81 research outputs found

    Adopting a cross-scale approach for the deployment of a green infrastructure

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    The implementation of a Green Infrastructure (GI) involves several actors and governance scales that need adequate knowledge support. The multifunctionality of GI entails the implementation of a cross-scale approach, which combines assessments conducted at different levels and active stakeholder engagement. This paper provides a methodology to implement a cross-scale approach to support the deployment of a Regional GI. The methodology was tested in Lombardy Region (north-west of Italy), considering three relevant territorial scales and relative strategic and planning policies. The continental level representing the overall policy-context; the regional level, with its key role for guaranteeing landscape coherence and connectivity and the local level where planning actions are effectively designed and implemented. The EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 and the EU GI strategy were used as references for the continental level; at the regional level, a proposal of Regional GI was evaluated focusing on two Provinces (Varese and Lecco), three regional parks (Ticino, Adda Nord and Campo dei Fiori). At the local scale, the new development plan of the Municipality of Cassano d'Adda (Milan metropolitan area) was evaluated considering different possible scenarios. The regional GI was evaluated with respect to the capacity to provide Cultural Ecosystem Services (CES). CES were mapped using the ESTIMAP-recreation model. The model was adapted to the regional and local level with the active engagement of local stakeholders. Additionally, census data were analysed to obtain an overview of the equitable distribution of the CES amongst inhabitants. Results show that, in 78% of the census blocks of the study area, inhabitants have a high-value recreation resource within 4 km (31% within 4 km and 47% within 300 m). Unmet demand characterises 22% of the census blocks in the study area, clustered in zones with a high population density. The regional GI covers almost completely the two Provinces and the regional parks. In Varese Province: 68% of the territory is included in the regional GI, 82% of the census blocks local demand for recreation opportunities is met, but the population density is higher where the demand is unmet. The Province is characterised by a relatively old population (share of people older than 65 years 23.4%). In Lecco Province, 80% of the territory is included in the regional GI, in 96% of the blocks the local demand is met and the local population is relatively old (share of elderly population 22.12%). The three regional parks present significant differences, strongly influenced by the territorial context. The Campo dei Fiori Park is almost completely included in the regional GI. The entire local population has nature-based recreation opportunities in their close vicinity. Nevertheless, the population density is very low and citizens are relatively old. The majority of the Parco Adda Nord is included in the regional GI providing recreation opportunities to 90% of the census blocks within the Park boundaries. A total of 70% of Ticino Park is included in the regional GI, where local residents are relatively old (share of elderly population 23.78%) and 90% of local census blocks are close to nature-based opportunities. At local scale, we explored how the approach can be used to estimate changes in the CES potential provision and how this can be integrated into a site management plan. This paper demonstrated that the combination of studies in a cross-scale perspective enhances the understanding of GI multifunctionality. It provides a framework to adapt CES mapping models to the local setting with active stakeholders engagement. Moreover, it demonstrates that also highly urbanised areas, such as the Lombardy Region in Italy, can play a role in the deployment of a continental GI and can support biodiversity and nature protection

    Program of assisted reproduction in the segureña sheep breed

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    The results of the assisted reproduction program by means of the artificial insemination using fresh semen obtained in the ram centre of the National Association of Breeders of the Segureña Sheep (ANCOS) are shown. The index of fertility obtained is slightly higher than 40 percent and the index of prolificacy over 150 percent, standing out that these results do not correspond to a experimental station or intensive herds, in spite of this they have been obtained in hard conditions and clearly extensive systems. The success in the use of this tool have contributed to the location of the Segureña scheme of selection on the top of the Spanish meat sheep breeds.Se muestran los resultados del programa de reproducción asistida mediante inseminación artificial a base de semen fresco obtenido en el centro de sementales de la Asociación Nacional de Criadores de Ovino Segureño (ANCOS). Los índices de fertilidad fueron ligeramente superiores a 40 p.100 y la prolificidad media llegó a 150 p.100, resultados de especial valor al no corresponder a estaciones experimentales ni intensivas, sino a condiciones netamente extensivas y geográficas muy adversas. El éxito en el uso de esta herramienta ha contribuido en la colocación del esquema de selección de la oveja Segureña en lo más alto del ovino de carne español

