2,009 research outputs found


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    Fine tuning and the ratio of tensor to scalar density fluctuations from cosmological inflation

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    The form of the inflationary potential is severely restricted if one requires that it be natural in the technical sense, i.e. terms of unrelated origin are not required to be correlated. We determine the constraints on observables that are implied in such natural inflationary models, in particular on rr, the ratio of tensor to scalar perturbations. We find that the naturalness constraint does not require rr to be lare enough to be detectable by the forthcoming searches for B-mode polarisation in CMB maps. We show also that the value of rr is a sensitive discriminator between inflationary models.Comment: 8 pages LaTeX; clarifications and a reference added; to appear in JCA

    Echinoderms have bilateral tendencies

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    Echinoderms take many forms of symmetry. Pentameral symmetry is the major form and the other forms are derived from it. However, the ancestors of echinoderms, which originated from Cambrian period, were believed to be bilaterians. Echinoderm larvae are bilateral during their early development. During embryonic development of starfish and sea urchins, the position and the developmental sequence of each arm are fixed, implying an auxological anterior/posterior axis. Starfish also possess the Hox gene cluster, which controls symmetrical development. Overall, echinoderms are thought to have a bilateral developmental mechanism and process. In this article, we focused on adult starfish behaviors to corroborate its bilateral tendency. We weighed their central disk and each arm to measure the position of the center of gravity. We then studied their turning-over behavior, crawling behavior and fleeing behavior statistically to obtain the center of frequency of each behavior. By joining the center of gravity and each center of frequency, we obtained three behavioral symmetric planes. These behavioral bilateral tendencies might be related to the A/P axis during the embryonic development of the starfish. It is very likely that the adult starfish is, to some extent, bilaterian because it displays some bilateral propensity and has a definite behavioral symmetric plane. The remainder of bilateral symmetry may have benefited echinoderms during their evolution from the Cambrian period to the present

    An experimental evaluation of a loop versus a reference design for two-channel microarrays

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    Motivation: Despite theoretical arguments that socalled "loop designs" of two-channel DNA microarray experiments are more efficient, biologists keep on using "reference designs". We describe two sets of microarray experiments with RNA from two different biological systems (TPA-stimulated mammalian cells and Streptomyces coelicor). In each case, both a loop and a reference design were performed using the same RNA preparations with the aim to study their relative efficiency. Results: The results of these experiments show that (1) the loop design attains a much higher precision than the reference design, (2) multiplicative spot effects are a large source of variability, and if they are not accounted for in the mathematical model, for example by taking log-ratios or including spot-effects, then the model will perform poorly. The first result is reinforced by a simulation study. Practical recommendations are given on how simple loop designs can be extended to more realistic experimental designs and how standard statistical methods allow the experimentalist to use and interpret the results from loop designs in practice

    Dissolved organic carbon uptake in streams: A review and assessment of reach‐scale measurements

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    Quantifying the role that freshwater ecosystems play in the global carbon cycle requires accurate measurement and scaling of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) removal in river networks. We reviewed reach‐scale measurements of DOC uptake from experimental additions of simple organic compounds or leachates to inform development of aquatic DOC models that operate at the river network, regional, or continental scale. Median DOC uptake velocity (vf) across all measurements was 2.28 mm min−1. Measurements using simple compound additions resulted in faster vf (2.94 mm min−1) than additions of leachates (1.11 mm min−1). We also reviewed published data of DOC bioavailability for ambient stream water and leaf leachate DOC from laboratory experiments. We used these data to calculate and apply a correction factor to leaf leachate uptake velocity to estimate ambient stream water DOC uptake rates at the reach scale. Using this approach, we estimated a median ambient stream DOC vf of 0.26 mm min−1. Applying these DOC vf values (0.26, 1.11, 2.28, and 2.94 mm min−1) in a river network inverse model in seven watersheds revealed that our estimated ambient DOC vf value is plausible at the network scale and 27 to 45% of DOC input was removed. Applying the median measured simple compound or leachate vf in whole river networks would require unjustifiably high terrestrial DOC inputs to match observed DOC concentrations at the basin mouth. To improve the understanding and importance of DOC uptake in fluvial systems, we recommend using a multiscale approach coupling laboratory assays, with reach‐scale measurements, and modeling

    Hybrid natural inflation from non Abelian discrete symmetry

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    A spontaneously broken global discrete symmetry may have pseudo Goldstone modes associated with the spontaneous breaking of the approximate continuous symmetry of the low dimension terms in the Lagrangian. These provide natural candidates for an inflaton that can generate slow roll inflation. We show that, in the case of a non Abelian discrete symmetry, the pseudo Goldstone modes readily couple to further scalar fields in a manner that the end of inflation is determined by these additional scalar fields, generating hybrid inflation. We give a simple parameterisation of the inflationary potential in this case, determine the inflationary parameters resulting, and show that phenomenological successful inflation is possible while keeping the scale of symmetry breaking sub-Plankian. Unlike natural inflation the inflation scale can be very low. We construct two simple hybrid inflation models, one non supersymmetric and one supersymmetric. In the latter case no parameters need be chosen anomalously small.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Lett.


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    X-ray crystallography unequivocally confirmed the stereochemistry of the 2-C-methyl group in the title mol­ecule, C10H16O6, in which the 1,5-lactone ring exists in a boat conformation. The use of d-galactose in the synthesis determined the absolute stereochemistry. The crystal exists as O—H⋯O hydrogen-bonded layers in the ab plane, with each mol­ecule acting as a donor and acceptor for two hydrogen bonds