391 research outputs found

    On the magnetization of BL Lac jets

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    The current paradigm foresees that relativistic jets are launched as magnetically dominated flows, whose magnetic power is progressively converted to kinetic power of of the matter of the jet, until equipartition is reached. Therefore, at the end of the acceleration phase, the jet should still carry a substantial fraction (\approx half) of its power in the form of a Poynting flux. It has been also argued that, in these conditions, the best candidate particle acceleration mechanism is efficient reconnection of magnetic field lines, for which it is predicted that magnetic field and accelerated relativistic electron energy densities are in equipartition.Through the modeling of the jet non--thermal emission, we explore if equipartition is indeed possible in BL Lac objects, i.e. low-power blazars with weak or absent broad emission lines. We find that one-zone models (for which only one region is involved in the production of the radiation we observe) the particle energy density is largely dominating (by 1-2 orders of magnitude) over the magnetic one. As a consequence, the jet kinetic power largely exceeds the magnetic power. Instead, if the jet is structured (i.e. made by a fast spine surrounded by a slower layer), the amplification of the IC emission due to the radiative interplay between the two components allows us to reproduce the emission in equipartition conditions.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, improved version accepted by MNRAS for publicatio

    Phase-resolved Crab pulsar measurements from 25 to 400 GeV with the MAGIC telescopes

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    We report on observations of the Crab pulsar with the MAGIC telescopes. Our data were taken in both monoscopic (> 25GeV) and stereoscopic (> 50GeV) observation modes. Two peaks were detected with both modes and phase-resolved energy spectra were calculated. By comparing with Fermi- LAT measurements, we find that the energy spectrum of the Crab pulsar does not follow a power law with an exponential cutoff, but has an additional hard component, extending up to at least 400 GeV. This suggests that the emission above 25 GeV is not dominated by curvature radiation, as suggested in the standard scenarios of the OG and SG models.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, Proc. TAUP 2011, submitted for publication in JCP

