319 research outputs found

    Personality traits, sex and food abundance shape space use in an arboreal mammal

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    Animal space use is affected by spatio-temporal variation in food availability and/or population density and varies among individuals. This inter-individual variation in spacing behaviour can be further influenced by sex, body condition, social dominance, and by the animal’s personality. We used capture-mark-recapture and radio-tracking to examine the relationship between space use and personality in Eurasian red squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris) in three conifer forests in the Italian Alps. We further explored to what extent this was influenced by changes in food abundance and/or population density. Measures of an individual’s trappability and trap diversity had high repeatability and were used in a Principal Component Analysis to obtain a single personality score representing a boldness-exploration tendency. Males increased home-range size with low food abundance and low female density, independent of their personality. However, bolder males used larger core-areas that overlapped less with other males than shy ones, suggesting different resource (food, partners) utilization strategies among personality types. For females, space use-personality relationships varied with food abundance, and bolder females used larger home ranges than shy ones at low female density, but the trend was opposite at high female density. Females’ intrasexual core-area overlap was negatively related to body mass, with no effect of personality. We conclude that relationships between personality traits and space use in free-ranging squirrels varied with sex, and were further influenced by spatio-temporal fluctuations in food availability. Moreover, different personality types (bold-explorative vs. shy) seemed to adopt different space-use strategies to increase access to food and/or partners. © 2021, The Author(s).Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della RicercaOpen access articleThis item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]

    Implications of squirrelpox virus for successful red squirrel translocations within mainland UK

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    Remnant red squirrel populations in the UK mainland are threatened by squirrelpox viral disease and the reservoir of the squirrelpox virus, the invasive grey squirrel, is expanding its range. Until this threat can be effectively mitigated, there is a high risk from disease outbreaks, following proposed conservation translocation of red squirrels

    Vitamin B12 Deficiency Alters the Gut Microbiota in a Murine Model of Colitis

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    Purpose: Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) refers to a spectrum of autoimmune diseases, which result in chronic intestinal inflammation. Previous findings suggest a role for diet, nutrition and dysbiosis of the gut microbiota in both the development and progression of the condition. Vitamin B12 is a key cofactor of methionine synthase and is produced solely by microbes. Previous work links increased levels of homocysteine, a substrate of methionine synthase, MetH, to IBD indicating a potential role for vitamin B12 deficiency in intestinal injury and inflammation. This study assessed the role of vitamin B12 in shaping the gut microbiota and determining responses to intestinal injury using a reproducible murine model of colitis. Methods: The effects of vitamin B12 supplementation and deficiency were assessed in vivo; 3-week-old post-weanling C57Bl/6 mice were divided into three dietary treatment groups: (1) sufficient vitamin B12 (50 mg/Kg), (2) deficient vitamin B12 (0 mg/Kg) and (3) supplemented vitamin B12 (200 mg/Kg) for a period of 4 weeks. Intestinal injury was induced with 2% dextran sodium sulphate (DSS) via drinking water for 5 days. The impact of varying levels of dietary vitamin B12 on gut microbiota composition was assessed using 16S rRNA gene sequencing from fecal samples collected at day 0 and day 28 of the dietary intervention, and 7 days following induction of colitis on day 38, when blood and colonic tissues were also collected. Results: No significant alterations were found in the gut microbiota composition of disease-free animals in response to dietary interventions. By contrast, after DSS-induced colitis, >30 genera were significantly altered in vitamin B12 deficient mice. Altered B12 levels produced no significant effect on composite disease-activity scores; however, administration of a B12 deficient diet resulted in reduced DSS-induced epithelial tissue damage. Conclusions: Vitamin B12 supplementation does not alter the gut microbiota composition under healthy conditions, but does contribute to differential microbial responses and intestinal dysbiosis following the induction of experimental colitis

    Search for polyoma-, herpes-, and bornaviruses in squirrels of the family Sciuridae

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    Background Squirrels (family Sciuridae) are globally distributed members of the order Rodentia with wildlife occurrence in indigenous and non-indigenous regions (as invasive species) and frequent presence in zoological gardens and other holdings. Multiple species introductions, strong inter-species competition as well as the recent discovery of a novel zoonotic bornavirus resulted in increased research interest on squirrel pathogens. Therefore we aimed to test a variety of squirrel species for representatives of three virus families. Methods Several species of the squirrel subfamilies Sciurinae, Callosciurinae and Xerinae were tested for the presence of polyomaviruses (PyVs; family Polyomaviridae) and herpesviruses (HVs; family Herpesviridae), using generic nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with specificity for the PyV VP1 gene and the HV DNA polymerase (DPOL) gene, respectively. Selected animals were tested for the presence of bornaviruses (family Bornaviridae), using both a broad-range orthobornavirus- and a variegated squirrel bornavirus 1 (VSBV-1)-specific reverse transcription-quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR). Results In addition to previously detected bornavirus RNA-positive squirrels no more animals tested positive in this study, but four novel PyVs, four novel betaherpesviruses (BHVs) and six novel gammaherpesviruses (GHVs) were identified. For three PyVs, complete genomes could be amplified with long-distance PCR (LD-PCR). Splice sites of the PyV genomes were predicted in silico for large T antigen, small T antigen, and VP2 coding sequences, and experimentally confirmed in Vero and NIH/3T3 cells. Attempts to extend the HV DPOL sequences in upstream direction resulted in contiguous sequences of around 3.3 kilobase pairs for one BHV and two GHVs. Phylogenetic analysis allocated the novel squirrel PyVs to the genera Alpha- and Betapolyomavirus, the BHVs to the genus Muromegalovirus, and the GHVs to the genera Rhadinovirus and Macavirus. Conclusions This is the first report on molecular identification and sequence characterization of PyVs and HVs and the detection of bornavirus coinfections with PyVs or HVs in two squirrel species. Multiple detection of PyVs and HVs in certain squirrel species exclusively indicate their potential host association to a single squirrel species. The novel PyVs and HVs might serve for a better understanding of virus evolution in invading host species in the future

    Magnetic resonance imaging of abnormal ventricular septal motion in heart diseases: a pictorial review

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    The purpose of this article is to illustrate the usefulness of MR imaging in the clinical evaluation of congenital and acquired cardiac diseases characterised by ventricular septal wall motion abnormality. Recognition of the features of abnormal ventricular septal motion in MR images is important to evaluate the haemodynamic status in patients with congenital and acquired heart diseases in routine clinical practice
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