217 research outputs found

    Alterations on the evapotranspiration of sugarcane cultivars under distinct salinity levels applied in the fertigation

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    The aim of this research was to evaluate the effect of distinct levels of salinity on the evapotranspiration of the RB867515, RB855453, RB92579 and RB928064 sugarcane cultivars. The evapotranspiration was monitored during daytime period under meteorological conditions influenced, mainly by cloud variations. The salinity values were established by addition of 0, 50, 100 and 150 mM of Sodium Chloride (NaCl) to the nutrient solution, which was applied by fertigation, in such way that the electrical conductivity (EC) of the leached solution was near 3, 6, 10 and 13 dS m -1 , respectively. The increase of the NaCl concentration in the nutrient solution affected, significantly and in a linear manner, the evapotranspiration of all sugarcane cultivars, such that the days with low cloud provided the highest evapotranspiration values and the greater reduction among salinity levels. Analysis of the evapotranspiration accumulated during the daytime period showed that there were no significant differences among sugarcane cultivars and that, under the highest atmospheric water demand, the evapotranspiration decreased 48.5 g plant -1 EC -1 . This value represents the average reduction of 5.1% EC -1 when compared to the treatment without NaCl, considering data of all cultivars

    Mitigating the effects of future climate on maize productivity.

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    Current climate changes affect agricultural production. Crop management strategies can be used to mitigate these effects. This study was carried out to evaluate the use of crop and soil management strategies to mitigate the effects of future climate on maize yield in mesoregions of the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The CSM-CERESMaize model was used to simulate the effect of maize root system depth and of the amount of plant residue left on the soil surface by the previous crop in maize yield for different scenarios of change in precipitation and solar radiation. The decrease in rainfall volume reduced the average maize yield in some regions by more than 50%. The increase in solar radiation maize yield rise, while its reduction caused more than 20% yield drop in most regions. The management strategies evaluated have the potential to mitigate such effects

    A transient homotypic interaction model for the influenza A virus NS1 protein effector domain

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    Influenza A virus NS1 protein is a multifunctional virulence factor consisting of an RNA binding domain (RBD), a short linker, an effector domain (ED), and a C-terminal 'tail'. Although poorly understood, NS1 multimerization may autoregulate its actions. While RBD dimerization seems functionally conserved, two possible apo ED dimers have been proposed (helix-helix and strand-strand). Here, we analyze all available RBD, ED, and full-length NS1 structures, including four novel crystal structures obtained using EDs from divergent human and avian viruses, as well as two forms of a monomeric ED mutant. The data reveal the helix-helix interface as the only strictly conserved ED homodimeric contact. Furthermore, a mutant NS1 unable to form the helix-helix dimer is compromised in its ability to bind dsRNA efficiently, implying that ED multimerization influences RBD activity. Our bioinformatical work also suggests that the helix-helix interface is variable and transient, thereby allowing two ED monomers to twist relative to one another and possibly separate. In this regard, we found a mAb that recognizes NS1 via a residue completely buried within the ED helix-helix interface, and which may help highlight potential different conformational populations of NS1 (putatively termed 'helix-closed' and 'helix-open') in virus-infected cells. 'Helix-closed' conformations appear to enhance dsRNA binding, and 'helix-open' conformations allow otherwise inaccessible interactions with host factors. Our data support a new model of NS1 regulation in which the RBD remains dimeric throughout infection, while the ED switches between several quaternary states in order to expand its functional space. Such a concept may be applicable to other small multifunctional proteins

    Use of lower quality water in irrigated agriculture and effects on forages with productive potential in Semiarid regions: a review.