    Urban Ecosystem accounts following the SEEA EA standard: A pilot application in Europe

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    National and local authorities are promoting restoration actions in urban areas to mitigate societal challenges such as urban heat island, poor air quality or biodiversity loss. Urban re-greening is among the implementation actions supporting targets of the European Green Deal, EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030, its proposal for a Nature Restoration Law, and the proposal for an amendment of the Regulation on Environmental Accounts. However, to monitor progress towards policy targets and an overall enhancement of urban ecosystems, policy makers require regular, consistent and comparable data. The implementation of United Nation's System of Environmental Economic Accounting - Ecosystem Accounting (SEEA EA) on urban ecosystems could help to track changes in their ecosystem extent, condition, services and derived benefits. Despite SEEA EA became a statistical standard, it has been only tested in pilot exercises, of which very few are urban ecosystem accounts. This report presents a pilot SEEA EA urban ecosystem account for EU-27 and EFTA Member States in 2018. It discusses challenges for the development of urban ecosystem accounts and potential solutions. The outputs illustrate where re-greening efforts should be applied and discusses feasibility and potential issues of targets. The report also presents key insights to operationalise SEEA EA for urban ecosystem accounts. It provides an instructive guiding example to national and local authorities starting to draft their own urban ecosystem accounts

    Mangrove diversity is more than fringe deep

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    AbstractMangroves form coastal tropical forests in the intertidal zone and are an important component of shoreline protection. In comparison to other tropical forests, mangrove stands are thought to have relatively low genetic diversity with population genetic structure gradually increasing with distance along a coastline. We conducted genetic analyses of mangrove forests across a range of spatial scales; within a 400 m2 parcel comprising 181 Rhizophora mangle (red mangrove) trees, and across four sites ranging from 6–115 km apart in Honduras. In total, we successfully genotyped 269 R. mangle trees, using a panel of 677 SNPs developed with 2b-RAD methodology. Within the 400 m2 parcel, we found two distinct clusters with high levels of genetic differentiation (FST = 0.355), corresponding to trees primarily located on the seaward fringe and trees growing deeper into the forest. In contrast, there was limited genetic differentiation (FST = 0.027–0.105) across the sites at a larger scale, which had been predominantly sampled along the seaward fringe. Within the 400 m2 parcel, the cluster closest to the seaward fringe exhibited low genetic differentiation (FST = 0.014–0.043) with the other Honduran sites, but the cluster further into the forest was highly differentiated from them (FST = 0.326–0.414). These findings contradict the perception that genetic structure within mangroves forests occurs mainly along a coastline and highlights that there is greater genetic structure at fine spatial scales.</jats:p

    Relevamiento de Quesos Entrerrianos. Características Físico-Químicas-Bacteriológicas y Sensoriales con vistas a su tipificación

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    La caracterización y clasificación de los alimentos se encuentra definida y regida por la Ley Nacional 18 284, Código Alimentario Argentino, por lo que la definición de quesos, su calificación de inocuidad y clasificación, se encuentran dados en la mencionada normativa. Para el caso, de la producción de los tambos queserías entrerrianos, entendiendo como tal a los pequeños y medianos establecimientos tamberos que elaboran solo su propia producción; a la fecha, son escasos los estudios disponibles tendientes a conocer sus características, y si los mismos se encuadran a lo dispuesto por la norma. El problema que se intenta abordar, es conocer con datos obtenidos en un muestreo estadístico, las características físico-químicas, bacteriológicas y sensoriales de este tipo de quesos, conocidos popularmente como «tipo sardo». El relevamiento incluyó encuestas a productores y consumidores, análisis y evaluación de las muestras obtenidas para la calificación y clasificación de la producción de los tambos-queserías entrerrianos. Finalmente se propone realizar de un protocolo de elaboración que homogenice el tipo de queso, destacando sus características típicas, para darle mayor valor agregado

