251 research outputs found

    The process of irreversible nucleation in multilayer growth. II. Exact results in one and two dimensions

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    We study irreversible dimer nucleation on top of terraces during epitaxial growth in one and two dimensions, for all values of the step-edge barrier. The problem is solved exactly by transforming it into a first passage problem for a random walker in a higher-dimensional space. The spatial distribution of nucleation events is shown to differ markedly from the mean-field estimate except in the limit of very weak step-edge barriers. The nucleation rate is computed exactly, including numerical prefactors.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figures. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Relaxation kinetics in two-dimensional structures

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    We have studied the approach to equilibrium of islands and pores in two dimensions. The two-regime scenario observed when islands evolve according to a set of particular rules, namely relaxation by steps at low temperature and smooth at high temperature, is generalized to a wide class of kinetic models and the two kinds of structures. Scaling laws for equilibration times are analytically derived and confirmed by kinetic Monte Carlo simulations.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, 1 tabl

    Coarsening of Surface Structures in Unstable Epitaxial Growth

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    We study unstable epitaxy on singular surfaces using continuum equations with a prescribed slope-dependent surface current. We derive scaling relations for the late stage of growth, where power law coarsening of the mound morphology is observed. For the lateral size of mounds we obtain ξt1/z\xi \sim t^{1/z} with z4z \geq 4. An analytic treatment within a self-consistent mean-field approximation predicts multiscaling of the height-height correlation function, while the direct numerical solution of the continuum equation shows conventional scaling with z=4, independent of the shape of the surface current.Comment: 15 pages, Latex. Submitted to PR

    The effect of monomer evaporation on a simple model of submonolayer growth

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    We present a model for thin film growth by particle deposition that takes into account the possible evaporation of the particles deposited on the surface. Our model focuses on the formation of two-dimensional structures. We find that the presence of evaporation can dramatically affect the growth kinetics of the film, and can give rise to regimes characterized by different ``growth'' exponents and island size distributions. Our results are obtained by extensive computer simulations as well as through a simple scaling approach and the analysis of rate equations describing the system. We carefully discuss the relationship of our model with previous studies by Venables and Stoyanov of the same physical situation, and we show that our analysis is more general.Comment: 41 pages including figures, Revtex, to be published in Physical Review

    The effects of graded motor imagery and its components on chronic pain: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    This is the post-print version of the final paper published in The Journal of Pain. The published article is available from the link below. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. Copyright @ 2013 The American Pain Society.Graded motor imagery (GMI) is becoming increasingly used in the treatment of chronic pain conditions. The objective of this systematic review was to synthesize all evidence concerning the effects of GMI and its constituent components on chronic pain. Systematic searches were conducted in 10 electronic databases. All randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of GMI, left/right judgment training, motor imagery, and mirror therapy used as a treatment for chronic pain were included. Methodological quality was assessed using the Cochrane risk of bias tool. Six RCTs met our inclusion criteria, and the methodological quality was generally low. No effect was seen for left/right judgment training, and conflicting results were found for motor imagery used as stand-alone techniques, but positive effects were observed for both mirror therapy and GMI. A meta-analysis of GMI versus usual physiotherapy care favored GMI in reducing pain (2 studies, n = 63; effect size, 1.06 [95% confidence interval, .41, 1.71]; heterogeneity, I2 = 15%). Our results suggest that GMI and mirror therapy alone may be effective, although this conclusion is based on limited evidence. Further rigorous studies are needed to investigate the effects of GMI and its components on a wider chronic pain population.NHMR

    Changing shapes in the nanoworld

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    What are the mechanisms leading to the shape relaxation of three dimensional crystallites ? Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations of fcc clusters show that the usual theories of equilibration, via atomic surface diffusion driven by curvature, are verified only at high temperatures. Below the roughening temperature, the relaxation is much slower, kinetics being governed by the nucleation of a critical germ on a facet. We show that the energy barrier for this step linearly increases with the size of the crystallite, leading to an exponential dependence of the relaxation time.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures. Accepted by Phys Rev Let

    The process of irreversible nucleation in multilayer growth. I. Failure of the mean-field approach

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    The formation of stable dimers on top of terraces during epitaxial growth is investigated in detail. In this paper we focus on mean-field theory, the standard approach to study nucleation. Such theory is shown to be unsuitable for the present problem, because it is equivalent to considering adatoms as independent diffusing particles. This leads to an overestimate of the correct nucleation rate by a factor N, which has a direct physical meaning: in average, a visited lattice site is visited N times by a diffusing adatom. The dependence of N on the size of the terrace and on the strength of step-edge barriers is derived from well known results for random walks. The spatial distribution of nucleation events is shown to be different from the mean-field prediction, for the same physical reason. In the following paper we develop an exact treatment of the problem.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figures. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Hopping motion of lattice gases through nonsymmetric potentials under strong bias conditions

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    The hopping motion of lattice gases through potentials without mirror-reflection symmetry is investigated under various bias conditions. The model of 2 particles on a ring with 4 sites is solved explicitly; the resulting current in a sawtooth potential is discussed. The current of lattice gases in extended systems consisting of periodic repetitions of segments with sawtooth potentials is studied for different concentrations and values of the bias. Rectification effects are observed, similar to the single-particle case. A mean-field approximation for the current in the case of strong bias acting against the highest barriers in the system is made and compared with numerical simulations. The particle-vacancy symmetry of the model is discussed.Comment: 8 pages (incl. 6 eps figures); RevTeX 3.

    Lattice Effects in Crystal Evaporation

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    We study the dynamics of a stepped crystal surface during evaporation, using the classical model of Burton, Cabrera and Frank, in which the dynamics of the surface is represented as a motion of parallel, monoatomic steps. The validity of the continuum approximation treated by Frank is checked against numerical calculations and simple, qualitative arguments. The continuum approximation is found to suffer from limitations related, in particular, to the existence of angular points. These limitations are often related to an adatom detachment rate of adatoms which is higher on the lower side of each step than on the upper side ("Schwoebel effect").Comment: DRFMC/SPSMS/MDN, Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Grenoble, 25 pages, LaTex, revtex style. 8 Figures, available upon request, report# UBFF30119

    Growth of Patterned Surfaces

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    During epitaxial crystal growth a pattern that has initially been imprinted on a surface approximately reproduces itself after the deposition of an integer number of monolayers. Computer simulations of the one-dimensional case show that the quality of reproduction decays exponentially with a characteristic time which is linear in the activation energy of surface diffusion. We argue that this life time of a pattern is optimized, if the characteristic feature size of the pattern is larger than (D/F)1/(d+2)(D/F)^{1/(d+2)}, where DD is the surface diffusion constant, FF the deposition rate and dd the surface dimension.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, uses psfig; to appear in Phys. Rev. Let