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    In the agricultural sector, using lower quality water sources has increased in irrigation practice. Thus, this review summarizes the consequences of using brackish and/or saline water in irrigated agriculture, highlighting some effects on soil and plants in general. Water quality for irrigation and the salinity tolerance threshold of forage species with productive potential for semiarid regions are also discussed. Between January and June 2022, a systematic search was carried out for studies that evaluated the quality of water for irrigation, the effects of using water with excess salts on the soil and on plants in general, and on forage species with productive potential in semiarid regions. The databases consulted were: ScienceDirect, Scopus, Wiley Online Library, Web of Science, Taylor and Francis, and Scholar Google. A total of 1567 studies were found. Of these, 200 studies were reviewed and 154 were used because they met the review objective. The forage plants reported here have salinity tolerance ranging from low to moderate. The management adopted, as well as the species used, are factors that influence the performance of the crop under stress. Although they are widely cultivated in arid and semiarid regions of the world, few studies still show the salinity threshold of these crops, mainly for forage cactus, sunflower, and pigeon pea species. Therefore, it is essential to carry out more research on this topic in order to provide information that improves the management of production systems in saline environments around the world.Online

    Modelling management strategies to mitigate the effects of alterations of temperature and of CO2 concentration on maize.

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    Ongoing climate change may affect rainfed maize yield in Brazil, which can be attenuated by some crop management strategies. This work aimed to evaluate, by using computational modeling, management practices with potential to mitigate the effects of changes in temperature and CO2 concentration on maize yield. The CSM-CERES-Maize model was applied to simulate the mitigating potential of using maize cultivars with 0.3 m, 0.5 m and 0.7 m deep root system, associated with 0 t ha-1, 2 t ha-1 and 4 t ha-1 of crop residue left on the soil surface. A set of 33 years of daily weather data, along with soil profile data, were used to evaluate the approach in 10 regions of the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. For most of the regions, the use of mulching and of a maize cultivar with deeper root system was not capable of attenuating the temperature rise. In contrast, any factor limiting root growth of maize to a depth of 0.30 m, causes significant yield drop, even for a scenario of reducing temperature by 3 oC or rising CO2 concentration. In warmer and drier regions, the positive response of maize to the increase in CO2 concentration was more pronounced

    Investigating cooperation with robotic peers

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    We explored how people establish cooperation with robotic peers, by giving participants the chance to choose whether to cooperate or not with a more/less selfish robot, as well as a more or less interactive, in a more or less critical environment. We measured the participants' tendency to cooperate with the robot as well as their perception of anthropomorphism, trust and credibility through questionnaires. We found that cooperation in Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) follows the same rule of Human-Human Interaction (HHI), participants rewarded cooperation with cooperation, and punished selfishness with selfishness. We also discovered two specific robotic profiles capable of increasing cooperation, related to the payoff. A mute and non-interactive robot is preferred with a high payoff, while participants preferred a more human-behaving robot in conditions of low payoff. Taken together, these results suggest that proper cooperation in HRI is possible but is related to the complexity of the task

    Vineyard microclimate and yield under different plastic covers.

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    The use of plastic cover in vineyards minimizes effects of adverse weather conditions. The northwest of São Paulo State is one of the largest grape producing regions in Brazil; however, few studies investigate the effects of different plastic covers on vineyards in this region. This study compared the effect of black shading screen (BSS) and braided polypropylene film (BPF) on BRS Morena vineyard microclimate, grown on an overhead trellis system in the northwestern São Paulo. The experiments were carried out during three growing seasons (2012 ? 2014). BSS allowed superior incoming solar radiation (SR) transmissivity, resulting in higher net radiation (Rn), and higher ratio between photosynthetically active (PAR) and SR. No differences were observed between the average air temperatures (T) and relative humidity (RH) of covered environments (BPF and BSS) and outside condition (automatic weather station ? AWS), due to high air circulation, despite wind speed (WS) reduction caused by plastic covers. BPF provided better conditions for vineyard growth with higher fruit yield than vineyard under BSS regarding the number of shoots with bunches per plant, bunch and stem weights, longitudinal diameter of berries, quantity of fertile buds per shoot, and yield per shoot and per plant. BPF covers also influenced leaf size and growth speed of plants in vineyards. Keywords Black shading screen . Braided polypropylene film . BRS Morena . Leaf wetness duration . Yiel

    Integrated management of agronomic practices in the forage cactus: maximizing productivity, biological efficiency and economic profitability.

