712 research outputs found

    Global Positioning System (GPS) Precipitable Water in Forecasting Lightning at Spaceport Canaveral

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    Using meteorology data, focusing on precipitable water (PW), obtained during the 2000-2003 thunderstorm seasons in Central Florida, this paper will, one, assess the skill and accuracy measurements of the current Mazany forecasting tool and, two, provide additional forecasting tools that can be used in predicting lightning. Kennedy Space Center (KSC) and Cape Canaveral Air Force Station (CCAFS) are located in east Central Florida. KSC and CCAFS process and launch manned (NASA Space Shuttle) and unmanned (NASA and Air Force Expendable Launch Vehicles) space vehicles. One of the biggest cost impacts is unplanned launch scrubs due to inclement weather conditions such as thunderstorms. Each launch delay/scrub costs over a quarter million dollars, and the need to land the Shuttle at another landing site and return to KSC costs approximately $ 1M. Given the amount of time lost and costs incurred, the ability to accurately forecast (predict) when lightning will occur can result in significant cost and time savings. All lightning prediction models were developed using binary logistic regression. Lightning is the dependent variable and is binary. The independent variables are the Precipitable Water (PW) value for a given time of the day, the change in PW up to 12 hours, the electric field mill value, and the K-index value. In comparing the Mazany model results for the 1999 period B against actual observations for the 2000-2003 thunderstorm seasons, differences were found in the False Alarm Rate (FAR), Probability of Detection (POD) and Hit Rate (H). On average, the False Alarm Rate (FAR) increased by 58%, the Probability of Detection (POD) decreased by 31% and the Hit Rate decreased by 20%. In comparing the performance of the 6 hour forecast period to the performance of the 1.5 hour forecast period for the Mazany model, the FAR was lower by 15% and the Hit Rate was higher by 7%. However, the POD for the 6 hour forecast period was lower by 16% as compared to the POD of the 1.5 hour forecast period. Neither forecast period performed at the accuracy measures expected. A 2-Hr Forecasting Tool was developed to support a Phase I Lightning Advisory, which requires a 30-minute lead time for predicting lightning

    Structural identification and biological activity of 7-methyl-10,11-ethylenedioxy-20(S)-camptothecin, a photodegradant of lurtotecan

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    An additional chromatographic peak was observed in plasma samples of patients receiving NX 211, a liposomal formulation of the topoisomerase I inhibitor lurtotecan. We have isolated and purified this product by sequential solid-phase extractions, and we report its structure and cytotoxicity relative to lurtotecan and related agents. Nuclear magnetic resonance data indicate that cleavage of the piperazino moiety occurred at the N-C bond of the B-ring, yielding 7-methyl-10,11-ethylenedioxy-20(S)-camptothecin (MEC). Tests of the growth inhibition potential of MEC in seven human tumor cell lines showed that the compound was approximately 2-18-fold more cytotoxic than lurtotecan, topotecan, and 7-ethyl-10-hydroxy-20(S)-camptothecin (SN-38). Subsequently, we found that MEC was the product of rapid photolysis of lurtotecan, with the rate of degradation inversely proportional to NX 211 concentrations, and greatly depends on light intensity. Furthermore, MEC concentrations were found to increase significantly in plasma samples exposed to laboratory light but not in blood. MEC was not produced from NX 211 in the presence of human liver microsomes, suggesting that it is not a product of cytochrome P-450 metabolism. Using a validated analytical method, trace levels of MEC were quantitated in blood samples of two patients. These observations confirm that the precautions for protection from light currently specified for preparation and administration of NX 211 dose solutions are critical. Procedures to minimize formation of MEC, by the use of amber vials for NX 211 and by preparation of dilutions immediately before clinical use in a fashion completely protected from light, are now being routinely implemented

    Extensive Copy-Number Variation of Young Genes across Stickleback Populations

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    MM received funding from the Max Planck innovation funds for this project. PGDF was supported by a Marie Curie European Reintegration Grant (proposal nr 270891). CE was supported by German Science Foundation grants (DFG, EI 841/4-1 and EI 841/6-1). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Soy versus whey protein bars: Effects on exercise training impact on lean body mass and antioxidant status

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    BACKGROUND: Although soy protein may have many health benefits derived from its associated antioxidants, many male exercisers avoid soy protein. This is due partly to a popular, but untested notion that in males, soy is inferior to whey in promoting muscle weight gain. This study provided a direct comparison between a soy product and a whey product. METHODS: Lean body mass gain was examined in males from a university weight training class given daily servings of micronutrient-fortified protein bars containing soy or whey protein (33 g protein/day, 9 weeks, n = 9 for each protein treatment group). Training used workouts with fairly low repetition numbers per set. A control group from the class (N = 9) did the training, but did not consume either type protein bar. RESULTS: Both the soy and whey treatment groups showed a gain in lean body mass, but the training-only group did not. The whey and training only groups, but not the soy group, showed a potentially deleterious post-training effect on two antioxidant-related related parameters. CONCLUSIONS: Soy and whey protein bar products both promoted exercise training-induced lean body mass gain, but the soy had the added benefit of preserving two aspects of antioxidant function

    Phase I and pharmacokinetic study of irinotecan in combination with R115777, a farnesyl protein transferase inhibitor

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    The aims of this study were to determine the maximum-tolerated dose (MTD), toxicity profile, and pharmacokinetics of irinotecan given with oral R115777 (tipifarnib), a farnesyl protein transferase inhibitor. Patients were treated with escalating doses of irinotecan with interval-modulated dosing of R115777 (continuously or on days 1-14, and repeated every 21 days). In total, 35 patients were entered onto the trial for a median duration of treatment of 43 days (range, 5-224 days). Neutropenia and thrombocytopenia were the dose-limiting toxicities; other side effects were mostly mild. The MTD was established at R115777 300 mg b.i.d. for 14 consecutive days with irinotecan 350 mg m-2 given every 3 weeks starting on day 1. Three patients had a partial response and 14 had stable disease. In the continuous schedule, the area under the curves of irinotecan and its active metabolite SN-38 were 20.0% (P = 0.004) and 38.0% (P < 0.001) increased by R115777, respectively. Intermittent dosing of R115777 at a dose of 300 mg b.i.d. for 14 days every 3 weeks is the recommended dose of R115777 in combination with the recommended single-agent irinotecan dose of 350 mg m-2

    A randomised phase II trial of docetaxel vs docetaxel and irinotecan in patients with stage IIIb–IV non-small-cell lung cancer who failed first-line treatment

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    Response rate and toxicity of second-line therapy with docetaxel (75 mg m−2) or docetaxel, irinotecan, and lenogastrim (60 mg m−2, 200 mg m−2, and 150 μg m−2 day−1, respectively) were compared in 108 patients with stage IIIb–IV non-small-cell lung cancer. Addition of irinotecan to docetaxel does not improve response rate, and increases gastrointestinal toxicity
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