    Betaine-homocysteine S-methyltransferase deficiency causes increased susceptibility to noise-induced hearing loss associated with plasma hyperhomocysteinemia

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    Betaine-homocysteine S-methyltransferases (BHMTs) are methionine cycle enzymes that remethylate homocysteine; hence, their malfunction leads to hyperhomocysteinemia. Epidemiologic and experimental studies have revealed a correlation between hyperhomocysteinemia and hearing loss. Here, we have studied the expression of methionine cycle genes in the mouse cochlea and the impact of knocking out the Bhmt gene in the auditory receptor. We evaluated age-related changes in mouse hearing by recording auditory brainstem responses before and following exposure to noise. Also, we measured cochlear cytoarchitecture, gene expression by RNA-arrays and quantitative RT-PCR, and metabolite levels in liver and plasma by HPLC. Our results indicate that there is an age-dependent strain-specific expression of methionine cycle genes in the mouse cochlea and a further regulation during the response to noise damage. Loss of Bhmt did not cause an evident impact in the hearing acuity of young mice, but it produced higher threshold shifts and poorer recovery following noise challenge. Hearing loss was associated with increased cochlear injury, outer hair cell loss, altered expression of cochlear methionine cycle genes, and hyperhomocysteinemia. Our results suggest that BHMT plays a central role in the homeostasis of cochlear methionine metabolism and that Bhmt2 up-regulation could carry out a compensatory role in cochlear protection against noise injury in the absence of BHMT

    Prevention of falls and fractures in old people by administration of calcium and vitamin d. randomized clinical trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>There are many studies that associate vitamin D serum levels in older persons with muscle strength, physical performance and risk of fractures and falls. However, current evidence is insufficient to make a general recommendation for administrating calcium and vitamin D to older persons. The objective of this study is to determine the effectiveness of calcium and vitamin D supplementation in improving musculoskeletal function and decreasing the number of falls in person aged over 65 years.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>Phase III, randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled trial to evaluate the efficacy of already marketed drugs in a new indication. It will be performed at Primary Care doctor visits at several Healthcare Centers in different Spanish Health Areas. A total of 704 non-institutionalized subjects aged 65 years or older will be studied (sample size calculated for a statistical power of 80%, alpha error 0.05, annual incidence of falls 30% and expected reduction of 30% to 20% and expected loss to follow up of 20%). The test drug containing 800 IU of vitamin D and 1000 mg of calcium will be administered daily. The control group will receive a placebo. The subjects will be followed up over two years. The primary variable will be the incidence of spontaneous falls. The secondary variables will include: consequences of the falls (fractures, need for hospitalization), change in calcidiol plasma levels and other analytical determinations (transaminases, PTH, calcium/phosphorous, albumin, creatinine, etc.), change in bone mass by densitometry, change in muscle strength in the dominant hand and change in musculoskeletal strength, risk factors for falls, treatment compliance, adverse effects and socio-demographic data.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>The following principles have been considered in the development of this Project: the product data are sufficient to ensure that the risks assumed by the study participants are acceptable, the study objectives will probably provide further knowledge on the problem studied and the available information justifies the performance of the study and its possible risk for the participants.</p> <p>If calcium and vitamin D supplementation is effective in the prevention of falls and fractures in the elderly population, a recommendation may be issued with the aim of preventing some of the consequences of falls that affect quality of life and the ensuing personal, health and social costs.</p> <p>Trial Registration</p> <p>ClinicalTrials.gov: <a href="http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01452243">NCT01452243</a></p> <p>Clinical trial authorized by the Spanish Medicines Agency: EudraCT number 2006-001643-63.</p

    The Integrated system for Natural Capital Accounting (INCA) in Europe: twelve lessons learned from empirical ecosystem service accounting

