60 research outputs found

    Improving the knowledge of sub-surface temperature, salinity and fluorescence variability patterns on the Southern Coast of Galicia

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    Since 2008, the Instituto Español de Oceanografía (IEO) keeps installed a thermosalinometer (TSG) on board of R/V J.M. Navaz that operates on Galician coastal waters. Weekly, it covers the area between Vigo and Muros in the framework of an harmful algal bloom monitoring. High resolution and quality coastal data are very important in order to develop accurate behavior models. The TSG continuously measures the sea subsurface salinity, temperature, and fluorescence along the ships tracks. The classical approach to distribution maps is performing objective analysis of the collected data and assumes errors associated to coastal features. Data-Interpolating Variational Analysis (DIVA) allows the spatial interpolation of data over an adaptable mesh grid, taking into account coastlines and inlets, but also advection constraints. Calculations are optimized and rely on a finite element resolution and the software allows optimizing the analysis parameters, checking for duplicates and performing quality controls. The results of performing and compare DIVA and objective analysis show slight differences that can be appreciated between the inner part of the inlets and the open sea areas. The relative length of the whole data set allows considering also monthly, seasonal and annual variability. These climatological results, that will be updated systematically, can be useful not only for scientific research but also for coastal management activities. All this products, together with quality check flags and metadata information, give added value to the original TSG measures and that will allow a future reuse of data

    Hydrographic variability (1994-2020) in the Ría de Vigo and adjacent shelf (NW Iberia)

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    The Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO-CSIC) carries out monthly oceanographic samplings at across-shelf sections off the northern Spanish coast under the monitoring program RADIALES (https://www.seriestemporales-ieo.net/). This is a multidisciplinary marine research effort addressing long-term variability issues at the ecosystem level (Bode et al., 2015; Valdés et al., 2002). Currently, the monitoring program includes 5 perpendicular coastal transects in Northern Spain: Santander, Gijón, Cudillero, A Coruña and Vigo. Focusing on the section located in the Ría de Vigo and adjacent shelf, we have analysed a 27-year time series (1994 - 2020) of temperature and salinity obtained through CTD profiles in three stations, two inside the Ría (~30 and ~40 m depth) and one in the mid-shelf (~90 m depth). This study summarizes the hydrographic variability in the region through the construction of a local climatology. In addition, long-term trends and interannual changes in seasonality are examined. The results show a change in the salinity regime in medium depth waters in 2013, although not in temperature. Near the surface, the temperature undergoes a negative shift from 2016, in correspondence with the entry of the AMO into a new negative phase


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    RESEÑA 1 de : Perea Yébenes, Sabino. El sello de Dios (E(papyig úeov) Nueve estudios sobre magia y creencias populares greco-romanas. Madrid : Signifier libros, 2000. RESEÑA 2 de : Nogales Basarrate, Trinidad. Espacios, imágenes y protagonistas del ocio y espectáculo en la sociedad romana emeritense. Monografías emeritenses, n.° 5. Badajoz : Fundación de Estudios, 2000. RESEÑA 3 de : Blázquez Martínez, J.M. Los pueblos en el Mediterráneo en Antigüedad. Madrid : Ediciones Cátedra SA, 2000. RESEÑA 4 de : Hornung, E. Estado, métodos, tareas. Trotta. Barcelona : Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona, 2000. RESEÑA 5 de : López Pardo, Fernando. El empeño de Heracles (La exposición del Atlántico en la Antigüedad). Arcos, Libros, SL. Cuadernos de Historia, 13, 2000. RESEÑA 6 de : Montero, Santiago. Trajano y la adivinación. Prodigios, oráculos y apocalíptica en el Imperio Romano (98-117 d.C). Gerión : Anejos, IV, 2000. RESEÑA 7 de : Sánchez Moreno, Eduardo. Velones : historia y arqueología de un pueblo prerromano. Madrid : Ed. Universidad Autónoma, 2000. RESEÑA 8 de : Saquete, José Carlos. Las vírgenes Vestales (Un sacerdocio femenino en la religión pública romana). Madrid : CSIC. Instituto de Historia, 2000. RESEÑA 9 de : Maier, J. Jorge Bonsor (1855-1930). Un académico correspondiente de la Real Academia de la Historia y la Arqueología españolas. Madrid : Real Academia de la Historia, 1999

    Revista de Revistas.