    Successors of the Mrnjavčević family and theritories under their power 1371-1459

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    Докторска дисертација „Наследници Мрњавчевића и територије под њиховом влашћу од 1371. г. до 1395. г.“ је наставак вишевековног занимања домаћих и страних историчара за прошлост Србије и југоисточне Европе у другој половини XIV в. Слабљење државе Немањића се поклапа са новим таласом турског присуства на континенту, што је трајно изменило прошлост не само Балкана. У догађајима и процесима светског значаја учествовали су и краљ Вукашин и деспот Јован Угљеша. Деловање браће привлачи посебну пажњу јер се њиховим успоном често објашњава суноврат Царства. Такође, у средишту истраживања је деловање краља Марка и његове тројице браће (Андрејаш, Иваниш, Дмитар) након Маричке битке. Тада је, претежно источно од Вардара, настала још пространија држава браће деспота Јована Драгаша и господина Константина. У циљу објашњења ове појаве опсежно је истражена биографија њихових родитеља, деспота Дејана и Теодоре, сестре по оцу Стефана Душана. Њиховим успонима и падовима од личних особина много више су доприносиле опште околности. Посебно је издвојено државно уређење засновано на апанажама, удеоним кнежевинама, „земљама“ и „државама“. Након Маричке битке српски обласни господари са југа су утврдили своја господства, али се временом све више повлаче пред северним суседима (кнез Лазар, Вук Бранковић, Балшићи). За разумевање вишеслојних међусобних односа било је неопходно проучити сложене и динамичне политичко - дипломатске, управно - административне, економске, демографске, црквене, културно - духовне и друге процесе унутар две државе и широм расцепканог Царства. Дошло се до нових и занимљивих погледа, уз општи закључак да је на дворовима краља Марка и браће Драгаш српска државна политика усклађивана са све скромнијим могућностима. Такође, истражени су односи и са другим балканским знатнијим снагама. Закључено је да су Дејановићи могли имати знатан уплив на прилике у јадранско-јонском залеђу, те Епиру и Тесалији. Турци су временом све снажније и свеобухватније притискали, тако да снага две државе све више слаби. Нема много изворних вести о ставу Османлија према два двора, те је стога велики простор посвећен питањима турског вазалитета уопште и етапама њиховог освајања. Као кључни догађаји издвојени су пад Сера (1383. г.), Солуна (1387. г.) и посебно Косовска битка. Смрт краља Марка и господина Константина у бици на Ровинама 1395. г. је била праћена, вероватно тихим, гашењем њихових држава. Њихове контуре су очуване у раним турским административним јединицама. Осим тога, многе ниже установе и бројни појединци су се уклопили у управу нове државе. Ретки савремени извори су малог обима (повеље, записи, натписи, родослови) и стога су међусобно неповезани. Слични су и наративни извори, с тим да су готово сви истовремено и пристрасни. Каснија врела су изузетно непоуздана. Мисли се на турске хронике, дела нововековних европских историографа и путописаца, а посебно на разгранато живо народно предање. Најранији турски дипломатички акти не осликавају увек доследно стање из претходног раздобља. Сви скупа омогућавају стварање оквирне слике тек ако се уклопе у најновија сазнања домаће медиавистике.Ph.D. Thesis “Successors of the Mrnjavčević family and territories under their power 1370-1395” is a continuation of a centuries-old interest of national and foreign historians in the past of Serbia and southeastern Europe in the second half of 14th century. The weakening of the state of Nemanjić coincides with a new wave of Turkish presence on the continent, which permanently changed the past not only of the Balkans. Both King Vukašin and despot Jovan Uglješa participated in the events and processes of global significance. Their rise has drawn special attention because it is usually associated with the end of Empire but also because the activity in the next period of King Marko and his three brothers (Andrejaš, Ivaniš and Dmitar) is at the center of the research. Besides, after the battle of Maritsa, mainly in the east of the Vardar River, more spacious state of brothers despot Jovan Dragaš and gospodin (lord) Konstantin emerged. In order to explain this phenomenon, the biography of their parents, despot Dejan and Teodora, the paternal half-sister of Stefan Dušan, was extensively researched. General circumstances had contributed much more to their rises and falls than their personal characteristics. State polity, based on appanages, co-ruled principalities, “zemlja” - lands and “država” states, was especially distinguished. After the battle of Maritsa, Serbian independent land lords from the south established their dominions but over time they increasingly retreated before their north neighbours (knez Lazar, Vuk Branković, the Balšić family). In order to understand the multilayered relationships it was necessary to study complex and dynamic, political and diplomatic, administrative, economic, demographic, religious, cultural and spiritual and other processes within the two states and throughout divided Empire. New and interesting views occurred with the general conclusion that at the courts of king Marko and Dragaš brothers, Serbian state policy was coordinated with increasingly modest possibilities. Also, the relationships with other substantial Balkan forces were researched with the conclusion that the Dejanović family could have a significant influence on the situation in the Adriatic and Ionian hinterland, and Epirus and Thessaly. Over time, the Turks pressured more powerfully and comprehensively, so that the power of the two states weakened increasingly. There is not much source data on the Ottoman position towards the two courts; therefore a large section is devoted to the issues of Turkish vassalage in general and to the stages of their conquests. The key events which are singled out are the fall of Serres (1383) and Thessaloniki (1387) and in particular the battle of Kosovo. Deaths of King Marko and gospodin (lord) Constantine at the battle of Rovine 1395 were followed by probably silent vanishing of their states. Their contours are preserved in the early Ottoman administrative units. Besides, many lower institutions and numerous individuals adapted to the government of the new state. Rare contemporary sources are of small scale (charters, records, inscriptions, genealogies) and therefore are incoherent. The narrative sources are similar but, almost all are, at the same time, biased. Subsequent sources are extremely unreliable. This refers to the Turkish chronicles, the works of European historiographers and travel writers of the new century, and especially to the diversified lively folk tradition. The earliest Turkish diplomatic acts do not always consistently reflect the state of the prior period. All together, they enable the creation of an outline picture only if they fit into the latest findings of the domestic medievistics

