366 research outputs found

    Towards environmental sustainability in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria: a theological framework for broader involvement of the Presbyterian Church of Nigeria

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    The Niger Delta environmental crisis fuelled principally by the degration from oil and gas exploration activities has had negative impact on the sustainability of the region into the long-term future. The fallout of the frequent confrontations between the government and oil companies on one hand and the communities (supported by the so-called Niger Delta militants) on the other has had adverse consequences on the wellbeing of the people and the environment. Tracing the issues that posed threats to the sustainability of the Niger Delta environment led to the discovery of a complex mix of bio-physical, economic, and socio-political factors. These factors have compounded the state of degradation. In this thesis, the response of the Presbyterian Church of Nigeria (PCN) to these problems was brought under scrutiny in the light of the failure of key stakeholders, namely, the government, the oil companies and the local communities, to resolve the issues. The results from the fieldwork show that the PCN is not engaging with these issues in a rigorous and systematic manner. The thesis unravels factors militating against the PCN’s participation, and reveals opportunities open to the church. However, what is lacking is a conscious effort by the PCN to pull together a local ecological theology of creation from its inherited theology and from local wisdom. A framework for such a local holistic ecotheology (LHE) is therefore suggested to drive PCN’s involvement, and potentially step into the void left by the earlier-mentioned stakeholders. The LHE is designed to be practical and contextual, having its starting point in the local socio-cultural, economic, political, and ecclesiastical context. It draws from elements of local cultures and tradition, the lived experiences of the people at the grassroots, and from Christian theology. It is proposed as a holistic framework that factors in the challenges facing the people and the environment, and proffers practical suggestions towards resolving the problems

    Effect of organic and inorganic fertilizers on the early growth of Tamarindus indica L. in Makurdi, Nigeria

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    Tamarindus indica, commonly known as Tamarind is one of the important multipurpose tropical fruit tree species in the tropical region. To effectively harness the potentials of this species, emphasis must be made for improving their demand as plantation trees, and also their early growth, and speed up their full development rate. The study was conducted to determine the effect of organic and inorganic fertilizers on the early growth of Tamarindus indica in the Forestry Nursery of Federal University of Agriculture Makurdi. Seeds were procured, pre-treated with 50 % sulphuric acid for 60 minutes to break seed dormancy and sown in the poly pots filled with top soil. Two weeks after germination, 10 potted seedlings each were divided into 4 groups of 3 different levels of inorganic and organic fertilizer applications in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) experiment. Fertilizers were applied using ring method. Data collected for early growth parameters were seedling height, collar diameter and number of leaves produced. The growth parameters were measured at two weeks interval for six weeks. The results showed that application of organic manure at various doses yielded better growth and seedlings quality of Tamarindus indica as compared to NPK (15:15:15) and Urea fertilizer. Urea treatment was toxic to the seedlings at all levels of applications which led to the death of the seedlings. NPK applied at 6 grams and 9 grams were also toxic to the seedlings which also led to high mortality rate after application. From the results obtained in this experiment it was that organic manure (cow dung) should be utilized to make nutrient available for optimal growth of Tamarindus indica seedlings and the application of fertilizers (NPK and Urea) above 3 grams on Tamarindus indica seedlings should be discouraged.Keywords: Tamarindus indica, Cowdung, NPK, Urea, early growt

    Synthesis and Evaluation of 1,2,4-oxadiazolidinones: The Search for Potential non-β-lactam β-lactamase Inhibitors.

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    β-lactam antibiotics have been the most widely used drug of choice to combat infectious disease caused by bacteria. Unfortunately, the effectiveness of these antibiotics is drastically threatened by bacterial β-lactamases. β-lactamases are currently responsible for the resistance to most β-lactam antibiotic drugs. For decades, β-lactam β-lactamases inhibitors have been used to reduce bacterial resistance, however, in this study, we will employ the use of 1,2,4-oxadiazolidinone derivatives as a non-β-lactam β-lactamases inhibitor against TEM-1 and P99 β-lactamases. The significance of oxadiazolidinone is the prominent five-membered ring in its structure, which is configurationally stable and present in other biologically active compounds such as linezolid and avibactam. Oxadiazolidinones were synthesized in two steps procedure using nitroalkanes and benzaldehyde as starting materials to produce nitrones, which in turn undergo 1,3- dipolar cycloaddition with substituted isocyanates to give the desired 1,2,4-oxadiazolidin analogs (2a, 2b, 2c and 3). Each product was purified and characterized using 1H NMR and 13C NMR, GC-MS, IR, and UV/Vis analysis. Following their successful synthesis and structural elucidation, they were tested with TEM-1 and P99 serine β-lactamase using Nitrocefin as the substrate to ascertain their effectiveness against β-lactamase. 2a, 2b, 2c and 3 showed inhibition ranging from 12-38 %

