it>RP</it>, complement <it>C4</it>, steroid 21-hydroxylase <it>CYP21 </it>tenascin <it>TNX</it>, normally, in a duplicated cluster known as RCCX module. The <it>CYP21 </it>extra copy is a pseudogene (<it>CYP21A1P</it>). In Brazil, 30-kb deletion forming monomodular alleles that carry chimeric <it>CYP21A1P/A2 </it>genes corresponds to ~9% of disease-causing alleles. Such alleles are considered to result from unequal crossovers within the bimodular <it>C4/CYP21 locus</it>. Depending on the localization of recombination breakpoint, different alleles can be generated conferring the locus high degree of allelic variability. The purpose of the study was to investigate the variability of deleted alleles in patients with 21-hydroxylase deficiency.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We used different techniques to investigate the variability of 30-kb deletion alleles in patients with 21-hydroxylase deficiency. Alleles were first selected after Southern blotting. The composition of <it>CYP21A1P/A2 </it>chimeric genes was investigated by ASO-PCR and MLPA analyses followed by sequencing to refine the location of recombination breakpoints. Twenty patients carrying at least one allele with <it>C4/CYP21 </it>30-kb deletion were included in the study.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>An allele carrying a <it>CYP21A1P/A2 </it>chimeric gene was found unusually associated to a <it>C4B/C4A </it><it>Taq </it>I 6.4-kb fragment, generally associated to <it>C4B </it>and <it>CYP21A1P </it>deletions. A novel haplotype bearing both p.P34L and p.H62L, novel and rare mutations, respectively, was identified in exon 1, however p.P30L, the most frequent pseudogene-derived mutation in this exon, was absent. Four unrelated patients showed this haplotype. Absence of p.P34L in <it>CYP21A1P </it>of normal controls indicated that it is not derived from pseudogene. In addition, the combination of different approaches revealed nine haplotypes for deleted 21-hydroxylase deficiency alleles.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This study demonstrated high allelic variability for 30-kb deletion in patients with 21-hydroxylase deficiency indicating that a founder effect might be improbable for most monomodular alleles carrying <it>CYP21A1P/A2 </it>chimeric genes in Brazil.</p