    Ocena telesne kondicije visokomlečnih krava

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    Problems which relate to production, health and reproduction in herds of high yielding cows very often occur due to insufficient knowledge and monitoring of energy reserves in cow organisms. Many researches and practical experiences in this field indicate significant relation between body condition and achieved results in production. Body condition of heads of cattle in certain stages of production cycle is important parameter of applied nutrition, but also entire technological procedure. In countries with developed cattle production, evaluation of body condition has for several years been main component of production practice on farms. It is considered that condition is very reliable indicator of the nutrition status and energy balance in the organism. Body condition score is subjective and practical method which enables precise assessment of deposited fat in the cow organism by observing and touching previously determined body regions and fields. There is considerable variability of the condition of cows in different stages of production cycle. Body condition of high yielding cows often comes out of the frame of optimal values for certain stage of production cycle. Decrease of production, disorders in health condition and fertility of cows indicate the nature of relation between inadequate body condition and stated problems. Shape and strength of the relation between production results and body condition score confirms its reliability. This is all indication of the need for wider application of this evaluation system. Based on body condition score, beside other important factors in the production cycle, there is realistic possibility to achieve more efficient production of milk from the aspect of energy. Main purpose of this paper was to present how the application of methods for body condition score and its significance for production practice can be functional.Postojeći problemi u proizvodnji mleka, rezultatima reprodukcije i zdravstvenom stanju visokoproizvodnih krava mogu da se dovedu u vezu sa primenjenom tehnologijom ishrane. Važno pitanje u tehnologiji ishrane visokomlečnih krava predstavlja količina raspoložive energije (hrana, depoi masti, mišići) u ključnim fazama proizvodnog ciklusa (period zasušenja i rane laktacije). Deficit energije u kritičnim periodima proizvodnog procesa može da dovede do ozbiljnih poremećaja u proizvodnji, zdravlju i reprodukciji U početnoj fazi proizvodnje mleka najkritičniji je period maksimalne dnevne proizvodnje. Negativan bilans energije najizraženiji je u vrhu laktacije. Visok gubitak energije na račun telesnih rezervi predstavlja veliko opterećenje za metabolizam krava. Obezbeđenje adekvatne količine energije je složen uslov za svaku fazu proizvodnog ciklusa. OTK je subjektivan metod koji vizuelno i opipavanjem vrednuje količinu potkožne telesne masti. OTK je koristan alat za upravljanje mlečnim stadom. Idealna telesna kondicija je rang koji je u funkciji toka i faze laktacije. Procena rezervi energije u organizmu utvrđena preko OTK u osnovi predstavlja hranidbeni status grla vrednovan preko deponovanog masnog tkiva, pri čemu telesni okvir i masa grla imaju sekundaran značaj. Jedan od sistema za OTK krava koji je značajan za praksu je američki Virdžinija sistem modifikovan po Edmodsonu. Sistem za OTK kreiran je u obliku mape (karte) za ocenu visokomlečnih krava. Mapa je precizno pripremljena za svaki telesni region i polje koji se može smatrati važnim u dodeli ukupne OTK krave. Tri velika telesna regiona (slabine, karlica i koren repa) podeljena su osam polja na telu krave (slabine imaju četiri polja; karlica ima tri polja; koren repa ima jedno polje). Svako telesno polje se posebno ocenjuje i koristi kao pokazatelj telesne kondicije. Svako grlo ocenjeno je individualno za promene nivoa ocene duž skale od 1 do 5. Kontinuirano se koristi povećanje od 0,25 delova poena. Ceo sistem OTK funkcioniše sa 17 nivoa u okviru ukupne skale ocena posmatrane u intervalu od minimalne ocene u iznosu 1 i maksimalne u iznosu 5. Ocena 1 pokazuje mršavu kondiciju. Ocena 5 pokazuje izrazito tovnu kondiciju. Svaka faza proizvodnog ciklusa ima svoju optimalnu ocenu. Pod normalnim uslovima krave treba da gube telesnu kondiciju najviše od 4 do 6 nedelja. U skromnim vrednostima telesna kondicija postepeno se vraća u periodu od 7 do 12 nedelje. Krave u prvih od 100 do 120 dana laktacije treba da imaju ocenu između od 2,50 do 3,25. Ocena telesne kondicije od 200 dana laktacije do perioda zasušenja treba da je između 2,75 i 3,50. Ishrana u periodu zasušenja treba da osigura ocenu između 3,25 i 3,50. Mogućnost vrednovanja energetskog (hranidbenog) statusa i efikasnosti ishrane visokomlečnih krava pomoću OTK preporučuje ovaj sistem za praktičnu primenu u tehnološkim programima na govedarskim farmama

