139 research outputs found

    Coal deposits of Turkey: properties and importance on energy demand

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    Κατά τις τελευταίες δυο δεκαετίες η παραγωγή και η κατανάλωση ηλεκτρικής ενέργειας στην Τουρκία αυξήθηκε με γρήγορους ρυθμούς. Περίπου 80% της παραγόμενης ηλεκτρικής ενέργειας προέρχεται από συμβατικά καύσιμα, όπως εισαγόμενο φυσικό αέριο και πετρέλαιο, αλλά και εγχώριους γαιάνθρακες. Καθώς όμως η σύγχρονη ενεργειακή πολιτική προσανατολίζεται σε μείωση της εξάρτησης από εισαγωγές καυσίμων, ο εγχώριος γαιάνθρακας, ιδιαίτερα ο χαμηλού βαθμού ενανθράκωσης, αποκτά σημασία για τη χώρα. Οι τελευταίες έρευνες ανεβάζουν τα αποθέματα σε ~13 Gt, με τον λιγνίτη και τον υποβιτουμενιούχο γαιάνθρακα να κυριαρχούν. Κοιτάσματα γαιανθράκων, που σχηματίστηκαν κάτω από διάφορες συνθήκες και σε διάφορες γεωλογικές περιόδους, υπάρχουν σε όλη τη χώρα. Τα σημαντικότερα είναι Τριτογενούς ηλικίας, με αυτά του Νεογενούς να είναι τα καταλληλότερα για ηλεκτροπαραγωγή εξαιτίας των μεγάλων αποθεμάτων παρά την υψηλή τέφρα και τη χαμηλή θερμαντική ικανότητα. Με την εφαρμογή ορθολογικής εκμετάλλευσης και καταλλήλων μεθόδων εμπλουτισμού ο γαιάνθρακας θα διαδραματίσει στο μέλλον σημαντικό ρόλο στην ενεργειακή τροφοδοσία της Τουρκίας.In the last two decades electricity generation and consumption in Turkey was increasing steadily. Around 80% of the electricity generated is derived from fossil fuels such as imported natural gas and oil, and domestic coal. As the energy policy now is focusing on reducing the dependency on imported fuels, coal, particularly this of low-rank, is becoming important for the country. Latest explorations showed that total coal reserves of Turkey reach to 13 Gt with low-rank coals (i.e. lignite and sub-bituminous) being dominant. Coal deposits, formed under various conditions and in various geological times, are widely spread over the territory. The most significant deposits are of Tertiary, especially Neogene age. Neogene coals are most appropriate for combustion in the thermal power plants due to the high total reserves despite the high ash yields and the low calorific values. We imply that applying reasonable exploitation planning and appropriate washing techniques, coal will play a key role in future energy supply of the country

    Laser frequency stabilization to a single ion

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    A fundamental limit to the stability of a single-ion optical frequency standard is set by quantum noise in the measurement of the internal state of the ion. We discuss how the interrogation sequence and the processing of the atomic resonance signal can be optimized in order to obtain the highest possible stability under realistic experimental conditions. A servo algorithm is presented that stabilizes a laser frequency to the single-ion signal and that eliminates errors due to laser frequency drift. Numerical simulations of the servo characteristics are compared to experimental data from a frequency comparison of two single-ion standards based on a transition at 688 THz in 171Yb+. Experimentally, an instability sigma_y(100 s)=9*10^{-16} is obtained in the frequency difference between both standards.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, submitted to J. Phys.

    Squeezing of Atoms in a Pulsed Optical Lattice

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    We study the process of squeezing of an ensemble of cold atoms in a pulsed optical lattice. The problem is treated both classically and quantum-mechanically under various thermal conditions. We show that a dramatic compression of the atomic density near the minima of the optical potential can be achieved with a proper pulsing of the lattice. Several strategies leading to the enhanced atomic squeezing are suggested, compared and optimized.Comment: Latex, 9 pages, 10 figures, submitted to PR

    Nanofabrication by magnetic focusing of supersonic beams

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    We present a new method for nanoscale atom lithography. We propose the use of a supersonic atomic beam, which provides an extremely high-brightness and cold source of fast atoms. The atoms are to be focused onto a substrate using a thin magnetic film, into which apertures with widths on the order of 100 nm have been etched. Focused spot sizes near or below 10 nm, with focal lengths on the order of 10 microns, are predicted. This scheme is applicable both to precision patterning of surfaces with metastable atomic beams and to direct deposition of material.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Influence of migrant background on patient preference and expectations in breast and gynecological malignancies (NOGGO-expression V study): results of a prospective multicentre study in 606 patients in Germany