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    Forage cactus cropping systems that include a combination of agricultural practices (cloning, irrigation, mulching, and/or intercropping) can increase forage production and economic return in semi-arid environments. This study evaluated the effect on productivity, biological efficiency, and economic return of combining different practices with forage cactus cropping systems in the semi-arid region of Brazil. The research was conducted in four experimental areas, in a randomized block design with four replications, and included the following practices: 1) clones – irrigation - cover, 2) different irrigation depths, 3) intercropping - mulching, and 4) different levels of mulch. The treatments in experiment I consisted of three cactus clones (‘Orelha de Elefante Mexicana’—OEM; ‘Miúda’—MIU and ‘IPA-Sertânia’—IPA), two water regimes (rainfed and irrigated), and two levels of mulch (with and without mulch). Experiment II comprised four irrigation depths (0, 40, 80, and 120% of the crop evapotranspiration) and three cactus clones. In experiment III, three crop arrangements (single cactus, cactus intercropped with millet, and single millet) were evaluated under two levels of mulching (with and without mulching). In experiment IV, four levels of mulch were used (0, 5, 10, and 15 Mg ha-1). The total number of cladodes per plant, fresh matter yield (YFM), dry matter yield (YDM), and final plant density were obtained when harvesting. Economic viability was assessed using the profitability index (PI). The rainfed systems showed greater yield. The use of mulch afforded greater productivity. The OEM clone (YFM = 310.76 Mg ha-1 and YDM = 29.87 Mg ha-1) obtained a higher yield than did the IPA and MIU clones. The highest PI values were achieved under the rainfed systems. The MIU and IPA clones exhibited lower PI values. The cactus-millet intercrop achieved the best performance with the use of mulch. Cactus systems of 15.0 Mg ha-1 showed a greater PI value. It was concluded that the integrated management of such practices as intercropping, mulching, and the adoption of the OEM clone can increase the supply of forage. These practices can promote the sustainable intensification of forage input in Livestock Production Systems in semi-arid environments

    Aphid and Plant Volatiles Induce Oviposition in an Aphidophagous Hoverfly

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    Episyrphus balteatus DeGeer (Diptera, Syrphidae) is an abundant and efficient aphid-specific predator. We tested the electroantennographic (EAG) response of this syrphid fly to the common aphid alarm pheromone, (E)-β-farnesene (EβF), and to several plant volatiles, including terpenoids (mono- and sesquiterpenes) and green leaf volatiles (C6 and C9 alcohols and aldehydes). Monoterpenes evoked significant EAG responses, whereas sesquiterpenes were inactive, except for the aphid alarm pheromone (EβF). The most pronounced antennal responses were elicited by six and nine carbon green leaf alcohols and aldehydes [i.e., (Z)-3-hexenol, (E)-2-hexenol, (E)-2-hexenal, and hexanal]. To investigate the behavioral activity of some of these EAG-active compounds, E. balteatus females were exposed to R-(+)-limonene (monoterpene), (Z)-3-hexenol (green leaf alcohol), and EβF (sesquiterpene, common aphid alarm pheromone). A single E. balteatus gravid female was exposed for 10 min to an aphid-free Vicia faba plant that was co-located with a semiochemical dispenser. Without additional semiochemical, hoverfly females were not attracted to this plant, and no oviposition was observed. The monoterpene R-(+)-limonene did not affect the females’ foraging behavior, whereas (Z)-3-hexenol and EβF increased the time of flight and acceptance of the host plant. Moreover, these two chemicals induced oviposition on aphid-free plants, suggesting that selection of the oviposition site by predatory hoverflies relies on the perception of a volatile blend composed of prey pheromone and typical plant green leaf volatiles
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