    ACTS for distance education in developing countries

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    The need for electrical energy supply in the rural communities of developing countries has been well documented. Equally well known is the potential for photovoltaic in cost effectively meeting this need. A major impediment to fulfilling the need is the lack of indigenous personnel with a knowledgeof photovoltaic systems, and the associated infrastructure required to implement project. Various delivery schemes for providing the needed training to developing countries personnel have been investigated. Various train methods and programs that have been employed to remedy the problem have had significant drawbacks in terms of cost, consistency, impact, reach, and sustainability. The hypothesis to be tested in this project posits that satellite-based distance education using ACTS technologies can overcome these impediments. The purpose of the project is to investigate the applicability of the ACTS satellite in providing distance education in photovoltaic systems to developing countries and rural communities. An evaluation of the cost effectiveness of using ACTS unique technologies to overcome identified problems shall be done. The limitations of ACTS in surmounting distance education problems in developing countries shall be investigated. This project will, furthermore, provide training to Savannah State College faculty in photovoltaic (PV) systems and in distance education configurations and models. It will also produce training materials adequate for use in PV training programs via distance education. Savannah State College will, as a consequence become well equipped to play a leading role in the training of minority populations in photovoltaic systems and other renewables through its Center for Advanced Water Technology and Energy Systems. This communication provides the project outline including the specific issues that will be investigated during the project. Also presented i the project design which covers the participations of the various components of a network of institutions that is formed for optimal project execution. The expected results and project output, including plans for potential leverages and linkages to be derived, are also discussed. Finally, we point out possible extensions from this project and other related projects that could be initiated based on the experiences gained from the project

    Micro-Savings and Poverty Reduction in Nigeria: Some Field Observations from Gokana Local Government Area of Rivers State

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    This study had the objective of investigating issues relating to micro-saving and how it can be employed to reduce poverty in Gokana Local Government Area of Rivers State, Nigeria.  A field survey was conducted in which primary data were collected using a structured questionnaire.  A total of 102 micro-saving cooperative members were interviewed.  Based on descriptive statistics tools of percentages and simple averages, the study reveals that micro-saving is a veritable source of raising funds for investment. Also, lack of access to formal financial institution makes people to patronize micro-savings in Gokana LGA. Again, respondents engaged in micro-savings for emergencies and unexpected investment purposes while cultural obligations induce respondents to engage in micro-saving and more. It is therefore suggested that an enabling macroeconomic environment be given to informal financial sector of Nigeria. This can be achieved by encouraging members of the micro-saving cooperatives to register at least at the local government council to promote assistants from the government on their operations. Keywords: Gokana, Micro-Savings and Poverty Reductio

    Relationship between the Responses of Biology and English Teachers on Extrinsic motivational factors Provision for Teachers and Students’ Academic Achievement in Adamawa State

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    This study investigated the relationship between the responses of Biology and English teachers on extrinsic motivational factors provision to teachers and students’ academic achievement in Adamawa State. The design of the study was survey research design. Two research questions and two null hypotheses tested at 0.05 level of significance guided the study. The sample of the study comprised 64 Biology and English teachers and 182 Biology and English students’ selected by stratified random sampling technique from the five educational zones of the State. Data were collected with Relationship Between Teachers’ Extrinsic motivation Questionnaire (RBTEMQ) and Biology and English Achievement Tests (BAT and EAT). The RBTEMQ was constructed by the researchers on five point scale while BAT and EAT were multiple choice objective tests. The RBTEMQ was face validated while BAT and EAT were both face and content validated. The reliability coefficient of RBTEMQ was estimated with Cronbach alpha method which gave an internal consistency reliability coefficient of 0.74; that of BAT and EAT were estimated with Kuder – Richardson formula 20 which gave internal consistency reliability coefficients of 0.75 and 0.76 respectively. Data were analyzed with mean and standard deviation to answer the research questions while Pearson Product Moment Correlation method was used to test the hypotheses. Results revealed that the provision of extrinsic motivational factors to Adamawa State teachers was low but there is significant relationship between the responses of Biology and English teachers on the provision of extrinsic motivational factors for teachers and students’ academic achievement. It was recommended among others that Adamawa State government should provide adequate extrinsic motivational factors for teachers. Key words: Relationship, extrinsic motivation factors for teachers, students’ academic achievement

    Balance of Payments Adjustment and Productivity Growth in Nigeria: A Small Macroeconometric Analysis

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    This study using aggregate data from 1970 to 2012, investigates balance of payments adjustment and productivity growth in Nigeria by specifying a small macro- econometric model to analyze the various channels through which the economy’s Bop position could be enhanced. The empirical model identifies real exchange rate, government expenditure/revenue, real trade, and foreign direct investment as the various channels that drive productivity growth of the Nigerian economy. The simultaneous equation model was analyzed using the ECM – error correction model approach rather than the conventional Ordinary Least Square (OLS) to overcome simultaneity bias while the unit roots and co-integration tests was carried out using ADF and Johansen/Juselius techniques. The stability test of the parameters of the model was also carried out using the cumulative sum of squares residuals (CUSUM). The result shows that the elasticity of oil revenue, real trade balance, and credit to the private sector, foreign direct investment, government expenditure and degree of openness have positive and significant effect on real GDP while the CUSUM test falls within the 5% critical bound showing the stability of   the simultaneous equation models and thus validating the model. Among the findings of the study is that there is a relationship between changes in real exchange rate misalignment and changes in actual exchange rate. This, therefore suggest that the monetary authorities can use exchange rate alignments to develop the external sector of the Nigerian economy, via the non-oil export thereby solving the BoP disequilibrium Problem. (JEL Codes): F4,F32, C5 Keywords: Balance of Payments mechanism, adjustment policies, macro- econometric model, ECM, CUSUM Test