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    Background: An effective cross-cultural doctor-patient communication is vital for health literacy and patient compliance. Building a good relationship with medical staff is also relevant for the treatment decision-making process for cancer patients. Studies about the role of a specific migrant background regarding patient preferences and expectations are lacking. We therefore conducted a multicentre prospective survey to explore the needs and preferences of patients with a migrant background (PMB) suffering from gynecological malignancies and breast cancer to evaluate the quality of doctor-patient communication and cancer management compared to non-migrants (NM). Methods: This multicentre survey recruited patients with primary or recurrence of breast, ovarian, peritoneal, or fallopian tube cancer. The patients either filled out a paper form, participated via an online survey, or were interviewed by trained staff. A 58-item questionnaire was primarily developed in German and then translated into three different languages to reach non-German-speaking patients. Results: A total of 606 patients were included in the study: 54.1% (328) were interviewed directly, 9.1% (55) participated via an online survey, and 36.8% (223) used the paper print version. More than one quarter, 27.4% (166) of the participants, had a migrant background. The majority of migrants and NM were highly satisfied with the communication with their doctors. First-generation migrants (FGM) and patients with breast cancer were less often informed about participation in clinical trials (p < 0.05) and 24.5% of them suggested the help of an interpreter to improve the medical consultation. Second and third-generation migrants (SGM and TGM) experienced more fatigue and nausea than expected. Conclusions: Our results allow the hypothesis that training medical staff in intercultural competence and using disease-related patient information in different languages can improve best supportive care management and quality of life in cancer patients with migrant status

    Driving the resonant quantum kicked rotor via extended initial conditions

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    We study the resonances of the quantum kicked rotor subjected to an extended initial distribution. For the primary resonances we obtain the dispersion relation for the map of this system. We find an analytical dependence of the statistical moments on the shape of the initial distribution. For the secondary resonances we obtain numerically a similar dependence. This allows us to devise an extended initial condition which produces an average angular momentum pointing in a preset direction which increases with time with a preset ratio.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, send to EPJ

    Transferability of PCR-based diagnostic protocols: An international collaborative case study assessing protocols targeting the quarantine pine pathogen Fusarium circinatum

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    [EN] Fusarium circinatum is a harmful pathogenic fungus mostly attacking Pinus species and also Pseudotsuga menziesii, causing cankers in trees of all ages, damping-off in seedlings, and mortality in cuttings and mother plants for clonal production. This fungus is listed as a quarantine pest in several parts of the world and the trade of potentially contaminated pine material such as cuttings, seedlings or seeds is restricted in order to prevent its spread to disease-free areas. Inspection of plant material often relies on DNA testing and several conventional or real-time PCR based tests targeting F. circinatum are available in the literature. In this work, an international collaborative study joined 23 partners to assess the transferability and the performance of nine molecular protocols, using a wide panel of DNA from 71 representative strains of F. circinatum and related Fusarium species. Diagnostic sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of the nine protocols all reached values >80%, and the diagnostic specificity was the only parameter differing significantly between protocols. The rates of false positives and of false negatives were computed and only the false positive rates differed significantly, ranging from 3.0% to 17.3%. The difference between protocols for some of the performance values were mainly due to cross-reactions with DNA from non-target species, which were either not tested or documented in the original articles. Considering that participating laboratories were free to use their own reagents and equipment, this study demonstrated that the diagnostic protocols for F. circinatum were not easily transferable to end-users. More generally, our results suggest that the use of protocols using conventional or real-time PCR outside their initial development and validation conditions should require careful characterization of the performance data prior to use under modified conditions (i.e. reagents and equipment). Suggestions to improve the transfer are proposed.This work was supported by COST action FP1406 Pinestrength . The work of the Estonian team was supported by the Estonian Science Foundation grants PSG136 and IUT21-04. The work of Portuguese team from INIAV was financed by INIAV I.P. Institute. The work at U. Aveiro (Portugal) was financed by European Funds through COMPETE and National Funds through the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) to CESAM (UID/AMB/50017/2013 POCI-01- 0145-FEDER-007638). The work of Slovenian team was financed through Slovenian Research Agency (P4-0107) and by the Slovenian Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food (Public Forestry Service). The British work was financially supported by the Forestry Commission, UK. The French work was financially supported by the French Agency for Food, environmental and occupational health safety (ANSES). The work in New Zealand was funded by Operational Research Programmes, Ministry for Primary Industries, New Zealand.Ioos, R.; Aloi, F.; Piskur, B.; Guinet, C.; Mullett, M.; Berbegal Martinez, M.; Bragança, H.... (2019). Transferability of PCR-based diagnostic protocols: An international collaborative case study assessing protocols targeting the quarantine pine pathogen Fusarium circinatum. Scientific Reports. 9:1-17. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-44672-8S1179Schmale, D. G. III & Gordon, T. R. Variation in susceptibility to pitch canker disease, caused by Fusarium circinatum, in native stands of Pinus muricata. Plant Pathol. 52, 720–725 (2003).Gordon, T. R., Kirkpatrick, S. C., Aegerter, B. J., Wood, D. L. & Storer, A. J. 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