3,378 research outputs found

    Optically Probing Spin and Charge Interactions in an Tunable Artificial Molecule

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    We optically probe and electrically control a single artificial molecule containing a well defined number of electrons. Charge and spin dependent inter-dot quantum couplings are probed optically by adding a single electron-hole pair and detecting the emission from negatively charged exciton states. Coulomb and Pauli blockade effects are directly observed and hybridization and electrostatic charging energies are independently measured. The inter-dot quantum coupling is confirmed to be mediated predominantly by electron tunneling. Our results are in excellent accord with calculations that provide a complete picture of negative excitons and few electron states in quantum dot molecules.Comment: shortened version: 6 pages, 3 figures, 1 table, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Demokratie auf dem Rückzug? Zur Konfrontation zwischen amerikanischem Präsidenten und Kongress über einen Truppenabzug aus dem Irak

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    Im US-Präsidentschaftswahlkampf 2008 ist der Irakkrieg eines der wichtigsten Themen. Die Amerikaner sind allmählich kriegsmüde und die Mehrheit befürwortet einen Truppenrückzug aus dem Irak. Das brachten bereits der Ausgang der Kongresswahlen im Jahr 2006 sowie regelmäßige Meinungsumfragen zum Ausdruck. Es ist nun anzunehmen, dass in der ältesten Demokratie der Welt Volkes Wille direkten Einfluss auf die Politik haben müsste. Doch dies ist nur bedingt der Fall. Besonders Präsident George W. Bush hat wiederholt klargestellt, dass die Stimmung in der Bevölkerung für ihn in der Irakfrage nicht maßgebend sei. Für ihn zähle vielmehr, wie die Generäle vor Ort die aktuelle Sicherheitslage und die Fortschritte einschätzen. Dagegen versucht der seit Ende 2006 von Demokraten dominierte Kongress immer wieder, Rückzugspläne mit festen Fristen zu etablieren. Bislang ist sein Erfolg jedoch bescheiden. Vor allem die fehlende Unterstützung der Republikaner im Kongress und die Blockadepolitik des Präsidenten waren dafür verantwortlich. Hinter der Konfrontation steht eine tiefergehende Auseinandersetzung über die Kompetenzverteilung zwischen Präsident und Kongress bei Kriegsentscheidungen, die in der US-Verfassung in einer Grauzone bleibt. Stephanie Sohnius verknüpft vor diesem verfassungsrechtlichen Hintergrund die Aufarbeitung der aktuell wichtigsten USaußenpolitischen Debatte mit der Frage, ob sich die Demokratie in den USA in der Ära des „Krieges gegen den Terrorismus“ (weiterhin) auf dem Rückzug befindet

    Abdominaler Schmerz

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    Zusammenfassung: Abdominalschmerzen können Ausdruck einer Vielzahl intra- und extraabdomineller Erkrankungen sein. Angesichts dieses breiten ätiologischen Spektrums gilt es, im Initialstadium der Diagnostik zielgerichtet vorzugehen, um ohne Zeitverzug die Ursache und damit letzlich die Dringlichkeit weitergehender Maßnahmen zu bestimmen. Ziel dieser Evaluation ist eine initiale risikostratifizierte Triagierung des Patienten. Im Gegensatz zu somatischen Ursachen abdominalen Schmerzes ist eine derartige kausale Therapie bei funktionellen Erkrankungen des Gastrointestinaltraktes zum gegenwärtigen Zeitpunkt nur sehr begrenzt möglich, sodass hierbei der Fokus auf eine bedarfs- und symptomadaptierte Behandlung gelegt werden sol

    Planning reform, land release and the supply of housing

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    There is a growing interest in academic and policy circles in the relationship between land use planning policy and housing supply. Housing researchers are interested in the extent to which planning policies and practises may be exacerbating housing affordability questions, while planning academics and practitioners focus on what effect their policies actually have on the characteristics of housing supply. Policies seeking a diversity of built form are underpinned by attempts to reduce energy consumption through smaller house sizes and the design of less car dependent suburbs. Urban Growth Boundaries (UGBs) and increased net housing densities seek to slow the expansion of cities into hinterlands and reduce travel costs. The impact of UGBs on house prices is one of a number of issues that remains contested (Nelson et al 2007; Buxton and Scheurer 2007)

    Dynamic extensions of batch systems with cloud resources

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    Compute clusters use Portable Batch Systems (PBS) to distribute workload among individual cluster machines. To extend standard batch systems to Cloud infrastructures, a new service monitors the number of queued jobs and keeps track of the price of available resources. This meta-scheduler dynamically adapts the number of Cloud worker nodes according to the requirement profile. Two different worker node topologies are presented and tested on the Amazon EC2 Cloud service

    On the Role of Long-Range Electrostatics in Machine-Learned Interatomic Potentials for Complex Battery Materials

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    Modeling complex energy materials such as solid-state electrolytes (SSEs) realistically at the atomistic level strains the capabilities of state-of-the-art theoretical approaches. On one hand, the system sizes and simulation time scales required are prohibitive for first-principles methods such as the density functional theory. On the other hand, parameterizations for empirical potentials are often not available, and these potentials may ultimately lack the desired predictive accuracy. Fortunately, modern machine learning (ML) potentials are increasingly able to bridge this gap, promising first-principles accuracy at a much reduced computational cost. However, the local nature of these ML potentials typically means that long-range contributions arising, for example, from electrostatic interactions are neglected. Clearly, such interactions can be large in polar materials such as electrolytes, however. Herein, we investigate the effect that the locality assumption of ML potentials has on lithium mobility and defect formation energies in the SSE Li7P3S11. We find that neglecting long-range electrostatics is unproblematic for the description of lithium transport in the isotropic bulk. In contrast, (field-dependent) defect formation energies are only adequately captured by a hybrid potential combining ML and a physical model of electrostatic interactions. Broader implications for ML-based modeling of energy materials are discussed

    Electronic structure study by means of X-ray spectroscopy and theoretical calculations of the "ferric star" single molecule magnet

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    The electronic structure of the single molecule magnet system M[Fe(L)2]3*4CHCl3 (M=Fe,Cr; L=CH3N(CH2CH2O)2) has been studied using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, X-ray absorption spectroscopy, soft X-ray emission spectroscopy, and density functional calculations. There is good agreement between theoretical calculations and experimental data. The valence band mainly consists of three bands between 2 eV and 30 eV. Both theory and experiments show that the top of the valence band is dominated by the hybridization between Fe 3d and O 2p bands. From the shape of the Fe 2p spectra it is argued that Fe in the molecule is most likely in the 2+ charge state. Its neighboring atoms (O,N) exhibit a magnetic polarisation yielding effective spin S=5/2 per iron atom, giving a high spin state molecule with a total S=5 effective spin for the case of M = Fe.Comment: Fig.2 replaced as it will appear in J. Chem. Phy

    Challenges of the LHC Computing Grid by the CMS experiment

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    This document summarises the status of the existing grid infrastructure and functionality for the high-energy physics experiment CMS and the expertise in operation attained during the so-called ”Computing, Software and Analysis Challenge” performed in 2006 (CSA06). This report is especially focused on the role of the participating computing centres in Germany located at Karlsruhe, Hamburg and Aachen