685 research outputs found

    Consequences of Teammate Moral Behaviour: Linking Team Moral Norms with Cohesion and Collective Efficacy

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    Although researchers have investigated underlying correlates of moral behaviour in sport, research into the consequences of teammate moral behaviour on team dynamics has been neglected. To address this issue, we examined whether perceived team moral norms (i.e., prosocial behaviour toward teammate norms; prosocial behaviour toward opponent norms; antisocial behaviour toward teammate norms; antisocial behaviour toward opponent norms) were associated with collective efficacy directly and indirectly via cohesion (i.e., task cohesion and social cohesion). We found that prosocial behaviour toward teammate norms was positively associated with cohesion and collective efficacy. Moreover, prosocial behaviour toward teammate norms was indirectly associated with collective efficacy via task cohesion, but not social cohesion. Antisocial behaviour toward teammate norms was negatively associated with cohesion and collective efficacy. Prosocial and antisocial behaviour toward opponent norms did not predict either cohesion or collective efficacy. Taken together, these findings provide novel evidence for the relationships between moral behaviour and team dynamics, which could have implications on team performance

    Spitzer Observations of Transient, Extended Dust in Two Elliptical Galaxies: New Evidence of Recent Feedback Energy Release in Galactic Cores

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    Spitzer observations of extended dust in two optically normal elliptical galaxies provide a new confirmation of buoyant feedback outflow in the hot gas atmospheres around these galaxies. AGN feedback energy is required to prevent wholesale cooling and star formation in these group-centered galaxies. In NGC 5044 we observe interstellar (presumably PAH) emission at 8 microns out to about 5 kpc. Both NGC 5044 and 4636 have extended 70 microns emission from cold dust exceeding that expected from stellar mass loss. The sputtering lifetime of this extended dust in the ~1keV interstellar gas, ~10^7 yrs, establishes the time when the dust first entered the hot gas. Evidently the extended dust originated in dusty disks or clouds, commonly observed in elliptical galaxy cores, that were disrupted, heated and buoyantly transported outward. The surviving central dust in NGC 5044 and 4636 has been disrupted into many small filaments. It is remarkable that the asymmetrically extended 8 micron emission in NGC 5044 is spatially coincident with Halpha+[NII] emission from warm gas. A calculation shows that dust-assisted cooling in buoyant hot gas moving out from the galactic core can cool within a few kpc in about ~10^7 yrs, explaining the optical line emission observed. The X-ray images of both galaxies are disturbed. All timescales for transient activity - restoration of equilibrium and buoyant transport in the hot gas, dynamics of surviving dust fragments, and dust sputtering - are consistent with a central release of feedback energy in both galaxies about 10^7 yrs ago.Comment: 13 pages. Accepted by ApJ; minor typos correcte

    Origin of Radio Emission from Nearby Low-Luminosity Active Galactic Nuclei

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    We use the observational data in radio, optical and X-ray wavebands, for a sample of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) with measured black hole masses, to explore the origin of radio emission from nearby low-luminosity active galactic nuclei (LLAGNs). We find that the radio luminosities are higher than the maximal luminosities expected from the ADAF model, for most sources in this sample. This implies that the radio emission is dominantly from the jets in these sources. The radio emission from a small fraction of the sources in this sample can be explained by the ADAF model. However, comparing the observed multi-band emission data with the spectra calculated for the ADAF or ADIOS cases, we find that neither ADAF nor ADIOS models can reproduce the observed multi-band emission simultaneously, with reasonable magnetic field strengths, for these radio-weak sources. A variety of other possibilities are discussed, and we suggest that the radio emission is probably dominated by jet emission even in these radio-weak LLAGNs.Comment: 25 pages, some references were added, accepted for publication in Ap

    ROSAT Evidence for Intrinsic Oxygen Absorption in Cooling Flow Galaxies and Groups