    Three-Axis’ Heat Loss Anemometer Comprising Thick-Film Segmented Thermistors

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    NTC thick-film segmented thermistors were used as anemometer sensing devices. They were screen printed of thick-film thermistor paste based on modified NiMn2O4 fine powder, organic vehicle, and glass frit. Their electrical properties, such as resistance vs. temperature R(T) and thermistor exponential factor B were obtained using measurements in the climatic test chamber. A uniaxial anemometer was formed using a thick-film segmented thermistor, which was placed in the hole drilled in rectangular piece of thermally insulating material. The uniaxial anemometer was used for the optimization of operating point of segmented thermistors as self-heating/wind sensing devices. The dc supply voltage was correlated with the air temperature sub-ranges (RCV). The power save mode such as 30s self-heating/5 min pause was used to measure the thermistor response on stable wind blow. The three-axis' anemometer was formed using five sensor devices placed in five holes drilled in the cubical piece of thermally insulating material: three thermistor sensors measure wind speed on the x, y, z - axes, the fourth sensor Pt 1000 measures the air temperature T, while the fifth sensor (capacitive type) measures humidity H. The obtained sensitivity and inaccuracy were compared with respective ones of other anemometers

    Radio-to-TeV Phase-resolved Emission from the Crab Pulsar: The Annular Gap Model

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    In the framework of the three-dimensional (3D) annular gap model with reasonable parameters (the magnetic inclination angle \alpha = 45 deg and the view angle \zeta = 63 deg), we first use the latest hight energy data to self-consistently calculate radio, X-ray, gamma-ray and TeV (MAGIC and VERITAS) light curves, phase-averaged spectrum and phase-resolved spectra for the Crab pulsar. It is found that the acceleration electric field and potential in the annular gap and core gap are huge enough in the several tens of neutron star radii. The pulsed emission of radio, X-ray, gamma-ray and TeV are mainly generated from the emission of primary particles or secondary particles with different emission mechanisms in the nearly similar region of the annular gap located in the only one magnetic pole, which leads to the nearly "phase-aligned" multi-wavelength light curves. The emission of peak 1 (P1) and peak 2 (P2) is originated from the annular gap region near the null charge surface, while the emission of bridge is mainly originated from the core gap region. The phase-averaged spectrum and phase-resolved spectra of the Crab pulsar from soft X-ray to TeV band are produced by four components: synchrotron radiation from CR-induced and ICS-induced pairs dominates the X-ray band to soft gamma-ray band (100 eV to 10 MeV); curvature radiation and synchrotron radiation from the primary particles mainly contribute to gamma-ray band (10 MeV to \sim 20 GeV); ICS from the pairs significantly contributes to the TeV gamma-ray band (\sim 20 GeV to 400 GeV). The multi-wavelength pulsed emission from the Crab pulsar has been well modeled with the annular gap and core gap model. To distinguish our single magnetic pole model from two-pole models, the convincing values of the magnetic inclination angle and the viewing angle will play a key role.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables; published in ApJ on March 12. Due to the character limitation, the abstract here has been adopted a shortened versio

    Influence of starting powder milling on magnetic properties of Mn-Zn ferrite

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    In this paper, the influence of additional sieving and milling of starting industrial Mn-Zn powders on magnetic properties was investigated. The starting powder was milled for 60 minutes, followed by sieving through 325 and 400 meshes. The starting and milled powders were used to fabricate toroid shaped samples sintered at 1200°C for 2 hours. Structural parameters of the fabricated samples were analysed by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. Complex permeability, core loss density, and hysteresis were measured using the modified watt-meter method. The complex permeability and hysteresis loop were modelled with a new model proposed in the paper. The core loss density was modelled with the Steinmetz empirical equation. The experimental results and calculations show the significance of the additional milling and sieving process on magnetic properties of Mn-Zn ferrite in the frequency range 0.1-10MHz. These processes increase the relative permeability about 3 times and decrease the core loss 4 times by milling of the starting powder