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    Open Access Article; Published online: 16 Sep 2022The Integrated system for Natural Capital Accounting (INCA) was developed and supported by the European Commission to test and implement the System of integrated Environmental and Economic Accounting – Ecosystem Accounting (SEEA EA). Through the compilation of nine Ecosystem Services (ES) accounts, INCA can make available to any interested ecosystem accountant a number of lessons learned. Amongst the conceptual lessons learned, we can mention: (i) for accounting purposes, ES should be clustered according to the existence (or not) of a sustainability threshold; (ii) the assessment of ES flow results from the interaction of an ES potential and an ES demand; (iii) the ES demand can be spatially identified, but for an overarching environmental target, this is not possible; ES potential and ES demand could mis-match; (iv) because the demand remains unsatisfied; (v) because the ES is used above its sustainability threshold or (vi) because part of the potential flow is missed; (vii) there can be a cause-and-effect relationship between ecosystem condition and ES flow; (viii) ES accounts can complement the SEEA Central Framework accounts without overlapping or double counting. Amongst the methodological lessons learned, we can mention: (ix) already exiting ES assessments do not directly provide ES accounts, but will likely need some additional processing; (x) ES cannot be defined by default as intermediate; (xi) the ES remaining within ecosystems cannot be reported as final; (xii) the assessment and accounting of ES can be undertaken throughout a fast track approach or more demanding modelling procedures

    Biallelic variants in ADAMTS15 cause a novel form of distal arthrogryposis

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    Purpose We aimed to identify the underlying genetic cause for a novel form of distal arthrogryposis. Methods Rare variant family-based genomics, exome sequencing, and disease-specific panel sequencing were used to detect ADAMTS15 variants in affected individuals. Adamts15 expression was analyzed at the single-cell level during murine embryogenesis. Expression patterns were characterized using in situ hybridization and RNAscope. Results We identified homozygous rare variant alleles of ADAMTS15 in 5 affected individuals from 4 unrelated consanguineous families presenting with congenital flexion contractures of the interphalangeal joints and hypoplastic or absent palmar creases. Radiographic investigations showed physiological interphalangeal joint morphology. Additional features included knee, Achilles tendon, and toe contractures, spinal stiffness, scoliosis, and orthodontic abnormalities. Analysis of mouse whole-embryo single-cell sequencing data revealed a tightly regulated Adamts15 expression in the limb mesenchyme between embryonic stages E11.5 and E15.0. A perimuscular and peritendinous expression was evident in in situ hybridization in the developing mouse limb. In accordance, RNAscope analysis detected a significant coexpression with Osr1, but not with markers for skeletal muscle or joint formation. Conclusion In aggregate, our findings provide evidence that rare biallelic recessive trait variants in ADAMTS15 cause a novel autosomal recessive connective tissue disorder, resulting in a distal arthrogryposis syndrome

    Age at menopause in Latin America

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess the age at menopause (AM) in Latin America urban areas. DESIGN: A total of 17,150 healthy women, aged 40 to 59 years, accompanying patients to healthcare centers in 47 cities of 15 Latin American countries, were surveyed regarding their age, educational level, healthcare coverage, history of gynecological surgery, smoking habit, presence of menses, and the use of contraception or hormone therapy at menopause. The AM was calculated using logit analysis. RESULTS: The mean age of the entire sample was 49.4 ± 5.5 years. Mean educational level was 9.9 ± 4.5 years, and the use of hormone therapy and oral contraception was 22.1% and 7.9%, respectively. The median AM of women in all centers was 48.6 years, ranging from 43.8 years in Asuncion (Paraguay) to 53 years in Cartagena de Indias (Colombia). Logistic regression analysis determined that women aged 49 living in cities at 2,000 meters or more above sea level (OR = 2.0, 95% CI: 1.4-2.9, P less than 0.001) and those with lower educational level (OR = 1.9, 95% CI: 1.3-2.8, P less than 0.001) or living in countries with low gross national product (OR = 2.1, 95% CI: 1.5-2.9, P less than 0.001) were more prone to an earlier onset of menopause. CONCLUSIONS: The AM varies widely in Latin America. Lower income and related poverty conditions influence the onset of menopause. © 2006 by The North American Menopause Society