184 research outputs found

    Maxillary Sinusitis as a Complication of Zygomatic Implants Placement: A Narrative Review

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    Aims: The aim of this review is to consider maxillary sinusitis as a complication of zygomatic implants placements. Maxillary sinusitis a common complication but in the literature there are no reviews that focus only on this condition and its possible treatment. This review was carried out with to highlight the main findings of the literature on this topic and to improve knowledge in this field. Methods: The search strategy resulted in 155 papers. After selection of the inclusion criteria only 11 papers were examined. From the papers these, 12.3% patients presented maxillary sinusitis but only four studies evaluated sinusitis (both clinical and radiological evaluation). The most common treatment used by the authors were antibiotics alone or combined with functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS). Results: The literature shows an absence of precise and shared guidelines diagnosis and post-operative follow-up, and of the treatment of maxillary sinusitis following zygomatic implantology. It has not been determined if the surgical placement of ZIs is better than the other techniques for treatment of the onset of maxillary sinusitis in the post-operative period. Conclusion: To date there are no shared protocols for maxillary sinusitis treatment. In our experience, and according to the literature in the presence of risk factors such as age, comorbidities, smoking, nasal septal deviation or other anatomical variants, we suggested that FESS is performed at the same time as placement of zygomatic implants

    Expanded Endoscopic Approach for Anterior Skull Base Tumors: Experience of a Multidisciplinary Skull Base Team

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    Abstract: The aim of this study is to describe the experience of a multidisciplinary skull base team with transnasal endoscopic surgery for anterior cranial base tumors. A retrospective chart review was conducted on patients who underwent an exclusive expanded transnasal approach to the anterior skull base in the period from December 2014 to November 2015. Data on patient demographics, tumor characteristics, surgical information, imaging, and postoperative complications were collected and analyzed. From a total of 120 patients with skull base diseases managed by the skull base team, 36 were admitted to this study. The overall complication rate in this series was 16.7%, gross total resection was achieved in 32 cases (88.9%) and postoperative CSF leakage occurred in 5 cases (13.9%). Our preliminary results confirm that an exclusive endoscopic transnasal approach to the anterior cranial base

    A 10-year experience in preoperative ultrasound imaging for parotid glands’ benign neoformations

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    Salivary gland neoplasms represent less than 4% of all head and neck lesions, being 80% in the parotid gland and usually benign. Imaging plays a key role in the evaluation of parotid gland masses. Ultrasound is cheap, with an excellent resolution and a safe real time assessment making it an ideal first evaluation option. Conversely, MRI is considered a second-line pre-surgery exam used to determine the location, the extension and the signal features of a parotid lesion. Both US and MRI are poorly reliable for predicting histology, therefore a fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) is usually needed. In our retrospective study, we examined 263 patients with parotid diseases and a FNAC positive for a benign neoplasm, who underwent surgery between 2010 and 2020, in the departments of Otorhinolaryngology and Maxillofacial surgery in Verona. We compared a group of 126 patients preoperatively evaluated with ultrasound and a control group of 137 patients studied through third level imaging (usually MRI). In our case series, both third level imaging and US were used in equal measure, despite the lesion size. We found the recurrence rate to be almost the same between the two diagnostic methods and we saw that the patients studied through third level preoperative imaging had a higher complication rate and a worse facial nerve outcome. In our opinion, for patients with a FNAC positive for benign lesion the exclusive use of ultrasound imaging provides enough information to study the neoplasm while allowing for a faster and cheaper preoperative evaluation

    Personal experience with the remote check telehealth in cochlear implant users: from COVID-19 emergency to routine service

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    Purpose: To critically illustrate the personal experience with using the “Remote Check” application which remotely monitors the hearing rehabilitation level of cochlear implant users at home and further allows clinicians to schedule in-clinic sessions according to the patients’ needs. Methods: 12-month prospective study. Eighty adult cochlear implant users (females n = 37, males n = 43; age range 20–77 years) with ≥ 36 months of cochlear implant experience and ≥ 12 months of stable auditory and speech recognition level volunteered for this 12-month long prospective study. For each patient, at the beginning of the study during the in-clinic session to assess the stable aided hearing thresholds and the cochlear implant integrity and patient’s usage, the “Remote Check” assessment baseline values were obtained. “Remote Check” outcomes were collected at different times in the subsequent at-home sessions, to identify the patients that had to reach the Center. Chi-square test has been used for statistical analysis of the comparison of the “Remote Check” outcomes and in-clinic session results. Results: “Remote Check” application outcomes demonstrated minimal or no differences between all sessions. The at-home Remote Check application reached the same clinical outcomes as the in-clinic sessions in 79 out 80 of participants (99%) with high statistical significance (p < 0.05). Conclusions: “Remote Check” application supported hearing monitoring in cochlear implant users that were not able to attend the in-clinic review during COVID-19 pandemic time. This study demonstrates that the application can be a useful routine tool also for clinical follow-up of cochlear implant users with stable aided hearing