    Genomic data provide new insights on the demographic history and the extent of recent material transfers in Norway spruce

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    Primeval forests are today exceedingly rare in Europe, and transfer of forest reproductive material for afforestation and improvement has been very common, especially over the last two centuries. This can be a serious impediment when inferring past population movements in response to past climate changes such as the last glacial maximum (LGM), some 18,000 years ago. In the present study, we genotyped 1,672 individuals from three Picea species (P. abies, P. obovata, and P. omorika) at 400K SNPs using exome capture to infer the past demographic history of Norway spruce (P. abies) and estimate the amount of recent introduction used to establish the Norway spruce breeding program in southern Sweden. Most of these trees belong to P. abies and originate from the base populations of the Swedish breeding program. Others originate from populations across the natural ranges of the three species. Of the 1,499 individuals stemming from the breeding program, a large proportion corresponds to recent introductions from mainland Europe. The split of P. omorika occurred 23 million years ago (mya), while the divergence between P. obovata and P. abies began 17.6 mya. Demographic inferences retrieved the same main clusters within P. abies than previous studies, that is, a vast northern domain ranging from Norway to central Russia, where the species is progressively replaced by Siberian spruce (P. obovata) and two smaller domains, an Alpine domain and a Carpathian one, but also revealed further subdivision and gene flow among clusters. The three main domains divergence was ancient (15 mya), and all three went through a bottleneck corresponding to the LGM. Approximately 17% of P. abies Nordic domain migrated from P. obovata ~103K years ago, when both species had much larger effective population sizes. Our analysis of genomewide polymorphism data thus revealed the complex demographic history of Picea genus in Western Europe and highlighted the importance of material transfer in Swedish breeding program

    Prisustvo stres sindroma (PSS) kod svinja rase mangulica

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    Porcine stress syndrome (PSS) is one kind of molecular genetics defect which will cause malignant hyperthermia syndrome in pigs. It was reported that mutation of pig rynodine receptor (RYR1) gene is the main reason for PSS. The aim of this study was to test the RYR1 genotype of 10 Mangalitsa pigs using a polymerase chain reaction-restriction endonuclease fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) technique, which is a reliable and simple method for RYR1 gene testing. Extraction of DNA was done by using hair follicles. The results showed that the RYR1 genotype of all the 10 porcine cases were negative. These results suggested that Mangalitsa pig could be one of the porcine breeds selectively bred for medical and clinically experiments.Stres sindrom svinja (PSS - Porcine Stress Syndrome) pripada genetskim oboljenjima svinja i može da izazove sindrom maligne hipertermije. Utvrđeno je da je mutacija rijanodin receptora (RYR1) gena svinja glavni razlog za pojavu PSS-a. Cilj ovog ogleda bio je testiranje RYR1 gena na 10 svinja rase mangulica korišćenjem PCR-restriktivnog endonukleaza testa (PCR-RFLP), koji predstavlja jednostavnu i pouzdanu tehniku za testiranje RYR1 gena. Ekstrakcija DNK je obavljena korišćenjem korena dlake svinja. Rezultati ogleda potvrđuju da je RYR1 genotip kod svih 10 svinja bio negativan. Na osnovu napred navedenog može se zaključiti da bi mangulica mogla da bude jedna od genotipova koji se koriste za medicinska i klinička ispitivanja

    Exploring Rigid and Flexible Core Trivalent Sialosides for Influenza Virus Inhibition

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    Herein, the chemical synthesis and binding analysis of functionalizable rigid and flexible core trivalent sialosides bearing oligoethylene glycol (OEG) spacers interacting with spike proteins of influenza A virus (IAV) X31 is described. Although the flexible Tris‐based trivalent sialosides achieved micromolar binding constants, a trivalent binder based on a rigid adamantane core dominated flexible tripodal compounds with micromolar binding and hemagglutination inhibition constants. Simulation studies indicated increased conformational penalties for long OEG spacers. Using a systematic approach with molecular modeling and simulations as well as biophysical analysis, these findings emphasize on the importance of the scaffold rigidity and the challenges associated with the spacer length optimization