1,780 research outputs found

    Trapped surfaces and emergent curved space in the Bose-Hubbard model

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    A Bose-Hubbard model on a dynamical lattice was introduced in previous work as a spin system analogue of emergent geometry and gravity. Graphs with regions of high connectivity in the lattice were identified as candidate analogues of spacetime geometries that contain trapped surfaces. We carry out a detailed study of these systems and show explicitly that the highly connected subgraphs trap matter. We do this by solving the model in the limit of no back-reaction of the matter on the lattice, and for states with certain symmetries that are natural for our problem. We find that in this case the problem reduces to a one-dimensional Hubbard model on a lattice with variable vertex degree and multiple edges between the same two vertices. In addition, we obtain a (discrete) differential equation for the evolution of the probability density of particles which is closed in the classical regime. This is a wave equation in which the vertex degree is related to the local speed of propagation of probability. This allows an interpretation of the probability density of particles similar to that in analogue gravity systems: matter inside this analogue system sees a curved spacetime. We verify our analytic results by numerical simulations. Finally, we analyze the dependence of localization on a gradual, rather than abrupt, fall-off of the vertex degree on the boundary of the highly connected region and find that matter is localized in and around that region.Comment: 16 pages two columns, 12 figures; references added, typos correcte

    A visualization of the damage in Lead Tungstate calorimeter crystals after exposure to high-energy hadrons

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    The anticipated performance of calorimeter crystals in the environment expected after the planned High-Luminosity upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) at CERN has to be well understood, before informed decisions can be made on the need for detector upgrades. Throughout the years of running at the HL-LHC, the detectors will be exposed to considerable fluences of fast hadrons, that have been shown to cause cumulative transparency losses in Lead Tungstate scintillating crystals. In this study, we present direct evidence of the main underlying damage mechanism. Results are shown from a test that yields a direct insight into the nature of the hadron-specific damage in Lead Tungstate calorimeter crystals exposed to 24 GeV/c protons.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Arjen aarteita etsimässä : leiri yhden vanhemman perheiden voimaantumisen tukena

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    Helander, Tiia; Keskitalo, Valtteri & Koskiniemi, Laura. Arjen aarteita etsimässä: leiri yhden vanhemman perheiden voimaantumisen tukena. Helsinki, kevät 2015, 56 s., 9 liitettä. Diakonia-ammattikorkeakoulu, hoitotyön koulutusohjelma, diakonisen hoitotyön suuntautumisvaihtoehto, sairaanhoitaja (AMK) - diakonissa. Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli suunnitella, toteuttaa ja kuvata yhden vanhemman perheiden leiri Ilmajoen seurakunnassa. Tavoitteena oli kehittää Ilmajoen seurakunnan diakoniantyön yksinhuoltajatyötä. Leirin tavoitteena oli osallistujien virkistyminen ja voimaantuminen vertaistuen kautta. Opinnäytetyö oli toiminnallinen ja se toteutettiin yhden yön leirinä syksyllä 2014. Leirille osallistui viisi yhden vanhemman perhettä. Yhden vanhemman perhe koostuu yhdestä vanhemmasta ja vähintään yhdestä alle 18-vuotiaasta lapsesta. Yksinhuoltajuus on aiheena ajankohtainen. Vuonna 2013 kaikista Suomen lapsiperheistä yhden vanhemman perheitä oli 20,6 prosenttia. Yhden vanhemman perheissä voi olla taloudellisia, sosiaalisia ja hyvinvointiin liittyviä haasteita. Yhden vanhemman perheitä voidaan tukea eri tavoin. Diakoniatyö on yksi yhden vanhemman perheitä tukevista toimijoista. Leirille suunniteltiin ohjelmaa sekä aikuisille että lapsille. Mainostimme leiriä Ilmajoki-lehdessä. Teimme mainoksen, jota oli saatavilla Ilmajoen seurakunnassa, neuvoloissa ja sosiaalitoimistossa. Meidän lisäksemme leirille osallistui kaksi diakoniatyöntekijää ja neljä isosta. Leiriohjelma koostui ohjatusta ryhmätoiminnasta, ulkoilusta ja vapaasta yhdessäolosta. Leiriläisten antaman palautteen mukaan he kokivat vertaistukea ja voimaantumista leirillä. Niitä tukivat uusiin ihmisiin tutustuminen ja perheen kanssa yhdessä vietetty aika. Yksinhuoltajat toivoivat seurakunnalta retkiä, leirejä ja tapaamisia yksinhuoltajien kesken esimerkiksi ryhmä- tai kahvilatoimintana. Taloudellisen avun saaminen oli myös yksi toive. Ilmajoen seurakunta on sisällyttänyt vuoden 2015 budjettiin yhden vanhemman perheiden leirin. Asiasanat: yhden vanhemman perheet, vertaistuki, leirit, voimaantuminen, diakoniaHelander, Tiia; Keskitalo, Valtteri and Koskiniemi, Laura. A camp for supporting the empowerment of single-parent families. 56 p., 9 appendices. Language: Finnish. Helsinki, Spring 2015. Diaconia University of Applied Sciences. Degree Programme in Nursing, Option in Diaconial Nursing. Degree: Nurse. This thesis is a product. The purpose of the thesis was to plan, organize and describe a camp for single-parent families. The camp took place in Ilmajoki, a municipality in Finland and was organized in co-operation with the Evangelical Lutheran congregation of Ilmajoki. The aim of the thesis was to develop diaconial work in the congregation of Ilmajoki. The camp was held in autumn 2014. Five single-parent families participated in the camp. Single-parent family consists of one parent and at least one minor child. In 2013 20,6 per cent out of all families with children in Finland were single-parent families. These families may face challenges related to finance, social relations and well-being. Diaconial work is one form of support for single-parent families. The process of our thesis started in 2013 by planning the camp and collecting theory for the written part of the thesis. Before the camp we advertised it with a short release in a local newspaper, social services and maternity clinics. We planned the program of the camp to include activities for both children and parents. The activities consisted of structured group sessions and optional parts that enabled the participants to spend time in a way they wanted to. The feedback of the participants revealed that they had experienced peer support and empowerment during the camp. These effects were promoted by chances of getting to know new people and spending time with the family. The feedback also pointed out that single parents wished for different activities and services organized by the congregation. Examples of these were camps, trips, meetings and financial aid. The congregation of Ilmajoki has budgeted a camp for single-parent families to be organized in 2015. Keywords: single-parent families, peer support, camp work, empowerment, diaconial wor

