87 research outputs found

    Current-controlled sedimentation in the north-western Weddell Sea

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    The sedimentary basins of the north-western Weddell Sea are characterized by a variety of contourite drifts. This study is aimed at their identification, spatial mapping and temporal evolution and based on the integration of a large amount of seismic data collected by different countries including the recent data of the Russian Antarctic Expedition. Most of the drifts in the region being studied are classified as separated, confined, plastered or sheeted. The chain of sediment wave fields is mapped in the western and northern Powell Basin. The earliest contourite drifts started to form in the Early Miocene or, possibly, in the Late Oligocene. The changes in the depositional pattern in the Middle Miocene and then in the Late Pliocene are thought to have resulted from successive intensification of the bottom currents. Контуритовые наносы, формируемые придонными течениями, могут использоваться для изучения циркуляции водных масс, так как по их параметрам и характеру распространения можно судить о направленности и относительной энергии придонных течений. В данной работе рассматриваются контуритовые наносы в северо-западной части моря Уэдделла, приводится схема распространения наносов и их классификация, а также реконструируется циркуляция водных масс в глубоководных бассейнах района. Исследования основаны на обобщении и интерпретации сейсмических данных отечественных и зарубежных экспедиций, большая часть которых доступна из международной библиотеки сейсмических данных по Антарктике. В результате анализа сейсмических данных в районе исследований в диапазоне глубин от 2000 до 4500 м выявлены отделенные, ограниченные, пластерные и покровные контуритовые наносы.  Зарождение донных течений в северо-западной части моря Уэдделла  началось с раскрытия бассейна Пауэлл, и развитие самых ранних  контуритовых наносов предполагается 24–23 млн лет назад. В среднем миоцене и в позднем плиоцене отмечается усиление интенсивности донных течение и более широкое развитие контуритовых наносов.

    The role of lithospheric flexure in the landscape evolution of the Wilkes Subglacial Basin and Transantarctic Mountains, East Antarctica

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    Reconstructions of the bedrock topography of Antarctica since the Eocene–Oligocene Boundary (ca. 34 Ma) provide important constraints for modelling Antarctic ice sheet evolution. This is particularly important in regions where the bedrock lies below sea level, since in these sectors the overlying ice sheet is thought to be most susceptible to past and future change. Here we use 3D flexural modelling to reconstruct the evolution of the topography of the Wilkes Subglacial Basin (WSB) and Transantarctic Mountains (TAM) in East Antarctica. We estimate the spatial distribution of glacial erosion beneath the East Antarctic Ice Sheet, and restore this material to the topography, which is also adjusted for associated flexural isostatic responses. We independently constrain our post‐34 Ma erosion estimates using offshore sediment stratigraphy interpretations. Our reconstructions provide a better‐defined topographic boundary condition for modelling early East Antarctic Ice Sheet history. We show that the majority of glacial erosion and landscape evolution occurred prior to 14 Ma, which we interpret to reflect more dynamic and erosive early ice sheet behaviour. In addition, we use closely‐spaced 2D flexural models to test previously proposed hypotheses for a flexural origin of the TAM and WSB. The pre‐34 Ma topography shows lateral variations along the length of the TAM and WSB that cannot be explained by uniform flexure along the front of the TAM. We show that some of these variations may be explained by additional flexural uplift along the south‐western flank of the WSB and the Rennick Graben in northern Victoria Land

    Позднеплейстоценовое оледенение и отступание ледникового покрова на шельфе Южно-Оркнейского плато, Западная Антарктика