    Essential trauma management training: addressing service delivery needs in active conflict zones in eastern Myanmar

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Access to governmental and international nongovernmental sources of health care within eastern Myanmar's conflict regions is virtually nonexistent. Historically, under these circumstances effective care for the victims of trauma, particularly landmine injuries, has been severely deficient. Recognizing this, community-based organizations (CBOs) providing health care in these regions sought to scale up the capacity of indigenous health workers to provide trauma care.</p> <p>Case description</p> <p>The Trauma Management Program (TMP) was developed by CBOs in cooperation with a United States-based health care NGO. The goal of the TMP is to improve the capacity of local health workers to deliver effective trauma care. From 2000 to the present, international and local health care educators have conducted regular workshops to train indigenous health workers in the management of landmine injuries, penetrating and blunt trauma, shock, wound and infection care, and orthopedics. Health workers have been regularly resupplied with the surgical instruments, supplies and medications needed to provide the care learnt through TMP training workshops.</p> <p>Discussion and Evaluation</p> <p>Since 2000, approximately 300 health workers have received training through the TMP, as part of a CBO-run health system providing care for approximately 250 000 internally displaced persons (IDPs) and war-affected residents. Based on interviews with health workers, trauma registry inputs and photo/video documentation, protocols and procedures taught during training workshops have been implemented effectively in the field. Between June 2005 and June 2007, more than 200 patients were recorded in the trauma patient registry. The majority were victims of weapons-related trauma.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This report illustrates a method to increase the capacity of indigenous health workers to manage traumatic injuries. These health workers are able to provide trauma care for otherwise inaccessible populations in remote and conflicted regions. The principles learnt during the implementation of the TMP might be applied in similar settings.</p


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    Understanding the Total lymphocyte count (TLC) and CD4 relationship could aid design predictive instruments for making clinical decisions during antiretroviral therapy. The aim of this study was to determine the predictive ability of TLC for CD4 count less than or equal to 350cells/mm3.A cross sectional study involving 432 HIV-I infected persons randomly recruited from the HIV Clinics of Nnamdi Azikiwe University Teaching Hospital (NAUTH) Nnewi, NAUTH Oba and St Charles Borromeo Hospital Onitsha was conducted. Ethical approval was obtained and blood samples were collected. The following were determined; HIV- screening and confirmation using serial testing algorithm with ELISA rapid test kits, CD4 count using Cyflow partec machine and Haematological profile using Sysmex KX21N. Data analysis was carried out using SPSS version 17.Out of the 432 HIV patients involved in this study, females dominated with a population of 274(63.4%) against the males numbering 158(36.6%). The relationship between the TLC cut offs and CD4 count ≤350 cells/mm3 were all statistically significant (P&lt;0.05) except for a TLC value of 2600cells per mm3. At a value of 1200 cells/mm3, TLC had a sensitivity of 25% and specificity of 96% while at 2400 cells/mm3, TLC had a sensitivity of 76% and specificity of 39% for CD4 count of ≤350cells/mm3.TLC was found to have the most significant relationship with CD4 count of all parameters tested using regression analysis. Finally, TLC could serve as a surrogate for CD4 count for monitoring treatment in resource poor areas where facilities for CD4 count may not be available

    Green and Sustainable Commercial Property Demand in Malaysia and Nigeria

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    Green building is redefining real estate practices and commercial properties are attracting greater attention of the paradigm shift. Nevertheless, in many countries including Malaysia and Nigeria, green building investment is still beset with uncertainties about the anticipated returns and benefits. The aim of this study is to identify the predictive factors and variables that motivate decisions to demand and invest in green commercial properties, and to apply discriminant analysis technique to assess if there are significant differences in perception between the real estate development team in Malaysia and Nigeria based on the identified variables. The result showed a significant discriminant function separating the two countries based on their perception of the variables. The green building motivation attributes favoured Malaysia. The Wilks’ Lambda’s F test and the standardized discriminant function coefficients, indicated that there are significant differences in perception between the real estate development team  in Malaysia and Nigeria as measured by personal and altruistic environmental motivations, corporate conscience responsibility motivations and economic and financial motivations. However, economic and financial motivation variables were found to have showed the most predictive power in accounting for the differences in perception. Keywords: green building, real estate investment, sustainability, motivations, perceptions
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