    A potential record of a procolophonid parareptile from the Triassic of the Iberian Peninsula

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    Cranial and postcranial remains from the Middle Triassic of the Northeastern part of the Iberian Peninsula are reported and tentatively assigned to Procolophonidae. The finding is the first occurrence of a procolophonid parareptile in the Iberian Peninsula, representing the southernmost record of the group in Europe. The fossilbearing locality is dated as Anisian (Middle Triassic) and includes three tooth-bearing bones, two cranial bone fragments and one interclavicle. The mandible described herein includes nine teeth. No cusps or complete crowns are preserved, but sections of the teeth are available. The three anterior teeth progressively decrease in size from front to back, whereas the teeth from the fourth to the eighth position present the opposite trend. The last tooth (the ninth) is clearly reduced in comparison to the previous ones. A close relationship with Anomoiodon-Kapes is suggested, however, more material is required in order to assess the exact taxonomical determination of the Iberian remains. This finding is expected to shed some light on the geographical distribution of procolophonines

    Modeling of sodium nitrite and water transport in pork meat

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    Four models were used to simulate nitrite uptake and water loss during pork meat curing with sodium nitrite: three empirical ones (the Azuara, the Peleg and the Zugarramurdi and Lupin) and one theoretical (the diffusional). By means of the Azuara and the Peleg models, the equilibrium moisture content and the equilibrium nitrite content were properly identified. Zugarramurdi and Lupin's model did not provide information about process parameters. The effective diffusivities of water (Dwe) and nitrite (DNe) were calculated. The activation energy (ENa and Ewa) was evaluated from the parameters of both the Peleg and the diffusional models. The results were similar; the Peleg model having the advantage of simplicity of calculation. The effect of meat anisotropy was confirmed from the diffusional model; the perpendicular transport of nitrite is easier than the parallel. This study highlighted the importance of choosing the most appropriate model depending on the objective to be achieved.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    High Power RF Induced Thermal Fatigue in the High Gradient CLIC Accelerating Structures

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    The need for high accelerating gradients for the CLIC (Compact Linear Collider) imposes considerable constraints on the materials of the accelerating structures. The surfaces exposed to high pulsed RF (Radio Frequency) currents are subjected to cyclic thermal stresses possibly resulting in surface break up by fatigue. Various high strength alloys from the group of high conductivity copper alloys have been selected and have been tested in different states, with different surface treatments and in different stress ratios. Low to medium cycle fatigue data (up to 108 cycles) of fully compressive surface thermal stresses has been collected by means of a pulsed laser surface heating apparatus. The surface damage has been characterized by SEM observations and roughness measurements. High cycle fatigue data, up to 7x1010 cycles, of varying stress ratio has been collected in high frequency bulk fatigue tests using an ultrasonic apparatus. Up-to-date results from these experiments are presented

    Role of elastic scattering in electron dynamics at ordered alkali overlayers on Cu(111)

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    Scanning tunneling spectroscopy of p(2x2) Cs and Na ordered overlayers on Cu(111) reveals similar line widths of quasi two-dimensional quantum well states despite largely different binding energies. Detailed calculations show that 50% of the line widths are due to electron-phonon scattering while inelastic electron-electron scattering is negligible. A frequently ignored mechanism for ordered structures, i.e., enhanced elastic scattering due to Brillouin zone back folding, contributes the remaining width.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, 1 tabl

    DCMF: DC & Microformats, a good marriage

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    This report introduces the Dublin Core Microformats (DCMF) project, a new way to use the DC element set within X/HTML. The DC microformats encode explicit semantic expressions in an X/HTML webpage, by using a specific list of terms for values of the attributes “rev” and “rel” for and elements, and “class” and “id” of other elements. Microformats can be easily processed by user agents and software, enabling a high level of interoperability. These characteristics are crucial for the growing number of social applications allowing users to participate in the Web 2.0 environment as information creators and consumers. This report reviews the origins of microformats; illustrates the coding of DC microformats using the Dublin Core Metadata Gen tool, and a Firefox extension for extraction and visualization; and discusses the benefits of creating Web services utilizing DC microformats
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