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    Using spatially resolved, deprojected ROSAT PSPC spectra of 10 of the brightest cooling flow galaxies and groups with low Galactic column densities we have detected intrinsic absorption over energies ~0.4-0.8 keV in half of the sample. Since no intrinsic absorption is indicated for energies below ~0.4 keV, the most reasonable model for the absorber is collisionally ionized gas at temperatures T=10^{5-6} K with most of the absorption arising from ionized states of oxygen but with a significant contribution from carbon and nitrogen. The soft X-ray emission of this warm gas can explain the sub-Galactic column densities of cold gas inferred within the central regions of most of the systems. Attributing the absorption to ionized gas reconciles the large columns of cold H and He inferred from EINSTEIN and ASCA with the lack of such columns inferred from ROSAT. Within the central ~10-20 kpc, where the constraints are most secure, the estimated mass of the ionized absorber is consistent with most (perhaps all) of the matter deposited by a cooling flow over the lifetime of the flow. Since the warm absorber produces no significant H or He absorption the large absorber masses are consistent with the negligible atomic and molecular H inferred from HI and CO observations of cooling flows. It is also found that if T > ~2x10^5 K then the optical and UV emission implied by the warm gas does not violate published constraints. Finally, we discuss how the prediction of warm ionized gas as the product of mass drop-out in these and other cooling flows can be verified with new CHANDRA and XMM observations. (Abridged)Comment: 17 pages (5 figures), Accepted for publication in ApJ, expanded discussion of multiphase spectral models, theoretical implications of warm gas in cooling flows, and the statistical significance of the oxygen absorptio

    AGN-Induced Cavities in NGC 1399 and NGC 4649

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    We present an analysis of archival Chandra and VLA observations of the E0 galaxy NGC 1399 and the E2 galaxy NGC 4649 in which we investigate cavities in the surrounding X-ray emitting medium caused by the central AGN. We calculate the jet power required for the AGN to evacuate these cavities and find values of ~8x10^{41} erg/s and ~14x10^{41} erg/s for the lobes of NGC 1399 and ~7x10^{41} erg/s and ~6x10^{41} erg/s for those of NGC 4649. We also calculate the k/f values for each cavity, where k is the ratio of the total particle energy to that of electrons radiating in the range of 10 MHz to 10 GHz, and f is the volume filling factor of the plasma in the cavity. We find that the values of k/f for the lobes of NGC 1399 are ~93 and ~190, and those of the lobes of NGC 4649 are ~15000 and ~12000. We conclude that the assumed spectrum describes the electron distribution in the lobes of NGC 1399 reasonably well, and that there are few entrained particles. For NGC 4649, either there are many entrained particles or the model spectrum does not accurately describe the population of electrons.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    X-ray Isophotes in a Rapidly Rotating Elliptical Galaxy: Evidence of Inflowing Gas

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    We describe two-dimensional gasdynamical computations of the X-ray emitting gas in the rotating elliptical galaxy NGC 4649 that indicate an inflow of about one solar mass per year at every radius. Such a large instantaneous inflow cannot have persisted over a Hubble time. The central constant-entropy temperature peak recently observed in the innermost 150 parsecs is explained by compressive heating as gas flows toward the central massive black hole. Since the cooling time of this gas is only a few million years, NGC 4649 provides the most acutely concentrated known example of the cooling flow problem in which the time-integrated apparent mass that has flowed into the galactic core exceeds the total mass observed there. This paradox can be resolved by intermittent outflows of energy or mass driven by accretion energy released near the black hole. Inflowing gas is also required at intermediate kpc radii to explain the ellipticity of X-ray isophotes due to spin-up by mass ejected by stars that rotate with the galaxy and to explain local density and temperature profiles. We provide evidence that many luminous elliptical galaxies undergo similar inflow spin-up. A small turbulent viscosity is required in NGC 4649 to avoid forming large X-ray luminous disks that are not observed, but the turbulent pressure is small and does not interfere with mass determinations that assume hydrostatic equilibrium.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication by Ap

    Effects of Opponent Verbal Antisocial Behaviour on Anger, Attention, and Performance

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    Sledging, a form of verbal antisocial behaviour in sport, aims to impair an opponent’s performance. Previously, variations in performance have been attributed to changes in emotion and cognition. To improve our understanding of sledging, the current experiment examined the effects of verbal antisocial behaviour on anger, attention and performance. Participants performed a competitive basketball free-throw shooting task under insult (verbal behaviour designed to offend and upset the performer), distraction (verbal behaviour designed to draw attention away from the task), or control (neutral verbal behaviour) conditions. Performance was assessed by the number of successful baskets and a points-based scoring system, while anger and attention were measured post-task. The insult condition provoked more anger than the control and distraction conditions, whereas the insult and distraction conditions increased distraction and reduced self-focus compared to the control condition. Although verbal antisocial behaviour had no overall direct effect on performance, mediation analysis showed that anger indirectly impaired performance via distraction. Implications for the antisocial behaviour-performance relationship are discussed
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