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    The research aims to provide insight into reconstruction of the Late Pleistocene glaciations and ice retreat that followed the Last Glacial Maximum. The study is based on multi-channel seismic profiling and multibeam survey conducted on the shelf during the 63-rd Russian Antarctic Expedition (2018) on RV «Akademik Alexander Karpinsky». The 560-channel, 7000-m-long streamer and the Atlas Hydrosweep MD-3/30 multibeam echo-sounder were used for seismic and multibeam survey, respectively. In addition, previously collected seismic data available from the Antarctic Seismic Data Library System and bathymetry data from the «International Bathymetry Chart of the Southern Ocean» (IBCSO) Project were involved for interpretation. The multibeam survey was carried out within the Signy Trough and its flanks with depths ranging from 180 to 400 m, and covered the area of about 1500 km2. The data were collected along 43 profiles spaced at 750 m to ensure enough overlap between swaths. Variety of submarine glacial landforms formed by grounded ice was identified on shelf of the South Orkney Plateau with use of seismic and multibeam data. The most prominent of these features is the large terminal moraine at the middle shelf (previously described as the mid-shelf break) marking the greatest ice extent at the LGM. Oceanward of the large terminal moraine, the plateau-like feature (delineated by 350 and 425 m isobaths) with relatively steep outer slope is recognized from seismic data and interpreted as the distal terminal moraine formed during the pre-LGM Pleistocene glaciation. Within the Signy Trough, submarine glacial landforms mapped by multibeam survey, reflect ice retreat after the LGM; these landforms include: subglacial lineation at the western flank of the northern Signy Trough indicating fast flowing grounded ice, transverse recessional moraine ridges, lateral shear moraine on the western flank and lateral marginal moraine on the eastern flank of the Trough, two grounding zone wedges, streamlined features (drumlins) and an ice-proximal fan (presumably). The end moraine was also identified in the eastern flank of Signy Trough. It is thought to be formed due to ice (outlet glacier) re-advance during the Antarctic Cold Reversal. Numerous iceberg plough-marks were observed at least down to 370 m water depths.По данным сейсмического профилирования и детальной съёмки с помощью многолучевого эхолота на шельфе Южно-Оркнейского плато идентифицированы подводные ледниковые формы рельефа, которые маркируют распространение ледникового покрова в периоды четвертичных оледенений и этапы его отступания в позднем плейстоцене. Предполагается, что максимальное распространение ледника с его налеганием на дно произошло в один из периодов похолодания плейстоцена. Во время последнего ледникового максимума ледник достигал среднего шельфа и сформировал крупную конечную морену. После этого началось его отступание, которое происходило неравномерно. В период Антарктического холодного реверса в районе долины Сигню установлено повторное наступание ледника

    Continental slope and rise geomorphology seaward of the Totten Glacier, East Antarctica (112°E-122°E)

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    The continental slope and rise seaward of the Totten Glacier and the Sabrina Coast, East Antarctica features continental margin depositional systems with high sediment input and consistent along-slope current activity. Understanding their genesis is a necessary step in interpreting the paleoenvironmental records they contain. Geomorphic mapping using a systematic multibeam survey shows variations in the roles of downslope and along slope sediment transport influenced by broad-scale topography and oceanography. The study area contains two areas with distinct geomorphology. Canyons in the eastern part of the area have concave thalwegs, are linked to the shelf edge and upper slope and show signs of erosion and deposition along their beds suggesting cycles of activity controlled by climate cycles. Ridges between these canyons are asymmetric with crests close to the west bank of adjacent canyons and are mostly formed by westward advection of fine sediment lofted from turbidity currents and deposition of hemipelagic sediment. They can be thought of as giant levee deposits. The ridges in the western part of the area have more gently sloping eastern flanks and rise to shallower depths than those in the east. The major canyon in the western part of the area is unusual in having a convex thalweg; it is likely fed predominantly by mass movement from the flanks of the adjacent ridges with less sediment input from the shelf edge. The western ridges formed by accretion of suspended sediment moving along the margin as a broad plume in response to local oceanography supplemented with detritus originating from the Totten Glacier. This contrasts with interpretations of similar ridges described from other parts of Antarctica which emphasise sediment input from canyons immediately up-current. The overall geomorphology of the Sabrina Coast slope is part of a continuum of mixed contourite-turbidite systems identified on glaciated margins.Australian Government 4333Australian Research Council DP170100557Italian Programma Nazionale di Richerch in Antartide (PNRA)Spanish Government CTM2014-60451-C2-1-P CTM2017-89711-C2-1-