    Insights into Pediatric Sleep Disordered Breathing: Exploring Risk Factors, Surgical Interventions, and Physical and Scholastic Performance at Follow-Up

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    (1) Background: Sleep-disordered breathing represents a growing public health concern, especially among children and adolescents. The main risk factors for pediatric sleep-disordered breathing in school-age children are tonsillar and adenoid hypertrophy. Adenoidectomy, often in combination with tonsillectomy, is the primary treatment modality for pediatric sleep-disordered breathing. This study aims to comprehensively investigate various risk and protective factors in children with sleep-disordered breathing undergoing adenotonsillar or adenoidal surgeries. We also aim to explore the differences in neuropsychological profiles. (2) Methods: This is an observational, retrospective cohort study. We collected information on adenoidectomy or adenotonsillectomy in children referred to our center. We reviewed the clinical history and preoperative visits and collected data through a telephone questionnaire. The Pediatric Sleep Questionnaire (PSQ) and the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory (PedsQL) screen sleep-disordered breathing and quality of life, respectively. The data were statistically analyzed using SPSS version 22.0 for Windows (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). (3) Results: The study involved 138 patients, but only 100 children participated. A higher percentage of patients with sleep-disordered breathing were observed to have mothers who smoked during pregnancy. A smaller proportion of patients with sleep-disordered breathing habitually used a pacifier. A rise in physical score was associated with a reduced PSQ at follow-up (p = 0.051). An increase in the overall academic score was related to a decrease in the PSQ at follow-up (p < 0.001). A more significant proportion of patients undergoing adenotonsillectomy were observed to have a history of prematurity and cesarean birth. (4) This comprehensive study delves into the intricate interplay of risk and protective factors impacting children with sleep-disordered breathing undergoing adenotonsillectomy and adenoidectomy

    Effect of feed restriction timing on live performance, breast myopathy occurrence, and muscle fiber degeneration in 2 broiler chicken genetic lines

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    During recent years, research on meat quality in poultry has aimed to evaluate the presence and consequences of breast myopathies as well as the factors which can affect their occurrence by modifying the growth rate. A total of 900 broiler chickens were reared until slaughter (48 D) to evaluate the effect of 2 genetic lines (A vs. B) and feeding plans (ad libitum [AL], early restricted [ER], from 13 to 23 D of age, and late restricted [LR], from 27 to 37 D of age; restriction rate: 80%) on performance, meat quality, and breast muscle myopathies. Calsequestrin and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expressions, and muscle fiber degeneration (MFD) were recorded at 22, 36, and 48 D. Chickens in the AL treatment had greater final live (P < 0.01) and carcass weights and proportion of pectoralis major muscle (P = 0.04) compared to chickens in the LR treatment, whereas chickens in the ER treatment had intermediate final live (3,454 g) and carcass weights, and proportion of pectoralis major muscle (25.6%). Chickens of line A were heavier than chickens of line B (P < 0.001), and had a greater feed conversion rate. Chickens of line A also had a greater dressing out percentage (P < 0.001), but a lower proportion of pectoralis major muscle (P = 0.04), as well as a greater meat pH (P < 0.001), meat cooking losses (P < 0.01), and shear force of the pectoralis major muscle (P = 0.03). Calsequestrin and VEGF mRNA were significantly lower in ER and LR chickens compared to AL chickens after feed restriction and during refeeding (P < 0.05). MFD scores increased with chicken age (P < 0.001) and differed between genetic lines (P < 0.001). Neither feeding plan nor genetic line affected the occurrence of white striping or wooden breast condition

    Modeling of enhanced field confinement and scattering by optical wire antennas.

