131 research outputs found

    Nota sobre las mineralizaciones de wolframio de Oliva de la Frontera, Suroeste de Badajoz

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    [Resumen] Las mineralizaciones de wolframio y sulfuros (Mo, Bi, Fe y Cu), ligadas a filones de cuarzo, de Oliva de la Frontera y Zahinos (Badajoz), tienen una posici6n geológica excepcional, pues se localizan en el flanco Sur del anticlinorio de Olivenza-Monesterio (zona de Ossa Morena), alejadas del límite Sur de la provincia metalo genética de Sn-W-Mo y Bi del Macizo Ibérico. Las rocas encajantes son esquistos y pizarras del Cámbrico superior y/o del Ordovícico inferior. Los filones, de dimensiones variables (1 cm a 2 m de potencia y hasta 200 m de longitud), están controlados tectónicamente por los planos de esquistosidad Si y por fracturas tardías N130 y N40. Las rocas encajantes están afectadas por alteraciones metasomáticas (turmalinizaci6n, moscovitización, silicificación, hematización, cloritización y carbonatación), estrechamente relacionadas entre sí, y que dan lugar a zonaciones irregulares a escala del afloramiento. Se diferencian cuatro fases mineralogenéticas, las tres primeras, de origen neurnatolíticohidrotermal, están precedidas por sendas etapas de fracturación, la última es de origen supergénico. La mineralogía más significativa, según secuencia aproximada de formación, es la siguiente: dravita ferrífera, magnetita, topacio, monacita, fluorapatito, rutilo, pirita, scheelita, molibdenita, bismutinita, calcopirita, tetraedrita, siderita, hematites, goethita, pirolusita, anatasa, covellina, calcosina y bismutita. Las mineralizaciones se originaron a partir de un fluido postmagmático, posiblemente relacionado con diferencia dos graníticos, y con un importante concurso de las rocas encajantes

    Acipenser sturio L., 1758 conservation resources on the World Wide Web

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    This paper presents a comprehensive review of the information currently available on the World Wide Web regarding Acipenser sturio L., 1758, featuring 113 selected sites concerning its conservation, biology, and related subjects. Web sites with additional information on other sturgeon species' conservation are also included. A Web page of links to the main sources of news on A. sturio and the conservation of other sturgeons can be accessed at http://www.ucm.es/ info/zoo/Vertebrados/elvira.htm.Este trabajo comprende un análisis detenido de la información disponible sobre conservación y otros temas relacionados de Acipenser sturio L., 1758 localizada en la World Wide Web. Se seleccionaron 113 páginas con información relevante sobre la biología y conservación del esturión atlántico. Asimismo, se incluyen las direcciones Web con información complementaria sobre conservación de esturiones. Una página Web que contacta con las principales fuentes de noticias sobre conservación de A. sturio y otros esturiones se encuentra disponible en http://www.ucm.es/info/zoo/Vertebrados/elvira.htm.Instituto Español de Oceanografí

    Determinants of large-scale spatial distribution and seasonal microhabitat selection patterns of the endangered freshwater blenny Salaria fluviatilis in the Ebro River basin, Spain

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    The freshwater blenny Salaria fluviatilis is an endangered fish species with populations that are in rapid decline, largely owing to habitat degradation caused by human activity. This situation highlights the urgent need to develop measures for the conservation and recovery of the species based on a deep understanding of its specific habitat requirements. 2. In this study, spatial distribution and habitat selection patterns were investigated to determine the limiting factors for the species at different times of the year and at different spatial scales, from macro to microhabitats. 3. The presence of the freshwater blenny was assessed at 127 sites in the Ebro River basin, Spain, between 2002 and 2012. It was only detected at 25 sites, corresponding to the intermediate and lower reaches of medium-sized tributaries and in the main river, in accordance with the ecology of the species. Whether the species was present depended on the physicochemical, habitat and biological conditions of the study sites. Freshwater blenny was very sensitive to organic pollution and eutrophication, the deterioration of substrate composition and channel structure, and the degradation of aquatic and riparian vegetation. 4. Freshwater blenny showed a selective use of microhabitat locations with high current velocity, linked to gravel or cobble substrate. It was also observed that the species is capable of adapting its selection behaviour to the flow-mediated seasonal changes in its physical environment. 5. Although the results presented indicate that the species is not a microhabitat specialist, individual survival is likely to be dependent on the availability of key microhabitats, which must be protected against detrimental human activity

    Seasonal patterns of microhabitat selection in the Southern Iberian spined-loach Cobitis paludica

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    The Southern Iberian spined-loach Cobitis paludica is an Iberian endemism threatened by human activities, including habitat destruction. For this reason, the development of conservation and the recovery plans for the species calls for a precise knowledge of its habitat requirements. Here, microhabitat use and selection patterns were investigated to determine the limiting factors for the species in diferent seasons, corresponding to a gradient in fow conditions. The microhabitat of the loach was analysed in the River Jarama (Tagus River basin, central Spain) in the period of maximum activity between March and September 2013. No signifcant diferences in microhabitat use were found between males and females, and only very weak ontogenetic changes were detected. The microhabitat used by the loach varied signifcantly throughout the study period, generally adapting to the fow-mediated dynamics of available habitat. The most stable pattern throughout the year was the use of very low water velocities. Additionally, the loach made selective use of certain microhabitat features, with slight adjustments to the seasonally changing habitat conditions. The loach signifcantly selected positions with abundant silt substrate and aquatic vegetation, and avoided coarser substrates. The availability of fne substrates and abundant vegetation is therefore a critical habitat requirement for the loach, which needs instream structures that provide foraging substrate, refuge and safe positions for spawning. Selection of refuge elements (deep habitats, aquatic vegetation) was especially apparent under low-fow conditions. Human activities leading to the loss of these critical microhabitats may threaten the survival of already scarce loach populations

    Spread of the alien bleak Alburnus alburnus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Actinopterygii, Cyprinidae) in the Iberian Peninsula: the role of reservoirs

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    Desde su aparición en un afluente de la cuenca del Ebro en 1992, el alburno Alburnus alburnus se ha expandido en gran parte de la península Ibérica. El presente trabajo aporta nueva información sobre su expansión (basada en el muestreo de 598 localidades mediante pesca eléctrica). Se facilita información detallada sobre su actual distribución en la cuenca del Ebro y en cuencas al este de los Pirineos, así como nuevas citas de tres grandes cuencas hidrográficas. De acuerdo a su actual distribución en la península Ibérica, el alburno habita en simpatría con 15 especies endémicas (el 58% del total de endemismos ibéricos). Se analiza la posible amenaza que el alburno representa para la ictiofauna ibérica, examinando los factores causantes de su rápida expansión, en especial el papel de los embalses