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    Selección de reseñas bibliográficas (Abril, Mayo y Junio, 1992) Trastorno por estrés postraumático en una población urbana de adultos jóvenes: factores de riesgo para la cronicidad. Posttraumatic stress disorder in an urban population of young adults: risk factors for chronicity. N. Bres/au, G.C. Oavis Am J Psychiatry. May 1992; 149: 5. M. Graell Berna ¿Son los poliovirus una causa de esquizofrenia?. Are polioviruses a cause of schizophrenia?. J.M. Eagles. British Journal of Psychiatry. 1992; 160: 598-600. R. Villanueva El abuso sexual en niños, ¿es un factor de riesgo para la bulimia?. Is childhood sexual abuse a risk factor for bulimia nervosa?. H.G. Pope, J.I. Hudson. Am J Psychiatry. 1992; 149: 455-463. M. Salvador Robert Modelo del cambio de Prochaska y DiClemente: un estudio de caso. Prochaska and DiClemente's model of change: a case study. R. Davidson. British Journal of Addiction 1992; Vol 87: 821-822. J.P. Pérez Jiménez. Médico Residente de Psiquiatría. Estados depresivos en la esclerosis múltiple. Depression in multiple sclerosis. Arias Bal, Vázquez Barquero, Miró, Peña, Berciano. Actas Luso-Esp Neurolo-Psiquiatr. 1992; 20, 3: 97-103. F. Rodríguez González-Nicolás Depresión y enfermedad de Parkinson: una revisión. Depresion and Parkinson's disease: a review. J. L. Cummings. Am J Psychiatry. Abril 1992; 149: 4 Y. Jáuregui Isasmendi Niveles en plasma de haloperidol y respuesta clínica: ventana terapéutica. Haloperidol plasma levels and clinical response: a therapeutic window relationship. T van Putten et al. Am J Psychiatry. April 1992; 149: 4. M.A. Casado Prieto Tratamiento de la disquinesia tardía con vitamina E. Treatment of tadive dyskinesia with vitamin E. M.F Egan, TM. Hyde, G.W Albers, A. Elkashef, R.e. Alexander, A. Reeve, A. Blum, R.E. Sáenz, R.J. Wyatt. American Journal of Psychiatry 1992; 149: 773-777. M l. de la Hera Cabero Ganancia de peso en los pacientes tratados con clozapina. Weight gain among schizophrenia patients treated with clozapina. J.S. Lamberty, T Bellnier, S.a. Schwarzkopf. American Journal of Psychiatry 1992; 149: 689-690. M l. de la Hera Cabero Cambio psíquico: desarrollo en la teoría de las técnicas psicoanalíticas. Psychic change: development in the theory of psychoanalytic techniques. A.M. Cooper (The New York Hospital Medical Center). International Journal of PsychoAnalysis. (Int J Psycho-Anal). 1992; Vol 73, parte 2 (summer): pp 245-250. A. E. Nafs ¿La urgencia en la clínica infantil?. El problema de las consultas terapéuticas analíticas. Urgence en clinique infantil?. La question des consultations therapeutiques analytiques. J-M.Oupeu Psychiatrie de L'Enfant 1992; XXXV, 1: pp 127-156. c. Herráez Martín de Valmaseda El estado de la cuestión en... Instrumentos psicométricos en la cuantificación de la manía. P. Pérez Sales, M. Graell Berna, G. Gómez Múgic

    Revista de Revistas.

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    Selección de reseñas bibliográficas (Abril, Mayo y Junio, 1992) Trastorno por estrés postraumático en una población urbana de adultos jóvenes: factores de riesgo para la cronicidad. Posttraumatic stress disorder in an urban population of young adults: risk factors for chronicity. N. Bres/au, G.C. Oavis Am J Psychiatry. May 1992; 149: 5. M. Graell Berna ¿Son los poliovirus una causa de esquizofrenia?. Are polioviruses a cause of schizophrenia?. J.M. Eagles. British Journal of Psychiatry. 1992; 160: 598-600. R. Villanueva El abuso sexual en niños, ¿es un factor de riesgo para la bulimia?. Is childhood sexual abuse a risk factor for bulimia nervosa?. H.G. Pope, J.I. Hudson. Am J Psychiatry. 1992; 149: 455-463. M. Salvador Robert Modelo del cambio de Prochaska y DiClemente: un estudio de caso. Prochaska and DiClemente's model of change: a case study. R. Davidson. British Journal of Addiction 1992; Vol 87: 821-822. J.P. Pérez Jiménez. Médico Residente de Psiquiatría. Estados depresivos en la esclerosis múltiple. Depression in multiple sclerosis. Arias Bal, Vázquez Barquero, Miró, Peña, Berciano. Actas Luso-Esp Neurolo-Psiquiatr. 1992; 20, 3: 97-103. F. Rodríguez González-Nicolás Depresión y enfermedad de Parkinson: una revisión. Depresion and Parkinson's disease: a review. J. L. Cummings. Am J Psychiatry. Abril 1992; 149: 4 Y. Jáuregui Isasmendi Niveles en plasma de haloperidol y respuesta clínica: ventana terapéutica. Haloperidol plasma levels and clinical response: a therapeutic window relationship. T van Putten et al. Am J Psychiatry. April 1992; 149: 4. M.A. Casado Prieto Tratamiento de la disquinesia tardía con vitamina E. Treatment of tadive dyskinesia with vitamin E. M.F Egan, TM. Hyde, G.W Albers, A. Elkashef, R.e. Alexander, A. Reeve, A. Blum, R.E. Sáenz, R.J. Wyatt. American Journal of Psychiatry 1992; 149: 773-777. M l. de la Hera Cabero Ganancia de peso en los pacientes tratados con clozapina. Weight gain among schizophrenia patients treated with clozapina. J.S. Lamberty, T Bellnier, S.a. Schwarzkopf. American Journal of Psychiatry 1992; 149: 689-690. M l. de la Hera Cabero Cambio psíquico: desarrollo en la teoría de las técnicas psicoanalíticas. Psychic change: development in the theory of psychoanalytic techniques. A.M. Cooper (The New York Hospital Medical Center). International Journal of PsychoAnalysis. (Int J Psycho-Anal). 1992; Vol 73, parte 2 (summer): pp 245-250. A. E. Nafs ¿La urgencia en la clínica infantil?. El problema de las consultas terapéuticas analíticas. Urgence en clinique infantil?. La question des consultations therapeutiques analytiques. J-M.Oupeu Psychiatrie de L'Enfant 1992; XXXV, 1: pp 127-156. c. Herráez Martín de Valmaseda El estado de la cuestión en... Instrumentos psicométricos en la cuantificación de la manía. P. Pérez Sales, M. Graell Berna, G. Gómez Múgic

