150 research outputs found

    Drug release modification by interpolymer interaction between countercharged types of Eudragit® RL 30D and FS 30D in double-layer films

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    Interpolymer interactions between the countercharged methacrylate copolymers Eudragit® RL 30D (polycation) and Eudragit® FS 30D (polyanion), were investigated in conditions mimicking the gastrointestinal environment. The formation of inter-macromolecular ionic bonds between Eudragit® RL 30D and Eudragit® FS 30D was investigated using FT-IR spectroscopy and modulated DSC. The FT-IR spectra of the tested polymeric matrices are characterized by visible changes in the observed IR region indicating the interaction between chains of two oppositely charged copolymers. A new band at 1570 cm-1 appeared which was assigned to the absorption of the carboxylate groups that form the ionic bonds with the quaternary ammonium groups. Moreover, while increasing the pH values from pH 5.8 to 7.4, a decrease of the intensity of the band at 960 cm-1 (quaternary ammonium group vibration) was observed. All binary mixtures were characterized by the presence of only one and narrow Tg, pointing to sample homogeneity, because of the compatibility of components. As a result of electrostatic interaction between the copolymer chains during swelling, the resulting Tg is decreased significantly and was dependent on the quantity of copolymers present in the structure of polycomplexes formed. Overall, the interaction between countercharged copolymers during passage in gastrointestinal tract can strongly modify the release profile of the model drug diclofenac sodium. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Evaluation of sesamum gum as an excipient in matrix tablets

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    In developing countries modern medicines are often beyond the affordability of the majority of the population. This is due to the reliance on expensive imported raw materials despite the abundance of natural resources which could provide an equivalent or even an improved function. The aim of this study was to investigate the potential of sesamum gum (SG) extracted from the leaves of Sesamum radiatum (readily cultivated in sub-Saharan Africa) as a matrix former. Directly compressed matrix tablets were prepared from the extract and compared with similar matrices of HPMC (K4M) using theophylline as a model water soluble drug. The compaction, swelling, erosion and drug release from the matrices were studied in deionized water, 0.1 N HCl (pH 1.2) and phosphate buffer (pH 6.8) using USP apparatus II. The data from the swelling, erosion and drug release studies were also fitted into the respective mathematical models. Results showed that the matrices underwent a combination of swelling and erosion, with the swelling action being controlled by the rate of hydration in the medium. SG also controlled the release of theophylline similar to the HPMC and therefore may have use as an alternative excipient in regions where Sesamum radiatum can be easily cultivated

    Axenic culture of Brachionus plicatilis using antibiotics

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    The rotifer Brachionus plicatilis culture is composed of complex microcosms including bacteria, protozoans, algae, and fungi. Previous studies reported methods to establish axenic rotifer cultures, but further refinement of these techniques is needed, for molecular biological research which requires pure culture to isolate nucleic acids from rotifers only. In order to render rotifer culture axenic, we tested five antibiotics: ampicillin (Amp), chloramphenicol (Cp), kanamycin (Km), nalidixic acid (Na), and streptomycin (Sm) at 30-100 ÎĽg/ml. Except for Cp, which reduces rotifer reproduction, all other antibiotics at the tested concentrations did not affect rotifer reproduction or show any toxic effects. A rotifer disinfection method was finally established by treating the resting eggs with 0.25% (w/v) sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) for 3 min, washing with sterilized sea water, and then exposing the neonates to an Amp, Km, Na, and Sm mixture. Using four nutrient media, we confirmed that this protocol renders the rotifer culture bacterial and fungus free. The axenic rotifer culture generated here is useful not only for genetic analysis of Brachionus plicatilis, but for studying the rotifer life cycle without bacterial influence

    Le mouton Djallonke de Cote-d'Ivoire en milieu villageois - Comportement et alimentation

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    Description of the West African Dwarf Sheep, its behaviour and feeding in village environment, particularly animal health, lack of breeding management techniques, nutrient requirement, animal performance and possibilities for its improvement - Data on feed value of tropical forage species

    Microbial control of the culture of <i>Artemia</i> juveniles through preemptive colonization by selected bacterial strains

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    The use of juvenile Artemia as feed in aquaculture and in the pet shop industry has been getting more attention during the last decade. In this study, the use of selected bacterial strains to improve the nutritional value of dry food for Artemia juveniles and to obtain control of the associated microbial community was examined. Nine bacterial strains were selected based on their positive effects on survival and/or growth of Artemia juveniles under monoxenic culture conditions, while other strains caused no significant effect, significantly lower rates of survival and/or growth, or even total mortality of the Artemia . The nine selected strains were used to preemptively colonize the culture water of Artemia juveniles. Xenic culture of Artemia under suboptimal conditions yielded better survival and/or growth rates when they were grown in the preemptively colonized culture medium than when grown in autoclaved seawater. The preemptive colonization of the culture water had a drastic influence on the microbial communities that developed in the culture water or that were associated with the Artemia , as determined with Biolog GN community-level physiological profiles. Chemotaxonomical characterization based on fatty acid methyl ester analysis of bacterial isolates recovered from the culture tanks was performed, and a comparison with the initially introduced strains was made. Finally, several modes of action for the beneficial effect of the bacterial strains are proposed

    The use of ozone in a high density recirculation system for rotifers

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    The use of ozone in the effluent treatment of a closed recirculation system for rotifers resulted in a significant improvement of rotifer production and water quality. Compared to a control treatment, the rotifer culture exposed to ozone did not only support a higher rotifer biomass (16000 vs. 8000 rotifers ml-1), it also allowed a prolongation of the culture period for 4 days. Compared to a control treatment, the ammonium levels were reduced by 67%, nitrite levels by 85% and nitrate levels by 67%. The supplementation of ozone did not affect pH and dissolved oxygen levels. Besides the positive effect of ozone to the nitrification process, a better removal of suspended solids was noticed as well. This resulted in a decreased turbidity and a reduction of the number of particles in the culture water. The use of ozone also reduced the number of bacteria in the culture water. In general terms, it can be stated that supplementation of ozone in a closed recirculation system for rotifers considerably improves water quality, ensures stable and longer rotifer culture periods and controls bacterial proliferation
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