    Cenozoic history of Antarctic glaciation and climate from onshore and offshore studies

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    The past three decades have seen a sustained and coordinated effort to refine the seismic stratigraphic framework of the Antarctic margin that has underpinned the development of numerous geological drilling expeditions from the continental shelf and beyond. Integration of these offshore drilling datasets covering the Cenozoic era with Antarctic inland datasets, provides important constraints that allow us to understand the role of Antarctic tectonics, the Southern Ocean biosphere, and Cenozoic ice sheet dynamics and ice sheet–ocean interactions on global climate as a whole. These constraints are critical for improving the accuracy and precision of future projections of Antarctic ice sheet behaviour and changes in Southern Ocean circulation. Many of the recent advances in this field can be attributed to the community-driven approach of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) Past Antarctic Ice Sheet Dynamics (PAIS) research programme and its two key subcommittees: Paleoclimate Records from the Antarctic Margin and Southern Ocean (PRAMSO) and Palaeotopographic-Palaeobathymetric Reconstructions. Since 2012, these two PAIS subcommittees provided the forum to initiate, promote, coordinate and study scientific research drilling around the Antarctic margin and the Southern Ocean. Here we review the seismic stratigraphic margin architecture, climatic and glacial history of the Antarctic continent following the break-up of Gondwanaland in the Cretaceous, with a focus on records obtained since the implementation of PRAMSO. We also provide a forward-looking approach for future drilling proposals in frontier locations critically relevant for assessing future Antarctic ice sheet, climatic and oceanic change.We thank many people who collaborated, by sharing data and ideas, on geoscience research projects under the umbrella of the highly successful Paleoclimate Records from the Antarctic Margin and Southern Ocean (PRAMSO) and Palaeotopographic-Palaeobathymetric Reconstructions subcommittees of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) Past Antarctic Ice Sheet scientific program. This synthesis, which reflects our views, would not have been possible without the efforts of these many investigators, most of whom continue their collaborative Antarctic studies, now under the successor SCAR INSTANT programme. Chris Sorlien is thanked for drafting Fig. 3.6. We thank John Anderson, Peter Barrett, Giuliano Brancolini and Alan Cooper for their useful comments and for their continuous dedication to the past Antarctic Ice Sheet evolution reconstructions. We thank Nigel Wardell, Frank Nitsche and Paolo Diviacco for maintaining the Seismic Data Library System and the National Antarctic funding agencies of many countries (Australia, China, Germany, Italy, Japan, Korea, New Zealand, Russia, Spain, the UK, the United States) for supporting geophysical and geological surveys essential for Paleotopographic and Paleobathymetric reconstructions. We thank the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) for its support of recent expeditions that arose out of PRAMSO discussions. R.M. was funded by the Royal Society Te Apārangi NZ Marsden Fund (grant 18-VUW-089). C.E. acknowledges funding by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitivity (grants CTM2017-89711-C2-1/2-P), cofunded by the European Union through FEDER funds. L.D.S. and F.D. were funded by the Programma Nazionale delle Ricerche in Antartide (PNRA16_00016 project and PNRA 14_00119). R.Larter and C.D.H. were funded by the BAS Polar Science for Planet Earth Programme and NERC UK IODP grant NE/J006548/1. S.K. was supported by the KOPRI Grant (PE21050). L.P. was funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 792773 WAMSISE. A.S. and S.G. were funded by NSF Office of Polar Programs (Grants OPP-1744970 (A.S.), -1143836 (A.S.), and -1143843 (S.G.). This is University of Texas Institute for Geophysics Contribution #3784. B.D. acknowledges funding from a Rutherford Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship (RFT-VUW1804-PD). K.G. and G.K. were funded by AWI research programme Polar Regions and Coasts in the changing Earth System (PACES II) and the Sub-EIS-Obs programme by the Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR). RL, RM, TN acknowledge support from MBIE Antarctic Science Platform contract ANTA1801

    New Antarctic gravity anomaly grid for enhanced geodetic and geophysical studies in Antarctica