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    We describe the application of full-wave and semi-analytical numerical tools for the modeling of optical wire antennas, with the aim of providing novel guidelines for analysis and design. The concept of antenna impedance at optical frequencies is reviewed by means of finite-element simulations, whereas a surface-impedance integral equation is derived in order to perform an accurate and efficient calculation of the current distribution, and thereby to determine the equivalent-circuit parameters. These are introduced into simple circuits models, directly borrowed from radio frequency, which are applied in order to model the phenomena of enhanced field confinement at the feed gap and light scattering by optical antennas illuminated by plane waves

    Estimating survival after salvage surgery for recurrent salivary gland cancers: Systematic review

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    Recurrent salivary gland carcinomas (RSCs) are poorly characterized and their clinical features and treatment options have not yet been fully described. The goal of this study was to analyze the therapeutic strategies and oncological outcomes of RSC patients through a literature review analysis. This systematic review was performed according to the PRISMA statements. Inclusion criteria for the systematic review were based on the population, intervention, comparison, and outcomes according to (PICO) framework. Two thousand seven hundred and four records were selected and 1817 recurrences were studied. Three hundred and sixty-five patients underwent salvage surgery (20.1%) and their 5-year mortality rate, overall survival and disease-free survival were 35%, 70%, and 42%, respectively. RSCs are aggressive neoplasms with a high rate of distant metastases (28.9%). Salvage surgery can be considered in patients with limited local and/or regional recurrences, even in case of single distant relapse, appearing within the first 3 years of follow-up

    Olfactory swab sampling optimization for α-synuclein aggregate detection in patients with Parkinson’s disease

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    Background: In patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD), real-time quaking-induced conversion (RT-QuIC) detection of pathological α-synuclein (α-syn) in olfactory mucosa (OM) is not as accurate as in other α-synucleinopathies. It is unknown whether these variable results might be related to a different distribution of pathological α-syn in OM. Thus, we investigated whether nasal swab (NS) performed in areas with a different coverage by olfactory neuroepithelium, such as agger nasi (AN) and middle turbinate (MT), might affect&nbsp;the detection of pathological α-syn. Methods: NS was performed in 66 patients with PD and 29 non-PD between September 2018 and April 2021. In 43 patients, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) was also obtained and all samples were analyzed by RT-QuIC for α-syn. Results: In&nbsp;the first round, 72 OM samples were collected by NS, from AN (NSAN) or from MT (NSMT), and 35 resulted positive for&nbsp;α-syn&nbsp;RT-QuIC,&nbsp;including 27/32 (84%) from AN, 5/11 (45%) from MT, and 3/29 (10%) belonging to the non-PD patients. Furthermore, 23 additional PD patients underwent NS at both AN and MT, and RT-QuIC revealed α-syn positive in 18/23 (78%) NSAN samples and in 10/23 (44%) NSMT samples. Immunocytochemistry of NS preparations showed a higher representation of olfactory neural cells in NSAN compared to NSMT. We also observed α-syn and phospho-α-syn deposits in NS from PD patients but not in controls. Finally, RT-QuIC was positive in 22/24 CSF samples from PD patients (92%) and in 1/19 non-PD. Conclusion: In PD patients, RT-QuIC sensitivity is significantly increased (from 45% to 84%) when NS is performed at AN, indicating that α-syn aggregates are preferentially detected in olfactory areas with higher concentration of olfactory neurons. Although RT-QuIC analysis of CSF showed a higher diagnostic accuracy compared to NS, due to the non-invasiveness, NS might be considered as&nbsp;an ancillary procedure for PD diagnosis

    Conservative surgery with and without radiotherapy in elderly patients with early-stage breast cancer: a prospective randomised multicentre trial. Breast 2009

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    a b s t r a c t Breast conserving therapy (BCT) including postoperative irradiation of the remaining breast tissue is generally accepted as the best treatment for the majority of patients with early-stage breast cancer. The question is whether there is a necessity for irradiating all patients. Between 2001 and 2005, 749 women aged 55-75 years with infiltrating breast carcinoma were randomly assigned to breast conservative surgery, with or without radiotherapy (RT), to evaluate the incidence of in-breast recurrence (IBR). After 5 years of median follow-up, the cumulative incidence of IBR was 2.5% in the surgery-only arm and 0.7% in the surgery plus RT arm. There are no differences in terms of overall survival and distant disease-free survival. The preliminary evaluation suggests that breast irradiation after conservative surgery can be avoided without exposing these patients to an increased risk of distant-disease recurrence. Prolonged follow-up will further clarify the possible risks and late sequelae potentially induced by breast RT
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