    Adenylyl Cyclase Plays a Regulatory Role in Development, Stress Resistance and Secondary Metabolism in Fusarium fujikuroi

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    The ascomycete fungus Fusarium fujikuroi (Gibberella fujikuroi MP-C) produces secondary metabolites of biotechnological interest, such as gibberellins, bikaverin, and carotenoids. Production of these metabolites is regulated by nitrogen availability and, in a specific manner, by other environmental signals, such as light in the case of the carotenoid pathway. A complex regulatory network controlling these processes is recently emerging from the alterations of metabolite production found through the mutation of different regulatory genes. Here we show the effect of the targeted mutation of the acyA gene of F. fujikuroi, coding for adenylyl cyclase. Mutants lacking the catalytic domain of the AcyA protein showed different phenotypic alterations, including reduced growth, enhanced production of unidentified red pigments, reduced production of gibberellins and partially derepressed carotenoid biosynthesis in the dark. The phenotype differs in some aspects from that of similar mutants of the close relatives F. proliferatum and F. verticillioides: contrary to what was observed in these species, ΔacyA mutants of F. fujikuroi showed enhanced sensitivity to oxidative stress (H2O2), but no change in heavy metal resistance or in the ability to colonize tomato tissue, indicating a high versatility in the regulatory roles played by cAMP in this fungal group

    Disability, support and long-term social care of an elderly Spanish population, 2008-2009: an epidemiologic analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Though poorly known, relationships between disability, need of help (dependency) and use of social services are crucial aspects of public health. The objective of this study was to describe the links between disability, officially assessed dependency, and social service use by an industrial population, and identify areas of inequity. METHODS: We took advantage of a door-to-door survey conducted in the Cinco Villas district, Spain, in 2008–2009, which provided data on disability, morbidity, and service use among 1216 residents aged ≥50 years, and officially assessed dependency under the 2006 Dependency Act (OAD). Using logistic regression, we combined data collected at homes/residences on 625 disability screened-positive participants, and administrative information on degree of OAD and benefits at date of visit. RESULTS: Based on 163 disabled persons, the prevalence of residential/community-care users was 13.4% overall, with 6.0% being market-provided, 2.5% supported by the 2006 Act, and 4.9% supported by other public funds. Of 111 OAD applicants, 30 had been assigned an OAD degree; in 29 cases this was the highest OAD degree, with 12 receiving direct support for residential care and 17 receiving home care. Compared to unassessed dependency, the highest OAD degree was linked to residential care (OR and 95% CI) 12.13 (3.86–38.16), declared non-professional care 10.99 (1.28–94.53), and publicly-funded, non-professional care 26.30 (3.36–205.88). In contrast, 43 persons, 58% of the severely/extremely disabled, community-dwelling sample population, 81% of whom were homebound, including 10 persons with OAD but no implemented service plan, made no use of any service, and of these, 40% lacked a non-professional carer. CONCLUSIONS: Formal service use in the Cinco Villas district attained ratios observed for established welfare systems but the publicly-funded proportion was lower. The 2006 Act had a modest, albeit significant, impact on support for non-professional carers and residential care, coexisting with a high prevalence of non-use of social services by severely disabled persons