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    Gravity surveying is challenging in Antarctica because of its hostile environment and inaccessibility. Nevertheless, many ground-based, airborne, and shipborne gravity campaigns have been completed by the geophysical and geodetic communities since the 1980s. We present the first modern Antarctic-wide gravity data compilation derived from 13 million data points covering an area of 10 million km2, which corresponds to 73% coverage of the continent. The remove-compute-restore technique was applied for gridding, which facilitated leveling of the different gravity data sets with respect to an Earth gravity model derived from satellite data alone. The resulting free-air and Bouguer gravity anomaly grids of 10 km resolution are publicly available. These grids will enable new high-resolution combined Earth gravity models to be derived and represent a major step forward toward solving the geodetic polar data gap problem. They provide a new tool to investigate continental-scale lithospheric structure and geological evolution of Antarctica

    Geothermal heat flow from borehole measurements at the margin of Princess Elizabeth Land (East Antarctic Ice Sheet)

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    A 198.8 m deep borehole was drilled through ice to subglacial bedrock in the northwestern marginal part of Princess Elizabeth Land, ~12 km south of Zhongshan Station, in January–February 2019. Three years later, in February 2022, the borehole temperature profile was measured, and the geothermal heat flow (GHF) was estimated using a 1-D time-dependent energy-balance equation. For a depth corresponding to the base of the ice sheet, the GHF was calculated as 72.6 ± 2.3 mW m−2 and temperature −4.53 ± 0.27°C. The regional averages estimated for this area based, generally, on tectonic setting vary from 55 to 66 mW m−2. A higher GHF is interpreted to originate mostly from the occurrence of metamorphic complexes intruded by heat-producing elements in the subglacial bedrock below the drill site

    Bedrock erosion surfaces record former East Antarctic Ice Sheet extent

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    East Antarctica hosts large subglacial basins into which the East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS) likely retreated during past warmer climates. However, the extent of retreat remains poorly constrained, making quantifying past and predicted future contributions to global sea level rise from these marine basins challenging. Geomorphological analysis and flexural modeling within the Wilkes Subglacial Basin is used to reconstruct the ice margin during warm intervals of the Oligocene–Miocene. Flat‐lying bedrock plateaus are indicative of an ice sheet margin positioned >400–500 km inland of the modern grounding zone for extended periods of the Oligocene–Miocene, equivalent to a 2 meter rise in global sea level. Our findings imply that if major EAIS retreat occurs in the future, isostatic rebound will enable the plateau surfaces to act as seeding points for extensive ice rises, thus limiting extensive ice margin retreat of the scale seen during the early EAIS

    Bedmap2: improved ice bed, surface and thickness datasets for Antarctica

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    We present Bedmap2, a new suite of gridded products describing surface elevation, ice-thickness and the seafloor and subglacial bed elevation of the Antarctic south of 60° S. We derived these products using data from a variety of sources, including many substantial surveys completed since the original Bedmap compilation (Bedmap1) in 2001. In particular, the Bedmap2 ice thickness grid is made from 25 million measurements, over two orders of magnitude more than were used in Bedmap1. In most parts of Antarctica the subglacial landscape is visible in much greater detail than was previously available and the improved data-coverage has in many areas revealed the full scale of mountain ranges, valleys, basins and troughs, only fragments of which were previously indicated in local surveys. The derived statistics for Bedmap2 show that the volume of ice contained in the Antarctic ice sheet (27 million km3) and its potential contribution to sea-level rise (58 m) are similar to those of Bedmap1, but the mean thickness of the ice sheet is 4.6% greater, the mean depth of the bed beneath the grounded ice sheet is 72 m lower and the area of ice sheet grounded on bed below sea level is increased by 10%. The Bedmap2 compilation highlights several areas beneath the ice sheet where the bed elevation is substantially lower than the deepest bed indicated by Bedmap1. These products, along with grids of data coverage and uncertainty, provide new opportunities for detailed modelling of the past and future evolution of the Antarctic ice sheets